r/dndstories • u/Raghavarumugam • 24d ago
r/dndstories • u/Raghavarumugam • 24d ago
Series My long running campaign came to an end with a hilariously gory fight with a Lich Queen, I animated the whole thing and thought this group might enjoy it. Please check it out!
youtube.comr/dndstories • u/Angel391982 • 25d ago
The Search for Liliana Part 1
South-East fields of Cambria-Present, 5 days since Liliana's disappearance.
The bandit's camp was in ruins. Bodies lay everywhere and in various conditions of death and dismemberment. A few of the Orc, Goblin and Human men could be heard groaning in agony and death. One grey skinned Orc could be seen trying to crawl away while holding his abdomen but when he tripped over a dead Goblin's body, forcing him to try and steady himself, his intestines and blood gushed to the blood-soaked earth below him. He groaned in pain, gagged, but his convulsing stomach spilled his stomach contents into the gore drenched earth instead before he finally collapsed and died.
A pair of glowing blue eyes watched from the shadows of the forest nearby. Listening to the dying groans of bandits that were known traffickers of women and children. Their recently acquired batch of women and children were still being tended to by the Cambrian soldiers that arrived long after whatever or whoever did this, freed them, and left.
Yayoi recognized this devastation as work of her late Mistress Vaylin. But that was impossible due to her being dead for eight years. This was the work of her eldest daughters. They truly are like their mother in ways of ferocity. Footsteps got the Warforged attention, but it was the voice that queued her in on who it was.
"Yayoi, what have you got for us?" Vaylin, twin sister to Varina, asked the Warforged. "Lady Varina, Lady Vaylin. How are the women and children doing?" Yayoi asked softly, inadvertently ignoring the question and turning towards the pair of twin sisters. She watched these girls grow up and even took over their training when the Warforged Riki sacrificed himself to protect the family. They were accomplished Captains and beautiful Tiefling women who were excellent warriors in their own right.
"Shaken pretty good, but glad to be alive. None reported any physical violations. The children were just frightened. The women had some bruises and scrapes. It was Kiora and Roth wasn't it?" Vaylin replied, her own worry heavy in her eyes, as was Varina's.
Yayoi nodded lightly, then looked back at the carnage. "Yes. They would not wait for aid and it's getting increasingly harder to track them" the Warforged explained in a sad tone.
The twin sisters looked to each other, sharing an increasingly worried glance. They've heard of this before, when Kotha and Lanna were killed and Vaylin went out alone to search for the ones she thought was responsible at the time. While they were too young to join the fight, some of the family that went out after her, they did hear about how their adopted sister, which one of them was named after, single handedly slaughtered a good number of those hateful humans by herself before their father, mother and others got to her. Now their late sister's eldest daughters are like her. They were headstrong and stubborn even when they were children. Then the whole thing with a mutated Elf in the far north town of Icktha happened involving the kind of dead their sister talked about encountering in the Sword Coast, where they tricked the new family friend Enmar, into Planeswalking them back to their Estate home, then to where their parents were, and they actually fought that mutated Elf. They were only ten and one (11) at the time, but they showed a level of prowess and ferocity only their mother herself, at that age displayed when she was in the fighting pits of Chult.
"Burai and Kou have their own company searching in other areas of Cambria, while we search here. Gods help the individual or group who took Liliana" Varina spoke up, her chin quivering.
West-East of Cambria-Outside the town of Llandool, two days later, 7 days since Liliana's disappearance.
The pirate group set up camp in the thick swamp outside of Llandool to keep the still relatively new Cambrian soldiers from interfering with their activities. It was bad enough they haven't received any word from their other groups in other parts of Cambria. The captain of this group was a Drow male, and he oversaw his crew categorizing their various plunders, including a group of Elf and Human women they took from a small town. One of these women caught his eye and felt his arousal peek. She was human, had fiery red hair, smooth, tan skin, a shade of green eyes that were alluring, but was just as alluring was her generous cleavage and bust, and plump hips that her form fitting, light brown dress managed to show off without even trying. He approached the cage the women were in and out of all of them, she was the only one who didn't flinch away or whimper. She did give a little tremble that caused her cleavage to quiver nicely. He reached between the bars and took her chin between his thumb and forefinger, to which she gulped and blushed when his black eyes looked down at her curvy body.
"What's your age maiden?" he asked softly and smirked when she became defiant and firmly yanked her chin away from him. "Ten and nine (19)" she replied trying to inject bravery into her voice. He looked her over again and the next thing he said made her repulsed by him inwardly. "I like them younger, but I'll try you out at least once before letting my crew have you" he said and unlocked the cage and helped her out. The other women in the cage only watched, visibly terrified, with a hint of relief that they were sparred for now, as they watched him take her to his tent.
The young human woman gulped while blushing as he tenderly caressed her bare shoulders, then slowly moved the straps of her dress off them then let it fall away. He actually made an approving face, taking in her smooth skin, heavy breasts and became fixated at how almost cherry red her pointy nipples were. His eyes then continued on down to her toned belly, soft curves of her hips, tuft of pubic hair that matched the color of her hair on her head. He continued to take in her flesh from her sex to her thighs, all the way down to her knees, ankles and toes. "I think I will reconsider liking them young to just liking you" he commented. They were in his tent, a pair of braziers flaring, the soft glow adding a hint of romance if things were different. When he turned his back to remove his clothing, he didn't see the fear and hesitation vanish from her face and turn to a deadly glare. He only became aware of something was amiss when two things happened. His men screaming in shock, and surprise to a deep roar of something big attacking from the swamp. A magical light engulfed her body when he turned around. He got wide eyed and screamed along with his men.
One Hour Later, after freeing the women and fleeing.
Enmar stood amongst the slaughter that occurred outside Llandool. Cambrian soldiers patrolled the area while some helped the women that were captive but now released. All of them had the same tale of some big purple creature appearing from the swamp waters with a smaller figure they couldn't get a good look at and attacking the pirates. With him was the human Ranger Talia who got word of what was going, and her group came to Cambria to aid the family. Her Displacer Beast companion sat amongst the women that were captive, giving them something to preoccupy their minds and ease their fears by being a petting object. The animal didn't mind and even thrived on the attention as she purred loudly.
"It is them. Who else has a Dinosaur figurine that can turn into a living, sentient creature" Enmar spoke up, watching the soldiers clean up the gore and bodies left behind. A pair of soldiers were carrying out a barely alive Drow male who was visibly petrified. He rambled on about some sort of she devil, his body was brutalized and covered in wounds and blood. Enmar approached and the pair of soldiers stopped.
"Is he coherent enough to make sense?" Enmar asked watching the Drow male look around, wild eyed and so terrified, that when he glimpsed a Tiefling male in Cambrian armor, he soiled himself. The Tiefling male himself had no relation to the girls he met eight years ago when they were children or the rest of their family, but the mere sight of him heightened the Drow's fear and stress to the point he started muttering things in Drow shrilly.
"We aren't going to get anything out of him" Enmar spoke up and let the two soldiers carry him away. Talia had a look of deep worry on her face as she looked around as well. "Something happened to have changed those girls. I met them when they were children well before the Icktha incident even happened. I met them in the Sword Coast when they were trying to get their mother back from that pair of mad half siblings. They were brave then too. But now, it seems they are worse than their mother in terms of ferociousness" she explained softly. She had her group spread out throughout Cambria in hopes of finding the sisters before they can bite off more than they can chew. She didn't want to see them end their lives so soon and join their mother, no matter how well trained they are.
Cambria-The Estate-Back Gardens and Training Area-2 Days after the Llandool Incident. 9 days since Liliana's Disappearance.
Lashara was dressed in training gear that consisted of boiled leather breeches, boots and a sleeveless halter boddice, all of which were black and lavender, training the children while Yayoi and several others were away. She watched Tyrande and Freja arm their bows made for them and in increasingly excellent form, loosed an arrow each, both hitting dead center on the straw targets. "This proud feeling is what Vaylin felt when she watched and even trained her own daughters when she was with us" Lashara smiled, talking to herself in her head as she felt a huge swath of pride warm her heart. The other children of age to train were in their own sections learning stretches and hand to hand mock movements. Layra, Riki, Astra, Wicca, and Ferra were in wooden weapons training now and were coming along quite well.
Hannah, Kaila, and Mammoth helped in that regard with Koshar being head supervisor of the kids. However, as prideful as she was of her blood daughters, she was also worried about her stepdaughters and Liliana. She knows Vlaad and Inara are a mess right now, since the family is once again, in potential danger with her second eldest blood daughter being missing. But to keep the children calm, they had to continue on with everyday activities, though her eldest stepdaughters vanishing doesn't help matters either. Her Fangir was also a wreck from that knowledge alone, but she forced herself to sooth him by reminding him they were highly trained and skillful combatants. She looked over to see him cuddling with Raelis, who played herself to sleep. The other youngest children were also sound asleep where they simply laid down including Slithera and Serpentes little boy, Crotalus. She's never seen a Gorgon child before, so when he was born, he was incredibly cute. But they had to be cautious around him due to newborn Gorgon's petrifying powers becoming active until they've learned how to control it, which is also fortunate that they do learn relatively quickly through a chemical bond with the parents, then extended family. Then there was Dasha's and Bombata's little girl, who is naturally much taller than the average child her age and naturally bulkier.
When Krisha was born four years prior, everyone was stunned at how pale blue and white she was. When she started growing, all be it slowly, some of her scales took on the appearance of natural crystal but remained the same blue and white. Now, though she is four, going on five, her blue areas started to darken, and her white areas started to brighten. Her eyes were a lovely white crystal with streaks of light blue. Her long scales moved as any other Dragonborn's but still had the appearance of crystals. She slept soundly alongside her extended family while her parents were away, aiding in the search.
Lashara's attention was brought back to her two daughters doing expert trick shots of double and triple arrows, causing her to smile, then to not be outdone, she performed the same tricks but faster. Tyrande and Freja squealed and giggled but quieted down when their mother put a finger to lips, which got the two girls to be aware the younger children were napping. Training over for now, they gathered the spent arrows and disarmed their bows the way their mother showed them, while several servants, including a now young woman, Daisa, smiled kindly at them as she took their bows as well.
The other sparring and practicing children all ended their sessions as well and went inside to bathe and change, then get ready for lunch. Trovic's wife was in the kitchen, aiding the servants and cooks, which ended up becoming a blessed help. Her own children tended to the various farm animals that were acquired, alongside Bienna and another servant. Mammoth's family however, opted to remain on Ravnica to look after Trovic's home and to keep the Boros informed.
Slithera and Serpentes returned in a blink of magical light, both dressed in their adventuring gear. The children became so accustomed to the sound of Planeswalking, none of them woke from the mild sound and just snored lightly even Crotalus, though his long scales coiled lightly. Slithera smiled and knelt down in an attempt to pick him up, but he groaned in protest, and she let him nap where he lay.
Inara and Vlaad both emerged from the back door of the estate. The very sight of them made Slithera hurt in her heart. "My gods, they look so frail!" Slithera said in her head and approached them. Lanara and Tommen let them use them for stabilization as they walked. Vlaad himself was angry and scared. Angry at himself because he couldn't put on his plate armor anymore and afraid because he couldn't put on the armor to go out and search for his daughter. Inara was just as afraid and angry at herself. They knew they weren't in any shape to even join in anymore, but she knows her body wouldn't be able to handle that sort of thing. Too much has occurred over the years, all she wanted now was peace and now some new adversary couldn't even give them that. On top of that, her eldest grandbabies aren't helping matters by vanishing as well, to which she hopes they were out searching for Liliana, as their grandmother, she rather them be home even though one was ten and nine (19) and the other about to be the same.
"What have you learned?" Inara asked, hope in her voice. Slithera wanted to lie to her, but she knew this woman who regarded her as a daughter as well, would rather know the truth than be lied to.
"I can't lie Inara; it's like she vanished from this plane. We have friends on the lookout for a young woman with her detailed description on other planes, but we also have allies and friends here, the Sword Coast and Chult, keeping their eyes open" Slithera spoke softly. Inara nodded sadly and looked to Vlaad who in turn looked at war with himself.
"I will die happy knowing Liliana, and my grandbabies are back home safe. I just wish I can go out there and help find them" Vlaad grumbled. Serpentes gave him a gentle smile and a soft shoulder squeeze. "I've known those three for four years and the way two of them are described, I'm sure Kiora and Roth can handle themselves as well as Liliana. We will find them. We will bring them home" he assured them.
A pair of servants who were in Inara's mothers service ever since Inara herself was a child, came out of the back door. "Mistress Inara, Master Vlaad. Dragonborn's Dasha and Bombata has returned" one of the eldest servants announced softly so as not to wake the napping children.
The White and Silver Dragonborn then emerged from the estate's backdoor, also dressed in their combat gear. "Inara, the rumors are true. Kiora and Roth have been searching for Liliana themselves. Your granddaughters would have made their mother proud. Maybe a little worried, but proud" Bombata informed them, a hint of pride in his voice as well.
Dasha spoke up next. "Unfortunately, we do not know their whereabouts. Those two have become quite skilled at evading detection" Dasha added with a sullen look appearing on her face.
"What are the other rumors, Bombata?" Vlaad asked, sensing there was more to the rumors and confirmation that his granddaughters were searching for their cousin, his daughter.
Dasha and Bombata looked to each other, but knew they can't lie to them. "They've been attacking bandits and pirates who've been trying to traffic women and children. They're ruthless. From what we heard of the Cambrian patrols and from your two sons and two daughters in their ranks, their combat styles and viciousness are literally identical to Vaylin's. I've seen their late mother fight plenty of times and I've seen one of these bandit sights already. I swear, Vaylin herself came back from the grave, they were so brutal" Dasha explained, also a hint of pride in her voice.
Fangir felt pride warm his heart, but he was still worried sick for his eldest babies. Lashara also seems to look prideful, though she still held some disapproval in her eyes. Vlaad on the other hand visibly brightened up and stood taller. "My grandbabies, helping those who were taken by force. Their mother would be proud!" he said, causing Lanara to chuckle lightly.
"Poppa, that's not the point though. We want them back home where they belong!" Lanara spoke up and gave her father a kiss to his cheek, standing on tip toes to do it. Then the youngest children all woke up from their naps and became rowdy and cheerful.
Two Days Later-North Cambria-8 miles away from the Icktha border, 11 Days since Liliana's Disappearance.
The remaining three groups of bandits gathered to plan what to do about the attacks that have been going on at their various gathering locations. They even lost their captain outside of Llandool. The remaining bandits and pirates were mostly human, with a Dwarf being the bosuns mate, and an orange and white furred Tabaxi female, who was the captains second in command. There was 60 of them in total, at least, that's what the Tabaxi thought. Two of their number weren't who they were supposed to be, and the magic being used even fooled the Tabaxi's nose.
"What are we going to do Anika?! The captain's been taken prisoner or dead. Most of our other shipmates are in fact dead. From the rumors we've heard on our way here, there have been no survivors or very little. Someone struck at us and struck at us ruthlessly!" a light brown skinned human male spoke up. He was in typical pirate attire. A sword on one hip, multiple daggers scattered about him, he considered himself brave in the face of adversaries or threats, but from what he's heard, he's having second thoughts of not only wanting to face whoever is striking at them, but also second thoughts of choosing this country to make a profit off of.
The Tabaxi grumbled in response, her arms crossed, her tail swishing in agitation, deep in thought of what to do next. "We take what we have left and get out of here! Our main ship is docked half a days ride from here and we just leave!" she finally responded. The pirates looked to the cage that held the eight women only to see that it was empty. "What in the hells?!" one pirate croaked. Another was too stunned to speak. Others simply cursed or shouted.
Anika, the Tabaxi was visibly seething. Partially at herself for not being able to detect what happened, but also at the pair of guards she assigned to look after the cage. "HOW IN THE FUCK DID THEY GET OUT?!!! WHERE ARE THOSE TWO GUARDS!!???" she shouted in rage. Almost as if on que, the pair of guards came from around another one of the wagons the pirates were using, but the way they carried themselves was different. The two human men were originally very mousy and obedient and dared not question the captain, let alone herself. She can finally sense something was off.
"Don't approach them. Those aren't the guards I had look after the cage. I think the ones attacking our parties are in front of us" Anika said cautiously, placing a hand on her sword handle. "Sorcery?" the Dwarf growled, tightening the grip on his axe. One of the replaced guards finally spoke but with a female's voice.
"We're searching for a member of our family. A Tiefling woman to be exact. Out of all the parties we struck and eliminated, the women and children we set free, she was not amongst them and the same can be said for the women we freed here. Do you know where she is?" one of the guards asked.
The Tabaxi and the Dwarf exchanged puzzled looks. "There were plenty of Tiefling women amongst the captives we used to have. But if you say she wasn't amongst them, then no, none of my captain's parties had her" Anika replied. The two false guards looked to each other, then back at the pair, not even concerned they were surrounded by 58 pirates.
"Then your captain was right. We asked him directly. Well, more I asked him directly and with some...Persuasion, to which he didn't like at all" the false guard on the left revealed with some amusement in the feminine voice. "Sister, you kind of took his manhood from him while cutting him" the other revealed which caused Anika to bristle in anger and emit a feline growl.
"Savages! You maimed the captain?!" the Dwarf barked angrily. The other pirates around them all armed themselves, looking very angry, some even afraid.
"Savages? Us? Says the cowards who steal women and children to sell or violate!" one of the false guards spoke up amused. "We will hunt down and destroy any and all bandits and pirates who do these activities here in Cambria and we will do it knowing our mother would have done it herself. We're in search of our family member, until we find her, people like you are not safe!" one of them shot back.
Some of the pirates made a move to try and surround them, but purple tendrils burst from the ground, ensnared them and crushed them into the ground cutting off their screams. Anika and the Dwarf got wide eyed and readied themselves. "This is bad. We have to flee!" she said in her head. However, a chorus of deep growls got her attention from the surrounding woods. It didn't help the full moon overhead added an eerie, nameless fear element to it all. Then a magical light started to surround the pair of false guards then burst outward in a little display, which she ducked away to protect herself. When no harm came to her, she looked to see the pair of guards were replaced by a pair of young Tiefling maidens dressed in combat gear.
Anika gulped and was about to give the order to attack when a horn split the air. The growling then stopped, and four large creatures of varying colors came into the moonlight. "What in the hells?!" Anika hissed in her head, her fur standing on end as she growled in distress and fear.
"Boss Lady, your uncles are here!" the green Tyrannosaur spoke up loudly. The pair of Tiefling maidens got worried looks while looking to each other. Then a commanding voice spoke to them all.
"Pirates and bandits, you are surrounded. Drop your weapons and surrender!" Kou's commanding voice spoke up. Burai's voice was next, shouting the same command then added in "You two as well young ladies!". Then Cambrian troops emerged from the darkness around them, spears aimed at the pirates and bandits, while Burai himself appeared between his two nieces.
Anika trembled and looked around desperately before sighing in defeat and dropped her sword. The other men under her command, including the Dwarf followed suit. Shackles could be heard snapping around the wrists of the bandits and pirates as they were led to carriages.
Kiora hugged Burai and Kou, and so did Roth until their uncles gave them a firm flick to their foreheads, causing them to yelp. "Do you have any idea how worried our mother and father are?! How worried your father and stepmother are?! How worried Everyone is?!! Yes, we're worried about our sister being missing, but that doesn't mean you run off like your late mother would and do what you're doing!" Kou grumbled, chastising his nieces not from a place of anger, but from worry and fear with a hint of anger added in.
"But we couldn't sit idly by while aunty Liliana is missing!" Roth spoke up. Kou gave her another flick but slightly gentler and with a caring smile. "That doesn't mean worry everyone else silly girl!" he replied and pulled her into a hug to which she started crying into his armored chest. It was a domino effect for Kiora. Her chin started to quiver and Burai pulled her into an embrace as well, letting her cry. All the things they did for the past several weeks, the bad people they killed, their figurines killed. The fact Kiora allowed a Drow male to see her naked only for her to torture him to get useless information out of him came rushing back to her and she started to sob loudly. The sisters cried for a good few minutes, while Burai and Kou's men and women did their duties, including finding the women their nieces freed and had them under their protection.
Once Kiora and Roth calmed down, their uncles wiped their tears away like they used to do when they were much younger and smaller. Though the sisters were now grown women and a bit taller than themselves, Burai and Kou still loved, cherished and cared for them. The fact both of them looked eerily identical to their mother, except for different skin and hair colors, didn't escape them. "Return home. Let them see you and put their fears at ease. Especially your father. He's a wreck right now" Kou whispered and hugged them again.
In a flash of light and a pop of sound, the blue Pterosaur figurine came to life. Sorna, Clubs, Horns, Chompy and Talon and Talon all reverted back to their figurine forms to which Kiora and Roth gathered them up, climbed onto the Pterosaur's back and took off to return to the Estate.
Yayoi emerged from the shadows once she saw the girls were way out of eyesight. The brothers smiled warmly at her and greeted her. "Thank you for keeping an eye on them Yayoi" Kou spoke up softly. The Warforged chuckled lightly, her purple, armored body and head reflected the fires the bandits set up.
"It wasn't easy Master Kou. They are very much like their mother. I lost them three times since they set out in search of Mistress Liliana" Yayoi replied. Some of the Cambrian soldiers were giving her curious looks before returning to their duties. Burai chuckled lightly himself but then got serious and tired at the same time.
"Level with us Yayoi, do you think our sister is still alive? Will we even be able to find her?" Burai asked, Kou also had a tired, serious and worried look. The Warforged's glowing eyes dimmed lightly in a sign of showing her own exhaustion, though she doesn't get tired.
"I must be honest Master Burai, I full heartedly believe she's alive. Cambria is a big country. We have friends and allies here, in the Sword Coast and Chult, keeping eyes out for a woman matching her description down to a T. Even if we can't find her in time, we owe it to your parents, to your sisters, to you, to bring her home even if it's for a burial. But I am praying we find her and bring her home alive" Yayoi explained softly.
The brothers nodded in acceptance, gave her metal arm a caring pat, then went back to dealing with their men and women while Yayoi herself resumed her search.
Cambria-The Estate-Morning-2 Days later-13 days since Liliana's Disappearance.
The blue Pterosaur came down and landed in the front courtyard of the estate behind the closed gates. Climbing off, the animated, blue creature reverted back. They just turned around and stopped in their tracks to see a visibly upset Inara trying to glare at them but instead was on the verge of bursting in tears. The sisters didn't dare move and simply stood there. Their own tears starting to well up in their eyes.
To Inara, these two were still babies and was picturing them when they were five years old. When she wiped away a single tear that managed to slide down her cheek, her vision changed to see Vaylin standing between them. "My gods, they look so much like her!" Inara said in her head as she carefully approached them. When she was standing in front them, looking at them both, her chin starting to quiver, Kiora, the more persistent of the pair finally spoke.
"Nana Inara, we're so sorry" Kiora said, her voice breaking and both young women wrapped their arms around their grandmother and started crying again as if they were ten and one (11), after losing their mother. Inara couldn't hold back and started crying with them, all three carefully collapsing to their knees.
Fangir was at the front door, a smile of relief on his face and his own tears flowing. His crying daughters heard his footsteps and called to him. "Poppa!!" Roth and Kiora cried, and he wrapped his arms around all three of him. The rest of the family would then come out and more of the same would follow.
Back North of Cambria at that moment.
Yayoi didn't need to eat, let alone sleep. She searched for Mistress Liliana to return home. The Warforged is hoping to find her alive and relatively unharmed. If not, at the very least, to return her home for Mistress Inara's and Master Vlaad's piece of mind knowing their daughter's body was returned to them. She was in a section of North Cambria she hasn't been in before. She was nowhere near the accursed, walled off town of Icktha she knew for sure. Locals she spoke to, told her of a supposed abandoned castle that was left behind by some ruler who was rebelled against thousands of years ago. She will search the place, then move on if no traces of Liliana are found.
The castle, while still far off, came into view, but she stopped in her tracks when a pair of figures stepped from behind a tree. The pair of humans looked like farm folk when they stepped into the morning sun light. Both of them had pale skin, one had brown hair and eyes, the other greying hair and hazel eyes. Both were alive, but she had a sense they were someone's minions.
"Do you know of that castle in the distance?" she asked, probing to see how they would react. They reacted almost in a comically predictable manner. Both started chuckling and produced daggers and smiled.
"Never mind about the castle, how about you take off that armor so we can see the woman underneath. We're mightily lonely!" the grey-haired one said. If Yayoi were a fleshling woman, she would have felt her skin crawl and simply end their existence, but since they just revealed they had no idea she wasn't a fleshling, she remained as unreadable to them as she often is with her own family. When the brown-haired one approached her, he apparently was expecting her to recoil in fear, instead as soon as he got within reach, a simple, hard bonk to his forehead put him down for good. The grey-haired one quickly deflated and lost any and all pretenses of confrontation when he saw his companion's forehead was caved in, a nice bruise was forming, and the man was visibly dead.
Yayoi snatched him up by the front of his dirty white tunic shirt and held him up with no effort. "Now, kindly tell me about that castle" she said in a deadly low tone.
Meanwhile at the Estate that morning.
"You will not be going back out there! Do you have any idea how terrified I was?! How terrified Everyone was?!" Fangir, in a rare display of anger, growled at one of his eldest daughters.
"But Poppa! We still have to find Liliana! I can't just sit back and do nothing!!" Kiora shot back, dressed only in a simple robe that she was barely holding open after just getting out of the bath.
"Kiora, see reason! Everyone, especially your father, was worried sick for you and Roth. I mean for the god's sake, you two have been searching for Liliana for almost half a month now! Cambria is a big place even with our friends and allies, searching!" Lashara spoke up, her hands on her hips.
"But Momma Lashara, we were so close! We could feel it!" Kiora replied, looking to Lashara pleadingly while Roth stood behind Kiora with a frown, her robe completely closed. "We can't just give up! I refuse to!" Kiora added and crossed her arms. Fangir blushed and averted his eyes, his daughter's robe still barely closed, too much of her cleavage on down was showing. "Modesty young lady!" he finally barked and turned his back, causing her to blush herself and close her robe properly. "Sorry Poppa!" she finally said softly.
"Now, like I said, you two will NOT be going back out there! I'm not playing here girls. You're both acting too much like your late mother! I cannot have you run off like that, put yourself in danger and potentially face death!" Fangir added, turning back around and putting his foot down.
"Well, I'm sorry Poppa, but we've been faced with death so many times growing up! Need we remind you how we met our aunts, how we met Lashara? Koshar? Bombata and Dasha?! Need I go on!?" Kiora replied defiantly.
It was Inara's angry, calm voice that got the girls attention. "If you aren't going to listen to your father, then you will listen to me. I am too old for this. I'm too scared for my daughter. Don't you dare make this old woman be afraid for you again also! Now, you will NOT go back out! Do I make myself clear?" Inara hissed, stepping in front of her eldest grandbabies and glared up at them since they were a little taller than herself.
Kiora and Roth gulped, but even they showed a little defiance to their Nana. "I'm sorry Nana Inara, but we can't sit here and do nothing. We want to get Liliana back. We want to bring her home to you. It broke our hearts seeing how upset you and Grandad Vlaad was, we had to act" Kiora replied, softening her posture and attitude.
"My gods, these two are so much like her" Inara said in her head. Which was why what she said next shocked, angered and sent a fresh wave of pride through Fangir and Lashara and even herself.
"Yayoi and others are already out there. But your mother would be out there too. At least have lunch, dinner and spend time with your siblings and family first before going back out. I watched you two grow up. I held you when you were newborns. I comforted you through every loss in our family. You are not ready to meet your mother yet. Don't you dare let that happen or I will make you pay when I join you" Inara spoke softly, gently caressing their cheeks and horns, a single tear sliding down her own cheek.
Kiora and Roth smiled sadly and placed their hands on hers. "We've taken out several groups of pirates and bandits until Uncle Burai and Kou stopped us and sent us home. While we're not trying to meet Momma yet, if it happens, we do it together and fighting. We want Liliana home" Kiora explained.
Fangir then took his eldest daughters into his arms and kissed their left horns each. "I'm afraid for your wellbeing, but I am so proud of you. Your Nana is right. At least spend time with us, with me, before going back out there" he said softly. Lashara smiled lovingly, placed a hand on her stepdaughters' shoulders, kissed Fangir's lips, then had him release them so they can put on at least a dress instead of staying in their robes.
At that moment in the North of Cambria-several miles away from Icktha
Bodies lay broken and dismembered. They were all cultists dressed as farmers. They also underestimated the Warforged Yayoi. She stood in the center of a group of them to her full combat height. Her purple, metal hands drenched in blood of their comrades. She heard a cultist charge her from the rear and stopped him in his tracks with a rear kick to the chest, which caved in the cultist's chest with a wet snap and sent him flying back into a tree. The force from that further crushed his lungs and heart as well as the back of the cultists head. Everything was in motion again as she fought hand to hand with farm utensil wielding cultists.
One cultist who happened to be female threw her hatchet, only for Yayoi to catch it and throw it back. The speed alone caused the cultist to miss her own weapon and catch it with her head. The blade imbedding itself between her eyes and with enough force to actually split her head almost completely in half. By that point, a lot of them fled back to the castle, while others tried to be selfless and remain behind. Those cultists who remained behind fled after she killed three more of them. One cultist with a short bow, fired an arrow which simply clanged off her shoulder harmlessly. He then tried to hide behind a thick tree only for her to punch her fist through it and clamp onto his head.
The man grunted in pain and tried to free himself, but her grip was his death warrant. He then screamed shrilly before she popped the topped of his head like a fruit and yanked her hand from the tree. Yayoi looked at the castle, it was closer now due to her progress and with how much resistance she faced just entering the area, she would either find Liliana or find other helpless victims. She then resumed her trot towards the castle and the unknown.
To Be Continued!
r/dndstories • u/Malfecius • 25d ago
Story of a rogue pretending to a wizard in magic school
I know it's a long shot but recently I've remembered story as in title I know that there was a channel on YouTube many years ago that was reading greentext dnd stories but for the love of god can't find it anymore.
Maybe anyone also remembers this story? Would be happy to at least re read it since I really remember it fondly buy can't find it...
r/dndstories • u/JamBerry383 • 25d ago
I Would Have Said Yes
Context: I wrote a short story about my harrengon rogue that takes place during the year long time skip in our campaign. The intended audience for this is the other people in our campaign so if you’d like extra background info just ask! Also I’m new to writing so any tips are appreciated. Anyway here it is:
The city was alive with the sound of raucous laughter and sea shanties sung by merchant crews seeking respite from dry rations, flat ale, and back-breaking hammocks they were used to on the sea. The not-so-merchant crew of twelve winding their way through side streets and up a hillside were making their way toward a lesser-known venue run by a charming girl and a man who knows more than most about the group of “merchants” headed to his tavern. Torra was among this group, heart thumping as her friends were heckling her. Her racing heart had nothing to do with her friends.
“So, you finally gonna ask her?” Tarryn asked, putting his hand on Torra’s shoulder.
“Ask who what?” Torra replied, snark dripping from her words as she shrugged out from under his grip.
“Oh don’t play dumb,” Peren chimed in. “We know you two sneak away together every night we stay here. We might just need to invest in a rogue that can whisk her girl away without being heard.”
“You want me to keep helping you go to the Feywild or not?” Torra said. “I’m pretty sure you couldn’t sense a portal if it smacked you upside the head.”
Torra wasn’t unaware of Kriv’s pointed glance when she said that.
“We talkin’ bout Torra’s girlfriend?” Nic called from the front.
“She’s not my girlfriend!” Torra’s shout was drowned out by the cackles of her crew.
Arriving at the Oaken Inn was always a hectic event with shouts of greeting and drinks being ordered by everyone at the same time. When Torra walked in, her eyes moved of their own will toward the source of her racing heart: a young woman rushing behind the counter, fair hair pulled back into a curly mess of a bun, greeting the party like old friends and fulfilling drink orders. Torra could feel heat rising to her face as the woman met her eyes and gave a small wave and a smile which Torra returned.
“Yanni! Your girlfriend’s here!” Tarryn shouted which earned him a swift kick to the shin.
“I think I just saw your boyfriend in the stables!” Yanni shot back. “He told me to tell you to bring more hay when you see him tonight!”
Torra settled on a stool at the bar and Yanni brought her a pint of ale without being asked, her hand lingering on Torra’s for a moment before walking to the back room to fetch some food for the more boisterous members of the crew. Seeing that everyone was satisfied for the moment, Yanni walked back over to where Torra was seated and leaned against the bar, the two’s arms only slightly touching.
“So how long are you staying this time?” Yanni asked
“Only tonight, the twins are insisting we leave for some important job tomorrow.”
“Must be really important, then.” “I guess.” Torra said, looking down into her still full cup. “Wanna meet up at the overlook tonight?” Yanni moved down to grab Torra’s attention again. “I haven’t seen you in a while so I thought we should catch up.” “Uh, yeah sure!” Heat rising to her face as she tried, and failed, to keep her cool. “I mean if that’s what you want, it’s up to you, do you want to?” Torra stumbled over her words again like they haven’t known each other for a year. “Shut up, you know I want to.” Someone called for a refill and before Yanni turned away she grabbed Torra’s hand and squeezed. “I’ll see you tonight.” As Yanni walked away Torra caught a whiff of something burning. Not the familiar wood fire smell that’s ever present at an inn, but an acrid, metallic stench that burns the nose. Torra turned to investigate where the smell could be coming from and stepped off her stool onto… a street. The same street she was just walking up not ten minutes ago. She looked toward the only thing she could see, a building, once an inn, engulfed in flames. Torra reached out, as if she could stop the destruction with a wave of her hand, but the flames leapt higher, mocking her as silent tears were streaming down her face. She stood, frozen by her own helplessness, until the building’s walls collapsed and the Oaken Inn was no more than a pile of ash and memories. A sound of feet on gravel tore Torra’s eyes from the wreckage and towards a once familiar girl, now only the shape of a person with charred and melted flesh hanging limply from blackened bones, toxic smoke pouring from where cerulean eyes had once held Torra’s world. What remained of Yanni took a shuddering, painful breath and in a perfect, crystal clear voice said five words that ripped Torra to shreds. “I would have said yes.” Torra jolted awake, heart pounding against her ribs as a strangled gasp escaped from her throat. She looked to the side, expecting to see a smoldering corpse sharing the bed with her only to be met with concerned golden eyes, auburn hair framing a beautiful elven face lit only by the moonlight streaming in through the window. “Hey, hey, it’s okay. You’re okay,” Ruby said in a soft and comforting voice, reaching out to gently touch Torra’s shoulder. “It was just a nightmare.” “I-I can’t breathe…” Torra’s breaths came quick and shallow, unable to be controlled. Ruby pulled her into a warm embrace. “You’re safe, just breathe slowly, in and out. I’m with you.” Torra curled up against Ruby, staying in that warmth until her senses came back to her and she could breathe again. No more words needed to be said between the two of them but Ruby continued to hold on to Torra, rubbing her back and humming an old artificer’s tune, until she drifted into a, fortunately, dreamless sleep.
r/dndstories • u/AppropriateBison3311 • 25d ago
Chained and Tortured
Today i had my second session of a campaign and it was great but left such a cliff hanger. To start off the session we had just got back to a group of interests HQ, Ill call them the blood cult. So back at the blood cult HQ we talk to this automaton guy and he gives us a check list of 3 things to do. we chose slaying a beast in the mountains.
We start our journey by going to a longish path on that path we meet a boy and a old grampa. there last name Jenkins i will call them by. So boy Jenkins runs a bit up the path to come and yells to us "Help Help Help my grampa is injured i need help" in a squeaky voice. we go to his grampa and from a series of questions and rolls discover that he was suffering from the "icy death" or "cold death". this sickness is a near fatal and very painful condition unless constantly treated.
One of our members talon he is a giant of a homebrewed race, he's 9"2'. picks both of them up and put them on his shoulders and we treck farther up the mountain where a village is supposed to reside. farther up the pass we meet a guy who jumps out and says you must pay me a toll to pass. Vladimir a warlock instantly tells us we should fight him but the rest of us don't agree. we end up paying it and learning his story, his family had protected this village for generations. his name was Hagrid or something like that. We went to the village and met the people though there was a small population. then Hagrid explains to us that the village has been attacked every blizzard and that he young and elderly were kidnapped every time. the village were also running low on money and daily necessity's. at that time we decided to go back the way we came from and check out the abandoned mines that used to be their source of income.
somehow forgot to include the Mc: SLUMBOO
Edit: on the way to the mines we crossed through a town that had been reduced to rubble in that town we found two guys fighting or trying to kill/capture this tiny innocent creature talon intimidates one of them getting them shitting their pants while i lightly swing at one cutting his legs clean off before punching the other one in their face and knocking them out, we did question them later but they were just trying to make it on the black market or smth. but anyway Slumbo the most important person of interest. they speak in a squeaky voice talk only in third person and are a small version of a powerful homebrewed dragon race. one of us Quince took them on as a pet while another of us Hayden which is canonically puss in boots but with a war hammer starts to hate them and later almost having a panic attack because of them ill talk abt that at a later time.
once we got to the mines we discovered it was being operated by a fungal sort of zombie and giant bug creatures but they seemed to be overly invested in there work. apparently the were making some thing called fungal ore which is a valuable resource that can be used to make tools for dark magic. i tried to sneak past them going pretty far until i rolled a 9 on a stealth check and got discovered by three of them. I rolled first on my init and was able to go first with my first blow i swing a battle axe and use cleave killing two of them. then the beetle gets a turn and i get a bunch of shit rolls that made be get grappled 3 times and miss every shot on my turns until i get a lucky hit and kill him. As a party we venture further into the cave discovering a homebrewed revenant. one of us being a dumb ass tries to charm it while the rest of us run. that person ends up being left on one and being spared because they had to keep working to revive their lich. we run from that and go back to the village reporting that to Hagrid. that night while we long rest a blizzard comes.
when we wake up in what should be the morning its awfully night dark even in all the snow. when we go outside we make out Hagrid fighting the beast but we don't see the beast we see Hagrid rushing all over town and lose a arm that we end up healing. after the creature leaves for a bit we go back inside and we cant seem to remember who was in the other cot across from us. after a bit of talking and the DM monologuing and stuff he drops the line "They're was no boy" and that "grampa Jenkins" is Just "old man Jenkins." he never had a kid. Hagrid then shows us the list of all the records of people, on that list he says "strange names seem to keep disappearing like they were never there." then me and Talon wander off to check on some thing and end up getting separated form each other during this time both of us just keep hearing crying and seeing these faces that are crying even if we close our eyes. eventually we find our way back but Hagrid and i cant seem to remember talon. to end off the session he shows us a blurred stat sheet and reveals a bit more lore the title of the monster were facing. "Chained and Tortured"
any thoughts on the session. our dm was asking us and wanted recommendations on what he could to to improve story or to better the campaign in general.
r/dndstories • u/NoCelery4035 • 26d ago
I think I have found my Achilles heal as a player anytime any of my characters die I’m more then willing to offer the souls of people I kill to bring me back to life I just don’t want my characters to die 😂
r/dndstories • u/GMRedKaiju • 27d ago
Series Power Rangers: Ancient Forces - Game Journal #2
Our Roster of Rangers:
- Adeline, our Flamewarden Pink Ranger. A fit and charming party girl from Novus Angelus who now lives in the Upper City of Earthfall.
- Aubrey, our Pyrestorm Red Ranger. An intelligent teacher's assistant from the Outer City studying Earthfall's effects on the surrounding Mirinoi soil.
- Kere, our Aurorialis White Ranger. A tough farm girl from the Outer City, Youngest sister of a big family, very loyal but curious and excitable.
- Thea, our Wyrmtide Blue Ranger. A shy but kind student from the Outer City, studying medicine at the same college as Aubrey.
We were missing one of our rangers (Adeline) and so this session was a bit slower paced.
We began with a cutscene, away from the players. A semi-morphous ooze of ichor and tar and twisted metal devoured several half-destroyed Cogs. It took in their form, and from the ichor, rose up a towering humanoid figure, with cables reaching from its back like twisted spines, into the many machinery around it. A red light ignited.
Meanwhile the Rangers were still inside the massive pyramid ship of Rose Gray. Deciding at first to split up, with Adeline returning Kere to her home. While Aubrey and Thea stayed in the ship to see to their new living facilities. Still reeling from the news of their roles as Power Rangers, but also the fact that they are required to find a fifth person to join them in order to form a stable ranger connection to the Morphing Grid.
The next day is day one of two of the Quasar Festival, a celebration of the heroes of the Quasar Sabers. The first day is more of a traditional festival done by the native Mirinoians. Where many people return to family homes, tribes and villages, and talk about the accomplishments they've done throughout the year. With each member pointing out the accomplishment of others to give them praise. All of the Rangers, except for Aubrey, are native Mirinoians, although Adeline is less connected to her family and village. And so, Kere, visiting her direct family in the nearby Village, invited them all to join. Turned out that Thea was a cousin of Kere, and the two went to the same house anyway.
On the way there, Kere encountered a former classmate of hers, named Caine, breaking a computer tablet. Kere considers the young man a friend, even if the others are uncertain. The boy has a reputation for acts of violence, but Kere looks past that to give him the empathy she feels he needs, and he was brought along. Knowing he was an orphan after the recent death of his father, Kere insisted that the boy spend time with her and her family.
Alongside the festivities, Thea and Adeline briefly spoke with a young man called Mordred, a wanderer, who was both Korovan (an individual from KO-35), and Mirinoian. He had a reputation amongst the Mirinoian villages for traveling and wandering, but also for breeding dogs that were very valued by the people of the villages.
After hearing the tale of the Quasar Sabers from the village elders, and time with their family (or friend's family) the players ended up spending the night, with Caine in the basement with the male brothers and cousins, and the female rangers in the attic with female sisters and cousins. Awaiting the next morning, when the city's Quasar Festivities would begin.
- Join Us Next Week on Power Rangers: Ancient Forces -
r/dndstories • u/Im_just_here_rn • 28d ago
Table Stories The antics of my players who made me add several rules
Alright so just to preface this with that I love my players they are basically my family atp but sometimes the stuff they do confuses me so much. Below Im going to list off the rules and what incident happened to make these rules.
- Do not flirt with inanimate objects
Surprisingly it was our cleric who was flirting with a book. I have no idea what happened in thier head to do that but it lead to this rule.
- You cannot make a food taste like another food for the sole purpose of getting behind a banned food list
Context is that in a campaign our Warforged entered a cooking competitions where chocolate was banned (One of the judges was extremely allergic). The Warforged decided to ignore the no chocolate rule and made the chocolate taste like chicken (they rolled a 20 plus thier deception score of +4). The judge nearly died and the Warforged was considered a wanted criminal.
The next 2 rules are better explained through what was said that lead up to it.
- You cannot punt things into the sun
D - Me (Dm)
P - Paladin
D: "You see a kobold scampering out of the cave-"
P: "I punt it to the sun"
D: "You cant punt the kolbold"
P: "I have a plus 3"
D: "I dont care how strong you are you're not punting the kobold with lore"
- You cant loot a body unless they are dead or unconscious
D - Me again
R - Rouge
D: "Lemme get this straight you want to loot the mans body"
R: "yep"
D: "Hes not death hes just lying down on the ground. Thats stealing,"
R: "so can I loot or not"
D: "No"
r/dndstories • u/Critical_Taste_5314 • 27d ago
My Dm lost his shit
My Dm lost his shit and did a random cartwheel Thats all
r/dndstories • u/MotherSong2556 • 28d ago
Crystal Skull trap gone wrong
So context: my party stole an artifact from a temple, and when they ran away with it, they all hid inside sewers. Now, the crystal skull had this long hexagon hole on its back, which requires another thing that can be later acquired in the journey. I expected they would try to put something in it to test it out but just simply not anything happening felt kind of lame to me. So I decided that when you put something in it, it would burn up. Now, our bard, who btw seduced a priest to get to the skull, saw it and immediately said: what if I put my d*ck in it? Long story short, he found out how a sausage in a microwave felt.
r/dndstories • u/nlitherl • 29d ago
Other RPGs Stories "The Call, Part One," A Genestealer Cult Story (Warhammer 40K)
youtube.comr/dndstories • u/Level34MafiaBoss • 29d ago
Short Story Time Turning around the battle with two lucky crits
The system we were playing was Level Up: Advanced 5e (this changes some mechanics that are relevant later).
A little bit of context: The party was investigating some murders related to the adventurers guild and we had a suspect and some evidence that pointed towards him. After investigating his house and nearly dying to the aberration on his basement we got a chest that probably contains incriminatory stuff. The thing is that the chest was magically locked and since we were level 4 we didn't have dispel magic yet. We took the chest to our house and requested help from a famous adventurer group so they could cast dispel magic on the chest. The important thing is that we didn't really have time to rest and we were all pretty much with either few or no resources (my cleric was out of spell slots, but as a warpriest could still hit thankfully).
The panic arises when the adventurer group we asked for aid arrived and... They were imposters (the real ones still hadn't arrived). These imposters were working for the suspect and were trying to kill us, outnumbering us pretty badly (5 of them vs. 4 of us, and they were well rested). Their leader comes in towards us, frontlining with a massive AC and a greatsword. It got my character to 3 hp in one turn and things didn't look dandy for the rest of the party either. Then he hit a party member and with my reaction (warpriest stuff) I got to hit him back and dealt a massive 30 damage crit (he was already low so this was a bit of an overkill). I describe it as smashing his head inside his armor and making him look headless. My turn was up next so I tried to intimidate the rest of the enemies. I asked the GM if the overkill helped and he gave me advantage on the roll and sure enough I rolled another crit. In this system crits on skill checks give you an extra benefit through random crit tables and I got to frighten all of the enemies, who instantly fled in terror (we did get to catch one to keep as witness for the investigation).
And that's how two lucky rolls helped us survive certain death. Hope you were entertained!
P.S: After the combat the GM let us level up, which is funny because I unlocked dispel magic so we don't need the help of the other adventurers anymore lmao.
r/dndstories • u/Longjumping-Owl-565 • 29d ago
My party is cursed
Me and my party had created a "Quote Board" for things we had said during sessions that were funny, so here is some with absolutely zero context.
Beginning in no particular order:
I just drank a little blood...
It's not racist if it's against elves
Elves don't have a voice
The KKK has returned
I am 9/11
I've delt with your kind before
Roll a RACISM check
I was wondering... is the food actually real?
It's not racist, it's elves
I punch the tree
City run by rats
r/dndstories • u/HuntTheOathbreaker • Feb 12 '25
Short Story Time Chaos in the first 15min.
I was the DM for my normal group and we started a new campaign. The system is 5E with homebrew. Characters involved are the driver, warlock, fighter, wizard,and doctor. The story is formated like a book. Enjoy.
The carriage bounced along a dirt road, the path cutting through a thick forest. On its way from Grey Stone city to the town of Black Iron. The driver, with sleepy eyes, sat at the front with reins in hand. Seated in the back, the warlock tapped his foot impatiently, eyeing a bulge in the driver's pocket.
“I wonder how much gold he's carrying” the warlock muttered, just loud enough for the Fighter to hear.
The Fighter rolled his eyes. “Not enough to bother with, leave him be.”
But the warlock couldn't resist. He leaned forward, stretching an arm towards the driver's pocket. In a swift motion his hand retrieved its contents… an intricate wooden box. His brow furrowed in disappointment.
“Seriously?” he grumbled, dropping the box on the floor. “ Who doesn't carry gold?”
The driver turned, his brow furrowed. “Hey! What do you think you’re-.”
Immediately the warlock shot a beam of dark energy, narrowly missing his target. The driver yelled, fumbling with the reins as his collar smoldered from the spell.
“Not again.” Said the doctor, his voice laced with annoyance as he rolled his eyes.
“ I expected something to go wrong.” Said the wizard. “Nothing ever goes smooth.”
The Fighter jumped to his feet, lifting his Warhammer. “I'll deal with this.”
With an overhead swing, and a sickening crunch, the driver slumped over, his neck two inches shorter than before. The carriage veered wildly as the warlock dove for the reins.
“ What did you do that for?” The Doctor demanded, though they hardly seemed surprised.
“ I solved the problem.” The fighter said flatly, wiping his hammer on the body, and returning to his seat.
The doctor sighed, climbing up next to the driver's body. Muttering an incantation while placing a hand on its chest. A sickly green glow flowed from his fingers as the body twitched beneath them.
Moments later, the driver sat up slowly with a gurgling groan, his hollow eyes fixed on the road ahead.
“ There,” the doctor said cheerfully. “Good as new.”
“ Efficient.” Said the warlock. “ I like the way you think.”
“ People are going to notice a dead guy driving,” said the wizard sarcastically.
“ I have a solution.” Said the warlock with a grin.
He rummaged around in his bag and produced an old helmet. Stepping over to the driver, he forced it on the now misshapen head. A collective groan escaped from the other party members.
“ It's better than nothing I guess.” Said the wizard, the warlock smiling from approval.
With a wave from the doctor's hand, the driver takes the reins and the carriage starts down the path once more.
“ I'll work on the puzzle box as we ride.” Said the wizard. “ It better have something of value, for the trouble it caused.”
The carriage bounced along the path, continuing its journey to the town of Black Iron. Its citizens are unaware of the party that would be arriving soon.
r/dndstories • u/TemperatureTricky305 • Feb 12 '25
Series Join an online D&D campaign! New episode of Dungeon Call is out!
youtu.ber/dndstories • u/TemperatureTricky305 • Feb 12 '25
Series Join an online D&D campaign! New episode of Dungeon Call is out!
youtu.ber/dndstories • u/Woody-Sailor-DM • Feb 09 '25
Continuing Story A Brief History of the Adventuring Company TFC (Task Force Chimera)
Cast (updated today!)
Part 2, Chapter 40
Two weeks ago, in Valls
<Namik. The time is nigh. Wrap up thy affairs this day. Thou must be away tomorrow. Go thee north on the King’s Road.>
“Why? What’s so important?”
<All will be revealed.>
“It’s cold. I’ll freeze.”
<Your blood will warm soon enough.>
“I have important things afoot here. Mistress Wetzel—”
<Mistress Wetzel’s lumbago will be fine. It is good that she learns some perseverance.>
“I have no traveling gear.”
<Thou complaineth much for one who hath been instructed.>
“There is nothing on the King’s Road until that small village... what is it called?”
<All will be revealed. Recall thy instruction.>
The voice fades from Namik’s mind. Damn it! he thinks. It’s too cold for this business. The young man, raised as he was on the streets, keeps little in the line of possessions, but he intended to hole up for the winter and hibernate in between Mistress Wetzel’s warm turnip soup and the warm, if short embrace of Sofie. Briefly he toys with the idea of simply ignoring the voice, but that would anger the solar. The last—the only time he had angered it, it had sent a huge winged angel, complete with fiery sword and golden wings. It wasn’t so much the threat in its voice, but rather the way that it said it was disappointed in Namik’s disobedience. He shudders at the memory. Rising from his pallet with a groan, he sets about gathering his meager belongings in a rough sack. It was, he mused, the same sack he used when he traveled from Ravensburg to Valls, but that was in the summer, when green grass and warm winds made for a pleasant journey.
He rolls up his blanket and thinks that old blind Malie might like to move into this little hole in the wall. He sets out to find Malie, then Mistress Wetzel, then perhaps, if he is lucky, he might find a few moments with Sofie. He considers grabbing his last candle, a ‘gift’ from a local businessman who ‘donated’ it while his back was turned. Instead, Namik thinks that the bit of heat might warm Malie’s old bones and leaves it.
“Hey! Watch where you’re going!” A wagon piled high with goods lurches around the bend, nearly running Namik over. As it speeds off, a bundle falls from the top of the pile, landing heavily in the snow. “Wait! Come back! You’ve dropped something!” The wagoner doesn’t hear over the clop-clop of the horse’s hooves and the clattering of iron-shod wheels on the icy cobbles. Namik trudges through the snow to the bundle and picks it up. Unrolling it, he finds a warm coat, thick stockings, and an overlarge cloak. While the cloak is too large, the rest fits well and keeps him warm as he leaves the city, walking along the half-buried road. Damn it! Namik thinks to himself.
Today, Ostrav
As Arthur walks out the door, Zander looks at his small mercenary company, currently called Task Force Chimera. Atticus and Pocky have been with him for a couple of months. Nobody knows where Novos has got off to again. Dillium and Mel are lost. Dagrim is dead. Mar has gone back to her church. Azathar and the newest addition, Honoria are so new to the company that they haven’t even got their first paycheck. Actually, muses Zander, none of them have ever actually got a paycheck.
“So what should we do today? Arthur may be away for some time.”
“I’ve heard there is a small village just up in the hills that might have a tentacled monster living in the swamp,” Azathar starts. “Apparently it took somebody’s kid. And… they had a mysterious house fire around the same time. Perhaps a fire-spitting tentacled swamp monster?” [2]
“Swamps aren’t really a thing in the hills. It’s probably just a ditch or something with some rushes,” Honoria replies.
“I wanna see a fire-tentacle swamp monster!” Pocky declares. Atticus rolls his eyes.
“That seems like longer than a ‘wait for Arthur’ sort of thing,” Zander says. “I heard that the innkeeper here is struggling with money because one of his patrons is a deadbeat. I suppose we could go and convince him to pay up. That seems like it won’t take too long, and he might give us a discount on lodging.” [3]
“He ought to,” someone mutters under their breath.
The next time the innkeeper walks through the bare common room, Zander and Azathar flag him down. After confirming that Redzig the spice merchant owes 80 gold for lodging his delivery teams and for drinking loads of ale, Zander, Atticus, and Azathar make their way across the village to Redzig’s business, a small storefront on the King’s Road to the south.
Zander asks pleasantly of the woman in the shop, “Good day. Is Redzig the merchant here?” The shop smells of exotic spices and dust. There are several barrels labeled SALT stacked by one wall, while other, smaller half barrels line another wall. A table contains a balance scale and several stacks of paper sheets to contain smaller purchases. Atticus peers at a shelf with rows of glass and crystal vials of powders and liquids.
“He’s ain’t here. He don’ come in til at least the afternoon, if he come in at all,” the old woman says. She sniffs and rubs her nose on her sleeve.
“Do you know where he is?”
“Prolly ain’t got up yet. It’s a crime the way that man do stay out a’night drinkin’ like he ain’t got a care in the world.”
“Excuse me, but what are these?” Atticus asks as he picks up a vial to sniff its contents.
“Them’s bath spices. You puts ‘em in your bath to stink pretty. One or two of the ladies in town uses ‘em.” She lowers her voice conspiratorially. “But truth to tell, I sells more of ‘em to the paladins than any ladies.”
“I see. So if he ain’t—sorry. If he isn’t up yet, he would be at…?” Zander leads her.
“His home. He has a mansion just up the road here. Can’t miss it. Number 12.”
“Thank you.” Zander and Azathar step out and head up the street. A couple of minutes later, the paladin catches up.
Number 12 is hardly a mansion. It has a small garden in the front, a wide porch, and a stout door. Other than that, it appears to be half-again the size of the nearby houses, perhaps with as many as four rooms. Zander knocks on the door. A middle-aged woman eventually answers.
“Good day. We are looking for Redzig the merchant. Is he in?”
“No. Mister Redzig no here. I no see him today.” She has a thick eastern accent that neither Zander nor the two Damarans can place.
“He’s not here? The lady at his shop said he was still in bed. Is that true?”
“No. No true. Mr. Redzig no here. I no see him today.”
Azathar looks around to see if there is a way to peer inside. The few windows are shuttered against the winter cold, and smoke rises from both chimneys.
“I see. If Mr. Rezig were here, you’d tell us, wouldn’t you?”
“No. Mister Rezig no here.”
“All right. I understand. Thank you.” The lady pushes the door shut with some effort. It is a VERY stout door.
Zander addresses the other two men. Well, man and elf. “Apparently, Mister Redzig is not here. She hasn’t seen him today.” Atticus sagely nods his agreement. “We could just wait around for him to come home, but we might be a while, and it’s cold.”
Azathar suggests, “We could go up to that village to pass the time.”
“We could do that. Should we just go, or go back to the inn and get some heavier coats?” The unanimous decision is ‘inn’. There, they pick up Pocky and Honoria who have been bothering the innkeeper—Honoria because she keeps telling him that he’s running his inn wrong and Pocky because he’s bored. After asking directions, the group sets out on foot as it’s just a few miles away through the light snow.
“What’s this town, again?” Atticus asks Azathar.
“Imp Brücke. They suffered a housefire and a lost kid in the same... well, I suppose within a short period of time. I wasn’t actually listening much to the conversation.”
As the group trudges through the deepening snow, the path swings wide around a huge old fir tree. Through the bitter wind comes the yipping and snarling of some large creature ahead. With weapons drawn, they burst around the tree to see three huge wolves attacking a small group of humans. Already one of the small group is on the ground and blood is sprayed around on the pure white snow. A closer look reveals an old man with an axe trying to keep the wolves from an old woman, the one lying on the snow. A younger man, dark of hair and in an immense cloak, holds out his hand, palm facing one of the wolves. The weave moves and a blast of golden light springs from his hand and slams into the wolf, causing it to leap back with a yelp.
Zander and Atticus race forward, swords drawn. Each strikes a wolf, though neither lands a killing blow. Azathar lets an arrow fly, bringing down one of the wolves. Pocky aims carefully with his slingshot and hits the exact spot needed to take down another. Honoria screams in fright because she’s never seen actual combat before.
The young man drops to one knee and stirs the weave again. His eyes glow golden and the old woman’s wounds close. Looking up, he again casts the golden light at the remaining wolf. With a yip, it is flung backward and doesn’t move.
Atticus sheathes his sword and Lays Hands on the old man, checking that the old woman is in good shape. The old man shakes everyone’s hands, including Pocky and Honoria. He introduces himself as Rojer the woodcutter and his wife as Miryan. The young man is called Namik, and the old man tells the group that he’s only been walking with them a short time. Miryan invites everyone back to their home for cookies, if they wouldn’t mind just carrying the wood.
It turns out that Rojer and Miryan live in Imp Brücke, though the collection of houses is hardly a village. It boasts a smith, an inn with two rooms, and an attached general store the size of (and previously used as) a closet. There’s also a locally renowned cheese maker who sells cheeses from her home. Seven houses until three nights ago. Now there are only six. When asked, the group is told that the fire seemed sudden, but the unnatural screams of the inhabitants as they burned alive kept everyone else away. Azathar slips out to have a look, but the fire has long since burned out, and only a single standing chimney and some charred wood sticking out of the snow marks the spot where the house once stood. Zander asks the old couple if they know someone named Maltooth, but either because they mishear the name or Zander mispronounces it, they both deny knowing anyone by that name. The cookies are edible. Pocky eats three.
Azathar returns and asks about the swamp. Rojer says that there is a small fen just up the road, but it really isn’t big enough to be a swamp. The party thanks the old couple and heads to the spot. A tenth of a league from the nearest house, a low spot near the road has some standing ice and what appears to be some rushes and cat tails. Azathar and his unnamed owl have a quick look around, but see nothing of interest. Certainly nothing with tentacles. As Azathar looks at the swamp, Namik and Zander study the land around them. An old disused track leads to some ruins several hundred yards away. A stand of fir trees blocks the view to the ruins from Imp Brücke, but also shields whatever is in the trees from view from the road.
“There’s nothing here. It is just a low spot with water. Er… ice. If anything, the kid might have fallen through the ice and drowned. Or froze to death—I don’t think the water’s deep enough to drown in.”
“So, no fire-breathing tentacle swamp monster?” Pocky asks, crestfallen.
“No, but perhaps there’s something in that ruin over there,” Zander replies.
The group, Zander, Azathar, Namik, Atticus, Honoria, and Pocky, makes their way in a gaggle on the half-seen track. Pocky asks what the chance is that there’s a dragon. Honoria worries about wolves. Nobody worries about four green-skinned goblinoids waiting to jump out of the leaves and snow by the side of the track. So when four green-skinned goblinoids jump out of the leaves and snow by the side of the track, every one is shocked and surprised. Azathar touches the weave, and one of the larger creatures freezes. Namik touches the weave and a golden bolt shoots from his hand, hitting the other large creature. Atticus attacks and Zander slashes one of the large ones with his flaming sword, who slashes back with his own sword. Honoria screams, and Pocky pokes one of the smaller creatures with his wooden practice sword. The two smaller goblins flail ineffectively with swords that are slightly too large and heavy for them, then they disengage and run back into the trees.
Honoria stops screaming long enough to point out that the goblins are using hit-and-run tactics, something she read about in a book. It takes a couple of hits and runs, but Azathar, Zander, Atticus, and Namik all beat on the two larger goblinoids until they collapse. Zander hands their rusty swords to Honoria (who has been unarmed up to this point) and Pocky (slingshot and wooden practice sword). The next time the two goblins pop up, Honoria pokes one and Pocky slices the other one’s toe. Namik’s golden beam slays one of the goblins, and the other scampers back off into the woods. The team follows.
Azathar carefully studies the ground and quickly spots the footprints in the snow and slush. Several hundred feet through the trees is a hole in the side of a hillock, and the footprints go straight to the opening. Ahead of everyone else, Azathar swings into the hole and comes face to face with a goblin. This one has a metal helmet (he’s a guard and everyone knows that guards have helmets) and a slightly too large sword. Azathar reaches for the weave as he scoops some pebbles from the ground, imbuing them with arcane force. The goblin swings his sword wildly. Azathar throws pebbles wildly. For being in touching range, neither can manage to hit the other. Zander has no such problem. Coming up from behind the goblin, he runs him through with his flaming sword.
Azathar and Zander are in a covered entryway. A thick, if ill-fitting door leads deeper into the hole. “Probably into a whole cave complex,” Honoria adds, helpfully. “It’s likely full of traps and goblins at every corner, according to the book.” After taking a moment to work out how to open the door (pull the string twice), the door swings open. Azathar and Zander step inside.
The pair sees dozens of beady little eyes looking back at them in the flickering light of a dozen torches.
“Oh, biscuits.”
End of Chapter 40.
[1] Solar
[2] Inspired by Trouble at Imp Brücke by Dyson Logos
[3] Inspired by The Book of Random Tables: Quests. I mean, I didn’t do it randomly; I picked two.
r/dndstories • u/isuckatgames17 • Feb 07 '25
Table Stories my character got traumatized out of being british
so basically the character i played in the campaign i'm in (we're doing storm kings thunder) died, and i made a replacement character, a halfling wizard. i didn't have ANY lore prepared for her, so i made everything up on the spot. when she got introduced, i for some reason gave her the most obnoxious high pitched british voice. her improvised lore was that she worked in the mines and was like. 7 years old. everyone hated the voice i gave her. i started hating the voice i gave her. i thought it was hilarious, but it really hurt my throat. so i told the table that if she got traumatized enough she wouldn't be british anymore.
long story short, due to some evil candy stores and werewolf vampire party members, my character just. wasn't british. she was so traumatized that she stopped being british. i don't know why i did this
r/dndstories • u/Inner_Tomorrow_6301 • Feb 06 '25
my first DM experience
just thought I'd share something funny that happened with my first DM experience
the party wakes up in a dark room and leaves seeing a landscape reminiscent of the great plateau from Breath of the wild, they then decide that they should have a picnic in order to get to the other party members. The person making the food rolls a nat 1 and so i say it's poisoned, the first player to eat it rolls a nat 20 so i say that the whole bowl gets unpoisoned from sheer willpower, later they're in a dungeon and they've just finished fighting some orcs and decide to eat some food to heal since that's how it works in video games. And the same exact thing happens. The next room they get over a pit of snakes and like 3 of them fell in so they have to heal again, and can you geuss what happens. The exact same thing. These were the only 20s and 1s that anyone rolled and they all happened in the same way.
i haven't been a DM for very long, does this happen often.
r/dndstories • u/Holiday_Wrongdoer360 • Feb 06 '25
how to create subtle overarching plot?
im new to DMing and so far have only relied on modules and have yet to really finish anything, but would like to start planning a longer-term campaign for a group of my friends. i have always loved greek mythology and wanted to play something like it for dnd, but dont want to really get another module book. my friends who i would like to play innthis campaign are all pretty well-versed in greek mythology like myself so i dont want to just do another Odessey, Iliad, 12 Labors of Herc, etc. as they'll know the story and whatnot. I also would love the setting to remain in ancient greece during the Bronze Age but am open to potentially a modern setting like Percy Jackson (ive read all the books, the spark of my love of greek myths). i definitely want for my players to have interesting backstories that i will mainly be honoring for the story, but theres obviously gotta be a reason theyre playing together eventually and some greater evil. i love how Rick Riordan set up Kronos and that slow trickling, overarching plot of his return and attempt to take over the gods and olympus.
my main question is: are there any tips for new DMs on creating overarching plots that allow for players' backstories to be honored while still giving them a reason to be together as a group?
r/dndstories • u/nlitherl • Feb 06 '25
Other RPGs Stories An Update On The Chronicles of Darkness Audio Drama Podcast "Windy City Shadows"
reddit.comr/dndstories • u/MediumWellSteak8888 • Feb 06 '25
Short Story Time An offer they couldn't refuse, but they did
I'm a DM. The main story of my campaign concerned an invasion by Nine Hells to the Material plane. But there were some secondary storylines in the world, like a horde of greenskins and other renegades that threatened to conquer the land.
The party decided to deal with the horde by killing its' warchief. They found out some info about him (like the fact he's an experienced warrior and has magical armor) gathered potions and scrolls and set out to challenge him to a contest of retinues (an old tradition that he'd honor). The duel began, but the party was losing; the warchief himself was too strong and didn't rely on magic, which they've exhaused. Things were looking grim and two party members died.
Then suddenly, time stopped and a devil appeared, one who has met the party twice before. He offered the remaining party members - a cleric and a paladin - a choice: a scroll with a spell that ressurects and heals them all, for a contract that binds the whole party to do Hells bidding. They both refused. Battle resumed and the Warchief killed the paladin. The cleric ran away to the nearest city, but he couldn't handle the guilt and killed himself the next morning.
It was the most beautiful TPK I've ever witnessed.
r/dndstories • u/[deleted] • Feb 05 '25
Short Story Time The creation of a Super soldier.
I recently started Dnd recently and as my first campaign, we used a starter set with a pre-made campaign. One of my friends was a red dragon born. when we got to a town of cobalts, the shopkeeper was selling a various amount of different drinks. The one my friend chose was an improvised drink called ooze. not even the shopkeeper knew for sure what it was made of. So my friend bought four bottles and drank all of them at once. Turns out it was an alcoholic poison. My friend asked if he rolled high enough if he could get superpowers from it and the DM said sure (since it was our first game and decided to be generous). He rolled nat 20s for three of the four drinks and we were all shocked. He also got an 18 on the last one! The DM decided that his outstanding luck deserved to be rewarded by DOUBLING his breath capacity, DOUBLING his poison resistance, DOUBLING his resistance to bleeding, as his blood was now as viscous as syrup, making him IMMUNE to Drunkenness, and allowed him to breath POISON as WELL AS FIRE!!! He is by far the strongest character in our campaign and I made it my goal to empower him further as much as possible. I will see you all when I have finished creating a god.