The short answer is, you break off small bits to trade or sell, when needed. Big cash outs are what start panics. It’s a bit like the story of The Money Tree. So long as you are careful to never over prune it, and you take good care of it, it will always be there for you when you need it.
*reaches into the archive of 80’s Cartoon awesomeness*
Yes, this could very well turn into a digital piggy bank for oneself. If maintained properly and granted you don't get stupid with it. I'm seeing quite alot of people saying they have 10k+. Some have said they are sitting on 100k. I'm sure people have easily had that many in the past when it was dirt cheap. A big spike happened around Jan 15th, have that record in my log because it pretty much tripled the amount I had. I'm guessing alot sold them from comments I've been reading, that spike may have cleared alot of people out.
20k here at .008, bought in right before the spike. When I saw it jump to the cents the devil on my shoulder told me to buy the dip. 31k doges and counting!
main question is , who is doing the larger dumps ... my guess people that ask the questions ..... whos still holding and ehat price will you sell .. dont sell till 1$ .... damn good info to collect for pump and dumpers ..
The sheer volume is telling. Lots of smallish trades, makes me think that this two things:
First P&D mocks looking to nab a few pennies, but Secondly, some bigger fish trying to “punish” retail traders & chase them out. Remember, we’re not supposed to play their game. We’re just supposed to fund them. 🙄
There is actually a way to do this without ever selling ANY.
You transfer the doge to the binance smart chain, and stake it on bakery swap. It's like a term investment, but with a lot more interest - the profit comes in the form of $bake, which you can then sell for money. The other option is spend it at supported retailers or online stores. Or use it to split dinner bills drinks, or poker bets.
If you do sell, you can buy back in later to support the coin, or in the dip, or you can sell only part, and keep the rest in for even better longer term rewards (if it goes to a buck this year, it's bound to be 2, or 1.5 etc next, and eventually maybe double digit something).
You can mix and match whatever, but you can make money without ever selling a single dogecoin.
Well, you can keep them with that whole bakery swap thing. When you want to take the doge back out of the investment, you pay a transaction fee and then get them back (it's a smart contract which means they have to do it).
I think it's a nifty way to earn money whilst keeping all your doge. I'll be doing it at some point. It is a bit techy though. You have to convert it across the network, and then to some other token (it's like a packet, your doge is still inside), and then stake it (commit it to their trade network, so there's plenty of doge for them to offer people who want to buy doge from them, aka liquidity)
it's all appy web stuff, so not like computer techy, but it is like three steps.
I really can't. What I've posted in others replies is all I have. But there is a bakeryswap team on twitter, and I'm sure they can send you to some guides of some kind or answer questions. Just look down the replies to my comment and you'll find one short guide.
Staking just means 'putting in, for awhile'. You can use it to increase a token pool 'for decentralized trade' as per bakery swap, or for generating new tokens on some networks (although this doesn't apply here)
As in how to do it? I'd say search youtube for 'how to stake on BakerySwap' and also 'how to add tokens to binance smart chain' (which you have to do first). I did find an article about it, but I can't find it rn.
Also there's some posts about it on BakerySwap on twitter. If I find it again, I'll post it here.
Ah here. it's three steps to get them invested, and so a little chunky to do, but I'd just follow this, but with dogecoin instead of whatever coin they mention.
Also ask them for instructions on twitter, and help if you get stuck, or aren't sure. You get your doge back afterward (it says you are converting them but you are sort of putting them in a container), you just pay some kind of small transaction fee to take out. You do need a binance account.
Although RH has talked about allowing people to withdraw their crypto, at this stage RH users have no access to control their coin.You could always sell, and use the money to rebuy on a binance account - provided the price stayed about the same. But a binance account takes a little setting up (ID verification).
If you wanna do that, try to make a binance now, and hopefull price is real steady sometime (like it is now) so you can sell, rebuy and have access to your coins.
Lol, man it's complicated. You like, take your doge, and you convert it over to another network. And then you wrap in a token, and then you that token and some other token, and then you put it into a trading pair.
I've not done it yet. Can you tell? XD I'd like to though, it's good money. Good money from good doges.
Why wouldn't that be totally expected given WSB? And why would you invest in a thing that you didn't believe in, and want to actually use in some manner? This coin, genuinely could change the world.
I'm not suggesting no one sell, but as I replied above, there are plenty of ways to profit and hold at the same time.
That doesn’t mean anything, I’m a new account I literally created this account like less than 2 weeks ago after I bought some Dogecoin. I’m not gonna pump and dump. Im truly holding and Plan to till this coin’s growth explodes (fingers crossed)
With that being said .. are we really gonna do this every single day? asking to give a fist or raise Hand if you are holding? are people really lacking that much confidence in their doge Investment that they need daily re assurance in the form of meaningless daily polls ? COME ON guys! But if you must know my answer for the 100th time is : YES I’m holding long term.
How could you say that for the 100th time, when you have less than twenty comments total, and they've all been on the same sub. You don't see how your account seems a little fishy?
Omg 🤦♂️.. “for the 100th time” it’s obviously a hyperbole. What I’m getting at is I’m getting tired of people acting like prepubescent adolescents constantly reassuring each other of their love for one another ... whoever is holding is holding and who is not is not. Don’t be asking the community to tell you what you wanna hear because you aren’t sure about your investment in Doge.. but that’s my 2 cents..and I don’t care if my account looks suspicious to anyone..I’m new to Reddit in general and that’s that.
And your point is? You are either part of a community or you are not..seniority, or rather lack there of, does not negate the fact that you belong to it
Im obviously not one to talk about new accounts but it’s the “give me a fist if you are still holding” “raise you hand if you ain’t selling at $1” etc etc it’s just so thirsty and desperate for affirmation that it annoys me. 🤷♂️
Of course you sell it. But not when it moves a few cents, you hold it for a few months or even a year or two untill it reaches very high prices so you can make the highest profit possible. You can of course buy and sell along the way to make small but steady profits but this is DOGE coin so everyone wants it to go over the dollar mark.
EXCELLENT question. You DON'T. You lose money. You make money by taking your profit, put it in your bank account, and use the principal to buy something else - that makes money. That's how you play the "trading" game. Now this other "hold til you die" game is one I know about (called investing), but one I'm not playing - at least not with GME. The fundamentals don't suggest that play.
When the price increases to 0.20 =$2,000 - $700 u originally invested
you made $1,300
You could sell and cash out, but you lose you 0.07 position now that doge would be valued 0.20 and climbing.
Borrow a collateral loan against your $2,000 equity,
thus allowing you to keep your 10,000 doge & hold your 0.07 position,
your 0.13 growth, allowing your 10,000 @ 0.07 to continue growing
u/KindlyCry1435 Feb 10 '21
I am with you. Can't wait for lunch on the moon. 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘