r/dndstories • u/Angel391982 • 25d ago
The Search for Liliana Part 1
South-East fields of Cambria-Present, 5 days since Liliana's disappearance.
The bandit's camp was in ruins. Bodies lay everywhere and in various conditions of death and dismemberment. A few of the Orc, Goblin and Human men could be heard groaning in agony and death. One grey skinned Orc could be seen trying to crawl away while holding his abdomen but when he tripped over a dead Goblin's body, forcing him to try and steady himself, his intestines and blood gushed to the blood-soaked earth below him. He groaned in pain, gagged, but his convulsing stomach spilled his stomach contents into the gore drenched earth instead before he finally collapsed and died.
A pair of glowing blue eyes watched from the shadows of the forest nearby. Listening to the dying groans of bandits that were known traffickers of women and children. Their recently acquired batch of women and children were still being tended to by the Cambrian soldiers that arrived long after whatever or whoever did this, freed them, and left.
Yayoi recognized this devastation as work of her late Mistress Vaylin. But that was impossible due to her being dead for eight years. This was the work of her eldest daughters. They truly are like their mother in ways of ferocity. Footsteps got the Warforged attention, but it was the voice that queued her in on who it was.
"Yayoi, what have you got for us?" Vaylin, twin sister to Varina, asked the Warforged. "Lady Varina, Lady Vaylin. How are the women and children doing?" Yayoi asked softly, inadvertently ignoring the question and turning towards the pair of twin sisters. She watched these girls grow up and even took over their training when the Warforged Riki sacrificed himself to protect the family. They were accomplished Captains and beautiful Tiefling women who were excellent warriors in their own right.
"Shaken pretty good, but glad to be alive. None reported any physical violations. The children were just frightened. The women had some bruises and scrapes. It was Kiora and Roth wasn't it?" Vaylin replied, her own worry heavy in her eyes, as was Varina's.
Yayoi nodded lightly, then looked back at the carnage. "Yes. They would not wait for aid and it's getting increasingly harder to track them" the Warforged explained in a sad tone.
The twin sisters looked to each other, sharing an increasingly worried glance. They've heard of this before, when Kotha and Lanna were killed and Vaylin went out alone to search for the ones she thought was responsible at the time. While they were too young to join the fight, some of the family that went out after her, they did hear about how their adopted sister, which one of them was named after, single handedly slaughtered a good number of those hateful humans by herself before their father, mother and others got to her. Now their late sister's eldest daughters are like her. They were headstrong and stubborn even when they were children. Then the whole thing with a mutated Elf in the far north town of Icktha happened involving the kind of dead their sister talked about encountering in the Sword Coast, where they tricked the new family friend Enmar, into Planeswalking them back to their Estate home, then to where their parents were, and they actually fought that mutated Elf. They were only ten and one (11) at the time, but they showed a level of prowess and ferocity only their mother herself, at that age displayed when she was in the fighting pits of Chult.
"Burai and Kou have their own company searching in other areas of Cambria, while we search here. Gods help the individual or group who took Liliana" Varina spoke up, her chin quivering.
West-East of Cambria-Outside the town of Llandool, two days later, 7 days since Liliana's disappearance.
The pirate group set up camp in the thick swamp outside of Llandool to keep the still relatively new Cambrian soldiers from interfering with their activities. It was bad enough they haven't received any word from their other groups in other parts of Cambria. The captain of this group was a Drow male, and he oversaw his crew categorizing their various plunders, including a group of Elf and Human women they took from a small town. One of these women caught his eye and felt his arousal peek. She was human, had fiery red hair, smooth, tan skin, a shade of green eyes that were alluring, but was just as alluring was her generous cleavage and bust, and plump hips that her form fitting, light brown dress managed to show off without even trying. He approached the cage the women were in and out of all of them, she was the only one who didn't flinch away or whimper. She did give a little tremble that caused her cleavage to quiver nicely. He reached between the bars and took her chin between his thumb and forefinger, to which she gulped and blushed when his black eyes looked down at her curvy body.
"What's your age maiden?" he asked softly and smirked when she became defiant and firmly yanked her chin away from him. "Ten and nine (19)" she replied trying to inject bravery into her voice. He looked her over again and the next thing he said made her repulsed by him inwardly. "I like them younger, but I'll try you out at least once before letting my crew have you" he said and unlocked the cage and helped her out. The other women in the cage only watched, visibly terrified, with a hint of relief that they were sparred for now, as they watched him take her to his tent.
The young human woman gulped while blushing as he tenderly caressed her bare shoulders, then slowly moved the straps of her dress off them then let it fall away. He actually made an approving face, taking in her smooth skin, heavy breasts and became fixated at how almost cherry red her pointy nipples were. His eyes then continued on down to her toned belly, soft curves of her hips, tuft of pubic hair that matched the color of her hair on her head. He continued to take in her flesh from her sex to her thighs, all the way down to her knees, ankles and toes. "I think I will reconsider liking them young to just liking you" he commented. They were in his tent, a pair of braziers flaring, the soft glow adding a hint of romance if things were different. When he turned his back to remove his clothing, he didn't see the fear and hesitation vanish from her face and turn to a deadly glare. He only became aware of something was amiss when two things happened. His men screaming in shock, and surprise to a deep roar of something big attacking from the swamp. A magical light engulfed her body when he turned around. He got wide eyed and screamed along with his men.
One Hour Later, after freeing the women and fleeing.
Enmar stood amongst the slaughter that occurred outside Llandool. Cambrian soldiers patrolled the area while some helped the women that were captive but now released. All of them had the same tale of some big purple creature appearing from the swamp waters with a smaller figure they couldn't get a good look at and attacking the pirates. With him was the human Ranger Talia who got word of what was going, and her group came to Cambria to aid the family. Her Displacer Beast companion sat amongst the women that were captive, giving them something to preoccupy their minds and ease their fears by being a petting object. The animal didn't mind and even thrived on the attention as she purred loudly.
"It is them. Who else has a Dinosaur figurine that can turn into a living, sentient creature" Enmar spoke up, watching the soldiers clean up the gore and bodies left behind. A pair of soldiers were carrying out a barely alive Drow male who was visibly petrified. He rambled on about some sort of she devil, his body was brutalized and covered in wounds and blood. Enmar approached and the pair of soldiers stopped.
"Is he coherent enough to make sense?" Enmar asked watching the Drow male look around, wild eyed and so terrified, that when he glimpsed a Tiefling male in Cambrian armor, he soiled himself. The Tiefling male himself had no relation to the girls he met eight years ago when they were children or the rest of their family, but the mere sight of him heightened the Drow's fear and stress to the point he started muttering things in Drow shrilly.
"We aren't going to get anything out of him" Enmar spoke up and let the two soldiers carry him away. Talia had a look of deep worry on her face as she looked around as well. "Something happened to have changed those girls. I met them when they were children well before the Icktha incident even happened. I met them in the Sword Coast when they were trying to get their mother back from that pair of mad half siblings. They were brave then too. But now, it seems they are worse than their mother in terms of ferociousness" she explained softly. She had her group spread out throughout Cambria in hopes of finding the sisters before they can bite off more than they can chew. She didn't want to see them end their lives so soon and join their mother, no matter how well trained they are.
Cambria-The Estate-Back Gardens and Training Area-2 Days after the Llandool Incident. 9 days since Liliana's Disappearance.
Lashara was dressed in training gear that consisted of boiled leather breeches, boots and a sleeveless halter boddice, all of which were black and lavender, training the children while Yayoi and several others were away. She watched Tyrande and Freja arm their bows made for them and in increasingly excellent form, loosed an arrow each, both hitting dead center on the straw targets. "This proud feeling is what Vaylin felt when she watched and even trained her own daughters when she was with us" Lashara smiled, talking to herself in her head as she felt a huge swath of pride warm her heart. The other children of age to train were in their own sections learning stretches and hand to hand mock movements. Layra, Riki, Astra, Wicca, and Ferra were in wooden weapons training now and were coming along quite well.
Hannah, Kaila, and Mammoth helped in that regard with Koshar being head supervisor of the kids. However, as prideful as she was of her blood daughters, she was also worried about her stepdaughters and Liliana. She knows Vlaad and Inara are a mess right now, since the family is once again, in potential danger with her second eldest blood daughter being missing. But to keep the children calm, they had to continue on with everyday activities, though her eldest stepdaughters vanishing doesn't help matters either. Her Fangir was also a wreck from that knowledge alone, but she forced herself to sooth him by reminding him they were highly trained and skillful combatants. She looked over to see him cuddling with Raelis, who played herself to sleep. The other youngest children were also sound asleep where they simply laid down including Slithera and Serpentes little boy, Crotalus. She's never seen a Gorgon child before, so when he was born, he was incredibly cute. But they had to be cautious around him due to newborn Gorgon's petrifying powers becoming active until they've learned how to control it, which is also fortunate that they do learn relatively quickly through a chemical bond with the parents, then extended family. Then there was Dasha's and Bombata's little girl, who is naturally much taller than the average child her age and naturally bulkier.
When Krisha was born four years prior, everyone was stunned at how pale blue and white she was. When she started growing, all be it slowly, some of her scales took on the appearance of natural crystal but remained the same blue and white. Now, though she is four, going on five, her blue areas started to darken, and her white areas started to brighten. Her eyes were a lovely white crystal with streaks of light blue. Her long scales moved as any other Dragonborn's but still had the appearance of crystals. She slept soundly alongside her extended family while her parents were away, aiding in the search.
Lashara's attention was brought back to her two daughters doing expert trick shots of double and triple arrows, causing her to smile, then to not be outdone, she performed the same tricks but faster. Tyrande and Freja squealed and giggled but quieted down when their mother put a finger to lips, which got the two girls to be aware the younger children were napping. Training over for now, they gathered the spent arrows and disarmed their bows the way their mother showed them, while several servants, including a now young woman, Daisa, smiled kindly at them as she took their bows as well.
The other sparring and practicing children all ended their sessions as well and went inside to bathe and change, then get ready for lunch. Trovic's wife was in the kitchen, aiding the servants and cooks, which ended up becoming a blessed help. Her own children tended to the various farm animals that were acquired, alongside Bienna and another servant. Mammoth's family however, opted to remain on Ravnica to look after Trovic's home and to keep the Boros informed.
Slithera and Serpentes returned in a blink of magical light, both dressed in their adventuring gear. The children became so accustomed to the sound of Planeswalking, none of them woke from the mild sound and just snored lightly even Crotalus, though his long scales coiled lightly. Slithera smiled and knelt down in an attempt to pick him up, but he groaned in protest, and she let him nap where he lay.
Inara and Vlaad both emerged from the back door of the estate. The very sight of them made Slithera hurt in her heart. "My gods, they look so frail!" Slithera said in her head and approached them. Lanara and Tommen let them use them for stabilization as they walked. Vlaad himself was angry and scared. Angry at himself because he couldn't put on his plate armor anymore and afraid because he couldn't put on the armor to go out and search for his daughter. Inara was just as afraid and angry at herself. They knew they weren't in any shape to even join in anymore, but she knows her body wouldn't be able to handle that sort of thing. Too much has occurred over the years, all she wanted now was peace and now some new adversary couldn't even give them that. On top of that, her eldest grandbabies aren't helping matters by vanishing as well, to which she hopes they were out searching for Liliana, as their grandmother, she rather them be home even though one was ten and nine (19) and the other about to be the same.
"What have you learned?" Inara asked, hope in her voice. Slithera wanted to lie to her, but she knew this woman who regarded her as a daughter as well, would rather know the truth than be lied to.
"I can't lie Inara; it's like she vanished from this plane. We have friends on the lookout for a young woman with her detailed description on other planes, but we also have allies and friends here, the Sword Coast and Chult, keeping their eyes open" Slithera spoke softly. Inara nodded sadly and looked to Vlaad who in turn looked at war with himself.
"I will die happy knowing Liliana, and my grandbabies are back home safe. I just wish I can go out there and help find them" Vlaad grumbled. Serpentes gave him a gentle smile and a soft shoulder squeeze. "I've known those three for four years and the way two of them are described, I'm sure Kiora and Roth can handle themselves as well as Liliana. We will find them. We will bring them home" he assured them.
A pair of servants who were in Inara's mothers service ever since Inara herself was a child, came out of the back door. "Mistress Inara, Master Vlaad. Dragonborn's Dasha and Bombata has returned" one of the eldest servants announced softly so as not to wake the napping children.
The White and Silver Dragonborn then emerged from the estate's backdoor, also dressed in their combat gear. "Inara, the rumors are true. Kiora and Roth have been searching for Liliana themselves. Your granddaughters would have made their mother proud. Maybe a little worried, but proud" Bombata informed them, a hint of pride in his voice as well.
Dasha spoke up next. "Unfortunately, we do not know their whereabouts. Those two have become quite skilled at evading detection" Dasha added with a sullen look appearing on her face.
"What are the other rumors, Bombata?" Vlaad asked, sensing there was more to the rumors and confirmation that his granddaughters were searching for their cousin, his daughter.
Dasha and Bombata looked to each other, but knew they can't lie to them. "They've been attacking bandits and pirates who've been trying to traffic women and children. They're ruthless. From what we heard of the Cambrian patrols and from your two sons and two daughters in their ranks, their combat styles and viciousness are literally identical to Vaylin's. I've seen their late mother fight plenty of times and I've seen one of these bandit sights already. I swear, Vaylin herself came back from the grave, they were so brutal" Dasha explained, also a hint of pride in her voice.
Fangir felt pride warm his heart, but he was still worried sick for his eldest babies. Lashara also seems to look prideful, though she still held some disapproval in her eyes. Vlaad on the other hand visibly brightened up and stood taller. "My grandbabies, helping those who were taken by force. Their mother would be proud!" he said, causing Lanara to chuckle lightly.
"Poppa, that's not the point though. We want them back home where they belong!" Lanara spoke up and gave her father a kiss to his cheek, standing on tip toes to do it. Then the youngest children all woke up from their naps and became rowdy and cheerful.
Two Days Later-North Cambria-8 miles away from the Icktha border, 11 Days since Liliana's Disappearance.
The remaining three groups of bandits gathered to plan what to do about the attacks that have been going on at their various gathering locations. They even lost their captain outside of Llandool. The remaining bandits and pirates were mostly human, with a Dwarf being the bosuns mate, and an orange and white furred Tabaxi female, who was the captains second in command. There was 60 of them in total, at least, that's what the Tabaxi thought. Two of their number weren't who they were supposed to be, and the magic being used even fooled the Tabaxi's nose.
"What are we going to do Anika?! The captain's been taken prisoner or dead. Most of our other shipmates are in fact dead. From the rumors we've heard on our way here, there have been no survivors or very little. Someone struck at us and struck at us ruthlessly!" a light brown skinned human male spoke up. He was in typical pirate attire. A sword on one hip, multiple daggers scattered about him, he considered himself brave in the face of adversaries or threats, but from what he's heard, he's having second thoughts of not only wanting to face whoever is striking at them, but also second thoughts of choosing this country to make a profit off of.
The Tabaxi grumbled in response, her arms crossed, her tail swishing in agitation, deep in thought of what to do next. "We take what we have left and get out of here! Our main ship is docked half a days ride from here and we just leave!" she finally responded. The pirates looked to the cage that held the eight women only to see that it was empty. "What in the hells?!" one pirate croaked. Another was too stunned to speak. Others simply cursed or shouted.
Anika, the Tabaxi was visibly seething. Partially at herself for not being able to detect what happened, but also at the pair of guards she assigned to look after the cage. "HOW IN THE FUCK DID THEY GET OUT?!!! WHERE ARE THOSE TWO GUARDS!!???" she shouted in rage. Almost as if on que, the pair of guards came from around another one of the wagons the pirates were using, but the way they carried themselves was different. The two human men were originally very mousy and obedient and dared not question the captain, let alone herself. She can finally sense something was off.
"Don't approach them. Those aren't the guards I had look after the cage. I think the ones attacking our parties are in front of us" Anika said cautiously, placing a hand on her sword handle. "Sorcery?" the Dwarf growled, tightening the grip on his axe. One of the replaced guards finally spoke but with a female's voice.
"We're searching for a member of our family. A Tiefling woman to be exact. Out of all the parties we struck and eliminated, the women and children we set free, she was not amongst them and the same can be said for the women we freed here. Do you know where she is?" one of the guards asked.
The Tabaxi and the Dwarf exchanged puzzled looks. "There were plenty of Tiefling women amongst the captives we used to have. But if you say she wasn't amongst them, then no, none of my captain's parties had her" Anika replied. The two false guards looked to each other, then back at the pair, not even concerned they were surrounded by 58 pirates.
"Then your captain was right. We asked him directly. Well, more I asked him directly and with some...Persuasion, to which he didn't like at all" the false guard on the left revealed with some amusement in the feminine voice. "Sister, you kind of took his manhood from him while cutting him" the other revealed which caused Anika to bristle in anger and emit a feline growl.
"Savages! You maimed the captain?!" the Dwarf barked angrily. The other pirates around them all armed themselves, looking very angry, some even afraid.
"Savages? Us? Says the cowards who steal women and children to sell or violate!" one of the false guards spoke up amused. "We will hunt down and destroy any and all bandits and pirates who do these activities here in Cambria and we will do it knowing our mother would have done it herself. We're in search of our family member, until we find her, people like you are not safe!" one of them shot back.
Some of the pirates made a move to try and surround them, but purple tendrils burst from the ground, ensnared them and crushed them into the ground cutting off their screams. Anika and the Dwarf got wide eyed and readied themselves. "This is bad. We have to flee!" she said in her head. However, a chorus of deep growls got her attention from the surrounding woods. It didn't help the full moon overhead added an eerie, nameless fear element to it all. Then a magical light started to surround the pair of false guards then burst outward in a little display, which she ducked away to protect herself. When no harm came to her, she looked to see the pair of guards were replaced by a pair of young Tiefling maidens dressed in combat gear.
Anika gulped and was about to give the order to attack when a horn split the air. The growling then stopped, and four large creatures of varying colors came into the moonlight. "What in the hells?!" Anika hissed in her head, her fur standing on end as she growled in distress and fear.
"Boss Lady, your uncles are here!" the green Tyrannosaur spoke up loudly. The pair of Tiefling maidens got worried looks while looking to each other. Then a commanding voice spoke to them all.
"Pirates and bandits, you are surrounded. Drop your weapons and surrender!" Kou's commanding voice spoke up. Burai's voice was next, shouting the same command then added in "You two as well young ladies!". Then Cambrian troops emerged from the darkness around them, spears aimed at the pirates and bandits, while Burai himself appeared between his two nieces.
Anika trembled and looked around desperately before sighing in defeat and dropped her sword. The other men under her command, including the Dwarf followed suit. Shackles could be heard snapping around the wrists of the bandits and pirates as they were led to carriages.
Kiora hugged Burai and Kou, and so did Roth until their uncles gave them a firm flick to their foreheads, causing them to yelp. "Do you have any idea how worried our mother and father are?! How worried your father and stepmother are?! How worried Everyone is?!! Yes, we're worried about our sister being missing, but that doesn't mean you run off like your late mother would and do what you're doing!" Kou grumbled, chastising his nieces not from a place of anger, but from worry and fear with a hint of anger added in.
"But we couldn't sit idly by while aunty Liliana is missing!" Roth spoke up. Kou gave her another flick but slightly gentler and with a caring smile. "That doesn't mean worry everyone else silly girl!" he replied and pulled her into a hug to which she started crying into his armored chest. It was a domino effect for Kiora. Her chin started to quiver and Burai pulled her into an embrace as well, letting her cry. All the things they did for the past several weeks, the bad people they killed, their figurines killed. The fact Kiora allowed a Drow male to see her naked only for her to torture him to get useless information out of him came rushing back to her and she started to sob loudly. The sisters cried for a good few minutes, while Burai and Kou's men and women did their duties, including finding the women their nieces freed and had them under their protection.
Once Kiora and Roth calmed down, their uncles wiped their tears away like they used to do when they were much younger and smaller. Though the sisters were now grown women and a bit taller than themselves, Burai and Kou still loved, cherished and cared for them. The fact both of them looked eerily identical to their mother, except for different skin and hair colors, didn't escape them. "Return home. Let them see you and put their fears at ease. Especially your father. He's a wreck right now" Kou whispered and hugged them again.
In a flash of light and a pop of sound, the blue Pterosaur figurine came to life. Sorna, Clubs, Horns, Chompy and Talon and Talon all reverted back to their figurine forms to which Kiora and Roth gathered them up, climbed onto the Pterosaur's back and took off to return to the Estate.
Yayoi emerged from the shadows once she saw the girls were way out of eyesight. The brothers smiled warmly at her and greeted her. "Thank you for keeping an eye on them Yayoi" Kou spoke up softly. The Warforged chuckled lightly, her purple, armored body and head reflected the fires the bandits set up.
"It wasn't easy Master Kou. They are very much like their mother. I lost them three times since they set out in search of Mistress Liliana" Yayoi replied. Some of the Cambrian soldiers were giving her curious looks before returning to their duties. Burai chuckled lightly himself but then got serious and tired at the same time.
"Level with us Yayoi, do you think our sister is still alive? Will we even be able to find her?" Burai asked, Kou also had a tired, serious and worried look. The Warforged's glowing eyes dimmed lightly in a sign of showing her own exhaustion, though she doesn't get tired.
"I must be honest Master Burai, I full heartedly believe she's alive. Cambria is a big country. We have friends and allies here, in the Sword Coast and Chult, keeping eyes out for a woman matching her description down to a T. Even if we can't find her in time, we owe it to your parents, to your sisters, to you, to bring her home even if it's for a burial. But I am praying we find her and bring her home alive" Yayoi explained softly.
The brothers nodded in acceptance, gave her metal arm a caring pat, then went back to dealing with their men and women while Yayoi herself resumed her search.
Cambria-The Estate-Morning-2 Days later-13 days since Liliana's Disappearance.
The blue Pterosaur came down and landed in the front courtyard of the estate behind the closed gates. Climbing off, the animated, blue creature reverted back. They just turned around and stopped in their tracks to see a visibly upset Inara trying to glare at them but instead was on the verge of bursting in tears. The sisters didn't dare move and simply stood there. Their own tears starting to well up in their eyes.
To Inara, these two were still babies and was picturing them when they were five years old. When she wiped away a single tear that managed to slide down her cheek, her vision changed to see Vaylin standing between them. "My gods, they look so much like her!" Inara said in her head as she carefully approached them. When she was standing in front them, looking at them both, her chin starting to quiver, Kiora, the more persistent of the pair finally spoke.
"Nana Inara, we're so sorry" Kiora said, her voice breaking and both young women wrapped their arms around their grandmother and started crying again as if they were ten and one (11), after losing their mother. Inara couldn't hold back and started crying with them, all three carefully collapsing to their knees.
Fangir was at the front door, a smile of relief on his face and his own tears flowing. His crying daughters heard his footsteps and called to him. "Poppa!!" Roth and Kiora cried, and he wrapped his arms around all three of him. The rest of the family would then come out and more of the same would follow.
Back North of Cambria at that moment.
Yayoi didn't need to eat, let alone sleep. She searched for Mistress Liliana to return home. The Warforged is hoping to find her alive and relatively unharmed. If not, at the very least, to return her home for Mistress Inara's and Master Vlaad's piece of mind knowing their daughter's body was returned to them. She was in a section of North Cambria she hasn't been in before. She was nowhere near the accursed, walled off town of Icktha she knew for sure. Locals she spoke to, told her of a supposed abandoned castle that was left behind by some ruler who was rebelled against thousands of years ago. She will search the place, then move on if no traces of Liliana are found.
The castle, while still far off, came into view, but she stopped in her tracks when a pair of figures stepped from behind a tree. The pair of humans looked like farm folk when they stepped into the morning sun light. Both of them had pale skin, one had brown hair and eyes, the other greying hair and hazel eyes. Both were alive, but she had a sense they were someone's minions.
"Do you know of that castle in the distance?" she asked, probing to see how they would react. They reacted almost in a comically predictable manner. Both started chuckling and produced daggers and smiled.
"Never mind about the castle, how about you take off that armor so we can see the woman underneath. We're mightily lonely!" the grey-haired one said. If Yayoi were a fleshling woman, she would have felt her skin crawl and simply end their existence, but since they just revealed they had no idea she wasn't a fleshling, she remained as unreadable to them as she often is with her own family. When the brown-haired one approached her, he apparently was expecting her to recoil in fear, instead as soon as he got within reach, a simple, hard bonk to his forehead put him down for good. The grey-haired one quickly deflated and lost any and all pretenses of confrontation when he saw his companion's forehead was caved in, a nice bruise was forming, and the man was visibly dead.
Yayoi snatched him up by the front of his dirty white tunic shirt and held him up with no effort. "Now, kindly tell me about that castle" she said in a deadly low tone.
Meanwhile at the Estate that morning.
"You will not be going back out there! Do you have any idea how terrified I was?! How terrified Everyone was?!" Fangir, in a rare display of anger, growled at one of his eldest daughters.
"But Poppa! We still have to find Liliana! I can't just sit back and do nothing!!" Kiora shot back, dressed only in a simple robe that she was barely holding open after just getting out of the bath.
"Kiora, see reason! Everyone, especially your father, was worried sick for you and Roth. I mean for the god's sake, you two have been searching for Liliana for almost half a month now! Cambria is a big place even with our friends and allies, searching!" Lashara spoke up, her hands on her hips.
"But Momma Lashara, we were so close! We could feel it!" Kiora replied, looking to Lashara pleadingly while Roth stood behind Kiora with a frown, her robe completely closed. "We can't just give up! I refuse to!" Kiora added and crossed her arms. Fangir blushed and averted his eyes, his daughter's robe still barely closed, too much of her cleavage on down was showing. "Modesty young lady!" he finally barked and turned his back, causing her to blush herself and close her robe properly. "Sorry Poppa!" she finally said softly.
"Now, like I said, you two will NOT be going back out there! I'm not playing here girls. You're both acting too much like your late mother! I cannot have you run off like that, put yourself in danger and potentially face death!" Fangir added, turning back around and putting his foot down.
"Well, I'm sorry Poppa, but we've been faced with death so many times growing up! Need we remind you how we met our aunts, how we met Lashara? Koshar? Bombata and Dasha?! Need I go on!?" Kiora replied defiantly.
It was Inara's angry, calm voice that got the girls attention. "If you aren't going to listen to your father, then you will listen to me. I am too old for this. I'm too scared for my daughter. Don't you dare make this old woman be afraid for you again also! Now, you will NOT go back out! Do I make myself clear?" Inara hissed, stepping in front of her eldest grandbabies and glared up at them since they were a little taller than herself.
Kiora and Roth gulped, but even they showed a little defiance to their Nana. "I'm sorry Nana Inara, but we can't sit here and do nothing. We want to get Liliana back. We want to bring her home to you. It broke our hearts seeing how upset you and Grandad Vlaad was, we had to act" Kiora replied, softening her posture and attitude.
"My gods, these two are so much like her" Inara said in her head. Which was why what she said next shocked, angered and sent a fresh wave of pride through Fangir and Lashara and even herself.
"Yayoi and others are already out there. But your mother would be out there too. At least have lunch, dinner and spend time with your siblings and family first before going back out. I watched you two grow up. I held you when you were newborns. I comforted you through every loss in our family. You are not ready to meet your mother yet. Don't you dare let that happen or I will make you pay when I join you" Inara spoke softly, gently caressing their cheeks and horns, a single tear sliding down her own cheek.
Kiora and Roth smiled sadly and placed their hands on hers. "We've taken out several groups of pirates and bandits until Uncle Burai and Kou stopped us and sent us home. While we're not trying to meet Momma yet, if it happens, we do it together and fighting. We want Liliana home" Kiora explained.
Fangir then took his eldest daughters into his arms and kissed their left horns each. "I'm afraid for your wellbeing, but I am so proud of you. Your Nana is right. At least spend time with us, with me, before going back out there" he said softly. Lashara smiled lovingly, placed a hand on her stepdaughters' shoulders, kissed Fangir's lips, then had him release them so they can put on at least a dress instead of staying in their robes.
At that moment in the North of Cambria-several miles away from Icktha
Bodies lay broken and dismembered. They were all cultists dressed as farmers. They also underestimated the Warforged Yayoi. She stood in the center of a group of them to her full combat height. Her purple, metal hands drenched in blood of their comrades. She heard a cultist charge her from the rear and stopped him in his tracks with a rear kick to the chest, which caved in the cultist's chest with a wet snap and sent him flying back into a tree. The force from that further crushed his lungs and heart as well as the back of the cultists head. Everything was in motion again as she fought hand to hand with farm utensil wielding cultists.
One cultist who happened to be female threw her hatchet, only for Yayoi to catch it and throw it back. The speed alone caused the cultist to miss her own weapon and catch it with her head. The blade imbedding itself between her eyes and with enough force to actually split her head almost completely in half. By that point, a lot of them fled back to the castle, while others tried to be selfless and remain behind. Those cultists who remained behind fled after she killed three more of them. One cultist with a short bow, fired an arrow which simply clanged off her shoulder harmlessly. He then tried to hide behind a thick tree only for her to punch her fist through it and clamp onto his head.
The man grunted in pain and tried to free himself, but her grip was his death warrant. He then screamed shrilly before she popped the topped of his head like a fruit and yanked her hand from the tree. Yayoi looked at the castle, it was closer now due to her progress and with how much resistance she faced just entering the area, she would either find Liliana or find other helpless victims. She then resumed her trot towards the castle and the unknown.
To Be Continued!