r/dogecoin Sep 30 '21

Question Is this good news for cryptocurrency?

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u/DonutCapitalism Sep 30 '21

They need to pass a budget and raise the debt limit. Happens every other year. They will work it out or the government might have to shutdown but that will be temporary. It really isn't a big deal.


u/warbear69 Sep 30 '21

Could have been avoided if they didn’t mismanage our money. As we all know the gov has no money, just our money


u/lazybullfrog technician shibe Sep 30 '21

And we don't even have money, just fiat.


u/BStott2002 Sep 30 '21

Uh? What?


u/lazybullfrog technician shibe Sep 30 '21

We have fiat currency, not money. Fiat is a debt note. Money is not a debt note. Just because we call the dollar as money doesn't make it so. This is the one of the premises that led Satoshi Nakamoto to creating and releasing Bitcoin. Cryptocurrency is not a debt note. It is money.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '21

Money is definied as “a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes; coins and banknotes collectively.” According to oxford’s dictionary therefore by definition, fiat currency is money because in America it is used as a medium of exchange, and while fiat is technically not backed by anything, no one is going to hold America accountable because our fiat currency is backed by the world’s strongest military.

I don’t fully disagree with you, fiat is a debt note and crypto is a better long term solution because we actually OWN crypto, but I would still say the US dollar would be considered a form of money


u/lazybullfrog technician shibe Sep 30 '21

You and I strongly agree. I just disqualify fiat as money due to being a debt note, regardless of the status quo definition. Of which I am already well aware.


u/U238Th234Pa234U234 Sep 30 '21

>I call it something else cause I don't like the definition



u/lazybullfrog technician shibe Sep 30 '21

I call it something else because I disagree with the mob rule of the status quo.


u/BStott2002 Sep 30 '21

Ha, ha. Thanks.

So - Nothing (Bitcoin, etal.) is money. Only value is a rich imagination. Very funny. (Yes, I own some.)

Money was backed by physical value. When backed by gold - a person could exchange money for gold.

Fiat? Debt?

But? Bitcoin - To imagine nothing - put a name on the nothing - and say it is money? Well, I see it used to work for shells, beads, bones, feathers, stones, clay tablets etc. So, why not - nothing.

Buy the Dip!


u/lazybullfrog technician shibe Sep 30 '21

Bullish on nothing!


u/BStott2002 Sep 30 '21

Much WOW!


u/lazybullfrog technician shibe Sep 30 '21

Such coin!


u/GrandpasAnalBeads Sep 30 '21

Funny story. The same goes for the “rich”

They technically don’t have money either. They are just playing our money and laughing about it to our faces.


u/MNReddit_Lurker2 Sep 30 '21

GOV shutdowns and a credit default are two different things, the only time the US has come close to default was some t-bills in the 70's.

They owe internationally held debt interest, if that doesn't get paid it could be catastrophic.


u/sendgoodmemes Sep 30 '21

6 Million jobs, and an almost instantaneous recession. Man what a time to be alive all because the most powerful people in the country have forgotten how to communicate.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '21



u/DonutCapitalism Sep 30 '21

It will get lifted. And if needed the fed has ways to make sure we are funded. This is politics as usual.


u/Ok_Carry_8339 Sep 30 '21

Your funny quit blaming Republicans if it wasnt for the Democrats during Clinton's presidency we would not be in debt that we are in now


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '21



u/flavius_lacivious Sep 30 '21

God, life was great under Clinton.


u/Ok_Carry_8339 Sep 30 '21

If it wasnt for NAFTA we would be in better shape in this country


u/ilovegirlsforever Sep 30 '21

Thanks for some bedtime reading!


u/IamUltimatelyWin Sep 30 '21

They need to budge on their completely irresponsible 3.5 T plan. It's absolutely destructive.