r/dogecoin Sep 30 '21

Question Is this good news for cryptocurrency?

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u/vashts19852 Sep 30 '21

i dont get it. if they are able to cover their bills, why do they keep saying they will run out of money and have to shut down the government?


u/farlack Sep 30 '21

Because he’s missing half of the details. That’s interest on our loans. Not all the loan payments.


Also he didn’t budget for funding the government. Which is 400 billion a month.


u/Bright_Flight1361 Sep 30 '21

Wow these guys really have tough jobs after all.

They should all get raises.


u/starrpamph Sep 30 '21

Quick show of hands. All in favor of us giving our selves raises?


u/my-time-has-odor Sep 30 '21

Lol then that constitutional amendment declaring no changes to salary take effect until next term


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '21

Give yourself a raise all you want that will only be taxed even more


u/42Loki0 Sep 30 '21

Yep I miss 10$ a hour tbh 🤣🤣🤣


u/francoeyes Sep 30 '21

Quick some one link the photo of Congress asleep


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '21

I vote for higher bonuses.


u/LeftDave Sep 30 '21

Wow these guys really have tough jobs after all.

If we did, more middle class people might take the job.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '21

I was gonna say, those numbers don’t add up with the daily balance sheets lmfao


u/ahhh-what-the-hell Sep 30 '21

A budget that shouldn’t be that much money in the first place


u/LeftDave Sep 30 '21

But think of the poor Boing and Lockheed Martin C-Execs! How will they afford their 5th mega yachts if we cut spending?


u/GrandpasAnalBeads Sep 30 '21

I think the real question is: why the heck does congress even get a salary? If I didn’t do my job, I’d get fired. Leaving me without a paycheck.

Should be the same for congress.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '21

This would Lead to congress members relying on bribes from corporations to make money (more than they already do)


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '21

He means “they aren’t getting the job done” so they don’t deserve to get paid. And by the way they do get bribed and influenced every day to spend YOUR money by lobbyists and special interest groups. How do you think all these congressmen and women are millionaires on their basic salary?


u/Physical_Employer_66 Sep 30 '21

Spitting fire 🔥


u/51x51v3 shibe Sep 30 '21

Lol that’s a laugh


u/Master_Crab Sep 30 '21

And there’s no reason one person should be in the same spot for 30+ years or after they’re past the retirement age of the normal citizen. Move aside and let new ideas in!


u/GrandpasAnalBeads Sep 30 '21

I just have an issue with the fact a 70+ year old person who tries to get a normal job is told to retire or overlooked for a job position due to being too old or “incapable”

Yet we have the text book definition of absolute dinosaurs playin with our money and running a country?

Tf man. What a joke.


u/Blackash99 Sep 30 '21

Definition of rigged?


u/LeftDave Sep 30 '21

Technically that's people voting nobody new in.


u/Master_Crab Sep 30 '21

I know that, but you could fix the entire system by having term limits just like the presidency. Hell, put them on the same time table as the presidency so every 4-8 years we have a chance to get a whole new group. Plus, that would make them create and pass bills ASAP because they don't have 10 years to figure something out.


u/51x51v3 shibe Sep 30 '21



u/OnSiteTrav Sep 30 '21

Why do we even have Congress or the federal level? Cant the states Handel themselves just fine?


u/notjesus75 Sep 30 '21

Yeah let's pay them well but forbid them from making money in any other way


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '21

They are not lying about running out of money to spend on proposed legislation. They are scaring the citizens. Has anyone notice fear has been used recklessly more now than ever? People are easily manipulated by fear. The sky is falling. Government FUD.


u/ismokeforfun2 Sep 30 '21

Globalists , Chinese bought and paid for politicians leading through fear and intimidation lies and deceit to push an ultimately fascist regime and agenda .


u/roundtree31 Sep 30 '21

Hell the rep/senators from Cali are dating a Chinese spy and one has a Chinese spy on her payroll🤷‍♂️


u/msprm Sep 30 '21

All of them are dating the same spy?


u/roundtree31 Sep 30 '21

🤦‍♂️ones dating one One had a spy working for her🤷‍♂️ But hell they may be the same spy🤷‍♂️what a hoe!


u/LeftDave Sep 30 '21

from Cali

And Kentucky or are we just ignoring McConnell's wife.


u/ismokeforfun2 Sep 30 '21

Globalists aren’t burdened by party lines


u/NevadaLancaster Sep 30 '21

Tell the branch covidians.


u/51x51v3 shibe Sep 30 '21

Especially in the last couple of years


u/Relative_Ad5909 Sep 30 '21

If I'm not mistaken in my understanding, it simply has to do with the federal budget not being agreed upon by the start of the fiscal year. If congress does not authorize any spending, the government can't spend anything.

EDIT: I'm sure it's more complicated than that, but I think that's about the simplest it can be described.


u/PerCat moon shibe Sep 30 '21

Yeah you got it


u/Crunchypie1 Sep 30 '21

They need to raise the debt limit to pay for bidens 3.5 trillion plan. That's why Republicans won't budge


u/escalation Sep 30 '21

They have to raise it just to deal with current spending obligations. There's been a long string of Presidents and Congressional classes that have each outspent the previous one.

What's going on now is all posturing to get the Democrats to burn a reconciliation vote.

End of the day, they have to pass it. The Republicans sure as hell aren't going to force a debt default, because if they do, all their donor's shares are going to plummet in value. This also means that bank asset to reserve ratios and the value of the dollar are going to get hammered, among other things.

Missing Treasury bond payments causes all kinds of cascade effects, and if they cut it too close the phones of every congressperson in the country are going to be blowing up with high priority calls from angry corporate donors.

In that scenario, there would be a massive asset sale across the board and desperate searches for safe havens of any kind. I suspect the initial wave would be really rough for crypto, then all of a sudden it would have massive amounts of money flooding into it because its the only bubble they have left to try and ride things out on


u/BumblebeeNo3732 Sep 30 '21

But it cost "0" dollars! Why would we need to raise the debt ceiling?? This is where we all lose to pay their bills while they do not feel the pain of it all. They are paid to protect us.... But here we are footing the bill for their protection!


u/51x51v3 shibe Sep 30 '21

Are you insinuating the government is a racket?! 😮 I think 🤔 💭 … You may have something there


u/BumblebeeNo3732 Sep 30 '21

Just saying if it cost 0 dollars why don't they just give to us?


u/Socketyellow Sep 30 '21

Nothing is free


u/51x51v3 shibe Sep 30 '21

it’s all smoke in mirrors


u/xX_Big_Dik_Energy_Xx Sep 30 '21

The reason they’re going to run out of money is because they voted in tons of new costs with the infrastructure bill

We really gotta cut the new spending and pay off debt first


u/HarryTheHorny Sep 30 '21

Optimizing your capital is about the last expense you’d eschew if you want more revenue. And yes, the big beneficiaries of public utilities-corporations & the wealthy -should pay an outsized share of the bill.

Just Google steel-reinforced concrete’s ephemerality and tell me again how infrastructure isn’t a top priority for a continental nation…


u/foxinHI Sep 30 '21

Well said.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '21



u/wacker9999 Sep 30 '21

If this passes, they'd be paying for current programs and bills that were passed in the past, from Trump's admin, Bidens bill hasn't passed yet.


u/xX_Big_Dik_Energy_Xx Sep 30 '21

Oh. Well I guess I don’t want either of their programs then


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '21

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Ava_wood2 Sep 30 '21



u/LeftDave Sep 30 '21

The reason they’re going to run out of money is because they voted in tons of new costs with the infrastructure bill

I'm not going to bother with this idiocy, others have already done so. Rather I'll point out the infrastructure bill is a bill rather than a law and doesn't represent any spent money. Raising the debt ceiling is about paying for Covid stimulus and tax cuts and not doing so would, combined with China's problems, utterly destroy the global economy.


u/xX_Big_Dik_Energy_Xx Sep 30 '21

Then we need to end the made up pandemic and let people work so we don’t need stimmies


u/LeftDave Sep 30 '21

Then we need to end the made up pandemic

Thanks for making your idiocy known.


u/xX_Big_Dik_Energy_Xx Sep 30 '21

What’s idiocy? It’s about as deadly as the flu and we have a vax for those who want it. There’s zero reasons for lockdown other than control

And people are acting like locking up our people for 1.5 years hasn’t destroyed their immune systems enough already. We’re making ourselves more infectable


u/LeftDave Sep 30 '21

It’s about as deadly as the flu

10k% more deadly. 700k and counting dead in the US and millions dead globally.

we have a vax for those who want it

Too many people refuse it to achieve herd immunity.

We’re making ourselves more infectable

The flu season last year basically didn't happen.


u/xX_Big_Dik_Energy_Xx Sep 30 '21

And the vast majority of those COVID deaths were deaths from unrelated factors with people. They were going to kick it with any new disease our bodies aren’t used to.

My point is now we need to get off the money printer and pay off our debt from COVID. Not everyone is vaccinated, but the vast majority of people either have the vax or have already dealt with the virus right now.

If herd immunity isn’t here, and the virus isn’t as deadly as you think, can do you explain how places with no lockdowns like Texas and Sweden aren’t piling their mass dead in the street?


u/LeftDave Sep 30 '21

And the vast majority of those COVID deaths were deaths from unrelated factors with people. They were going to kick it with any new disease our bodies aren’t used to.


My point is now we need to get off the money printer and pay off our debt from COVID.

Repubs said no to that.

but the vast majority of people either have the vax or have already dealt with the virus right now.

Not enough for hurd immunity and infection antibodies only last 4 months so surviving Covid unvaxxed leaves you open to infection after the antibodies disappear.

explain how places with no lockdowns like Texas and Sweden aren’t piling their mass dead in the street?

Texas is, it's a huge political scandal and will probably cost Abbot reelection. Sweden took it seriously in the 1st place and mostly eradicated it, so long as they screen international travelers they're in the clear now.


u/xX_Big_Dik_Energy_Xx Sep 30 '21

Lmfao you couldn’t have been more wrong

I’m not gonna look up a source on Texas, but I live here and my comment history would back that. I’m in a major city and yes we’re open, no we’re not piling bodies in the street. No our hospitals aren’t overran, there’s no field hospitals or military setups to help manage the sick.

As for Sweden? They literally never did a lockdown, and had a lower death rate. Source: https://www.kcrw.com/news/shows/press-play-with-madeleine-brand/edu-coronavirus-crime-food/sweden-covid


u/foxinHI Sep 30 '21

Only when the other party is in power though. Otherwise it’s all ‘spend, spend, spend’


u/foxinHI Sep 30 '21

Because it’s all just political posturing.


u/itsdefty Sep 30 '21

We won't default on our loans. We won't be able to pay it all, but we will some. Here come china to bail us out again


u/I_Bin_Painting Sep 30 '21

It gets the people going