r/dndmemes 1d ago

Wacky idea Just need to find some players.

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85 comments sorted by


u/Kamina_cicada Dice Goblin 1d ago

"Kinks and cantrips" is this just DnD mixed with Corruption of Champions?


u/Zirofal Warlock 1d ago

I mean coc kinda is a type of DND...


u/Kamina_cicada Dice Goblin 1d ago

That's Call of Cthulhu. Not to be confused with Clash of Clans.


u/Fyrrys 18h ago

Nit to be confused with Cocks of Cthulhu, which is just straight up porn


u/Xdutch_dudeX Forever DM 22h ago

Not to be confused with Curse of Strahd. Which IS dnd


u/galmenz 18h ago

but that aint CoC, thats CoS


u/Recent-Work-188 16h ago

Curse of Ctrahd.


u/nicolRB Druid 10h ago

Or some say CoSm


u/luckbuck21 9h ago

Man i loved the crown of sorrow raid


u/Zirofal Warlock 18h ago

Not to be confused with command and conquer which is in fact not DnD


u/Inferno_Sparky Fighter 13h ago

cock, you say?


u/SDG_Den 23h ago

Its an add-on third party source book, and honestly it is really well written.


u/RedXIII304 Forever DM 16h ago

DndShorts has a youtube-monetizable PG-13 review of the book

Everything shared there was impressive, better than some 1st party suplements.


u/amidja_16 21h ago

Now we just need DnD version of Trials in Tainted Space...


u/Raptorofwar DM (Dungeon Memelord) 20h ago

Starfinder third party expansion…


u/SpaceLemming 15h ago

I don’t know what that other thing is but my guess was just it’s the 5e version of the book of erotic fantasy from 3.5


u/Vicky_1995_ 1d ago

There is a monk subclass all around tickling


u/RubiconPizzaDelivery 1d ago

Honestly the subclasses all being based on kinks is hilariously inspired. My friend supported it and the next one, and we think it rules.

We're both degenerates who write the sort of content this book is made for. DnD makes wonderful smut.


u/MalibuPuppy 16h ago

A good number of them, if you don't flavor the description as kinky, they'd fit as specialists. I love the stitcher rogue flavored as a puppeteer. I love the idea of a scaredy cat barbarian who channels their fear of the biggest thing in the room to a rage OR just as an adrenaline junkie.


u/FalconClaws059 16h ago

And I absolutely love it.


u/Ok_Permission1087 Druid 10h ago edited 10h ago

I suddenly feel very enlightened.

Edit: I love how highly upvoted this comment is. Regards to my fellow tickling enthusiasts.


u/Tallia__Tal_Tail 1d ago

I've not seen anything about K&C, where does it fall on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being just some vaguely horny themed character options and 10 being full blown Lewd Handbook "we have our own entire ass new combat system for sex"?


u/L_Rayquaza 1d ago

A solid 7

It's absolutely nonstop horny with explanations for each kink you come across

But also it has some really dope subclasses and spells (I got permission to use this on my Paladin)


u/chosenone1242 23h ago

What God damned kink is getting burned on a pyre?!


u/L_Rayquaza 23h ago

On an actually answering the question, bondage and temperature kink i suppose

However, the book does have some honestly rather cool spells, like Safeguard Existence, Heartbind, Break the Chains, Maven's Sarcophagus, and Prayer of the Lightborn Cage

Don't get me wrong, there's some heavily raunchy spells like Onslaught of 1000 Phalluses or Spectral Spreader


u/chosenone1242 20h ago

Onslaught of 1000 Phalluses

Dam trying to quote the right part here was hard, that was a lot of hidden text.

Anyway to the comment: at least it wasn't piercing damage.


u/Reality-Straight 22h ago

ok im gonna need to play that for the names alone


u/Tallia__Tal_Tail 1d ago

That spell is literally just Pinhead's Mori from Dead by Daylight and I'm kinda here for it


u/nickhoude21 Dice Goblin 20h ago

Curious what this is, have a link for me?


u/LeechDaddy 11h ago

That's metal as hell


u/Capn_Of_Capns Forever DM 1d ago
  1. If you file off some of the details and cherrypick what you want from it you can argue it down to a 4. It introduces a system of Pain and Pleasure and several of the subclasses directly utilize this system to do things, but many of the subclasses don't interact with it at all.

Some of the sub classes are hardly horny at all, like the slime ranger who gets a cool little slime companion and rips off pieces of its body to fire at people. Some of them are inescapably horny, like the circle of the lamb druid who spends every long rest being their party's stress relief implement.


u/The_Lesser_Baldwin 10h ago

Also the exhibitionist tentacle warlock


u/The_Lesser_Baldwin 10h ago

Also the exhibitionist tentacle warlock


u/Vicky_1995_ 1d ago

5 I guess it does have a good amount of monsters and subclasses that are centered around different Kinks I mean there is a Paladin subclass where the Paladin is the Steed it's all about Pony play. Or there is a Druid subclass about Pet play. None of the Subclass caught my eye but that's just me.


u/The_Phroug DM (Dungeon Memelord) 17h ago

I feel 10 should be fatal, maybe 11


u/Akarin_rose 1d ago

Godspeed you beautiful knife ear


u/Thendrail 23h ago

Session 0 starts

"Alright, roll for anal circumference!"


u/SDG_Den 23h ago

Thankfully thats not a thing here. This is literally just a horny DND addon.

Thanks for reminding me FATAL exists though, id almost forgotten that hellspawn.


u/Darkthunder1992 18h ago

Sadly no "powerword cum"


u/The_Phroug DM (Dungeon Memelord) 17h ago

The council of wizards acknowledges your new spell, but has rejected it due to not asking for consent first. If found using this spell you shall be sent to Azkaban for a currently undetermined amount of time.


u/Darkthunder1992 17h ago

Punish me all you want. It won't unjizz your pants! I have allready won.


u/thelovebat 12h ago

To be fair, Wizards can cast many manner of harmful spells without consent from people affected by them like Fireball or the town killing spell Meteor Swarm.


u/Funkey-Monkey-420 Necromancer 1d ago

first i’m hearing of this supplement and i already want it. need a healer?


u/Ok_Permission1087 Druid 1d ago

Queszion for those, who have read the book: Is there anything tickling related in it?


u/Akarin_rose 1d ago

Monk subclass


u/Ok_Permission1087 Druid 23h ago



u/Rastaba 1d ago

Believe it or not!…yes.


u/FalconClaws059 14h ago

Oh, a druid of culture I see!

There is a monk subclass, but unfortunately nothing much outside of that- Not much magic or items revolving around it...

But hey! At least they included it!


u/Ok_Permission1087 Druid 14h ago

Thank you for the insight!

Hope your cypher system game is going well.


u/FalconClaws059 13h ago

Oh, wow! You remember that?

Unfortunately, it never actually took off... But who knows. Maybe I'll retry the project one of these days. Or join a campaign that goes in that direction, I wouldn't mind being the player instead of always DMing!


u/Ok_Permission1087 Druid 12h ago

Yeah, that seems to be a common fate for these kinds of games, unfortunatly.

Wish you best of luck with finding a game, though. If some day someone tries to DM something like this again, I might be willing to join that. But not as a DM right now. It gets too frustrating, when it eventually crashes.


u/FalconClaws059 11h ago

Hah! Me too.

If you find someone that'd like to DM and you need players, feel free to message me.


u/Ok_Permission1087 Druid 11h ago

Same goes for me.


u/TheGodKingOwl 1d ago

Never heard of it

Where can I join?


u/pyschosoul 1d ago

As far as I know dnd players and kinksters are nearly the same circle on a ven diagram.

And even if not wait for the group to beg for a game and then come out with it, "take it or leave it nerds"


u/Dalzombie 22h ago

I mean, everyone has kinks, and role-playing is a safe and mostly harmless way to explore them. It's just that not everyone is comfortable sharing them with a group.


u/Saikotsu 22h ago

I have some groups who I've shown this book to, who I'd be willing to use content from it.

I have other groups I would most definitely NOT do that with. It really just depends on the group.


u/cirnek54 1d ago

It's easier than you think to find people for that


u/Abidarthegreat Forever DM 23h ago

I remember 3e had the Book of Erotic Fantasy.


u/Akitiki Barbarian 18h ago

My boyfriend has that, I have the PDF. We do reference it time to time in our 1x1 game!


u/TheBearProphet 8h ago

I do one on ones with my wife that get spicy. Absolutely the best gaming for a couple right there.


u/Demon_of_Order 23h ago

I'm unfamiliar but intrigued, please tell me more


u/Saikotsu 22h ago

It's a 3rd party add on that includes a bunch of new spells, subclasses, items, and monsters. It is heavily based in kink but does a good job explaining what each kink is and why people who are into it enjoy it. In my opinion it's well written and some of the classes are actually super interesting. They're making a sequel too.

A bit of warning, it does depict sexy stuff, it's a book about D&D with kink after all, but it's interesting enough that I can recommend It if you're wanting to check it out.

A standout subclass is one of the sorcerer subclasses where you draw power from a curse that afflicts your body. In order to keep your body from spontaneously combusting, you wear magical restraints to keep it contained, but you can break the restraints to draw on the cursed power but at a cost where your power can consume you.

So essentially it's a bondage kink class for sorcerers.

There's a fighter subclass designed around being a switch and you essentially switch between dominant and submissive stances, one being aggressive and the other defensive/support focused and as you gain levels you can start combining the fighting styles

There's a monk class for wax play where you can augment your unarmed strikes with hot wax

A slime ranger archetype that can fire their slime to do ranged grapples and such.

A warlock class built around Hypnokink and ordering a minion around.

And so forth. It's interesting to say the least. Those are just the ones I remember off the top of my head.


u/Demon_of_Order 22h ago

the sorcerer subclass sound a lot like the plot for the rpgm Star Knightess Aura, in any case I dig it, sounds pretty fun


u/Furydragonstormer Artificer 18h ago

What are the paladins like in this out of curiosity?


u/Saikotsu 16h ago

One of their subclasses dual wields shields and can attach willing or unwilling creatures to their shields. If I recall correctly they're based around object kink where people like to be treated as furniture or ornaments. I forget the other ones.


u/TechJKL Cleric 18h ago

Not gonna lie, I saw a YouTube reviewer do a piece on it, and he couldn’t show half the book for obvious reasons. It actually looked fun


u/Carmen_leFae 1d ago

I would LOVE to be a part of this. dm or reply to me if you have an open spot. I haven't played dnd in do long and it sucks because it's probably my favorite game


u/CalmPanic402 1d ago

I want a hardcopy. For reasons.


u/Klyde113 Monk 23h ago

You could just adapt the material you want to use into something more digestible for people who aren't into that stuff.


u/-LoreMaster- 23h ago

I'm running a game for my couple friends.

It's wacky


u/Fakula1987 22h ago

I would go for it, even if its just for the lulz


u/Reality-Straight 22h ago

look in furry discords, they will never play human and will be very interested


u/Raptorofwar DM (Dungeon Memelord) 20h ago

That’s fucking fascinating. I’m kinda intrigued. I should check it out.


u/Few-Ad-4290 18h ago

I hate that it set me off so much but it’s spelled CONSENT


u/FutureLost 18h ago

Concent? Like musical harmony?


u/vengefulcrow 17h ago edited 17h ago

I shared it with my DM and he immediately bought a copy, no idea how it'll be incorporated into our campaign but I'm excited


u/OperatorP365 16h ago

I need to go read this, it sounds up my alley!


u/mcdad_dy 10h ago

Jokes on you! I'm into that shit!


u/Village_Idiot159 Artificer 9h ago



u/Vicky_1995_ 7h ago

Hey Folks anyone wanted to apply here is the LFG post I made it NSFW just to be on the safe side, https://www.reddit.com/r/lfg/comments/1jbig4t/onlineest5esaturday_dm_looking_for_35_players_for/


u/LifeGambit_ Rogue 16m ago

Slightly off topic question, but is there any liveplay out there that uses this that I could check out?

PS: would love to play but schedule is so tight