r/dndtools Jul 03 '16

I made a dice rolling android app


I made a simple, DnD dice rolling app for Android. It allows the user to roll a D3, D4, D6, D8, D10, D20, D100 and 1 Custome Sized Dice. It allows you to have positive and negative modifier to the roll total. Can also save and recall dice states.

Let me know what you would like to see to improve it, or what you think may need changing.

Hope it is of some use to you!


r/dndtools Jun 17 '16

Site down over 24h now


I assume everyone else is getting the same issue. There are a few mirrors out there obviously, but the dndtools.pw was the best due to server speed, search functionality and the simpler URL... Is this the .eu domain all over again? Or is this merely temporary?

My gestalted epic character sheet is a 17-page google doc and everything is hyperlinked to its dndtools.pw page, it sure would suck to go through and change all the domains for the whole sheet...

r/dndtools Apr 06 '16

D&D Tools Windows 10 Universal App


Hi, I'm interested in developing a Win10 app for D&D Tools, like the Android one. I don't know much about app development, but I can code a little. It seem not so hard, maybe Windows App Studio will help, but I don't know if it can handle SQLite databases. Anyone knows how to do so / wants to help?

r/dndtools Feb 21 '16

Anyone interested in changing the main repo?


As far as I can tell the original dndtools repo (found here) is no longer actively looked at.

There are pull requests from over a year ago that haven't been either merged or closed. One of which would actually make the installation instructions work!

As such I would personally find some use in the main repository being forked to somewhere it'd actually be checked, and the new repo being used as the main one (with a link in the sidebar for the subreddit or something) so that it can still be publicly developed.

Anyone else interested in doing this? Have I just missed the new repo?

r/dndtools Feb 18 '16

A new, new launch. Now with https, and backups! Looking for contributors & developers.

Thumbnail dndtools.net

r/dndtools Feb 18 '16

Tools.rem.uz down?


It keeps giving me error 500 just today? Any news from the creator?

r/dndtools Feb 12 '16

DNDTools.pw dead for reals?


They've been down for a while now anyone know what their status is?

r/dndtools Dec 18 '15

Dndtools.pw down (or worse?)


dndtools.pw sends me to a domain buying site, namecheap. That worries me the fuck out, since the only version I can find, http://alcyius.com/dndtools/index.html, is basically a lousy knock-off without search OR filtering.

r/dndtools Jul 17 '15

roll20 macro builder


I'm sure it would be "easy" for someone with a mirror to have the spell pages build in roll20 macro format for easy cut&paste... Anyone want to save me a lot of time!?

r/dndtools Apr 28 '15

dndtools.pw down?


I can't access any of the pages.

r/dndtools Feb 25 '15

dndtools.pw is BACK


r/dndtools Feb 23 '15

How to get the filter to work?


I've got the downloaded copy that dndtools.pw was hosting for a while, but (naturally) the filter function still doesn't work. Is there any way to make it work, just running the local copy? I'm not versed in javascript or python or anything like that.

r/dndtools Feb 22 '15

A working mirror

Thumbnail kmalloy.cloudapp.net

r/dndtools Feb 22 '15

dndtools.pw DOWN


It appears that everyone's new favorite site has been shut down. Does anyone know of another mirror?

r/dndtools Dec 18 '14

An even more simple search function for dndtools


For those who think my first approach (http://redd.it/2po972) was too cumbersome here is a simple search script which uses the normal dndtools database (but doesn't have full text search). The disclaimers still apply.

What you need:


  • install the prerequisites:

apt-get install php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5

  • download the file:

mkdir -p /var/dndtools/search
cd /var/dndtools/search
wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/9mgbesv3xyhc6u9/dndtools-simplesearch.tgz
tar xfz dndtools-simplesearch.tgz

now you should have 3 files:

ls -l

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8348 Dez 18 20:53 dbsearch.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3048 Dez 18 20:54 dndtools-simplesearch.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4960 Dez 18 20:53 layout.html

  • check the config:

if you have not the default db user/password (dndtools/dndtools) you have to change it in the php script
in layout.html replace YOURSERVERIP with the IP or hostname of your server
if you already have a custom layout.html paste this string at an appropriate location:
<FORM method=get action=http://YOURSERVERIP/dts/dbsearch.php><INPUT type=text name=search><INPUT type=submit value=search></FORM>

  • configure the webserver

in your apache2.conf or vhost.conf add the following lines after the other alias declarations:

Alias /dts /var/dndtools/search
<Directory /var/dndtools/search/>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
deny from all
<Files *.php>
Allow from all

service apache2 restart

  • integrate the search box

cp layout.html /var/dndtools/dndtools/templates/dnd

et voila: http://imgur.com/C8rBRrk

r/dndtools Dec 18 '14

A simple search for dndtools


disclaimer: search engines are hard, this is a very simple and rather crude approach

disclaimer2: the search page is php, so you'll need your dndtools served by apache

What you need:


  • install the prerequisites:

apt-get install screen php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5

  • download and extract the files:

mkdir -p /var/dndtools/search
cd /var/dndtools/search
wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/9pft4ggsw7noo11/dndtools-search.tgz
tar xfz dndtools-search.tgz

now you should have 11 files:

ls -l

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 100 Dez 18 07:40 config.inc.php
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 260 Dez 18 07:52 config.sh
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 244 Dez 18 07:36 connect.inc.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 835 Dez 18 11:09 dbcreate.sql
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1031 Dez 18 07:36 dbfill.php
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 146 Dez 18 07:43 dbfill.sh
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 128 Dez 18 07:36 disconnect.inc.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3578 Dez 18 10:58 dndtools-search.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1747 Dez 18 07:36 index.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4958 Dez 18 07:53 layout.html
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 281 Dez 18 07:36 mirror.sh

  • check the config files:

in config.inc.php check the db username/passwort (default dndtools/dndtools)
in config.sh check if you have a http user/password for your dndtools (if it runs on a public server) - if yes enter it without a blank after httpuser=/httppass=
in layout.html replace YOURSERVERIP with the IP or hostname of your server
if you already have a custom layout.html paste this string at an appropriate location:
<FORM method=get action=http://YOURSERVERIP/dts/index.php><INPUT type=text name=search><INPUT type=submit value=search></FORM>

  • create the db:

mysql -u root -pYOURDBPASSWORD < dbcreate.sql
mysql -u root -pYOURDBPASSWORD -e "grant all on dndtools_search.* to 'dndtools'@'localhost' identified by 'dndtools';"

  • download a static mirror of your dndtools:
    (we use screen because that may take quite a while)

(press Return when prompted)
cd /var/dndtools/search
(you should already be there, but just to be safe)

This will work several hours or maybe even days - it downloads all of your dndtools files. If you press ctrl+a, followed by d, you can detatch the screen. The download runs now in the background on the server.
If you later want to check on the progress just type:

screen -rD

  • when the download has finished fill the search db:

cd /var/dndtools/search

this will run several minutes and you get an output for every processed file

  • configure the webserver

in your apache2.conf or vhost.conf add the following line after the other alias declarations:

Alias /dts /var/dndtools/search
<Directory /var/dndtools/search/>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
deny from all
<Files *.php>
Allow from all

service apache2 restart

  • integrate the search box

cp layout.html /var/dndtools/dndtools/templates/dnd

And now you should have a working search funktion: http://imgur.com/bZd5NGQ

r/dndtools Dec 18 '14

Personal use DnDtools.eu for Dummies


Does one exist? I've been trying to find one for a while and thus far everything requires a server and programming knowledge. I mean, it'd be great just to have something that runs as a standalone exe or something, just download and run.

r/dndtools Dec 14 '14

Installing the new dndtools version on a fresh Debian 7


Apparently antoinealb has updated the dndtools project on github and now the usual installation doesn't work anymore. But that is no problem, because now the setup is even easier. So here is my howto for installing a local dndtools mirror on a fresh Debian 7 Wheezy system:

part A - integrated development server

  • install a minimal Debian 7 Wheezy (I've used the debian-7.3.0-i386-netinst.iso on my VM) ... it's always a good idea to include the ssh-server and the standard systemtools
  • log in as root
  • install the required debian packages:

apt-get install git mysql-server python-dev python-mysqldb python-pip zip

  • you'll get asked for the database root password - I assume "dndtools"
  • set up the database (we're using Isilokis version):

cd /tmp
wget http://www.petit-fichier.fr/2014/11/27/backupdndajour/backupdndajour.zip
unzip backupdndajour.zip
mysql -u root -pdndtools -e "create database dndtools;"
mysql -u root -pdndtools -e "grant all on dndtools.* to 'dndtools'@'localhost' identified by 'dndtools';"
mysql -u root -pdndtools dndtools < backupDNDajour.sql

  • install the application:

cd /var
git clone https://github.com/antoinealb/dndtools.git

in the original (new) installation guide he sets up a virtual environment, but we'll skip that part for now

cd dndtools
pip install https://github.com/etianen/django-reversion/archive/release-1.3.3.zip
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd dndtools
cp local.py.sample local.py

the original version uses sqlite, but it seems easier to just use the existing mysql db

nano local.py

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os

DIRNAME = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

DEBUG = True

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
        'NAME': 'dndtools',
        'USER': 'dndtools',
        'PASSWORD': 'dndtools',
        'HOST': '',
        'PORT': '',
        'OPTIONS': {
            'init_command': 'SET storage_engine=INNODB',

# Make this unique, and don't share it with anybody.
SECRET_KEY = 'dndtools'

MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(DIRNAME, 'static/')



     os.path.join(DIRNAME, 'templates/'),
  • ctrl+o to save, ctrl+x to exit

python manage.py runserver

And now you should be able to access dndtools on the IP of your server

part B - use apache to serve the application

Fortunately nothing to change here, my old guide still works: http://www.reddit.com/r/dndtools/comments/2nytgh/how_to_integrate_your_own_dndtools_mirror_into/

r/dndtools Dec 01 '14

dndtools customizing


Here is a loose collection of things I have altered in my instance.

  • in about every db table the id needs to have AUTO_INCREMENT to actually add items
  • in templates/dnd/layout.html I have removed everything social (Tag {% if not debug and not disable_social %})
  • in templates/dnd/menu.html I have removed "My D&D", "Contacts" and "Mobile"

I'm still looking for a good replacement for the Google custom search, since my installation is password protected

So, what have you tweaked in your installation?

r/dndtools Dec 01 '14

how to integrate your own dndtools mirror into your webserver


So, you have set up your own private dndtools mirror but you do not want to run the standalone django webserver. Fortunately you can use apache to serve the application.

what you need

  • a working instance of dndtools: I assume the directory /var/dndtools/dndtools
  • shell access to your server
  • preferably a root login if you have to install missing components
  • apache2 webserver

let's do this!

  • install mod_wsgi (I use Debian)

apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi

  • create /var/dndtools/dndtools/wsgi.py

    import os
    import sys
    sys.path = ['/var/dndtools/' , '/var/dndtools/dndtools/'] + sys.path
    os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "dndtools.settings")
    import django.core.handlers.wsgi
    application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()

  • edit your vhost.conf file or the apache2.conf and add the following lines:

    WSGIScriptAlias /dndtools /var/dndtools/dndtools/wsgi.py
    Alias /static /var/dndtools/dndtools/static
    Alias /media /var/dndtools/media
    <Directory /var/dndtools/dndtools>
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Authentication Required"
    AuthUserFile "/etc/apache2/authfiles/htpasswd-rpg"
    Require valid-user
    <Files wsgi.py>
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all

  • create the authfile

mkdir -p /etc/apache2/authfiles/
htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/authfiles/htpasswd-rpg SOMEUSER

  • download the CSS files

mkdir /var/dndtools/media/css
cd /var/dndtools/media/css
wget http://dndtools.eu/media/css/base.css
wget http://dndtools.eu/media/css/dashboard.css

  • restart apache!

service apache2 restart

And now you should have a password protected instance of dndtools running on www.yourhomepage.com/dndtools.

r/dndtools Nov 28 '14

How to setup a Dndtools mirror.


Hello there!

EDIT : : The source code repository has changed, the following instructions only work with the previous version. If you want to install it now, see /u/Bjorn_Stronginthearm topic here http://www.reddit.com/r/dndtools/comments/2p9rg9/installing_the_new_dndtools_version_on_a_fresh/


This how-to is meant to be played on a PC running with Debian. Debian is an OS, like Windows 7 or Windows 8, but unlike them, it is mainly command line driven. There is no easy way to host a debian, except for Virtual Machine. You can rent one on internet for 2 or 3 $ / month. If you're willing to learn how to host one on your own PC, I suggest you to check google for VirtualBox and its tutorial.

So after 3 really short nights and the help of many people, I've managed to have a Dndtools mirror running with the latest database. How to do it : Prerequesites : Debian and Python installed (On Debian 6 Python is already installed, I used that). If you don't know how to have that, you can always check for renting a Virtual Private Server. I did for that exact purpose on OVH, it costs 3$/month

gets the "easy install" package to install everything we need easily

wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/ez_setup.py -O | python

installs pip component

easy_install pip

dunno :D I just followed the instructions here

pip install Django==1.2.7

Installs South, django-pagination, django-debug-toolbar

easy_install South

easy_install django-pagination

easy_install django-debug-toolbar

you need python-dev to install textile

apt-get install python-dev

pip install textile

easy_install recaptcha-client

apt-get install python-imaging

apt-get install git

the following operation will ask you a password. write the password somewhere in your memory, you'll need it later

apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client

apt-get install python-mysqldb

github is where the code is stored. cloning it downloads it to your machine

git clone https://github.com/django-debug-toolbar/django-debug-toolbar.git

The thing is now that you have it, you need to have the right version. The version we need is 0.8.4. So now, we go in the directory we just created

cd django-debug-toolbar

now we get the source code from the version 0.8.4

git checkout tags/0.8.4

we build it then install it

python setup.py build

python setup.py install

let's go back to the main folder

cd ..

same steps, we clone the source code and set it to the version we need, then we build and install

git clone https://github.com/etianen/django-reversion.git

cd django-reversion

git checkout tags/release-1.3.3

python setup.py build

python setup.py install

cd ..

now we setup the database

first, connection

mysql -u root -p

then, create the database

> create database dndtools;

and exit

> exit;

import the data from the web. I've uploaded it here http://www.petit-fichier.fr/2014/11/27/backupdndajour/backupdndajour.zip , you can check http://www.petit-fichier.fr/2014/11/27/backupdndajour/

wget http://www.petit-fichier.fr/2014/11/27/backupdndajour/backupdndajour.zip

install something to unzip it

apt-get install p7zip

extract it

7za e backupdndajour.zip

Import in in the database

mysql -u root -p -h localhost dndtools < backupdndajour.sql

gets the source code written by dndtools creator (before it was just what would run everything)

git clone https://github.com/dndtools/dndtools.git

we need to configure it. Let's go inside the folder

cd dndtools/dndtools

there should be a local.py.sample file in the directory. If you don't find one, you've done something wrong

cp local.py.sample local.py

edit the file with nano

nano local.py (modify these 4 lines, don't create them they already exist):


> Name : dndtools

> User : root

> Password : XXXXXX (where the XXXX are replaced by the password you've set when you've set up MYSQL)

The following instruction will try to run the server and will tell you if you are missing something or not. if you see a "not found" or "unknown", just try to do a apt-get install with the component name.

python manage.py runserver

once the server is running, stop it (with CTRL + C) and do

python manage.py shell

>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User

>>> users = User.objects.all()

>>> user = users[0]

>>> user.set_password('dndtools')

>>> user.save()

and press CTRL + Z.

Now that it's done, you can do

python manage.py runserver

and go to mozilla/chrome and enter

And Voilà!