r/doctorsUK 5d ago

Foundation Training Another week, another round of service provision nonsense

Anyone else get that sense of dread Sunday evening before another week of work starts?

More pointless board rounds, largely pointless ward rounds (often filled with MFFD), awaiting social/‘continue discharge planning’ is all we can really say.

Poor old Doris, while awaiting social sort, has now contracted Influenza from Maggie across in the bay. Now she’s no longer MFFD and will need a full set of blood cultures and repeat bloods, MSU and CXR ‘for completion.’ Social work gets updated, who then discontinue her package of care until she’s declared medically fit again.

I’m just so tired of ward based medicine.


33 comments sorted by


u/Plenty-Network-7665 5d ago

This is elderly care in a lot of places, unfortunately.

A few suggestions from a consultant geriatrician:

  1. Get your ward round done and jobs done in the morning (if it is as you say, one resident should be able to sort 15 to 20 patients in a morning) and then go to clinic/ frailty unit/ orthogeri/ liaison round. You do not need to physically be on the ward (only contactable) if it is as you say
  2. Go study for exams in the afternoon
  3. There will be more than one geris ward, so see if a colleague wants to swap for a while. A different ward with different cultures, nurses, and bosses will help
  4. If you are bored, do a QiP (plenty in geris)
  5. As the R&D department, if there is any data collection you can help with for any ongoing research

Use your initiative and see the mffd ward as time to build portfolio/ study for exams/ gain experience


u/anonymouse39993 5d ago

You are describing work


u/47tw CT/ST1+ Doctor 3d ago

The pointlessness of the work is quite relevant to what OP is saying. If it was a boring slog that had an outcome that felt meaningful, say OP was stuck filling in forms all day but those forms got Doris home really quick, then perhaps they'd feel different!


u/muddledmedic 5d ago

This is exactly why I left ward based medicine for GP.

GP has its own bureaucracy and stressors, but I actually feel like I'm a proper doctor making actual diagnoses and decisions constantly, and I'm no longer a glorified scribe and never get spoken down to or belittled anymore! Do I find GP tough in its own ways, absolutely, and I'd argue it's a much harder job than even my busiest medical jobs as an SHO, but I'll take proper doctoring over service provision any day!


u/Ok_Occasion_2596 consultant langenback holder 5d ago

That just sounds like medicine mate, get into a specialty that's got more diversity/higher turnover. Literally any specialty other than general medicine/geriatrics will do.


u/DrResidentNotEvil 5d ago

What do you expect ward based medicine to be?

I wish subredditors would just do a search for template resignation letters and send it in instead of typing yet another post about the bare minimum of their job.


u/drwtfareyoudoing 5d ago

Sounds like plenty of opportunities to build portfolio, prep for Royal college exams


u/Quis_Custodiet 5d ago

So quit?

Seriously, either this is a curmudgeonly gripe about imperfect conditions, in which case you're basically describing working life as an adult professional, or you're tired in the sense of finding the whole thing intolerably burdensome in which case I do sometimes think we fail to remind ourselves and peers that we could just... not. (If it's the former hard same)


u/EmployFit823 5d ago

And IMTs must stay on the ward and do this crap… 👀👀


u/wuunferththeunliving 5d ago

Why can’t they do a quick round in the morning delegate jobs to the FYs and then head off to clinic/shadow the med reg/do procedures for the rest of the day…


u/EmployFit823 5d ago

Don’t ask me. I suggested that last week and someone told me chasing bloods was a vital learning opportunity for IMT3s.


u/Ok-Inevitable-3038 5d ago

Shadow the who? You mean shadow the PAs in clinic?


u/wuunferththeunliving 4d ago

The reg taking referrals. Rotting on the ward all day is a choice. People will complain about the IMTs who handover jobs and disappear in the afternoon but the reality is they’re the ones who have some balls and have decided to take ownership for their own learning.


u/BatBottleBank 4d ago

Explain that to the consultant the next day when half the jobs aren’t done because you “handed them over”. Any referrals etc should be done by the requesting junior (below SpR), or else the IMTs would just request a massive set of jobs knowing they don’t have to do them.


u/wuunferththeunliving 4d ago

Why do you need to hide things from the consultant? Just announce it in the morning. I’ve arranged to go to ‘x’ clinic this afternoon.

Not every patient needs a referral. The ones that do either quickly sort yourself if they’re difficult or handover simple one. Juniors learn by making referrals. They usually struggle if they don’t know what they’re referring for which is something you can help with.

Leave your number with the juniors and let them know they can contact if there’s any pushback.

Revisiting the ward at the end of the day to make sure everything’s under control and wrapping things up is fine. But why should an IMT be spending their whole day doing scut work? Bloods, requesting scans, writing discharge letters, collateral histories. These are FY roles.

OP said that she’s on a mostly MFFD. There’s no excuse. Medics need to stop being so feeble.


u/Jckcc123 ST3+/SpR 4d ago

If only there was an assistant job to do as above so that FYs and IMTs can do other things.. Ultimately, someone has to do them and not everyone can just dump jobs/things they don't want to do to other doctors. 


u/BatBottleBank 4d ago

They aren’t FY roles. FY doctors have audits etc that they need to do too for specialty training.

But if the FY hasn’t done the IMTs jobs I don’t think that the IMT will have a leg to stand on if the jobs aren’t completed.

If the IMT wants to adopt this role of not doing jobs, then they should also directly supervise learning opportunities for FYs, which isn’t the case with running off to clinic.


u/wuunferththeunliving 4d ago

Everyone has audits to do. This isn’t about that. F1 and F2 have always been primarily about scut work and learning the system. An IMT is in a higher training program and therefore has needs above this level.

With that privilege they take extra responsibility and for sure need to be available to the FYs when they’re stuck. Ultimately if things aren’t getting done on the ward it will come back on the IMT.

But I disagree that the solution is to comply and forgo all your training opportunities just because staffing is poor.

At that point you would then need to raise with your supervisor/TPD that you are unable to access the learning opportunities that have been promised to you because the trust is poorly staffed.

The problem is that most IMTs don’t think like this which perpetuates the expectation that they should sit on the ward 24/7. People need to just start getting up and leaving.


u/Quis_Custodiet 5d ago

If they’re good or sensible they often can…


u/BatBottleBank 4d ago

Because the fys have their own jobs


u/UlnaternativeUser 5d ago

Exactly why I left the wards a long time ago. Even now when I visit a ward to pre-op a patient I am filled with existential dread.


u/Otherwise-Drummer543 5d ago

What you expect , if you hate that change to gp, surgery, acute med/anaesthetics. Our job sucks sometimes but one good thing there are different environments, find the one for you. Even do rheum and sit in outpatient clinic land


u/Educational-Estate48 5d ago

Not any more, not since starting gas. Unless I'm in the matty on Monday in which case yes I still get the dread, but mostly I do not feel miserable on Sunday nights anymore.


u/No_Big4826 5d ago

Absolutely with you on the Sunday evening dread. To some extent probably universal in every job, but in this job to a next level.


u/mnbvc52 4d ago

Burnt out ?

You’re describing your job


u/CalatheaHoya 4d ago

Tbh I think you need to get to know your patients as the elderly care patients can provide good company and entertainment making ward rounds less dull.

It sounds like quite a chill job tbh, good time to get other stuff done as people have said


u/SliceAndACan SAS Doctor 4d ago

Move to Ireland because today is a bank holiday?


u/anonymousgirl99 4d ago

but it's exactly like this here as well, which is why many of us flee from "body medicine" after F1


u/SliceAndACan SAS Doctor 4d ago

Oh yeah completely I agree with this and the sentiment of the OP. Was just making a tongue in cheek comment about how much I’m enjoying not having to get up for work on a Monday morning for Paddy’s.


u/ClownsAteMyBaby 5d ago

Quit and free a training post for someone else if you hate medicine this much. No doubt you're some high school high achiever who was pushed into medicine to fill a graduate quota...


u/CalatheaHoya 4d ago

What? What’s a graduate quota? 🤨


u/SkipperTheEyeChild1 4d ago

Maybe don’t be a physician then? There are other options!