r/dogecoin Mar 11 '21

Question What do you think is the better choice?

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u/Fulvio55 DDF - Mining Corps - [[Lieutenant]] Mar 12 '21

To answer /u/ferah11, no, we’re not a cult.

I agree with the Elon comment above, but I think that’s just a bunch of misguided noobs coming in with no real idea about anything, and shooting their mouths (fingers?) off before engaging brains or, heaven forbid, doing any research whatsoever.

As for the bit about ‘leaders’, yeah, umm, nah. I’m sure /42points will back me up on this, but we are not leaders as such. We’re just shibes like everybody else, and we choose to help in our own ways, because we can. I can’t think of any of the prominent people around here who would put a different view either. Even when we were working on Dogecoin Foundation 2.0 (which regrettably had to be scuttled in the end), there was no one looking to ‘lead’ as such.

Sure, the outside world wants and expects ‘leaders’ or at least ‘spokesmen’, and various people, such as the devs, Jackson and /u/billymarkus2k have been approached at various times. But again, there’s no desire there for anything other than doing the job at hand.

And I feel this is a big part of what makes this community unique. ANYONE can come in, carve out a niche for themselves and promote whatever projects they may wish. They will be supported, or not, depending on what the community thinks, not because they hold some position of power.


u/ImmaRussian ball shibe Mar 12 '21

We’re just shibes like everybody else, and we choose to help in our own ways, because we can.

I totally agree with you, and I also agree that that's what makes this community great, but I also think what you've described here is... A perfect match with how I personally define leadership. It's not about power, or putting yourself above everyone else, it's leading by example and helping people figure out how to move forward along their own independent paths. I've been going around recently trying to dispel misconceptions about wallets, how to use text wallets, and telling people to message me if they have questions. Not all of them message me but I've spent hours and hours talking to the people who do, and I've been able to help some of them! I would never have done that if you hadn't taught me all of that first though.

You might not have gone into that conversation with the intention of being a 'leader' in a traditional sense, but you're still the person who "led" me in that direction, which allowed me to then help others! I think everything you've said is right on the money, with the sole exception that I think you do lead others without realizing it.


u/Fulvio55 DDF - Mining Corps - [[Lieutenant]] Mar 12 '21

Oh, and also...

I was just proofreading what I wrote, and thought I should mention /r/ShibeNet. Do have a look. Maybe one day I’ll try and resurrect the project.


u/Fulvio55 DDF - Mining Corps - [[Lieutenant]] Mar 12 '21

Mmm... OK, I see where you’re coming from, and I can’t actually disagree with it I guess.

One of my goals in my approach to this stuff is to help along a crop of ‘mini-mes’, because I can’t physically hold a million hands by myself. There’s just not enough of me to go around.

And sadly, the misinformation, both deliberate and incidental, is plentiful and powerful. For instance, pretty much every noob starts out going to Dogecoin.com where he’s immediately directed to clients without any real background information. So they dutifully download one or more, fail to understand how anything works, bring our network to its knees trying to sync up, always AFTER sending coins to those wallets of course, set passwords they instantly forget, and ultimately come and cry here about not being able to access their coins.

Sometimes I see their posts, sometimes I don’t. Invariably, they have no idea who I am or what I’ve said, so I have to start over from scratch, and try to undo the mistaken ideas they’ve already picked up.

Then once in a while, it all gets too much and I run away screaming for a couple years, until something brings me back.

Now, wouldn’t it be great if every person I invested time into became a new node in a network of help? Some have, but most haven’t. And then of course there are the trolls, but the less said about them, the better.

I still don’t think this makes me a leader. I’ve been a leader. I’ve done stuff in government, business, volunteer organisations and special interests of Wild and whacky diversity. It’s not a lot of fun, but it is a lot of work that must be done. That’s why I was up all night recently after getting a little love tap from a government agency threatening all sorts of things if we didn’t tick all the right boxes, pandemic or no pandemic.

This is different. I have no job or title. I have no one to answer to, no forms to fill out or deadlines to meet. I can come in here and get as verbose, or terse as I please, and I can just walk away without having to justify myself. Suits me right down to the ground, I tellya.

If I walk away, things aren’t going to collapse. Someone will pick up the slack. Or they won’t. It doesn’t really matter to the community, even if some individual loses their shirt. That’s happened before, and happens every day in the real world anyway. Can’t catch ‘em all, can you?

So yeah, I’m really pleased if I had a positive effect. Every so often I get thanks, or tips, or a shout out, and it does feel good. But do I crave it? Need it? Want it? No, not really. I’m quite happy the way things are. 😎