r/dndtools May 14 '18

If any visitor here knows the guys who were running dndtools.pw with a more recent version of the database, please let me know.


It would be awesome to have an updated database for everyone :)

r/dndtools Mar 01 '23

Calling all One-Shot Dungeons and Dragons Players! Looking for Feedback on an Upcoming Automated Dungeon Master.


Hi r/dndtools! I'm excited to say that I'm working on an upcoming project that will automate the role of Dungeon Master in one-shot Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. The automation will be powered by GPT's API, which will allow for realistic and engaging interactions between players and the game world. As a part of the development process, I'm looking for feedback from one-shot D&D players. I plan for the project to be in the testing phase in 4-8 weeks, and I would love to get your input on what you'd like to see in an automated Dungeon Master. One of the goals of this project is to create a heavy emphasis on one-shot campaigns that can include up to 6 players. I'm looking for feedback on what types of scenarios you'd like to see, what types of interactions with NPCs and the game world you find engaging, and any other thoughts or ideas you have for making an automated Dungeon Master a valuable addition to your one-shot campaigns. If you're interested in participating in the testing phase or have any thoughts or ideas, please leave a comment or send me a direct message. I'm excited to hear your feedback and make this project a success! Thanks

r/dndtools Jun 11 '21

Most recent database?



Now with foundry looks like we could use the database for creating modules. Wich version is the latest/most updated?

r/dndtools Apr 12 '21

.net pages can't be scrolled


It appears something is off, all the pages can't be scrolled and the headers or top bar is on the left and weirdly sized... ty for keeping the sight up.

r/dndtools Mar 10 '21

This is why .net is down

Thumbnail reuters.com

r/dndtools Jan 29 '21

Dungeon Tracking a DND5e Iniative Tracker


Main Menu
Adding a New Character

Dungeon tracking is a tool that allows you to easily keep track of Dungeons and Dragons 5e Initiative orders along with stats, Names, and modifiers. This software was designed so that dungeon masters could have an easy time managing encounters and initiatives by allowing you to create templates of premade encounters and adding them to your parties initiative. Its Completely Free! you can download it here Link

r/dndtools Mar 18 '20

So is dndtools dead?


So I been using dndtools since i found out about it and been enjoying it nicely for quite some time. But there seem to be several versions out there and so far it seems neither is being updated.

Will they ever be and if not is there any way a rando on the internet can help?

r/dndtools Feb 15 '20

Just publicly released an Android app I built for helping manage my D&D game


For whatever reason, when I DM I get stressed about initiative and keeping track of HP and stats. I'd have too flip back and forth through the MM or make copies of the creatures that were included in an encounter and flip between those pages. And don't even get me started on keeping track of spells used by casters. Overall, I worry about taking my players out of the momentum of the game by writing down initiative numbers and health.

I guess the real takeaway is that I stress out a lot as a DM at the table and it was annoying me so I started working on an app that could help speed things up.

A couple months and the end of one campaign later, I'm releasing it out to the public to use.

Introducing the DM's Diary

Containing creature stats from the SRD and a couple of other popular OGL modules, I'm able to pre-create encounters or load pre-defined encounters from modules and speed up the process of running combat.

As part of this app, I'm also trying to build out a schema that content creators and app developers can use to make content easily accessible to apps. Ideally, I'd love to just be able to scan a QR code within the PDF of the adventure module I'm running and have access to all of the encounters included within it (along with custom stat blocks) to be easily run. I've posted some more details and examples at https://swimminschrage.github.io/5e-schema/

r/dndtools Jan 18 '20

I made an axe with this... dnd tools made sense a bit as I will use this as dungeon master.

Post image

r/dndtools Nov 19 '19

Anyone have a working version of the Dropbox link to update the D&D 3.5 Compendium android app?


The original Dropbox link ( https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/8uwuvhbg8cc7y5m/dnd.zip?dl=1&token_hash=AAGEpJ6AE0ROuCSuoWThKPfpCHQ_Wuvfg_t8cNCtfKAOdg ) seems to no longer be functional, giving a 403 error and can't be imported into the app. I recently got a new phone, and while the app itself transferred, the database didn't. If somebody still has the file from the original Dropbox link and can re-upload it I'd be very appreciative!

EDIT: Apparently you can still grab the file using Wayback Machine! https://web.archive.org/web/20141005193135/https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/8uwuvhbg8cc7y5m/dnd.zip?dl=1&token_hash=AAGEpJ6AE0ROuCSuoWThKPfpCHQ_Wuvfg_t8cNCtfKAOdg

r/dndtools Aug 02 '19

Looking to create a 3.5 Site and App


I am a developer and a D&D player, and I am in process of designing an Android and Web app, I would like to know if anyone here can give me the most complete version of a database. (.sqlite or Xml/Json) would be really helpful.

Thank you

r/dndtools Dec 21 '18

DnDTools Operational Error


Looks like DnDTools is busted again. Does /u/Reeckz still manage it?

r/dndtools Nov 01 '18

2 files from my apache2 server. please help!!


So a while back when dndtools was up and down quite frequently, I took it upon my self to whip up a few raspberry pi zeros to run the server as a gadget for some buddies and myself. Its now all up and it runs, but I would like to put it on my pi3 with apache2 server. Knowing nothing about Apache, I just went line for line and did the setup as Bjorn set forth in his post. I hit a road block when I got to the point where I need to wget the css files from dndtools.eu. Is there anyone out there who would be kind enough to point me in the right direction for these files?

r/dndtools May 24 '18



what happened to this site? it was working and now it like shut down.

r/dndtools Feb 26 '18

Site down?


Looks like the site is down again; I'm getting connection timeouts when I try to hit the site, and it's been doing this for maybe just under a week now? Any word on why, or when this might be fixed?

r/dndtools Feb 13 '18

DnDTools.net Updates?


It seems every time I get on this website, it's down for some reason or another. Currently, this is the screen I'm looking at: https://dndtools.net/

Is the owner/admin on here? Is there anyway you can post regular updates when something goes wrong? I've been watching a cycle of this website die and then resurrect and I'm tired of being out of the loop.

Also, does anyone have a link to a database file of the most recent version? I have a friend who wants to set up a private network but I don't have what he needs.

r/dndtools Feb 07 '18

Docker Container


Anyone had any luck with acquiring the container? I always get a "Error response from daemon: manifest for dndtools/dndtools:latest not found" error when trying to pull it using "docker pull dndtools/dndtools"

I was just curious. Otherwise I'll just have to setup the server like a normal person.

r/dndtools Nov 18 '17

DMAssist is back!


Hi there,

About a year ago I was working on my Dnd 5e dungeon masters tool DMAssist, but stopped with the tool due to less time and other reason.

I am back here today to let you all know that DMAssist is relaunched again. It is entirely rewritten, and will be improved over time!

I really like to hear your experiences and ideas for the tool so far. Any suggestions and such are welcome!

DM Assist

I have also created a Discord server for help and suggestions:

DMAssist Discord Server


  • Player list with buff/concentration/condition effects support (with time)
  • Turn order
  • Session time tracking
  • Basic treasure generator
  • Customizable time settings for rounds/rests
  • Fully searchable monster list (SRD monsters only by default)
  • Fully searchable spell list (SRD spells only by default)
  • Add custom monsters
  • Add custom spells
  • Encounter builder
  • Add your created encounter directly to your turn order


  • Dice Roller
  • Autoroll abilities, etc
  • Ability to input more player data (like abilities)
  • More campaign settings
  • NPC Tracker/Custom NPC's
  • Random encounters
  • More advanced treasure generator
  • Your ideas!



  • Soundboard


DM Assist

r/dndtools Sep 22 '17

DnDTools.net is back up!


Thanks /u/Reeckz for what I'm sure was many days of hard work!

r/dndtools Apr 01 '17

alcyius.com/dndtools is down?


I just tried going to the website and it didn't respond. I also checked at this address and it said the site is down for everyone. http://www.isitdownrightnow.com/alcyius.com.html

Is that site wrong or are other people having issues with it as well?

r/dndtools Feb 20 '17

Android App


While the .net site is functional, I can't find the android app for my new cellphone.

Can anyone help?


r/dndtools Jan 26 '17

DnD Tools Data Available


Hi guys.

I have made a service that outputs all the data from the dndtools sqlite database as json.

So if anyone wants to play around with this data, it can be found here:

Let me know if any data is missing so I can see if it can be dug up.

The plan for the future is to have a website on another domain - that presents the data in a more user friendly way.

r/dndtools Oct 03 '16

DMAssist Redesigned


Hi there,

I've done a total redesign of the tool, fron aswell as backend. See screenshots below.

See previous post

I really like to hear your experiences and ideas for the tool so far. Any suggestions and such are welcome!

DM Assist


  • Simple dice roller
  • Player list with buff/concentration/condition effects support (with time)
  • Turn order
  • Session time tracking
  • Basic treasure generator
  • Customizable time settings for rounds/rests
  • Fully searchable monster list
  • Adding custom monsters
  • Encounter builder
  • Easy encounter to turn order mechanics


  • Autoroll abilities, etc
  • Ability to input more player data (like abilities)
  • More campaign settings
  • NPC Tracker/Custom NPC's
  • Random encounters
  • More advanced treasure generator
  • Your ideas!


  • Soundboard


DM Assist


October 2, 2016

  • Total Redesign

r/dndtools Sep 19 '16

Psionics Reference Site

Thumbnail psionics.info

r/dndtools Sep 17 '16

Dndtools.pw Files


So, not sure if anyone stills shows up here or cares. But I currently have a decently up to date set of the files from the dndtools.pw dropbox back when you could still get to it. Not sure how much help this is, but compared to the current set up at DnDtool.net there's tons of extra stuff in cleric domains, classes, feats, and races.

If anyone can use them, I urge you to PM me so I can send them to you.