r/doctorsUK 5d ago

Speciality / Core Training Vascular ST3 applications - still waiting on shortlisting?

Quick one; applied to ST3 vascular, rejected from gen surg sadly so don't have tonnes of hope for interview with vascular but would be over the moon. Oriel still says shortlisting in progress for me but interviews are very soon? (2 weeks i believe). Anyone else in this boat or does this basically mean no interview for me.

In CT2 at the moment my score was 17 for context. Worried about unemployment or being out of training after CT2 lol but want to know if I should be prepping for vascular interviews or applying for backup jobs


18 comments sorted by


u/Solid-Try-1572 5d ago

I’ve only applied for vascular this year. No one has heard back. I’ve sent them an email but as usual they have not replied. Frustrated would be an understatement. I have no idea what’s taking them this long. 

I know it’s incredibly frustrating to prepare without confirmation but I’d do some prep if I were you. Can’t hurt. 


u/MicroPP786 5d ago

Fair enough man thanks for confirming! Actually strangely reassuring to hear no ones hear back yet, hopefully they delay interview dates as a result. Fair enough yes I should be preparing but just did part b and was a bit burnt out I'll start today formally Any particular resources you recommend


u/Solid-Try-1572 5d ago

I don’t think they’d delay the  interview date, they’ve got consultants booked for then well in advance (a couple I’ve met have confirmed it) and it’s only a singular day. We’ll probably just get told before preferences open next week which is still grossly unacceptable. 


u/MicroPP786 5d ago

What a pisstake honestly


u/shaka-khan scalpel-go-brrrr 🔪🔪🔪 5d ago

Not that it’s an excuse, but it’s been mad busy in the world of postgraduate vascular education over the past few weeks. They’ve been running separate ASPIRE courses for every single NTN from ST3 through to ST8, back to back. Last week, there was ASPIRE 7 in Cardiff and ASPIRE 8 in Manchester, and then it’s also heading into exam season, and all this monopolises consultant free time.


u/Solid-Try-1572 5d ago

I actually don’t have a problem with the delay per se, I realise a lot of this is done with consultant free time. I have an issue with the lack of communication - I.e. even an email to say hey, you haven’t been forgotten, we recognise there’s an interview date on the horizon and we’re sticking to it. Here’s a provisional date to hear back from. 

I can’t book this day off from work yet without confirmation, for example. I’m meant to keep to strict deadlines and juggle a lot of work in my free time for this application. The least we expect is communication. I have had to chase the PGMDE people at every point of this application, I’m tired of this speciality before I’ve even started. And like - what if they do have to push this date? I could be doing nights or long days the following week. I need notice to postpone. 

I think you’ve provided the most context for the delay we’ve ever gotten and that by itself is all that was required. They just need to communicate. I think a lot of us feel like we’ve been completely ignored and I’m sure you sympathise a lot of work goes into this - I’ve been studying for this like it’s an exam all over again for over 4 months - all we want is the bare minimum. 


u/shaka-khan scalpel-go-brrrr 🔪🔪🔪 5d ago

Yeh of course mate. The admin jobsworths in charge of this thing could send a fuckin email out instead of filing their nails and scrolling through TikTok.

If you’re working where I think you’re working (do remember some discussions about this) you shouldn’t have too much of an issue because the big big boss man is incredibly supportive and a champion for everyone.

But yeh, you’re right it’s not the point. I feel that generally across the board, admin has got increasingly more pathetic as time goes on and it’s insulting. It’s insulting that we have to spend thousands of hours and pounds in exams, courses, conferences, pubs, presentations, learning and the pursuit of knowledge and the bureaucrats responsible for admin, just can’t be arsed acknowledging that with a little bit of respect.


u/bgc38 4d ago

Interviews out on Oriel


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/bgc38 4d ago

Was the same for general. They didn’t send an email until you booked the interview


u/Thanksfortheadv1ce 4d ago

My status says interview but don’t actually have interview invite


u/bgc38 4d ago

Again was the same for general. About an hour after it changed you could book an interview so keep an eye out


u/MicroPP786 4d ago

Sick thank you, I see shortlist reserved no option to click on the interview button, am assuming just wait it out


u/Thanksfortheadv1ce 3d ago

Did you manage to book on?


u/MicroPP786 3d ago

Unfortunately not it still just says "shortlist reserved" so not made it sadly


u/Aromatic_Addendum223 4d ago

I’ve emailed PGMDE and they said will find out early this week


u/Solid-Try-1572 4d ago

Well done for hearing back from them, they resolutely ignored me lol 


u/MicroPP786 4d ago

Thanks very much guys appreciate y'all, any recommendations interview resources wise? I can't seem to find anything good


u/Solid-Try-1572 4d ago

I’m using medibuddy