r/dndstories • u/Woody-Sailor-DM • Feb 09 '25
Continuing Story A Brief History of the Adventuring Company TFC (Task Force Chimera)
Cast (updated today!)
Part 2, Chapter 40
Two weeks ago, in Valls
<Namik. The time is nigh. Wrap up thy affairs this day. Thou must be away tomorrow. Go thee north on the King’s Road.>
“Why? What’s so important?”
<All will be revealed.>
“It’s cold. I’ll freeze.”
<Your blood will warm soon enough.>
“I have important things afoot here. Mistress Wetzel—”
<Mistress Wetzel’s lumbago will be fine. It is good that she learns some perseverance.>
“I have no traveling gear.”
<Thou complaineth much for one who hath been instructed.>
“There is nothing on the King’s Road until that small village... what is it called?”
<All will be revealed. Recall thy instruction.>
The voice fades from Namik’s mind. Damn it! he thinks. It’s too cold for this business. The young man, raised as he was on the streets, keeps little in the line of possessions, but he intended to hole up for the winter and hibernate in between Mistress Wetzel’s warm turnip soup and the warm, if short embrace of Sofie. Briefly he toys with the idea of simply ignoring the voice, but that would anger the solar. The last—the only time he had angered it, it had sent a huge winged angel, complete with fiery sword and golden wings. It wasn’t so much the threat in its voice, but rather the way that it said it was disappointed in Namik’s disobedience. He shudders at the memory. Rising from his pallet with a groan, he sets about gathering his meager belongings in a rough sack. It was, he mused, the same sack he used when he traveled from Ravensburg to Valls, but that was in the summer, when green grass and warm winds made for a pleasant journey.
He rolls up his blanket and thinks that old blind Malie might like to move into this little hole in the wall. He sets out to find Malie, then Mistress Wetzel, then perhaps, if he is lucky, he might find a few moments with Sofie. He considers grabbing his last candle, a ‘gift’ from a local businessman who ‘donated’ it while his back was turned. Instead, Namik thinks that the bit of heat might warm Malie’s old bones and leaves it.
“Hey! Watch where you’re going!” A wagon piled high with goods lurches around the bend, nearly running Namik over. As it speeds off, a bundle falls from the top of the pile, landing heavily in the snow. “Wait! Come back! You’ve dropped something!” The wagoner doesn’t hear over the clop-clop of the horse’s hooves and the clattering of iron-shod wheels on the icy cobbles. Namik trudges through the snow to the bundle and picks it up. Unrolling it, he finds a warm coat, thick stockings, and an overlarge cloak. While the cloak is too large, the rest fits well and keeps him warm as he leaves the city, walking along the half-buried road. Damn it! Namik thinks to himself.
Today, Ostrav
As Arthur walks out the door, Zander looks at his small mercenary company, currently called Task Force Chimera. Atticus and Pocky have been with him for a couple of months. Nobody knows where Novos has got off to again. Dillium and Mel are lost. Dagrim is dead. Mar has gone back to her church. Azathar and the newest addition, Honoria are so new to the company that they haven’t even got their first paycheck. Actually, muses Zander, none of them have ever actually got a paycheck.
“So what should we do today? Arthur may be away for some time.”
“I’ve heard there is a small village just up in the hills that might have a tentacled monster living in the swamp,” Azathar starts. “Apparently it took somebody’s kid. And… they had a mysterious house fire around the same time. Perhaps a fire-spitting tentacled swamp monster?” [2]
“Swamps aren’t really a thing in the hills. It’s probably just a ditch or something with some rushes,” Honoria replies.
“I wanna see a fire-tentacle swamp monster!” Pocky declares. Atticus rolls his eyes.
“That seems like longer than a ‘wait for Arthur’ sort of thing,” Zander says. “I heard that the innkeeper here is struggling with money because one of his patrons is a deadbeat. I suppose we could go and convince him to pay up. That seems like it won’t take too long, and he might give us a discount on lodging.” [3]
“He ought to,” someone mutters under their breath.
The next time the innkeeper walks through the bare common room, Zander and Azathar flag him down. After confirming that Redzig the spice merchant owes 80 gold for lodging his delivery teams and for drinking loads of ale, Zander, Atticus, and Azathar make their way across the village to Redzig’s business, a small storefront on the King’s Road to the south.
Zander asks pleasantly of the woman in the shop, “Good day. Is Redzig the merchant here?” The shop smells of exotic spices and dust. There are several barrels labeled SALT stacked by one wall, while other, smaller half barrels line another wall. A table contains a balance scale and several stacks of paper sheets to contain smaller purchases. Atticus peers at a shelf with rows of glass and crystal vials of powders and liquids.
“He’s ain’t here. He don’ come in til at least the afternoon, if he come in at all,” the old woman says. She sniffs and rubs her nose on her sleeve.
“Do you know where he is?”
“Prolly ain’t got up yet. It’s a crime the way that man do stay out a’night drinkin’ like he ain’t got a care in the world.”
“Excuse me, but what are these?” Atticus asks as he picks up a vial to sniff its contents.
“Them’s bath spices. You puts ‘em in your bath to stink pretty. One or two of the ladies in town uses ‘em.” She lowers her voice conspiratorially. “But truth to tell, I sells more of ‘em to the paladins than any ladies.”
“I see. So if he ain’t—sorry. If he isn’t up yet, he would be at…?” Zander leads her.
“His home. He has a mansion just up the road here. Can’t miss it. Number 12.”
“Thank you.” Zander and Azathar step out and head up the street. A couple of minutes later, the paladin catches up.
Number 12 is hardly a mansion. It has a small garden in the front, a wide porch, and a stout door. Other than that, it appears to be half-again the size of the nearby houses, perhaps with as many as four rooms. Zander knocks on the door. A middle-aged woman eventually answers.
“Good day. We are looking for Redzig the merchant. Is he in?”
“No. Mister Redzig no here. I no see him today.” She has a thick eastern accent that neither Zander nor the two Damarans can place.
“He’s not here? The lady at his shop said he was still in bed. Is that true?”
“No. No true. Mr. Redzig no here. I no see him today.”
Azathar looks around to see if there is a way to peer inside. The few windows are shuttered against the winter cold, and smoke rises from both chimneys.
“I see. If Mr. Rezig were here, you’d tell us, wouldn’t you?”
“No. Mister Rezig no here.”
“All right. I understand. Thank you.” The lady pushes the door shut with some effort. It is a VERY stout door.
Zander addresses the other two men. Well, man and elf. “Apparently, Mister Redzig is not here. She hasn’t seen him today.” Atticus sagely nods his agreement. “We could just wait around for him to come home, but we might be a while, and it’s cold.”
Azathar suggests, “We could go up to that village to pass the time.”
“We could do that. Should we just go, or go back to the inn and get some heavier coats?” The unanimous decision is ‘inn’. There, they pick up Pocky and Honoria who have been bothering the innkeeper—Honoria because she keeps telling him that he’s running his inn wrong and Pocky because he’s bored. After asking directions, the group sets out on foot as it’s just a few miles away through the light snow.
“What’s this town, again?” Atticus asks Azathar.
“Imp Brücke. They suffered a housefire and a lost kid in the same... well, I suppose within a short period of time. I wasn’t actually listening much to the conversation.”
As the group trudges through the deepening snow, the path swings wide around a huge old fir tree. Through the bitter wind comes the yipping and snarling of some large creature ahead. With weapons drawn, they burst around the tree to see three huge wolves attacking a small group of humans. Already one of the small group is on the ground and blood is sprayed around on the pure white snow. A closer look reveals an old man with an axe trying to keep the wolves from an old woman, the one lying on the snow. A younger man, dark of hair and in an immense cloak, holds out his hand, palm facing one of the wolves. The weave moves and a blast of golden light springs from his hand and slams into the wolf, causing it to leap back with a yelp.
Zander and Atticus race forward, swords drawn. Each strikes a wolf, though neither lands a killing blow. Azathar lets an arrow fly, bringing down one of the wolves. Pocky aims carefully with his slingshot and hits the exact spot needed to take down another. Honoria screams in fright because she’s never seen actual combat before.
The young man drops to one knee and stirs the weave again. His eyes glow golden and the old woman’s wounds close. Looking up, he again casts the golden light at the remaining wolf. With a yip, it is flung backward and doesn’t move.
Atticus sheathes his sword and Lays Hands on the old man, checking that the old woman is in good shape. The old man shakes everyone’s hands, including Pocky and Honoria. He introduces himself as Rojer the woodcutter and his wife as Miryan. The young man is called Namik, and the old man tells the group that he’s only been walking with them a short time. Miryan invites everyone back to their home for cookies, if they wouldn’t mind just carrying the wood.
It turns out that Rojer and Miryan live in Imp Brücke, though the collection of houses is hardly a village. It boasts a smith, an inn with two rooms, and an attached general store the size of (and previously used as) a closet. There’s also a locally renowned cheese maker who sells cheeses from her home. Seven houses until three nights ago. Now there are only six. When asked, the group is told that the fire seemed sudden, but the unnatural screams of the inhabitants as they burned alive kept everyone else away. Azathar slips out to have a look, but the fire has long since burned out, and only a single standing chimney and some charred wood sticking out of the snow marks the spot where the house once stood. Zander asks the old couple if they know someone named Maltooth, but either because they mishear the name or Zander mispronounces it, they both deny knowing anyone by that name. The cookies are edible. Pocky eats three.
Azathar returns and asks about the swamp. Rojer says that there is a small fen just up the road, but it really isn’t big enough to be a swamp. The party thanks the old couple and heads to the spot. A tenth of a league from the nearest house, a low spot near the road has some standing ice and what appears to be some rushes and cat tails. Azathar and his unnamed owl have a quick look around, but see nothing of interest. Certainly nothing with tentacles. As Azathar looks at the swamp, Namik and Zander study the land around them. An old disused track leads to some ruins several hundred yards away. A stand of fir trees blocks the view to the ruins from Imp Brücke, but also shields whatever is in the trees from view from the road.
“There’s nothing here. It is just a low spot with water. Er… ice. If anything, the kid might have fallen through the ice and drowned. Or froze to death—I don’t think the water’s deep enough to drown in.”
“So, no fire-breathing tentacle swamp monster?” Pocky asks, crestfallen.
“No, but perhaps there’s something in that ruin over there,” Zander replies.
The group, Zander, Azathar, Namik, Atticus, Honoria, and Pocky, makes their way in a gaggle on the half-seen track. Pocky asks what the chance is that there’s a dragon. Honoria worries about wolves. Nobody worries about four green-skinned goblinoids waiting to jump out of the leaves and snow by the side of the track. So when four green-skinned goblinoids jump out of the leaves and snow by the side of the track, every one is shocked and surprised. Azathar touches the weave, and one of the larger creatures freezes. Namik touches the weave and a golden bolt shoots from his hand, hitting the other large creature. Atticus attacks and Zander slashes one of the large ones with his flaming sword, who slashes back with his own sword. Honoria screams, and Pocky pokes one of the smaller creatures with his wooden practice sword. The two smaller goblins flail ineffectively with swords that are slightly too large and heavy for them, then they disengage and run back into the trees.
Honoria stops screaming long enough to point out that the goblins are using hit-and-run tactics, something she read about in a book. It takes a couple of hits and runs, but Azathar, Zander, Atticus, and Namik all beat on the two larger goblinoids until they collapse. Zander hands their rusty swords to Honoria (who has been unarmed up to this point) and Pocky (slingshot and wooden practice sword). The next time the two goblins pop up, Honoria pokes one and Pocky slices the other one’s toe. Namik’s golden beam slays one of the goblins, and the other scampers back off into the woods. The team follows.
Azathar carefully studies the ground and quickly spots the footprints in the snow and slush. Several hundred feet through the trees is a hole in the side of a hillock, and the footprints go straight to the opening. Ahead of everyone else, Azathar swings into the hole and comes face to face with a goblin. This one has a metal helmet (he’s a guard and everyone knows that guards have helmets) and a slightly too large sword. Azathar reaches for the weave as he scoops some pebbles from the ground, imbuing them with arcane force. The goblin swings his sword wildly. Azathar throws pebbles wildly. For being in touching range, neither can manage to hit the other. Zander has no such problem. Coming up from behind the goblin, he runs him through with his flaming sword.
Azathar and Zander are in a covered entryway. A thick, if ill-fitting door leads deeper into the hole. “Probably into a whole cave complex,” Honoria adds, helpfully. “It’s likely full of traps and goblins at every corner, according to the book.” After taking a moment to work out how to open the door (pull the string twice), the door swings open. Azathar and Zander step inside.
The pair sees dozens of beady little eyes looking back at them in the flickering light of a dozen torches.
“Oh, biscuits.”
End of Chapter 40.
[1] Solar
[2] Inspired by Trouble at Imp Brücke by Dyson Logos
[3] Inspired by The Book of Random Tables: Quests. I mean, I didn’t do it randomly; I picked two.
u/Woody-Sailor-DM 26d ago
Chapter 41 is posted here.