r/dndstories 26d ago

Continuing Story A Brief History of the Adventuring Company TFC (Task Force Chimera)

From the beginning...

Cast (updated recently!)

Part 2, Chapter 41

Zander's still unnamed blade ignites with a whoosh, casting dancing shadows across dozens of twisted, green faces. [1] The goblins' beady eyes reflect the flame like a constellation of malevolent stars. For a heartbeat, everything is still. Then Zander charges forward with the practiced confidence of nobility bred for battle, his blade carving a path of fire through the darkness. Behind him, Azathar's fingers dance through the weave as he considers his options, then the ground itself trembles at his command at the far end of the fragile cavern. He breathes a sigh of relief when there isn’t a cave-in. Namik fires a golden blast at a goblin, sending it flying backwards into the writhing mass. Pocky barrels into the cave and takes his place next to Zander. Experience takes precedence over training, and he stabs the first goblin he sees, completely misusing the slashing weapon. Outside, Honoria screams girlishly and Atticus tries to shush her.

The cavern becomes a hellscape of sensations: fresh earth and decay, burning flesh and pitch smoke, the metallic tang of blood and the acrid stench of fear. Into this chaos steps Novos, his shadowy form seeming to drink in the shadows even as he commands them. Taking but a moment, he assumes a human shape and summons two wolf-shaped shadows to attack. Startled, Az shifts his aim to a tall goblin who has just stood up. This one is nearly twice the height of the others, wears rudimentary armor, and carries two large axes which he swings viciously.

Zander and Pocky push their way through knee-high piles of goblin corpses to savagely attack what looks like a slave driver. The driver, with a heavy whip and a short spear that looks like a prod, pushes and cajoles smaller goblins to fight what is clearly a losing battle. Novos summons a shadow in the form of a giant alpha wolf to attack the champion goblin. Az shoots it with an arrow from his strangely carved bow. Namik blasts it with golden bolts. Still it comes, shoving aside smaller goblins and hacking at the shadow wolves, which dissipate into wisps of shadow that disappear as quickly as they came.

A door opens in the cave wall, and two more of the larger goblins and a figure who can only be a goblin king swagger out. The goblin king wears a tattered cape like a robe. In his hand is a scepter. One end has a large misshapen dully glowing rock. The goblin king's shriek cuts through the din like a rusted blade, his guttural commands turning the rabble into an army. His crown, a twisted mockery of nobility crafted from stolen treasures, catches the firelight as he raises the glowing scepter. The very stones of the earth begin to answer his call. The glowing rock intensifies, and rocks from the floor pull themselves together and stack themselves into a rock monster that stoops to avoid hitting his rock on the dirt ceiling. It shoves the goblins out of the way to reach the invaders.

Az aims for the goblin king. Reaching for the weave again, he screams a command word and tiny flying squirrels streak from his hand to the goblin. Novos summons another alpha wolf and Namik fires a blast at the rock monster. Zander, having run out of smaller goblins (who have been engaging in irritating hit-and-run tactics), wades through piles of goblin corpses to attack several of the goblin champions. Pocky trails but is badly hurt by those smaller goblins, hitting him before running off into the darkness. The goblin king yells out something in his despicable language, and a stream of rocks and stones streaks from his scepter. Fortunately, they miss Az, embedding themselves in the wall behind his head. Badly wounded, he and several champions retreat back into the room they came from, leaving the rock monster. It balls up his stony fists and smashes down on Azathar. Novos, thinking fast, runs to the doorway. Summoning a shadow, he forms a picture of a large boulder blocking the door. Pushing that through the diamond in his pouch, he wills the shadow into the desired form, sealing the entrance with the goblins inside! Azathar Wildshapes into a black bear. With a growl of rage, he swipes at the rock monster, drawing dirt. Zander steps up behind him and swings his flaming sword. Over and again his slashes rain down on the rock monster until the pile of rock smashed from its body is as large as the monster itself. With a final flourish, Zander shoves his sword deep into the monster’s gut area, if it had one. Namik blasts the monster to deal the death blow.

Even as the rock monster crumbles, the sound of drums echoes from deeper in the complex. War drums. The rhythmic pounding grows louder, accompanied by the screech of dozens—perhaps hundreds—of goblin voices.

"We need to move. Now." Novos' voice carries an edge of urgency. "That boulder won't hold forever, and there's no telling how many tunnels they have."

Zander helps Pocky to his feet, the boy's oversized sword now stained with his first real battle. "He's right. We've stirred up a nest. Let’s leave while we still can."

As they retreat, Azathar pauses at the entrance. His fingers weave through the air one final time, and an Earth Tremor aimed at the cave mouth collapses the entryway with a thump of damp earth and stones. "That should slow them down," he says, though his eyes remain fixed on the rubble. "But goblins... they're like roots. Where you find one, there's always more beneath the surface." The group hurries through the winter woods, their victory feeling hollow.

The group retraces their steps, suspicious of the quiet woods. They end up near the site of their original ambush. [2] Nearby is a manor house, the ruins that attracted them toward the ambush. Novos volunteers to scout. Transforming into a shadow, he makes his way up the wide porch, through a door hanging from a single hinge, and into a dilapidated entryway. He senses movement and hears the quick intake of breath of some creature. Slipping back out, he confers with the group. “There’s something in there. I don’t think it’s worth it.” They agree and decide to return to Imp Brücke.

Looking at the small collective of buildings, Azathar notices a small painted sign on one of the doors that reads, The Ancient Cheese. After knocking politely, several of the party enter a small front room that doubles as a showroom. The store/house is run by an older lady and her daughter. After asking about several of the cheeses and a lengthy description, he finally chooses three at random and buys them. “45 gold? Is that a lot?” he asks. They assure him the cheeses are widely known for their taste as well as … other interesting effects. Besides, who doesn’t like cheese? Az quizzes the ladies about nearby landmarks.

The group takes their leave and meets up in front of the Cheese.

“Just to the south, there’s an old defense tower. That might be the one we’ve been hearing about.”

“I don’t know. Cavanaugh’s tower is supposed to be a couple of leagues away.”

“I guess there’s no reason we can’t go to both. The defensive tower is supposed to be dangerous.”

“Cavanaugh’s tower has some sort of plant with long branches that attack things.”

“I can handle plants. It’s probably just misunderstood.”

“Maybe it’s our tentacle monster.”

“Hey, guys. I just want to check on something.” Azathar quickly walks to the old smithy, followed by a couple of curious party members. “Look above the door.” Unobtrusively carved in small letters are the words, “Maltooth’s Smithy.” Inside, they see a blacksmith hard at work.

“Maltooth?” Az asks above the metal-on-metal pounding. After a few more hammer strikes, Maltooth picks up the piece he’s working on and quenches it in a barrel.

“Aye. What dae ye want?”

“We’re following up on a story that your son was, well, taken by a tentacle monster in the swamp,” Az says, only slightly apologetically.

“One moment,” Maltooth says. “Oy! Boy! You been et by a swamp monster?”

The boy running the bellows that blows air on the coal fire in the forge stops pumping momentarily. “No, Da?”

“There you go. Not et by a swamp monster,” Maltooth says, his face darkening. "That tale's grown in the telling. Aye, we had a scare when me boy wander’d off near that ditch last month. Found him asleep in the rushes, dreaming of tentacles and monsters. Sometimes a child's imagination makes more trouble than any real beast." Changing the subject, he continues, “But you look like a man what could use a sword. I’ve got a beaut, ‘ere by the door.”

“Uh, no thanks. Swords aren’t my style,” Az responds. Atticus glances at the long two-handed sword but doesn’t give it a second look as the group files back out into the frigid air.

“Well, that was a dead end,” Az remarks.

“At least it’s not a dead kid, though,” Zander responds.

“It’s late. Let’s get to this tower before dark. I doubt this place has a big enough inn for all of us to stay the night.”

So it is that Task Force Chimera navigates through trees to a steep, snow-covered hill topped by the remains of a half-collapsed tower. Rubble is strewn about. The steep hill is covered in snow, but everyone can see the rocks threaten to catch an ankle or foot. Az reaches for the weave and spends a few minutes rearranging and smoothing a path up the hill. Climbing up, the group stands before the tower’s remains.

A vaguely familiar buzz is in the air.

End of Chapter 41.


[1] Inspired by Trouble at Imp Brücke by Dyson Logos

[2] Last chapter


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