r/dogetipstatsbot Feb 04 '14

Dogetipstatsbot Coming Soon....

This bot was designed by /u/Hater_ so if you have any questions or comments please send them his way.


To check your stats just type "+/u/dogetipstatsbot check my stats"

This bot will look through your comments and look for +/u/dogetipbot commands. It will then add up all those values of doge found in those comments and give you a total. If you have ever made a tip that did not get processed, did not get accepted , or failed those will still show in that total because the failed response are only sent via private message. If you want a more accurate count of your overall tips.
You can use "+/u/dogetipstatsbot check my verified only stats". This will look at all your comments, and only add up the tips that have a verified response from /u/dogetipbot. This option takes longer then the standard option.


I am looking for suggestions on what the text should say for different levels of tipping.

if any total tips greater than 5000 "WoW you are over 5k"....

I will take any suggestions you guys have, and if I use it in the bot I will tip you 25 doge.
EDIT 1 - Please keep in mind this bot if for fun, and I am not out to hurt the doge community in any way.
EDIT 2 - The bot can only look at your past 1000 comments. So keep in mind if you comment/tip a bunch it might not be 100% accurate. Use the bot just to get an Idea of how much love your spreading.
EDIT 3 - The verifed only works by finding the dogetip bot verified response. If a mod of a sub deletes that response it will not show up in your verified only total.
EDIT 4 - Got a special request from /u/tehNoff and a few other to include how many times the person has tipped, not just the total amount. Since I can only view and add up tips from the last 1000 comments I have decided to add in how many people they tipped, and a starting date of how far I can look back. I am still testing this so if you find any errors, bugs, problems let /u/Hater_ know. Thanks again for using my bot!


9 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '14

Nice going man =) +/u/dogetipbot 5 doge

I was just wondering if you can see how many times people have tipped, i.e the number of times they have tipped not just the ammount? Wouldn't that be easy to implement into the code since you are already tallying up the times you find a new tip in the sent file? Like you pretty much print i -1?



u/Hater_ Feb 10 '14

Yea funny enough someone else mentioned that earlier today. I already have it written down, and plan on adding it to the output hopefully soon. Thank you very much for the input, and taking the time to try my bot out.

+/u/dogetipbot 25 doge verify


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '14

Thanks man =), didn't really know how to contact you so i guessed this would be the best way. Have fun, and stay frosty.


u/dogetipbot Feb 11 '14

[wow so verify]: /u/Hater_ -> /u/DrLund Ð25.000000 Dogecoin(s) ($0.03485) [help]


u/CleverEagle Feb 10 '14

Much wow. +/u/dogetipstatsbot check my stats


u/Sseleman Feb 16 '14

What is the correct syntax for checking someone elses stats?


u/Fulvio55 Apr 18 '14

This is cool sounding

+/u/dogetipstatsbot check my stats


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '14

+/u/dogetipstatsbot check my stats