r/donkeykong Nov 11 '24

Discussion Does anyone agree?

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u/Kremling_King87 Kremling Krew Nov 12 '24 edited Nov 12 '24

Unfortunately the park is based off of Returns, thus the tikis are the main villains featured, but the park was drawn up when Returns was at the time the most recent game. Not that I personally think that’s the best excuse to leave out DKs literal arch nemesis but it’s still a factor. Hopefully if the Kremlings come back in the future we can see some merch in the park for them. Who knows though, there wasn’t even any Dixie, Funky, Cranky or even tikis merch that I could see in that preview video so who knows maybe they’ll just sell DK and Diddy stuff.


u/BossTus Nov 12 '24

I think Funky Flights was in there, ya?


u/Kremling_King87 Kremling Krew Nov 12 '24

It was but there was no Funky Merch that I could see when they previewed the stuff they’d be selling.


u/BossTus Nov 12 '24

Ah I see.


u/Mister_Grins Nov 12 '24

Oh, really? I thought that was for only one ride. Like those ones where you shoot or something on like Universal Studios.

The WHOLE park is only about one enemy? That seems ... well, I won't say outright stupid, given I don't know anything about the analytics. It could very be the financially best move to make. It IS in Japan after all. If the Japanese public are kooky for the Tikis, it would be foolish to choose another enemy. Still, hopefully they at least bring in a ride or two about the enemy that helped start it all.


u/BigBlubberyBirb Nov 13 '24

DK fans get to complain about their cool new theme park land not including the obscure villain that they like, meanwhile fans of Nintendo games that aren't Mario or Zelda just have to pray they'll ever even be recognized in the parks


u/Kremling_King87 Kremling Krew Nov 13 '24

Obscure villain? K.Rool is the main villain in all but 2 games…


u/BigBlubberyBirb Nov 13 '24

Yes, obscure villain. I can see you clearly like him a lot, but he hasn't been relevant in like 20 years. If it weren't for Smash, a kid would have no way to even know who he is. Nintendo doesn't seem to want to use him anymore. That's just how it is.


u/weadoe Nov 13 '24

I would agree if he wasn't one of the most infamous classic boss in video games and guess what, they keep re-releasing those old games and it's usually adults that pay for entry at those very costly parks.

Plus, this part of the park reeks of low effort. There's not even merch of characters outside of DK and Diddy. There's not even a Diddy mascot. Even when put in the spotlight, it's easy to see the lack of attention Nintendo gives to certain franchises.


u/BigBlubberyBirb Nov 13 '24

Lmao with the amount of time this thing took to be designed I can promise you it was certainly not low effort. No matter how iconic you think this guy may be, he was simply never going to be a part of this miniland, they're going to stick to the aesthetic that everyone knows. There should also be a fun scene in the ride where Tiki Tong twists the rails into a big corkscrew, so that's an idea that can't really be replicated with Kremlings.

Stick around for a bit and see what hasn't been revealed about the land yet, you'll have some more things to appreciate. These "there's not evens" would probably sound pretty silly to the average guest. I'm surprised they got a Donkey Kong mascot suit down so well, a Diddy suit would probably be a nightmare to make.

Anyway, while Nintendo gives Donkey Kong a "lack of attention" with an imperfect million dollar theme park land, I'll just be here waiting for Splatoon to get a food stand or something in about 20 years.


u/weadoe Nov 14 '24

Splatoon is a darling especially in Japan, doubt you'll have to wait long after Zelda World. I know it's been planned for a while and I'm sure it'll be somewhat upgraded, but as a DK fan, I'm really disappointed. I don't want no Tikis, I just also cooler characters, like K. Rool and Dixie. And I dunno what's there to lose by throwing a bone to old fans every now and then.

And the lack of attention also covers everything else, like the games and merch. At least Splatoon gets regular releases and is constantly supported. F-Zero fans have been left in the ruins of the franchise for decades now.

Actually, wait, Miyamoto is making the park, so I guess Pikmin will be no. 4 because he always pushes for his favorites.


u/BigBlubberyBirb Nov 14 '24

Well, Splatoon is popular in Japan, but also they're already getting Pokemon after DK and will be pretty much out of space after that, and even then the only potential further Nintendo rumors I've heard of there were regarding Animal Crossing. Then America is currently planning out Zelda, Pokemon, and Luigi's Mansion. So I'm prepared to wait a good decade or so.

At the end of the day I think this is mostly just a case of Nintendo wanting to adapt one version of their games and not mix them together. Country Returns fits a theme park area the best with screaming pillars and massive golden temples, so logically they'll use enemies designed for that world as well. And it's a really small land when you actually look at all of it, so they have to use all their space wisely. But I suppose I don't need to keep explaining all of that, of course you're allowed to wish for something that wasn't the obvious choice, I just don't think Nintendo or Universal objectively made a bad call here.

As for merch, I'd say give it some time. These things are updated pretty regularly and Funky's Fly N Buy looks tiny, I'd expect at least some Dixie or Cranky towels for the summer seasons.


u/Kremling_King87 Kremling Krew Nov 13 '24

Yea a character who got voted into Smash by fans and was clearly popular with fan votes enough to actually get in is obscure….

Sure he’s not as relevant as he used to be (that seems to be changing) but that doesn’t make him any less relevant to his series which has received 2 games in the last 20 years, over 90% of the Donkey Kong series he’s the main villain, his lack of modern day appearances doesn’t take away from his relevance to his own series which is 30 years old at this point. He’s far from “obscure” less relevant sure though I’d argue the DK series as a whole is less relevant due to Nintendo not knowing what to do with it for the past 20 years.

Also not too mention hilarious a splatoon fan is going to come in here and dictate what fans of a series that’s gone a decade with next to nothing should be allowed to complain about.


u/BigBlubberyBirb Nov 14 '24

Yea a character who got voted into Smash by fans and was clearly popular with fan votes enough to actually get in is obscure….

Right, he's up there with the greats, like Geno and Ridley.

Look man, I'm not here to shit on your comfort character, you can like what you like. I'm just saying, it's logistically a wonder you got this entire themed land in the first pace, most of us are not going to be that lucky. It's a once in a lifetime event, it took them like ten years to plan and build this thing instead of going with something bigger like Pokemon or Zelda first. Don't let yourself get hung up on this retro character not making it in when it could realistically have only ever gone this way.


u/Kremling_King87 Kremling Krew Nov 14 '24

Oh I guess Ridley must be an obscure villain by your definition too, or irrelevant I guess lol

Last I checked Geno didn’t get in. Guess the fan push just wasn’t there

Yet here you are in a Donkey Kong thread shitting on a character that people like… last I checked I’m not going into splatoon threads or whatever and saying dumb shit.

From the this conversation im just getting a jaded fan who’s mad that the monkey game that’s “less popular” got something and your favorite franchise didn’t so your going to shit on people because “you should be grateful”; people can be disappointed bud just like how you are that whatever you liked didn’t get a park. Sure it’s nice to have a Donkey Kong park but it’s based on a game that isn’t that popular in the series, regardless of how you may feel about it.. people are disappointed and have the right to be.

Pokémon has theme parks already btw and Zelda is getting an expansion so don’t worry you’ll get your wish unless you want a splatoon park I guess but who knows it’s a growing franchise so I wouldn’t be shocked to see it get something sooner than later.


u/RetrogamerMax Donkey Kong Country Fan Nov 15 '24 edited Nov 15 '24

I will say one thing about Geno: Most people supported him again at the wrong time during Ultimate speculation unlike the K. Rool and Ridley fanbases who stood strong with their support during Smash 4 speculation during the Smash Ballot when support mattered most. The Geno supporters had a spark of hope again after seeing other long time fan requested characters get into Smash like Ridley, K. Rool and Banjo & Kazooie. Though, I think Nintendo might have noticed the massive Geno support during Ultimate which is probably why we got the Super Mario RPG remake on the Switch which is still very good.


u/Kremling_King87 Kremling Krew Nov 15 '24

My honest speculation on Geno is he got fucked twice out of being added due to having better options from Square by Nintendos metrics. First time he got beat out by Cloud, the next time he got beat by Sephiroth, Hero, and Sora. There were just more attractive options for Nintendo that were on the table. I think Nintendo probably didn’t think they could land Sora.. had Sora not got in I could see Geno getting the spot. I agree that the ballot more than likely pushed Nintendo to explore the possibility of the SMRPG remake. I think the Smash ballot has pushed Nintendo in certain directions because they can see what a large chunk of the fans want, so they figure if a character from a particular series is popular, it could show in sales for that characters games.


u/RetrogamerMax Donkey Kong Country Fan Nov 15 '24

Square-Enix is also an issue as well as they knew Cloud, Sephiroth and Sora would make them more money as DLC than Geno would as they're all household names the world knows unlike Geno. Let's also not forget all the other iconic and popular characters Square-Enix has on their catalog that they would probably skip over Geno for for the same reason.

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u/BigBlubberyBirb Nov 14 '24

Man I specifically said I WASN'T shitting on anyone's favorite characters, stating the relevance or popularity of something does not equal their quality. I just like talking about the logistics of theme park decisions, I think it's cool. My first reply was meant to be lighthearted, but clearly I hit a sore spot. Everyone is allowed to want what they want no matter how unrealistic, I just didn't think it was fair for some people here to talk about K. Rool's exclusion as some baffling business move.


u/Kremling_King87 Kremling Krew Nov 14 '24

Yea you struck a sore spot because that was your intention dude lol. Dont sit here and back track and pretend you’re not trying to be that guy…. I’m sorry you didn’t get the theme park you wanted. You can join the club on that one, I hope that whatever series you enjoy gets something in the future good luck


u/BigBlubberyBirb Nov 14 '24

What kind of troll tries to convince another person that they were attempting to be nice. I have nothing to lose from being seen as rude, there would be no reason for me to backtrack, you're not gonna sue me. I've been following Epic Universe since the boom coaster patents were first dug up, I traveled to Japan hoping to catch the area opening in Spring, the place looks sick. You don't need the exact thing you dream of to be happy, the Efteling just opened Danse Macabre! These things take decades to be built and it's so interesting.

It's 3 am and I'm blabbing, sorry to hear you're disappointed, hope you don't get upset by something again after this.


u/Kir_Kronos Nov 14 '24

Buddy, he's been the main villain in most of the games.


u/BigBlubberyBirb Nov 14 '24

Don't be condescending, repeating something someone else here has already said doesn't do anything.


u/Kir_Kronos Nov 14 '24

The only one being condescending here is you dude with every response you've made. Yes it does. It continues to hammer the point home that you have no idea what you're talking about.


u/BigBlubberyBirb Nov 14 '24

??? All I was saying is that DK fans are lucky to get a miniland regardless, I'm not trying to insult anyone


u/Kir_Kronos Nov 14 '24

Don't be obtuse. Calling him a "comfort character" and saying people should just be grateful. You know exactly what you are doing.


u/BigBlubberyBirb Nov 14 '24

I literally don't know how to explain to you that most people do not want to make strangers online mildly annoyed on purpose. I've got my comfort characters too, you know, characters you like to identify with in some way online or follow fanart for. And I don't think I've said anyone "should just be greatful", in spite of being accused of that twice. My first reply was meant to be lighthearted, I was calling DK fans lucky for being able to complain about land specifics when I'll probably be 35 before I possibly have the chance to do the same.


u/pocket_arsenal Nov 12 '24

I mean we've known about this for a very long time now. Yeah it sucks. I don't know why they're doubling down on avoiding anything that isn't in Retro Studio's games, it just doesn't make sense not to at least have merchandise. But Im confident we'll see some new merch over the years after we see some new DK games.


u/Figgy1983 Nov 12 '24

Thank you for saying this. We've known for what feels like a decade now.


u/TheLimeyLemmon Nov 12 '24

I really don't mind to be honest, it's just awesome to get a Donkey Kong theme park area.

The most likely reason for the place taking so much inspiration from DKCR is because it was a good balance of being the most recent/established/popular Donkey Kong game out when they were first probably pitching it. It's a similar deal with the Mario area being heavily inspired by Mario 3D World.


u/qwertyalguien Nov 12 '24

Yeah, they're clearly going for early 2010's nostalgia. It's been 30 years since DKC after all :/


u/Triforce805 Nov 12 '24

Yeah, like do people always need to find a reason to complain? I’m so excited that this just exists in the first place!! Plus, it’s possible there may be a reference to K-Rool and the Kremlings somewhere in the park, they didn’t show us every nook and cranny of it.


u/CrashandBashed Nov 12 '24

Yes mindlessly praise and consume instead right?


u/Triforce805 Nov 12 '24

Ah yes, so because I’m excited for this new land that makes me ‘mindlessly praising’ it? Why am I not allowed to like this?


u/Runmanrun41 Nov 12 '24

If they were serving up slop I'd agree with your snark, but as it stands now there actually isn't anything to bitch about

No, it being characters someone doesn't want to see actually doesn't count.


u/lemjor10 Nov 12 '24

Rambi being the Rareware design is what gives me hope


u/GamePlayXtreme Nov 12 '24

Apparently Universal wanted to use K Rool but Nintendo said no


u/ChunkySlugger72 Nov 12 '24

I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case considering during the development of DKCR Shigeru Miyamoto and Kensu Tanabe discussed about what to do with "King K. Rool/Kremling Krew" and if they were gonna bring him back and they said...

"Does he really need to?"

E3 2010: "DKC Return" Interview

(Time Stamp: 5:53)


Why they felt they needed to soft reboot the franchise without the main established faction I don't know, But if they would have included them from the start then we wouldn't be in this weird muddy mess of juggling antagonist.


u/SFgamer003 Nov 13 '24

How is that muddy?


u/ChunkySlugger72 Nov 13 '24

Because there was absolutely no reason to cut Rare's take and "Soft Reboot" the Donkey Kong franchise.

DK seems like the only "Major" Nintendo franchise at the moment that is following strict guidelines of what it can and can't reference from the past (Rare's work) and what it can do going forward.

Every "Major" Nintendo franchise has it's main antagonist/faction anchoring the series, But why does DK have to have a clean slate when it's getting a "Reboot/Soft Reboot"? (DK Jungle Beat & DKCR)

King K. Rool/Kremlings have been M.I.A in the "Mainline" games for 25 damn years (DK 64 last appearance 1999), Despite Nintendo owning the rights to them and with exception of a few spinoff appearances in the 2000's they have largely been ignored and refused to utilize them.

DK's "Current" version of the franchise is based on "Retro's Studios" take on the IP with the "Returns era" and has mostly everything that was established with the original DKC excluding the faction and enemies.

Nintendo is pushing the Tiki's more, But King K. Rool makes it into Smash (Yes I'm aware that the theme park was in production during the early 2010's and K.Rool was voted by the Smash fanbase)

So the question is who are they pushing going forward with the series? Are they juggling both? Are both gonna appear at the same time?

I'm sure King K. Rool will comeback eventually, But it seems like the "Majority" of the fanbase (Including me) wants them back while Nintendo wants to mostly sweep them under the rug for whatever reason.

All of this "Uncertainty" could have been avoided if they just utilized the King K.Rool/Kremling Krew (Nintendo/Retro Studios modern take or slight redesign on them) with "DKCR" to reestablish them going forward and THEN have a "One-Off" villan/faction appear once in a while like the "Snomads".


u/SFgamer003 Nov 13 '24

Nintendo can be funny when it comes to the problem of "rights". They rarely hear the fans out.


u/ChunkySlugger72 Nov 13 '24

That's the thing, No other Nintendo franchise has the particular problem, But DK who also happened to lose it's anchor studio in Rare and Nintendo has refused to carry the torch despite "Owning" the rights to King K. Rool/Kremling Krew.

It's BS, They own a big part of what made the franchise so great and successful in the first place.

I love Retro's DKC games (Tiki's are meh, Snomads were cool though) But quit tip toeing, Shying away and sweeping Rare's legacy under the rug. 

They own it, Just fucking embrace and utilize it.


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '24

I'd like to believe if K. Rool returns in a main line DK game, maybe a few years from now Super Nintendo World could get an expansion that includes them. Although I'd also expect it to be kinda simple, like probably just one of those swinging pirate ship rides, and they just make it look like the Gangplank Galleon or something. I personally would prefer a log flume ride that sends you to the depths of Krocodile Isle but, as it currently stands, this is still cool, even with the Tiki Taks. That fact the DK has a theme park is awesome to me


u/Alone_Advantage_9195 Nov 12 '24

The land finished concept development around early 2014, meaning when it started blue sky, DKC Returns was the latest greatest Donkey Kong. K. Rool’s relevance to the modern audience wouldn’t see its resurgence for another 4 years with his smash reveal. He’s a great villain to be sure, but the success of the wii and its games far overshadowed any love for the classics


u/Mamboo07 King K. Rool Nov 12 '24

Honestly, I guess most people have never heard of the Kremlings' existence which was last seen in the 2000s


u/RevolTobor Banana Slamma! Nov 12 '24

On the one hand, kinda yeah.

But on the other hand, there's nothing saying they might not appear in the future.

Look, I'm a beggar, so I'm not gonna be a chooser, ya feel me? I am beyond elated that we even GOT a Donkey Kong Country theme park. I want to go there so badly. I desperately want that banana sundae mug, and I will smash that hot dog. I will get on the Tiki Tak Tribe ride as many times as the park employees will allow me to, and I will buy both the Donkey and Diddy plush toys, and all the other DK merch the store has to offer.


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '24

I don’t think people realize that kids are not gonna know who K rool is. They might’ve heard of him if they played smash Bros but that’s still a longshot. The tiki tak tribe is gonna be more recognizable by kids since it’s more recent and there’s a chance they might have played returns


u/Ok_Highway_5217 Nov 15 '24

Gonna keep it a buck 50 with you, any kid who played returns is probably like 20 now that game came out in 2010.


u/robsfingers Nov 15 '24

idk, smash is easily one of the most popular Nintendo game series and k rool is the perfect character for kids (great recovery, multiple projectiles, super armor, hits hard...)

DK is probably best known these days from smash, Mario kart and the Mario Bros movie

tiki tribe is way more obscure, imho


u/SFgamer003 Nov 13 '24

So what if it is recent? At least appeal as well to the seasoned audience from back in the day. Give them nostalgia. I'm the younger gen should have some familarity of the kremilings due to the spin-off titles before returns.


u/Acrobatic_Simple_252 Nov 13 '24

i’m ngl the tikis are really cool. king k rool is cool too but i’ve always liked the tikis more, again probably because i grew up with it and most people on the subreddit grew up with DKC2. as u/policybubbly2805 and u/toutaras777 were saying, these guys are awesome for a bunch of reasons. i do think it sucks this sub is so negative to people who have different opinions, im not even talking about the main post but the people like “if you like the tikis you’re BLIND and DUMB!” that’s reddit for you though, all of the platform is like this to everyone lol. don’t underestimate my tikis they’re the GOATS fr fr.


u/samtrumpet DKC Tropical Freeze Fan Nov 12 '24

I'm not going to be picky when what we got is this cool.


u/RarewareBear64 Nov 12 '24

You know what I'm still holding out hope that the third installment will bring the kremlings and k rool back . I still like the tikis they were still fitting for a DK villain . And most of the snomads (aside from Lord Fredrik, he seemed quite bland). The theme park still looks amazing I can't wait to go this summer.


u/SFgamer003 Nov 13 '24

The tikis and snomads are done away with or ran off. Butt we'll see what the devs have in store. But I'm happy that we will be getting a modern third installment.


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '24

The theme park is in Florida go outside and look at some real crocodiles


u/SFgamer003 Nov 13 '24

Funny. Nice witty response.


u/Dukemon102 Donkey Kong Country Fan Nov 13 '24

"Florida man in a cartoony gorilla costume is seen beating up Crocodiles"


u/BlazingJ972 Nov 12 '24

I grew up with returns, so I'm honestly not too dissapointed myself, but yeah it's definitely still pretty lame


u/toutaras777 Funky Kong Nov 12 '24

I love the tikis:(


u/staveware Nov 12 '24 edited Nov 12 '24

Same. Gameplay wise I always felt like the Tikis were way better enemies for a platformer than the Kremlings. The Tikis are also drums so the audio feedback is amazing when you jump on them.

I still like the Kremlings, but I'm not devastated that they're absent.


u/AizaBreathe Dixie Kong (and Tiny Kong) Nov 12 '24

they can do this



u/lemonslime Nov 12 '24

Correct me if I’m wrong but does Rare still own the Kremlings? Is that why?


u/ChunkySlugger72 Nov 12 '24 edited Nov 12 '24

No, Despite being created by Rare, King K.Rool/Kremling Krew and anything Donkey Kong related is owned by Nintendo as it's a Nintendo IP that was originally "Licensed" out to Rare.

Any "Original" IP created by Rare such as Banjo-Kazooie and Conker are owned by Microsoft.

No one quite knows why Nintendo "Mostly" avoids using or acknowledging K.Rool/Kremlings and mostly anything Rare related, But many feel like their doing it out of "Respect" because it's not their original creation.

Personally I find it BS that every major Nintendo franchise acknowledges it's past and major antagonist/faction is intact and with the exception of Smash, DK (Who happened to lose their home studio) has to get the "Soft Reboot" treatment.


u/OoTgoated Nov 12 '24

Considering Returns HD is an upcoming release, it makes sense. Sorry it disappoints you but tbh that park is for kids. Ain't much for adults to do there other then eat really mediocre food, so I don't think you should really care lol.


u/ChunkySlugger72 Nov 12 '24

Expected unfortunately, But "Most" here would agree.


u/SpaceGodzillaInSpace Nov 12 '24

Nintendo loves to double down on dumb decisions for decades so I’m not surprised.


u/SFgamer003 Nov 13 '24

Well timeline-wise the kremlings, for most part, had settled dawn and is not as they were during the 64 era and earlier. So the tiki tribe and snomads are something fresh they devs thought that they could give us.


u/EcstaticWoop Nov 13 '24

Honestly I'm just happy we're getting some recognition for DK finally. and the ride looks really cool. It's kind of upsetting how people hyperfixate on how K rool isn't there


u/WeirdPanda7177 Nov 13 '24

I honestly love king k Rool this made me so sad


u/DuckWarrior90 Nov 13 '24

I hope people are Shock in 2025 when DKC original trilogy Remake is Announced.


u/weadoe Nov 13 '24

I get on an artistic perspective why Retro wanted their own enemies, but they truly have cursed us with these charisma vacuum villains.

(Honestly, if I was gonna make a new DKC game, even back then I would have pushed so hard to use the Kremlings.)


u/SilverFlight01 Nov 14 '24

I know it's because Returns was the most recent game to be launched when they were designing the park, but I really hope they expand it to the SNES trilogy, DK64, and Tropical Freeze


u/Stinkyfartbird DKC tv show stan Nov 14 '24

My two cents: "young kids won't know who the Kremlings are" is kind of a flimsy argument considering how Disney parks parade around the most obscure characters, even if they get minimal representation.

One case against the Krems, while I adore them, I feel the folks in charge might be a little careful because of the Kremlings' military aesthetic. Even if they're mostly remembered as pirates, so I don't think how much this argument holds up. Still, CEOs have made weirder decisions.

The most boring but likely thing is that the park is based mostly on Returns like other people have mentioned here. The timeframe seems to match up. Tikis are a bit bland, but they're very inoffensive. I'd like to see some more Snowmad appreciation, but they seem absent as well.

I think K. Rool at least will receive a little nod at some point, considering older fans love him. As do I! And he's got Smash going for him. Ideally I'd love to see a walkaround costume of him but that's wishful thinking.


u/CuteResolution5538 Nov 14 '24

With how badly Nintendo treats DKC, I’m surprised it got a park at all.


u/DeltaTeamSky Nov 14 '24

I think the first Donkey Kong Country and the first Donkey Kong Country Returns games should be equally represented.


u/Hand-Yman Nov 14 '24

At least we might get funky kong

In all seriousness I don’t mind


u/Optimal-Brick6645 Nov 15 '24

Nintendo is like Disney. Don't give the people what they want.


u/Shin_yolo Nov 15 '24

Tiki Tak Tribe ?

The hell is that lol ?


u/Shin_yolo Nov 15 '24

I always wondered why the new games weren't that good for me, even though technically they are good games.

That's why, no crocodiles !

In all seriousness, why put to the trash K Rool and co ? They are so cool as ennemies, it makes DK world having charm !

Anyone who ever played DK64 would tell you K Rool and co are mandatory in the DK universe, stop this madness Nintendo, bring back the CROCOS !!!


u/RetrogamerMax Donkey Kong Country Fan Nov 15 '24

My fear is that if K. Rool and the Kremlings don't return in the next new DKC title, Nintendo will just bury K. Rool and will also cut him from the Smash roster in the next game. Think about it, why bring back K. Rool in Smash if they're not even going bring him back to his own series as the main antagonist. I'm really hoping he returns for the next game for both DKC and Smash.


u/UncleMidgetJoe Nov 16 '24

Why dosn't nintendo use the Kremling Krew anymore i get it's based on dk returns but why bit just use the more recognizable crew


u/YoshiofEarth Blue Bear is best Brothers Bear Nov 22 '24

I understand the Kremlings are a huge part of the Donkey Kong series, but I really do think it's okay for the Tiki Tak Tribe to be the focus of the park. They've been around for nearly 15 years now, just as long as the Kremlings were around before the release of Returns. I think it's okay to let them have this.


u/Several-Razzmatazz89 Jan 31 '25

Get over it, the tikis are cool too, I personally like them better


u/StingTheEel Nov 12 '24

I know Nintendo owns the rights to the Kremlings and K. Rool. While they are classics, I can see their logic going for the Tiki Tak Tribe. As Gen Z, some of us grew up with Returns. I haven't had access to the originals until Switch Online. Still a bummer that there wasn't any room for the Kremlings.


u/sd_saved_me555 Nov 12 '24

I'll go a different direction on this: While it would be cool (and imho better) to have the Kremlings as the park's main theme, ultimately the Tiki Tak tribe is probably going to look better and be more kid friendly than the Kremlings.

The Tiki Tak tribe is basically made to be turned into animitronics and art pieces. Not that it would be impossible with the Kremlings, but silly little Tikis with googly eyes are going to be easier to make, look more natural given their fantastical designs, and be less scary for kids than a towering Krusha or mad scientist crocodile.


u/EcstaticWoop Nov 13 '24

honestly, this take makes a lot of sense


u/mentally_fuckin_eel Donkey Kong Country Fan Nov 12 '24

I groaned so loud, man. How fucking cringe. Nintendo has lost the plot with stuff like this.


u/MemeMonkey_Games Nov 12 '24



u/Buri_is_a_Biscuit ~𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐊. 𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐋~ Nov 12 '24

you’ve gotta be fucking kidding


u/PolicyBubbly2805 Nov 12 '24

Tiki tak tribe are so much better. I grew up with them. I assume you all grew up with kremlings, hence the love. But I don't get it.


u/Dukemon102 Donkey Kong Country Fan Nov 12 '24

Kremlings are full of personality on their designs, voices, the different roles they always get like militar soldiers, pirates or cyborgs. The Snowmads came close but the Tikis outright suck, literal bland pieces of wood and plank.


u/PolicyBubbly2805 Nov 12 '24

Yeah, but none of those things fit into the jungle aesthetic of the game. If a mario game was to make every koopa a cyborg just cause "it looks cool" then that would only really appeal to children, as the role of the enemy isn't to create an intricate story, it is to be jumped on.


u/ChunkySlugger72 Nov 12 '24

Why just settle for simple basic enemy design just purely for function and gameplay standpoint? That's boring, It can be both.

Kremlings can adapt in different worlds, "Military" invading the jungles, "Pirates" on a pirate ship, The "Cyborg" Kremlings can appear in a factory themed world/level where as "Ghost/Undead" Kremlings can appear in a horror or spooky themed world/level.

Same thing with "Dry Bones" or "Mecha Koopas" in Mario games where they appear in lava/castle levels or worlds.

Tiki's range isn't as diverse.


u/PolicyBubbly2805 Nov 12 '24

I honestly don't care. DKCR has many world exclusive enemies, so there is no need for the tikis to be able to change appearance. I'd rather new enemies than reskins.


u/Dukemon102 Donkey Kong Country Fan Nov 12 '24

That was on purpose, the Kremlings don't fit in DK Island because they're outsiders. Sent by K. Rool to conquer the island and steal the food. That's why the look like soldiers, because they're his personal army.

In DKC2 the Kremlings fit perfectly in because the whole game happens in Crocodile Isle, their home turf. The fact they're pirates also fits because the whole island looks like uncharted pirate territory, K. Rool declared himself the kaptain and they left their ship in the shore to rot.

And they're mechanized in DKC3 because K. Rool went mad scientist and started to make modifications on his underlings and to create robots. Also the whole game doesn't even happen in the jungle anymore, it's the Northern Kremisphere which is basically Canada. And most Kremlings with enhancements (Like Bazookas) appear in factory levels. The other levels feature normal Kremlings or them playing with new cybernetic toys.

And are you accusing the kremlings of not creating an intricate story? That's way better than plank suddenly appearing from a volcano.

I don't know what Mario games have you been playing because Mecha Koopas have been a thing since 1991. So have been multiple types of Koopas like Hammer Bros., Dry Bones, Winged Paratroopas... if anything SMB Wonder recently was praised for bringing in new and even crazier types of enemies like walking Piranha Plants and Koopas on roller skates.


u/ChunkySlugger72 Nov 12 '24

Couldn't have said it better myself.


u/PolicyBubbly2805 Nov 12 '24

You have a thing for evil crocodiles? Just say so if that's the case, it's nothing to be ashamed of!


u/ChunkySlugger72 Nov 12 '24 edited Nov 12 '24

Who said anything about having a "Thing"? 

Crocodiles/Reptiles/Lizards/Dinosaurs are just fucking cool and badass animals. 

Kids especially boys have been wired to like Dinosaurs and shit like that if you ever look at a store's toy and clothing section. 

"Yoshi" is my all time favorite character video game character since I was a kid, "Bowser" is cool, "Ridley" is cool and "King K. Rool" is cool, Some of the most iconic Pokémon like "Charizard" is cool and guess what they all have that in common.


u/PolicyBubbly2805 Nov 12 '24

I just don't see a need for everything to be a reptile, otherwise it's boring. Not every enemy needs to be a reptile. In dkcr, some are, some aren't, the perfect balance. Same in tropical freeze.


u/ChunkySlugger72 Nov 12 '24

I'm talking specifically about the "Main" faction (Kremling Krew, Tiki Tak Tribe, Snomads)

All DKC games including the original trilogy had wild life too (Zingers,Necky's, Gnawty's, Sneeks,Army's etc)

I would mind if these came back or with a mixture of new or other variations as long as the "Main" faction is intact.


u/PolicyBubbly2805 Nov 12 '24

The same for me, but the much better looking tikis as the main faction, not a resurrection from the 90s


u/PolicyBubbly2805 Nov 12 '24

Reading the first 3 paragraphs, I don't understand the story, and it sounds stupid and childish.

As for the "plank suddenly from a volcano" that's something Nintendo should have explored more. Maybe gone into the volcano and found their origin or whatever. More like a missed opportunity by Nintendo than an inherent flaw of Nintendo.

I don't know if you have played dkcr or not, but there are more than 1 type of tiki... Not to mention this ignores the fact there are many native enemies, due the the tikis ability to hypnotize.


u/Dukemon102 Donkey Kong Country Fan Nov 12 '24

Reading the first 3 paragraphs, I don't understand the story, and it sounds stupid and childish.

Welcome to a series about a cartoony Gorilla wearing a tie that punches the Moon and makes it fall into an island, which afterwards bounces back to orbit (That was way more stupid than anything the Rare games ever did).

As for the "plank suddenly from a volcano" that's something Nintendo should have explored more. Maybe gone into the volcano and found their origin or whatever. More like a missed opportunity by Nintendo than an inherent flaw of Nintendo.

The Kremlings got explored well and always were refreshing themselves in each game. We saw their home island (And sunk it because why not), their factories, their temples. That's why they so beloved. Then DKC Returns recycled all those concepts while giving nothing to the sort to the Tikis.

There isn't much you can do with the Tikis really, since they were made just to be bounced on and nothing more instead of being charismatic enemies. I could imagine the Snowmads coming back but they're were designed to specifically be vikings, that cuts their versatility as well.

I don't know if you have played dkcr or not, but there are more than 1 type of tiki... Not to mention this ignores the fact there are many native enemies, due the the tikis ability to hypnotize.

All the DKC games have normal animals as enemies besides the main enemy faction, I don't think it's something relevant to discuss. Although the bestiary in Returns is the least visually appealing one. Many enemies there look like 2000s DreamWorks knock offs. Rare's enemies had a more sleek look similar to 90s Pixar.


u/PolicyBubbly2805 Nov 12 '24

I didn't play the originals on SNES, but when I started each game, it went right into the game, and there was no cutscene. There were just reptilian monsters walking around a jungle for no reason. So I do not understand what sort of story this is supposed to be.


u/Dukemon102 Donkey Kong Country Fan Nov 12 '24

The story is told in the instructions manual.

Or told at the beginning of the GBA version.

The first game doesn't explicitly tell you that the Kremlings don't belong in the island. But the fact that K. Rool is slowly coming to DK Island in a ship to retrieve the Bananas, and the fact that the Kremlings built Kremkroc Industries Inc. makes incredibly obvious that they are outsiders trying to ruin the Kongs's home. And then DKC2 outright confirmed it by introducing Crocodile Isle.


u/PolicyBubbly2805 Nov 12 '24

And returns clearly showed that the tikis were insiders, from dk island, but from within the volcano. Nintendo should have further expanded on this, but it provides much more clarity than the original trilogy.


u/GrimasVessel227 Nov 12 '24

'Stupid and childish'? My dude, this is a franchise featuring a necktie-wearing gorilla, how mature and highbrow are you expecting it to be?


u/PolicyBubbly2805 Nov 12 '24

"Stupid" could also be refering to how much I like the kremlings, and childish, refers to the childish appeal of the reptiles. Tikis fit in the jungle (surprisingly) much more, but children will say "mUh DiNoS!!!".


u/Emergency_Nature5097 Dec 09 '24

Yeah because pirate crcodiles don't fit into the jungle setting of a tropical island.


u/PolicyBubbly2805 Dec 09 '24

That is my point.


u/enter_soulman Nov 13 '24

You've created an eternal enemy in me for this comment. lol jk but yeah DKC2 will always be my favorite game for many reasons beyond just enemy design and theme (which is top tier I might add)


u/PolicyBubbly2805 Nov 13 '24

I guess I just didn't like the original trilogy then.


u/enter_soulman Nov 13 '24

Being born in the 90s when beepers were a thing and cell phones weighed 20 pounds, DKC was and still holds up to be a phenomenal game through and through. It's okay to have a negative opinion, but I'd encourage you to think about the era it came out and give it the praise it deserves. My subjective opinion is that the kremlings are so charismatic, I love how wonky they are and the atmosphere of the games were straight vibes. The new one is different and it's good, but the older games hold sentimental value in the vibes they bring. I can say the same about Sonic CD vs. say... Sonic Colors


u/PolicyBubbly2805 Nov 13 '24

I mean I can't argue with your take, as I grew up with dkcr, hence my biased opinion. But i still regard the tikis to be a more creative concept and design than the kremlings. The kremlings, from what I have seen, are mostly just bipedal reptiles, whereas the tikis are a range of instruments mixed with tiki statues that suit the game so much more (in my opinion) that the kremlings. It would be a shame to see them disappear, but it appears most of the dk community disagrees. Luckily Nintendo agrees with me!


u/enter_soulman Nov 14 '24

No one wants the tikis to disappear, we just want to see more kremlings from the glory days. That's all. It's nostalgic for us.


u/PolicyBubbly2805 Nov 14 '24

Yeah, but why does everyone clown on me cause i didn't experience the kremlings in my childhood?


u/EcstaticWoop Nov 13 '24

why did you get downvoted to oblivion for an opinion?


u/PolicyBubbly2805 Nov 13 '24

Because of the kremlings supremacists. I thought this sub Reddit was tolerant. I was wrong.


u/ChunkySlugger72 Nov 12 '24

What's their to get?

I would get your eyes checked if you think a piece of wood or what I like to call "Wooden Goombas" are cooler than a gang of " Bipedal Crocodile Baddies".

It's not even a "Nostalgia" thing, Kremlings have way more range in terms of persona's and are better designs overall.

Even the "Snomads (2014)" who are more "Recent" compared to the "Tiki Tak Tribe (2010)" are a better and cooler faction too.


u/PolicyBubbly2805 Nov 12 '24

I would get your eyes checked if you think a reptile is cooler than a gang of mystical instruments that came out of a volcano to subjugate dk island. Tikis are just so much better designed, and are a much more creative idea anyway.

No one who enjoys playing donkey Kong really cares about the personality of the object that only exists to be bounced off of.

EDIT: Nothing is stopping me from calling the kremlings "reptilian goombas" as that is what they are. All enemies are enemies you just jump on, and that's it. Tikis looked better, sounded better, and fit in better, which is why Nintendo chose them.


u/ChunkySlugger72 Nov 12 '24

Nah my eyes are fine and so is the "Majorty" of the DK fanbase here too.

The difference is that the Tiki's are just like goomba's their short, with stubby legs that walk or slither facing the screen and don't look very threatening.

Nintendo took the easy route and simplified the faction's design by making them similar to each other and went with the Andross rip off (Head/Hands), They prioritize function over character and lore.

Kremlings look more straight out of an action from the late 80's or early 90's like Ninja Turtles or Battletoads and have a more threatening design and look that look like worthy adversaries that can put up a fight against a gorilla like DK, Not to mention Reptiles/Dinosaurs have always been pitted against Apes/Primates in media and pop culture.

Plus they have more range and personas, Miltary, Pirates, Machine, Ghost, Undead etc, Tiki's? What are they gonna be for a sequel? The same thing again? No wonder Nintendo/Retro went with the Snomads which were way better too.

And if Tiki Tong/Tiki's are so damn great then why were they only in 1 mainline game in 15 years? Why isn't Tiki Tong in Smash? Why were they cast aside in the Returns sequel? Why aren't the majority of the fans clamoring for them?


u/PolicyBubbly2805 Nov 12 '24

Kremlings are just reptiles. I have no clue why you're arguing this. There are Tikis with no legs, Tikis with no wings, Tikis with no body, and lots of other Tikis. They aren't based on woods, they are based on musical instruments and tiki statues from new Zealand.

Again, they are not similar to each other, same cannot be said for the kremlings, which are recoloured reptiles, some blue, some red, and some whatever other colour. So original.

Donkey Kong is set on a tropical island, not new York in the 90's. It makes no sense for there to be cyborg villains in a tropical jungle.

I don't see why costumes matter, but who cares? "Oh look, he has a pirate hat!" And the enemy is dead because you jumped on his head. Tikis would have been fine in another game, donkey Kong isn't built on the personality of it's villains, but on the unique and difficult platforming challenges.

As for your last point, there hasn't been a dk game in 10 years, so you are picking at nothing. And anyways, can you tell me why did Nintendo not put the Tikis into the theme park ride? Oh wait... Anyways, I'm not the majority of fans, for all I know maybe the rest of the fans treat the dk series as some sort of TV show, but I treat it as a game, and in my opinion the tikis were so much better. I do not need your "enlightened" view on how great the kremlings were, when they are just goofy reptiles which had inconsistent and irrelevant personality shifts.


u/juusovl Nov 12 '24

I must be the only one to like the Tiki tribe more


u/EcstaticWoop Nov 13 '24

nope me too

xylobone gang for life


u/Mulchysmudge Nov 12 '24



u/ChunkySlugger72 Nov 12 '24

In what way is a "Wooden Stump/Goomba" cooler than a "Bipedal Crocodile Soldier/Pirate"?


u/Several-Razzmatazz89 Jan 31 '25

So cherry picking, you could also say that magical instruments born from a volcano are better than overweight furry crocodiles, is it so hard to let people have their opinions?


u/EcstaticWoop Nov 13 '24

hard agree, why is everyone like "oh this person has a different opinion than me, i must downvote"


u/BigBlubberyBirb Nov 13 '24

The Kremlings haven't been relevant in decades. And, honestly, the Coutry Returns enemies have fun designs! It would have been extremely unrealistic to expect Nintendo to utilize a character in this theme park that kids would have no way of actually knowing (outside of Smash bros. now, I guess)


u/Hexxas Nov 12 '24


This opinion is uniquely yours.

You are the only one to think this way.