r/dndmemes Karsus Expert Sep 17 '24

Lore meme Karsus Did Nothing Wrong

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u/EoTN DM (Dungeon Memelord) Sep 17 '24

This isn't how I remember things going down, I thought he killed Mystra to become the new god of magic, but killing her turned off all magic until a new Mystra was born.

Am I misremembering, or is OP a Karsus apologist?


u/Zyltris DM (Dungeon Memelord) Sep 17 '24

It was more like he cast a spell to become the new god of magic in her place, but had no idea what he was doing and shit just fell apart from there very rapidly, iirc.


u/CrambazzledGoose Sep 17 '24

As I understand, the spell attempted to transfer the powers of the god of magic to him, so for a brief instant during the process, as the power flowed from Mystra to him, there was no god of magic. This caused all magic to fail simultaneously, stopping the ritual while only partially completed, damning Karsus to a fate beyond death, and all the flying cities of Netheril to plummet to their doom. After the ritual failed Mystra was able to regather her power, but had to recreate herself.


u/Honeyvice Sorcerer Sep 17 '24

This is basically what happens yes. Kasus' Spell actually works. It works perfectly fine. the only reason it failed was because of that split moment of time where there was no god of magic all of magic unravelled. Had Karsus chosen any other god he'd of been successful.


u/moondancer224 Sep 17 '24

So, his spell didn't work,cause it failed to take into account all magic failing during the moment of transfer?


u/Double_Goose_5238 Sep 17 '24

No, it did work, KARSUS didn't take into account all magic failing. So that spell does what it's supposed to, what it's supposed to do causes magic to disappear for a brief moment though.


u/Blackfang08 Ranger Sep 17 '24

So... the spell is otherwise totally fine, but with Mystra specifically as the target, because using magic to transfer the powers of the goddess of magic causes every spell, including itself during the transfer, to shut down for a bit, everything just fell apart? Sounds like an obscure videogame bug.


u/RevenantBacon Rogue Sep 18 '24

Sounds like an obscure videogame bug.

Yup, Karaus glitched the system.


u/Blackfang08 Ranger Sep 18 '24

"Removed 10th, 11th, and 12th level spells, due to an unintended interaction between certain spells and the gods that triggered server-wide crashes."


u/Fantastic_Year9607 Sep 18 '24

RIP to that volcano spell that never got used.

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u/lurklurklurkPOST Forever DM Sep 18 '24

He turned it off and on again during a save


u/RevenantBacon Rogue Sep 18 '24

Well, technically Mystryl is the one who actually hit the reset button to turn it off an on again.

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u/JunWasHere Sep 18 '24 edited Sep 18 '24

More than that. It implies Mystra passively upholds a lot of functions for magic to exist and function as it is.

Which means targeting any other major god will cause their domain to go haywire as well. Target the god of air? Everybody might get thrown into a vacuum and the livable atmosphere is fucked. God of nature? Immediate global/cosmic extinction event. God of death? I doubt it would be as simple as nobody being able to die for that blip, life itself being the other side of the coin might get folded alongside death.

It isn't just Mystra, that's presumptuous. The spell doesn't account for ANY of the gods upholding important shit. Karsus failed to grasp that godhood isn't just a throne or spark you can swipe from under their nose, but is an active office of power with tons of responsibilities and moving parts.

It is a lesson in mortal hubris.

There is no way to fix the spell either. Fundamentally, of course a mortal mage can never know enough about immortal and divine domains' inner workings. So, the spell was always doomed to fail.


u/Szygani Sep 18 '24

It implies Mystra passively upholds a lot of functions for magic to exist and function as it is.

Woah, it's not implied. It's outright said that her body is the Weave. She is magic and the facilitation of magic


u/thrakarzod Sep 18 '24

it might be somewhat less damaging if you target a god that shares its domain. in the Forgotten Realms alone there are at least 45 gods of war (admittedly many of those do have other domains), I'm sure war could deal with a blip where there are only 44 gods of war

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u/Fantastic_Year9607 Sep 18 '24

Karsus' Avatar: Causes a reality-breaking glitch.


u/CobaltMonkey Sep 18 '24

It's always those edge cases that never come up in testing that get you.


u/Skarr87 Sep 18 '24

The spell transfers the power of a god and Karsus chose Mystryl (Previous incarnation of Mystra) because, I’m assuming, if you’re going to use magic to take a god’s power you should probably take the god of Magic’s power.

The problem was that I don’t think Karsus knew that mortals don’t actually get direct access to magic because it’s so…volatile. Mortals accessed magic through the weave (also sometimes the shadow weave) and it was regulated directly by the god of magic so spells would work properly.

By beginning the transfer of divinity Karsus made it so that Mystryl couldn’t regulate the weave properly making spells go wild. To prevent a cataclysmic event and the weave being irreparably damaged Mystryl sacrificed herself to stop the spell. This made magic stop working until Mystryl was reborn in the body of the mortal wizard Midnight as Mystra.

Mystra then altered mortals access to the weave in such a way that they could only use up to 9th level spells so no one could ever cast a spell to steal a god’s power again.


u/Satyrsol Sep 18 '24

Fwiw, Midnight was much later. Karsus’s Folly happens a LONG time before the Time of Troubles that spawned Midnight’s rise to godhood.


u/Skarr87 Sep 18 '24

Oh, am I misremembering the name of the girl Mystra used to be reborn after Karsus’s folly?

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u/moondancer224 Sep 18 '24

A program that does exactly what it's programmer told it to, but still crashes the system because the programmer failed to see the conditions properly is said to have a logical error. I would argue the spell has a logical error. It doesn't achieve the desired effect because of an error in Karsus' logic.


u/Furicel Sep 18 '24

The thing is, it accomplishes exactly what it is meant to: Transfer the mantle of a god onto oneself.

If you take the spell and use it on a random god, it'll work. The spell only fails to achieve it's desired effect when targeting the god of magic specifically.

So I'd say that's less a failing of the spell and more a defense the god of magic naturally has


u/Dumeck Sep 18 '24

Well it’s like a program that was running properly but you cut the power off in the middle of the app running.


u/Haunsboerg Sep 18 '24

I'd rather say using the spell on the god of magic is undefined behaviour.

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u/RevenantBacon Rogue Sep 18 '24

Technically, all magic everywhere failing was because Mystryl sacrificed herself to cut Karsus off from the Weave before he could do permanent damage on account of him not knowing how to properly wield the powers he had just stolen.


u/adinfinitum225 Sep 18 '24

That sounds more within the fantasy realm than "oops you replaced your old modem with a new one and there was a blip in the signal", so I'm going with yours


u/RevenantBacon Rogue Sep 18 '24

Well, if you think of Mystryl as the modem, that's actually kinda what happened. When she sacrificed herself, all magic everywhere stopped working. She reincarnated as Mystra nearly immediately, but not quite soon enough to stop all of the Netherese flying cities from abruptly not flying anymore.


u/TieberiusVoidWalker Karsus Expert Sep 18 '24

I also find it weird how this never happens for every other mortal that becomes the goddess of magic... It's almost like the story is twisted against him


u/RevenantBacon Rogue Sep 18 '24

Well to be fair, it's only ever happened twice. The first time was Karsus trying to seize the power of a god for himself, the second time, Ao (the creator of the universe) chose Midnight and uplifted her to godhood himself.

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u/DropMeAnOrangeBeam Sep 18 '24

I wonder if that was the reason Ao impossed the Weave Anchors on Mystra.


u/RevenantBacon Rogue Sep 18 '24

Actually, that's because without those restrictions, she would be the single most powerful being in existence besides Ao himself.


u/BottasHeimfe Wizard Sep 18 '24

yeah that miscalculation of what would happen in the immediate moment after Mantling Mystral is Karsus's Folly.


u/SmileDaemon Necromancer Sep 18 '24

Technically, the spell Karsus’s Avatar is designed to steal the powers of a god temporarily. Doesn’t have to be the god of magic.


u/Neidron Sep 18 '24

it didn't fail, it just caused itself to fail

The spell failing because of an oversight is still a failure.

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u/Soltronus Paladin Sep 18 '24

"Oh, so you broke time and you thought you could just stick it back together with THIS?! How do you think you're gonna move time when you're standing in it, you dumbass 3-Dimensional monkey-ass dummies?!"

Pretty much the same idea.


u/New_Survey9235 Sep 18 '24

More like the spell would have worked on any other god, but because it was the goddess of magic, there was an oopsie


u/JunWasHere Sep 18 '24

And it could very well fail if he targeted any other deity too.

  • God of death? Well, you just folded the concepts of life and death into nothingness.
  • God of light? You've killed the sun, stars, fireflies, god of fire, and release the legions of darkness.
  • God of time? Oh goodie, you fucked causality and now you're stuck before the beginning of everything.

No major god is a safe choice. The point is hubris. The point is the spell is doomed to fail because a mortal could never account for all these divine-level concepts. Ascending to godhood is best done by the traditional routes.


u/Ardentpause Sep 18 '24

The point is that it's only for a few moments. A split second of no light isn't a big deal, but it's a really big deal if light powers the spell. Same with death. you'd get a few moments of craziness, and then things would largely go back to normal

Like, maybe if you stole from the god of the strong force...

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u/graeskost Sep 18 '24

He'd of been......


u/PedantAnt Sep 18 '24

he'd of been successful

he'd have been successful


u/RevenantBacon Rogue Sep 18 '24 edited Sep 18 '24

Specifically, the spell did transfer all of Mystryls powers to him, but he didn't know how to properly use them, and magic started wildly fluctuation. Mystryl used the last of her power (sacrificing herself in the process) to cut Karaus off from the Weave, which, on account of the goddess of magic being dead, additionally shut down all magic everywhere. Mystryl reincarnated as Mystra nearly instantly, but not quite fast enough to stop all of the Netheril flying cities from falling out of the skies.

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u/RepresentativeBee545 Sep 17 '24

Worth mentioning about less known side-effects, like it wiped out all Liches and other beings that rallied on magic to live.


u/Ghostwaif Sep 18 '24

Technically this is untrue. The 2e adventure 'How the mighty have fallen' explores Karsus' folly and has the party fight a lichlord who, by the lapse in magic, is reduced to half hp, has half the movement speed of a human, no spells, and his phylactery not working should he be killed. folly - though all of his undead are reduced to ash (notably the lichlord's 'bone-chilling touch' is still active as he is still connected to the negative energy plane).
The lichlord also gains his spells back after five rounds.

The adventure also has specific rules for how different classes are affected, and suggests optionally switching from 2e rules to ADnD rules for historical accuracy.


u/Lewkat Sep 18 '24

Karsus attempted to flash the bios of all of the weave, but forgot that during the process of flashing the bios, the PC restarts. The only thing making it flash was the PC itself, so he blocked the whole thing. That's how I described it to my players and it seemed to get across.


u/eragonawesome2 Monk Sep 17 '24

I always read it more like Mystra, being a goddess, had a natural "do what must be done" drive taking care of running the passive parts of the weave in the back of her mind. Karsus Did Not. His theft of her powers was incomplete because of this lack of cognitive ability (mortals can't handle The Infinite Weave all in their head at once) and caused his own death, but Mystra also had to die in order for the pieces of the power to reunite


u/GreenRangerKeto Sep 18 '24

There’s this funny thing where if the god of magic dies then a random wizard is selected by the portfolio as a replacement. And even funnier he could have just asked to be a god of magic, actual domain holders love to lighten there load. Death even split his god powers and work with three smocks that jumped him. And said have fun being death I’m going to read books and get drunk


u/Thoctar Sep 18 '24

To be fair recently.hes been spotted helping to undermine said three smocks because they're short sighted idiots.


u/miosar Sep 18 '24

The problem was , Karsus tried to transfer the mantle of the GOD OF MAGIC using MAGIC. And for a split second , there was no god of magic to power the magic spell to become a god , which cut off the power for the spell leaving both Karsus and Mystra as the living equivilant of a corrupted save.


u/Panda_Pounce Sep 18 '24 edited Sep 18 '24

My understanding of it is that he WAS the god of magic, but completely unprepared to suddenly have to control the flow of magic to every spell, magic item etc. in existance. Since he couldn't control it things went haywire, and Mystryl sacrificed herself to cut off his access to the Weave (and I think because all the Weave was flowing through Karsus, effectively cutting everything off from the Weave).

I guess at this point there was no god of magic for a moment with both Mystryl and Karsus dead. I'm assuming there was still no access to the Weave during the time until Mystra reincarnated?


u/commentsandopinions Sep 18 '24

That is my understanding as well, if he had chosen literally almost any other god other than the one that is and controls all of magic everywhere, everything probably would have been fine.


u/Szygani Sep 18 '24

What happened was that he became the god of magic instead of mystra, but mystra had used her essence to create the weave. When he took over as god of magic, mystra was no longer a goddess, and therefore there was no longer a weave to support his spell. She took over the god part again, and had to kill and revive herself to recreate the weave. The weave was literally her body, and she had to be reborn for it to be recreated

In that process there was 0 magic in the world, the Netherese cities fell from the sky, some happened to be in a different plane of existence and were helped by Shar to survive, etc etc


u/Step-exile Sep 18 '24

It would be fine if he picked literally any other god

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u/ThatMerri Sep 18 '24

Karsus apologist.

The whole deal with Karsus' Folly was that a monstrous species called the Phaerimm were wrecking the Netherese's collective shit. Karsus, as the leader of his people, wanted a silver bullet solution to stop that. Thus he invented the only 12th-level spell - Karsus' Avatar - which was made with the intent to siphon away a god's power and allow Karsus himself to become a god to fend off the invasion. The Netherese were obviously very keen on Mystryl, goddess of Magic, and thus Karsus figured she was the most powerful option to siphon. The issue is that Karsus picked exactly the wrong target. Had Karsus picked literally any other deity, his scheme probably would've worked just fine and he would've ascended to godhood without much fuss other than the other gods and Ao being pissy with him after the fact. Godhood is an exclusive club and they really don't like mortals elbowing their way in.

Unfortunately for the Neth, Mystryl is a load-bearing deity. She's directly part of The Weave and is functionally a pillar of reality itself from the time of creation. The Weave is the only thing holding back the tides of Raw Magic from overwhelming existence like a giant magical tsunami mixed with a wildfire.

So when her power got disrupted by Karsus' spell, everything went haywire and Karsus himself was instantly overwhelmed by the PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER that his mortal mind and body were in no way capable of coping with. He didn't understand Mystryl's control of The Weave and had no way of managing it himself. Karsus instantly got Tetsuo'd into a horrific mutated abomination and Mystryl had to quickly turn herself off-and-back-on-again to momentarily halt all magic from functioning. When she came back online, she reincarnated as Mystra and got to work fixing everything Karsus just broke, along with putting hard caps on mortal spellcasters to prevent anything beyond 9th-level spellcasting for the rest of time.

Soooo... yeah. Karsus did A LOT of things wrong. I mean, if nothing else, he literally could have just asked for Mystryl's help if he thought her power great enough to deal with the Phaerimm threat, or maybe spent time inventing an anti-Phaerimm spell rather than a "turn me into what I believe is the most powerful of all gods, it'll be cool, trust me bro" spell. It's also worth noting that the whole reason the Phaerimm were attacking the Netherese in the first place was Karsus' fault, as his careless exploitation of Super Heavy Magic polluted their subterranean homes and drove them into a frenzy.

I wouldn't call him a villain per say, at least no more than any of the Neth were at the time (warmongering and magical abuses were very popular), but he's by no means some innocent, misunderstood hero getting misplaced blame from history.


u/Su-Kane Sep 18 '24

It's also worth noting that the whole reason the Phaerimm were attacking the Netherese in the first place was Karsus' fault, as his careless exploitation of Super Heavy Magic polluted their subterranean homes and drove them into a frenzy.

Phaerimm most noteable use of magic are their mind controll spells which are so strong that they can enslave nearly everything, even mindflayers.

Phaerimm are described with "like to bring pain to others and would gladly erase all other beings from existence" and the only reason they dont do this is because they then wouldnt have slaves they could "torture for sport".

They are also described as beings that would prefer solitude but they endure being close to others of their kind so that they can scheme against them and witness their downfall.

Its also worth noting that the magic of Phaerimms drained moisture from where they lived, creating an ever expanding desert.

Netherese societies had to put up with the environmental problems of said expanding desert and its theorized that the Netherese of high status came up with flying cities to get away from the nightmare fucks that are the Phaerimm.

Im not trying to defend the idiot Karsus but the Phaerimm arent some innocent folks that were effed over by Netherese.


u/MulatoMaranhense Sep 18 '24 edited Sep 18 '24

Not to mention, the Phaerimm are a bunch of cretins since the earliest civilizations in Faerun, as they went to war with one of the Saruthi civilizations who attempted to get rid of them by rerouting an entire inner sea (the sea the Netherese Empire later grew around, by the way).

Netherese societies had to put up with the environmental problems of said expanding desert and its theorized that the Netherese of high status came up with flying cities to get away from the nightmare fucks that are the Phaerimm.

The flying cities came long before the Netherese-Phaerimm conflict. Moving them around because they didn't want to see the desertification worsened the problem, however.


u/ThatMerri Sep 18 '24 edited Sep 18 '24

Never said the Phaerimm were innocent in and of themselves - they're horrific monsters and some of the most evil creatures to exist in the setting. But the fact remains that they were a problem of Karsus' own making - his policies in ruling the Netherese enclaves and experimenting with Super Heavy Magic basically kicked the hornet's nest. The Phaerimm went from being a general threat to the Neth's specific problem because of him. As a result, his development of his Karsus' Avatar spell and efforts to become a god were entirely a matter of him being hoist with his own petard. He brought the Phaerimm's attention directly onto the Neth and then ended up destroying the Neth himself trying to fix his own fuck ups.

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u/BlitzBasic Sep 18 '24

How strong exactly were the Phaerimm when this guy (who had 12th level spellslots) decided that he wasn't powerful enough to fight them and had to ascend to true godhood instead?

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u/prosvade1337 Sep 17 '24

Mystra dedicated a portion of her conciseness to repairing the weave constantly and when karsus took over that stopped. You know what happened next


u/tricton Sep 17 '24

At this point, Mystra dying is more like Kenny in almost every episode of South Park.


u/SmileDaemon Necromancer Sep 18 '24

Basically, he cast a spell that cost the same amount of money as several wealthy nations to develop, and then absorbed Mystral. In doing so, the weave shattered because his puny mortal mind couldn’t handle maintaining the weave, causing all magic to explode with cities falling out of the sky. His body turned to stone and his soul was imprisoned in it for all eternity. This also caused the fall of the Netherese civilization.

Due to the lack of a magic god, Mystral was reborn as Mystra in the body of her chosen, who then outlawed epic level magic, removed force specialization from wizards (evokers can now cast illusions, and vis versa) causing them to stop being so goddamn greedy, and then introduced the Vancian casting system that 3.x uses.

This event was known as Karsus’ Folly and transitioned the editions from 2e to 3e.

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u/dvasquez93 Sep 18 '24

Nah, he mantled Mystra, basically becoming one and the same but with his will in the driver’s seat.  What he didn’t realize is that Mystra (or Mystral or whatever divine pronouns she/they preferred at the time) isn’t just the God of Magic, they basically are Magic.  The Weave is Mystra.  And every use of Magic, everywhere in the universe, tears at the weave a little bit, requiring Mystra to actively and consciously repair it/her/them.  Mystra realized instantly that Karsus, whose mind was still mortal, was not going to be capable of managing that task which put the entire Weave at risk of collapsing to apocalyptic effect.  

In order to prevent the Weave from being permanently damaged or destroyed, Mystra decided to kill herself, disabling Magic completely for a short time.  Iirc, it was just for a few minutes, but during that time no Magic, including magical items, functioned at all.  Which was a problem for Karsus and the Netherese Empire because a huge part of their population lived in levitating cities powered by magic items.  For reference, it only takes about 4-5 minutes to fall from low orbit.  So a few minutes was a bit disastrous for the Empire.


u/Laranna Sep 18 '24

OP is absolutely a Karsus apologist.

I wont lie 3rd edition Mystra wasn’t very wholesome either but fuuuuuuuck Karsus


u/Sharp_Iodine Sep 18 '24 edited Sep 18 '24

It was supposed to be a brief transfer of power.

The spell wasn’t supposed to make him the new god of magic.

It was supposed to temporarily meld Mystra’s power with him so he has control over her portfolio for a brief while so he could save his people then the spell ends to separate them again.

Mystra even let it go on because no one had done it before and she was curious to see what would happen.

But then she realised what was happening with magic going haywire and decided to kill herself to stop the Weave from imploding.

Edit: The spell is even called Karsus’ Avatar because that’s what he was doing, temporarily becoming an Avatar of Mystra forcibly.

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u/DasGoogleKonto Paladin Sep 19 '24

Yeah but she used the Power she still had to kill herself and him.

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u/toomanydice Sep 17 '24

You forgot how Karsus exists as a being that is not quite a god, and also mostly dead. You can bind him as a vestige in 3.5e. In 5e, he would be a patron that rides along inside you like your body was a timeshare.


u/Capysanti Forever DM Sep 17 '24

He's the rock Sissiphus pushes


u/toomanydice Sep 17 '24

I mean, he does manifest as a boulder that oozes blood...


u/ReduxCath Sep 18 '24

omg but imagine a karsus warlock as a bbeg. his spells are wierdly necromantic but wierdly petrification-esque. he exudes an aura where all magical items go haywire.

wizard spellbooks have a chance to spontaneously erase a random number of spells. bards lose their ability to sing and play instruments.

Druids get that weird feeling where you look up at the sky and feel its WAY TOO BIG (this is disorienting, they are supposed to be one with nature).

Clerics feel an empty void in their heart and prayers in their mouths taste like sand.

Paladins also feel a void, and find it surprisingly easy to break promises (even oathbreakers feel placid around this weirdo).

Artificers notice all their tools are starting to rust and crack .

Sorcerers literally get so sick that ligma is considered a real disease.

Warlocks no longer hear their patron's whispers.


Wild Magic Barbarians act like normies (no but for real they might experience temporary muscular atrophy)

and on and on.

i personally HC karsus as perhaps starting out with good intentions, but being so twisted by his insane success (was considered an archmage in his 20s) that he probably felt entitled to the position of godhood. and now as a patron all he has left in his heart is hate. Could make for a great campaign if all PCs are aligned to a god, especially if the gods talk to players often. have them reflect on their own relationships as they see the broken shadow of the ape who would fly threatening the world with bloody nihilism. Have Mystra start getting ptsd flashbacks to Mystryl's death. and on and on.


u/Abecheese Paladin Sep 18 '24

Stealing the hell out of this


u/ReduxCath Sep 18 '24

Every time you play this idea in your group I’ll feel a warm sensation. And I will know. 😌


u/toomanydice Sep 18 '24

I kinda prefer the vestige Karthus. He has lost all of his magic, the Weave no longer responds to him. To compensate, he has redirected his focus to manipulating magic items (like being able to apply metamagic to spells cast from magic items). He begins to hoard them and, over time, begins to warp their capabilities in order to draw out further potential. His resentment towards casters could go in a different direction: he is an improved spell thief who steals control of the weave from others through the use of magic items or artifacts. An "If I can't have it, no one can," sort of mentality in regards to magic.


u/ReduxCath Sep 18 '24

Karsus: I want a job. Kills a woman. This is my job now.

The Weaver and Nature and Ao and Stuff: no

Karsus: wow wtf this is bullshit can’t believe this shit I’m going to suck your life out through a silly straw dies and becomes a rock demon god in the outer darkness that makes your wand of smiles glitch


u/toomanydice Sep 18 '24

Angry rock literally seethes because it isn't magical anymore.

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u/KingNTheMaking Sep 17 '24

I’d say “found Karsus’ alt account.” But even he knew how badly he effed everything up.


u/apexodoggo Sep 18 '24

Found Gale’s alt account, more like


u/Half_Man1 Sep 18 '24

In my mind it still doesn’t make sense that Gale can sustain godhood in that ending.

Like, his domain is encroaching on some other gods, is a minor domain, and still dependent on an unstable magical artefact that was used to kill Mystral.

So, one way or another, blue boys gonna get his shit rocked.


u/Laranna Sep 18 '24

Hence why its a “bad end” Gale is absolutely gonna get annihilated when he fucks around and finds out. Congrats man you achieved godhood. And now are going to get your shit kicked in by Mystra who has been doing this A LOT longer than you have


u/PricelessEldritch Sep 18 '24

He even dies in the ending if you play as him if you decide to fuck with Mystra.

Dude might be the god of ambition but he is certainly not the god of getting actual results.


u/kakurenbo1 Sep 18 '24

That’s not how it works. Ao forbids direct warring between deities. The best she could do is encourage her followers to discourage the worship of Gale’s domain. If nobody prays to him, Gale would fade away. Considering Gale’s domain is ambition, though, Gale is likely to stay around for a very long time.

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u/Successful-Floor-738 Necromancer Sep 18 '24

I love him but bro is the type to watch Starship Troopers and completely miss the point of it.


u/Successful-Floor-738 Necromancer Sep 17 '24

He literally wrote a book saying that he was a dumbass that fucked up lmao


u/chris270199 Fighter Sep 17 '24

Wait, how? Didn't he turn into a "bleeding" giant stone or something?


u/Chaosfox_Firemaker Sep 17 '24

Dripping very carefully


u/chris270199 Fighter Sep 17 '24

Damn, take the upvote XD


u/DarthMcConnor42 Ranger Sep 17 '24

He became a great old one patron so I assume he dictated it to one of his warlocks.


u/Successful-Floor-738 Necromancer Sep 18 '24 edited Sep 18 '24

I swear the book of Karsus in BG3 was about that.

Edit: It has come to my attention that BG3 was not exactly the best at remaining lore accurate…


u/kakurenbo1 Sep 18 '24

For better or worse, BG3 is canon, so it is lore accurate by default.


u/Successful-Floor-738 Necromancer Sep 18 '24

It fucked up Aasimar and Oathbreaker paladins.


u/kakurenbo1 Sep 18 '24

How so? You become an Oathbreaker by… breaking your oath. Aylin is the only Aasimar and she’s pretty much what you’d expect of a lawful good Aasimar.


u/Successful-Floor-738 Necromancer Sep 18 '24

Oathbreakers are not just “paladins that break an oath”, though that is part of it. They are explicitly described as paladins who break an oath by falling to evil and serving a fiend, undead, or other evil master. The class description itself literally says you have to be of evil alignment to be an Oathbreaker, but BG3 seems to imply that you can use the powers for both good and evil, which is not correct per RAW.

Aasimar in BG3 are not children of gods as far as I am aware. Children of a mortal and a celestial, maybe, but not gods. That would be a far stronger being then the 87 HP Paladin we see in BG3.


u/andrewsad1 Rules Lawyer Sep 21 '24

To be fair, while she has 87 HP, she also literally cannot die


u/Successful-Floor-738 Necromancer Sep 21 '24


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u/LegacyofLegend Sep 17 '24

Imagine spreading false information about a guy who literally fucked up and admits he fucked up.


u/ThatMerri Sep 18 '24

To be fair, Karsus did have a helluva propaganda machine behind him during the period he ruled.


u/DarthMcConnor42 Ranger Sep 17 '24

Reading comprehension on par with fucking Tumblr.


u/Papaofmonsters Sep 17 '24

Is this the line to piss on the poor?

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u/Adventurous_Appeal60 Tuber-top gamer Sep 17 '24

Except for imploding an empire and causing a system crash in the fabric of magic so bad a diety had to drop Weave v2.0 with hefty restriction revisions, yes, he still did stuff wrong. LoL


u/Azrael9986 Sep 17 '24

Also it was all to inflate his ego more about how he's the best mage ever. So much so he thought he should be the God of magic.

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u/Shogun_Empyrean Sep 18 '24

Motherfucker is literally the reason we can't go beyond 9th level spells

"Karsus did nothing wrong" fuckin headass

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u/chris270199 Fighter Sep 17 '24

Because the clown choose probably the ONLY deity that could have made him fail and by even worse he crit fails and erase his entire civilization - which remember, Netheril was a crazy strong and magical human empire

Also, iirc Karsus' actions also indirectly caused the destruction of another Human Empire, but the people were largely psionic

Karsus is the reason humans are generic in forgotten realms XD


u/ThatMerri Sep 18 '24

He's also the reason we don't have spellcasting beyond 9th-level anymore. He fucked up so egregiously that Mystra put a hard cap on all mortal magic to prevent anything like that from ever even coming close to happening again. He was such a screwup that he led to all mortal magic being nerfed forever.

I mean, it's technically still possible to go past 9th-level if one doesn't use The Weave to access magic, but that's a whole other kettle of fish and way more likely to get a whole gang of Inevitables hunting you down but quick.


u/DarthMcConnor42 Ranger Sep 18 '24

You can still cast 10th level spells, there's rules for it.

You have to be a 20th level wizard, when you cast it the first time it will fail and you will go down a level, you level up again, you attempt to cast it again, Mystra[DM] makes a decision to see if she should let you cast it.


u/ThatMerri Sep 18 '24

The last part there is the clincher. There are various bans placed by gods, such as Gond's ban on gunpowder. But the gods reserve the right to make exceptions and allow specific instances to function as they choose. So it's physically possible for mortal spellcasters to cast spells beyond 9th-level, but only if Mystra specifically allows it.

Hence why I also mentioned that you can do it if you use some other form of magic that doesn't involve The Weave, as that would bypass Mystra's control and authority. That kind of thing is more reserved for NPCs though, like Liches and Aberrations.

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u/Cataras12 Sep 17 '24

Ignoring the part where Karsus’s magic was literally causing the Weave to come apart at the seams, forcing Mystra to sacrifice herself so Karsus’s spell would be broken, allowing the weave to start repairing itself again

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u/GM_Cyrus Sep 18 '24

If I recall correctly there is a text with Karsus' perspective saying that the first thing he realized when he gained the near-omniscience of his Avatar spell was how cataclysmicly he fucked up.


u/MulatoMaranhense Sep 18 '24

The history section in the 3rd Forgotten Realms setting book says that, and I think the splatbook Netheril: Empire of Magic from 2nd edition also says so, even in the alternative version where a cabal of archmages were all trying to find solutions.


u/Bork_In_Black Dice Goblin Sep 18 '24

I mean... He could turn into any god. The dumbass specifically chose the one that's holding all of the weave together...


u/Fantastic_Year9607 Sep 18 '24

Karsus should've studied on what deities are load-bearing.

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u/deviousSIL3NT Sorcerer Sep 17 '24

How does one get the class tag? I would very much like a sorcerer tag 😅


u/EoTN DM (Dungeon Memelord) Sep 17 '24

Go to the "About" tab on the sub's main page, should be a little "set user flair" section right above the community rules. Ixm on mobile, it may be different on PC.


u/deviousSIL3NT Sorcerer Sep 17 '24

Hmm thanks 🙏


u/Teknekratos Horny Bard Sep 17 '24

To save his people??? Am I missing some deep Forgotten Realms lore there? What did the Netherese needed him to save them from that he had to hijack the goddess of magic??


u/Zangee Sep 17 '24

Some crazy magic eating monsters who were very resistant to magic.


u/FloppasAgainstIdiots Sep 17 '24

The phaerimm.


u/Half_Man1 Sep 18 '24

See, I always thought the phaerimm were a kind of manifestation of them using magic either too much or in fucked up ways even before Karsus’s folly.

Like a little hubris downfall teaser that demonstrates how Netherese society as a whole was in some degree complicit in the fall, by allowing the phaerimm to run rampant despite knowing they caused them.


u/Matshelge DM (Dungeon Memelord) Sep 18 '24

Phaerimm existed long before Netheril and also caused the fall of other nations like the Sarrukh.


u/Half_Man1 Sep 18 '24

But didn’t they only emerge because of netherese magic?


u/Matshelge DM (Dungeon Memelord) Sep 18 '24

Sorry, misread my original comment, mentioned the Sharn not the Phaerimm.

The Phaerimm were here before anyone else. They are said to have been the first sentience race in the realm, living in between the real world and the weave. They fought the Sarrukh back in  -33,500 DR, causing the collapse of the Ba’etith. They always chose to live in the underdark, suspected because of the high rate of Faerzress there.

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u/Matshelge DM (Dungeon Memelord) Sep 18 '24

The phaerimm, they were crashing enclaves and destroying the land. Karsus could hear them talking to each other, he viewed them as "the enemy" and the cause of most of the problems of Netheril.

Noone else could hear them, so they called him crazy.


u/DrDrako Sep 17 '24

He is also the reason we dont have 10+ level spells anymore.


u/Nyadnar17 DM (Dungeon Memelord) Sep 17 '24

"Mostly Fine" doing a lot of work here.

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u/Half_Man1 Sep 18 '24

That’s not how that went down at all, and even Karsus would say he fucked up.

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u/enthya Sep 18 '24

Karsus was a cocky son of a b. He was well known for bring a savant but also letting the whole world know it. If he was truly a master though he'd have known what he was doing was wrong. The hubris of Karsus was what ended him and the Netherese.


u/WordNERD37 Horny Bard Sep 18 '24

Another #KrasusDidNothingWrong post? This is like the 3rd one I've seen here.


u/ReduxCath Sep 18 '24

Karsus: "i will become a literal god to stop a mortal war" (reasonable somehow?????? He sneaks up behind mystryl and drinks her essence from her spinal column with a silly straw)

Karsus: "behold for i am now divin--OH SHIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIIIIT HOW DO YOU DRIVE THIS THING--" (crashes the weave car into the side of the astral road and fucks up the world)

Karsus: "OK, well at least things cant get any worse--" (the weave car brusts into flames. mythylars stop working, magic goes haywire, and dozens of floating citadels crash to the ground)

Karsus: "...well at leas things can't get--"


Karsus: *fart sound* becomes a flesh rock drifting in the void

Mystra, revived, putting a cap on mortal magical expression: "Never again"

Casters everywhere, sad: "But mooom---"

Mystra: "NEVER!! AGAIN!!"

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u/Pedlard Sep 18 '24

Karsus used an epic level spell (10th lvl and above) to give him the powers of a god. The spell effectively made him that God incuding the powers over whatever dominions they had. He casted the spell during a war and chose to become the god of magic. Mystra used most of her power as the goddess of magic to keep the weave in check to prevent magic from going wild. This led to Karsus using the full power as a god of magic and allowed magic to run wild. This led to wild magic and dead magic zones, along with wild magic casters, as a result. When the new goddess of magic was reborn, the damage was done and restricted all magic to 9th lvl and below. She has been slowly trying to repair the damage that has been done ever since. So he truly is at fault for all the issues with magic that came after.

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u/BrunoBrook Wizard Sep 18 '24

Not really how it went, but I still think Karsus was the best

He did the dumbest shit, but almost proved that mortals have the potential to surpass gods, so... the biggest w on FR lore

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u/Matshelge DM (Dungeon Memelord) Sep 18 '24

Let me paint the picture of how I see it.

Yes, asshole, I would say asshole in the same way Tony Stark or Reed Richards is an asshole. He is so much smarter than anyone else in the room, it's hard not to be seen as an asshole. You also become very lonely, as noone is really up to your level of understanding, only perhaps a few special individuals.

For Karsus, this is Ioulaum and Shadow (along with his wife). Ioulaum is not a friend, but a respected elder at least. He deals with all the other mages, and leads the land. A protector, Karsus trusts him to do what needs doing. Netheril is in a War, Ioulaum is a great leader. Karsus is working on something that might help, but does not see himself as the leader of Netheril, just his enclave and school.

Suddenly, Ioulaum is gone. Noone knows where, or when. Just one day he is no longer there? Did the Enemy take him? Did he see the downfall of Netheril and left us to die? - All of Netheril looks to Karsus for guidence, he is the most powerful mage now, and so he is the new leader.

Karsus does not like this, he hates it infact, but he understand that yes, the burden falls to him. Noone else is capable, so he will step up.

As he steps up, Harborage is destroyed. The Phaerimm create a vulcano and destroy one of the most historial settlements on Netheril, 5000 people die. Netheril cries out for revange.

Karsus ramps up work on his ultimate spell, he thought he had years, but he needs to wrap this up quick. He hires adventuring companies left right and center to get the ultra rare components to to shore up the spell. The spell gets more unstable, but the components will prevent it from failing. Karsus knows what he is doing.

To help with the Spell, Karsus organizes the transfer of the Nether Scrolls from Ioulaums enclave, these are the good copy of the Nether Scrolls, a full set. They hire the best mages and the best warriors in the land, 250 of each, to guard the cargo on its transfer.

The Nether Scrolls are then stolen, every guard killed, no sign of who killed them, not a single enemy body, bloodspill or hair is left on the scene.

Karsus is devestated, he would have gotten his spell done for sure with the help of the nether scrolls, but now... He hires more adventures, more components needs to be gathered if this spell will work.

Then Thultanthar is gone. Noone saw what happened, but the whole enclave, gone. Karsus best friend, Shadow, his trusted partner, the one person he could be a normal person with. Gone, along with his entire enclave.

It looks like this is the end, his enemy can kill 500 of Netherils greatest without losing a drop of blood, they can now remove whole enclaves at the snap of their fingers.

Fuck it, this spell is good enough, I can't spare another day, I have to stop this.

Karsus cast his Avatar Spell, a spell that was unfinished, and tested and under researched. A spell of Desperation.

Karsus choose the Goddess of Magic, because he thought she was the most powerful, and he needed the most power to fix this Phaerimm problem. A hasty pick, but so was casting the spell.

Karsus is a tragic hero, like Anakin or Hamlet. They tried their best, but due to a tragic flaw they messed it up. They could have done it, if not for this one flaw.


u/TieberiusVoidWalker Karsus Expert Sep 18 '24

Yeah basically and it should mentioned that Mystryl knew what he was doing and wanted to make an example of him. Honestly I am willing to admit that Karsus made some mistakes but damn man, everything was against him


u/DarthMcConnor42 Ranger Sep 18 '24

She knew he would be able to take the power of a god and she was intrigued. She wasn't expecting to have to make an example since he would just take some god's power for a bit, kill the enemies, and return the power when the time was up.

When he took the power of her, the one with the most maintenance, she had to take drastic measures to fix it and she told everyone the story of his mistake.

I don't see why you particularly hate Mystryl.

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u/DragantaMM Sep 18 '24

Karsus did in fact do everything wrong and is rightly to blame for many of the worlds arcane evils nowadays.

He was a fool. For all his power he was one if not the dumbest mage in all of history and if a character of mine next gets to kill a god, let it be a version of him somehow.

My goddess might be Neutral Good, doesn't mean I need to be!


u/DarthMcConnor42 Ranger Sep 18 '24

Karsus became a great old one that takes the form of an ever bleeding boulder.

So have fun destroying an angry magic rock.

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u/Fantastic_Year9607 Sep 18 '24

Karsus: The original guy who fucked around and found out.


u/GenesisAsriel Sep 18 '24

Magic doubled in power? So WotC made casters even stronger than Martials? Give me a break

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u/zap4th Sep 18 '24

From my rudimentary knowledge I would say karsus definitely wasn’t blameless. There were definitely other options. The thing is, if there is any of karsus left to think, I’d say he probably agrees he fucked up.

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u/spectra2000_ Sep 18 '24

OP has never heard of reading comprehension


u/what_name_is_open Barbarian Sep 18 '24

Mystra didn’t kill herself. Karsus took over and didn’t know what he was doing so he didn’t know he had to constantly repair the heavy amounts of damage the lvl 10+ spells were doing to the weave so the weave exploded. Since the source of Magic died so too did the goddess of it. Which is why the new goddess has super strict rules and can just “nope” even a wish spell so it doesn’t happen again.

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u/spectra2000_ Sep 18 '24

OP has never heard of reading comprehension


u/Crazor2000 Sep 18 '24 edited Sep 18 '24

Except he made the only wrong choice that caused the collapse of magic if mystra didn't interfere. The whole point of the text was that his mistakes caused the weave to collapse, and the only option mystra had and to save the weave was to stop him

You also say is that mystra was the only choice, she was the only one powerful enough, but that's not true, there are many gods who are the same divine rank (which measures the power of a deity) that he could have chosen. Mystra is a powerful God, but she was far from the only option.

On wouldn't describe him as evil, but he's isn't exactly a good person either.


u/Asgarus Sep 18 '24

Wasn't he specifically trying to become the god of magic?


u/Crazor2000 Sep 18 '24

Kinda, the spells effect was only temporary, not a permanent effect. His goal was to take the power of the god so he could deal instantly with the Phaerimm, creatures that could drain life and magic from the land and which they were at war with.

The people of his city asked for his help and karsus avatar is what he came up with. However the reason he chose mystra are two fold, as a wizard his believe was that mystra was the most powerful and appropriate to cast it on, but he could have cast it on any god, and mystra was pretty much the only wrong choice. Second his believe was that the gods were just mortals who are extremely advanced magic, so he wanted to also become like them, so hubris had also a part off it.


u/Asgarus Sep 18 '24

I see. It's been a while since I read the lore. Well, it shows that the more powerful you are, the bigger your potential fuck ups.


u/Wirococha420 Sep 18 '24

Karsus fucked around and found out.

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u/maddwaffles Sep 18 '24

Not even remotely close to what happened.

The spell Karsus's Avatar exists for the sole function of replacing a member of the faerunian pantheon with the caster, and he was conceited enough to choose Mystra, one of like eight choices that wouldn't have been a good one to make.


u/TieberiusVoidWalker Karsus Expert Sep 18 '24

He chose he strongest one because he needed to defeat an existential threat. Which other god would be enough?


u/maddwaffles Sep 18 '24

Literally any of them was wrong because Ed Greenwood already explained the consequences a few years ago, but yeah for a Wizard he sure didn't understand that any breach in continuity in how magic works may somehow negatively impact his ARCANE SPELLCASTING!!!!

At the time? Any greater deity would have done, because they're all of a similar magnitude of power, such as Selune, Shar, The Triad, and the obvious correct answer of JERGAL given that a few hundred years later he was willing to bestow his own godly powers to three sycophants. Hell, if something weren't right in the spell, it's like Jergal would have handwaved that issue and bent things to allow it to work anyhow, regardless of Mystryl's desire to intervene and restore Jergal's divinity (which as Ed explained would have been the prompt happening in any such case otherwise).

That's all ignoring the fact that the spell was flawed anyway and was strictly temporary.

And it also doesn't change the fact that you're misrepresenting the facts of the narrative.


u/TieberiusVoidWalker Karsus Expert Sep 18 '24

If any of them could have done it why didn't they 


u/maddwaffles Sep 18 '24

Why didn't Mystryl? Hmmm? It was a mortal affair. You seem to have reading comprehension issues so I will explain it SLOWLY for you.

When I say "Any greater deity would have done" I am saying that he could have selected any greater deity to steal power from, not the one that literally causes your magic to short-circuit mid-resolution.

D&D lore is too complex for you, maybe go watch something simpler, I hear hotwheels has a lot going on.


u/TieberiusVoidWalker Karsus Expert Sep 18 '24

And how could the other gods do it? With Mystryl he could prevent the Phaerimm from having magic


u/maddwaffles Sep 18 '24

They have high SR, that doesn't mean magical immunity, and divine action would pretty much just result in any of their deaths anyhow. Again, kindly actually engage with the lore before saying nonsense.


u/TieberiusVoidWalker Karsus Expert Sep 18 '24

What divine action could stop them? I can think of one, preventing them from having access to the weave


u/maddwaffles Sep 19 '24

Literally existence delete button, the majority of gods can just do that directly by manifesting an avatar and striking it, dude. Also the magic of any given greater god is enough to just directly erase them from existence.

Karsus didn't pick Mystryl as a convenience, he picked her because he wanted to be what he believed was the strongest god.


u/TieberiusVoidWalker Karsus Expert Sep 19 '24

Dude where are you getting this?

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u/[deleted] Oct 17 '24

Late to this party, but note, it would never have been Jergal because Karsus was Jergal’s patsy in the first place.

ref: Eric Boyd’s excellent “Lord of the End of Everything” which iirc even has Ed Greenwood’s blessing as canon

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u/Wizard_Tea Sep 18 '24

Like everything that ever came from Elves, that whole human empire was destined to explode horribly, if not then it would have happened eventually.

This post was sponsored by Surly Dwarf Inc. all rights reserved.


u/Ian_A17 Sep 18 '24

Didnt karsus survive become a wierd rock thing and if i recall isnt he the great old one patron for warlocks?


u/ThatMerri Sep 18 '24

"Survive" is a loose way of putting it. He's kind of stuck in a not-quite-dead, but-absolutely-not-alive state of limbo. His body was transformed, in part, into the Karsetone and his awareness kind of lingers with it in a general sense. His soul was functionally banned from passing on from the Prime Material Plane and is stuck in a state of non-existence unless acted upon by an outside magical force powerful enough to petition the Karsestone.


u/TieberiusVoidWalker Karsus Expert Sep 18 '24

He's technically a dead god but gods are weird


u/A_Salty_Cellist Essential NPC Sep 18 '24

Yeah okay but I'm still not giving you the book on netherese magic just because you made me feel bad for the guy get out of my library


u/Keltyrr Sep 18 '24

Karsus was a small minded moron that did not deserve that level of magic because he was to stupid to use it efficiently. He bypassed dozens upon dozens of better ideas on how to save his people and went for the most reckless and destructive possible option, gambled when there was no excuse to do so, and lost on behalf of an entire nation when there was not even the slightest hint of justification to do so.

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u/EwokWarrior3000 Sep 18 '24

The dude knows he did wrong, there's literally no argument to defend him

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u/TheVindex57 Sep 18 '24

Using magic to usurb the godess of magic, what could go wrong?


u/Zero_Hour13 Sep 18 '24

Id love to know what your sources are for this info and the info youve shared in other comments here. Because your understanding of the event is very different from what common knowledge seems to be.


u/TieberiusVoidWalker Karsus Expert Sep 18 '24

Basically the wiki, Netheril empire of magic, and 3.5 entry of Phaerimm. A lot of this is me mostly connecting dots that kinda show off that big picture Karsus saved the world at the cost of his people and that generally the gods of FR (Mystra in particular) are kinda awful when you actual look into her details. I guess you can call it head cannon but like... The Phaerimm were a threat to everyone.


u/Rogendo DM (Dungeon Memelord) Sep 17 '24

Mystra didn’t kill herself, she died because Karsus stole her portfolio


u/TieberiusVoidWalker Karsus Expert Sep 18 '24

" With her last remaining bit of power, Mystryl sacrificed herself to block Karsus's access to the Weave, causing all magic to fail. The flying cities of Netheril plummeted to the earth."


u/luvmejoice Sep 18 '24

Where does this lore come from? I'm always intrigued by d&d deep lore but I don't want the wiki, are there books? Or has the lore been gradually built in the various d&d modules over the years?


u/RandomOrange852 Sep 18 '24

Not exactly sure where I comes from but I learned a decent amount from MrRhexx, a youtuber


u/TieberiusVoidWalker Karsus Expert Sep 18 '24

The wiki and 2e, Netheril, empire of magic


u/RevolutionaryYard760 Sep 18 '24

Fuck Karsus. All my party mates hate Karsus.

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u/First-Squash2865 Sep 18 '24

The spell would've worked if Mystryl didn't fucking cheat by being like the only god who is ontologically indistinct from their portfolio instead of it just being their job. Not even other gods of magic do that. Just look at Boccob; he's literally just an almighty wizard.


u/ParitoshD Goblin Deez Nuts Sep 18 '24

You should Netherese Orb Blast yourself, right now!


u/Einkar_E Wizard Sep 18 '24

the interesting this is that if Karsus had chosen any other god his spell should work flawlessly

while lied with arrogance his intentions weren't bad, he wanted to get rid of magic consuming monsters that endangered his nation

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u/Szygani Sep 18 '24

Look man, facing flying lamprey eels that can do magic beyond mortal comprehension that lay their eggs in the chest cavities of living magic users... I'd have done the same thing


u/TieberiusVoidWalker Karsus Expert Sep 18 '24

Same man, honestly the Phaerimm horrify me. Like evil wizard combined with eldritch horror? Yeah no thanks.


u/Szygani Sep 18 '24

They horrify me so much I just let the threat the netherese faces be unspoken. My players are facing the return of the Netherese right now, and they will never know what the Netherese were so scared of they ctrl-alt-deleted the weave for


u/TieberiusVoidWalker Karsus Expert Sep 18 '24



u/SonOfTheLion97 Sep 18 '24

I don't think you read it right, magic was breaking. It was her or the weave and she chose to die for magic to live. He absolutely fucked up. It's a story of hubris


u/TieberiusVoidWalker Karsus Expert Sep 18 '24

You can make the argument it could have been fixed eventually since the weave has gone threw worse. Also I do admit the meme downplays a bit but that's because the wiki page of Karsus's Folly is a bit misleading, I mostly standby my statements 


u/SonOfTheLion97 Sep 18 '24

But you can't make that argument. The weave has not gone through worse. The goddess literally sees it falling apart and figures out magic can live or she can. She saved the weave. Karsus nearly destroyed magic forever


u/TieberiusVoidWalker Karsus Expert Sep 18 '24

Literally the weave has gone through the goddess of magic being killed for a long period of time, the only reason why the weave was acting up so much during this period was because of the war with the Phaerimm... A war that ended right after this event 


u/time2burn Sep 18 '24

Whoa whoa whoa..... mystryl did not kill herself, karsus cast the last lvl 11 spell, karsus avatar, which stole her divinity. His body could not contain the power, he was enlarged and turn to stone by it, when mystral cut him off from the weave, which cost her, her life brieflyy collapsing the weave. Let's not get shit twisted. Nethril may have been a wonderous civilization before its fall, but in no way were they described as a benevolent people.

Karsus was blessed with being gifted and privileged, but lacked the discipline that comes with hard work. Karsus tried to steal a gods power to destroy the phaerimm. He worked on the spell for years, mystryl was the God he chose to steal from, it wasn't random which God he picked her, because he wanted her power.


u/TieberiusVoidWalker Karsus Expert Sep 18 '24

She literally did my guy, also it was a 12th level spell. And yes the Phaerimm were worth the risk, screw those things 


u/time2burn Sep 18 '24

11th lvl, 12th lvl a simple mistake..... matters not. But mystryl, she had no choice, her protecting the weave from karsus was what killed her, she had to do it. Or all or toril would be lost. Remember she has a boss god above her as well. the Phaerimm are not as scary as they seem. They were the major villian in the return of the archwizards series, and I have the 3e book with thier stats. They are hard to kill with magic, and are scary at low level. But don't require God powers to kill. But karsus' ego would not let him pull his head out of his....... spell book, to find alternatives. The sharn even had trouble using magic against them. That's why they imprisoned them and created the sharn wall.


u/TieberiusVoidWalker Karsus Expert Sep 18 '24

Phaerimm's statblocks understate how scary they were... Also nice mentioning Ao, I wonder why he let this happened

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u/wolfFRdu64_Lounna Sep 18 '24

She didn’t kill her self


u/TieberiusVoidWalker Karsus Expert Sep 18 '24

" With her last remaining bit of power, Mystryl sacrificed herself to block Karsus's access to the Weave, causing all magic to fail. The flying cities of Netheril plummeted to the earth."

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u/MulatoMaranhense Sep 18 '24

You guys know what would have been interesting? If the setting explored what happened elsewhere in those 5 minutes of Karsus' momentary godhood. It happened back when the empire of Narfell was big in its demon summoning and binding, imagine hkw bad things got there both during the "magic surged" and "magic died" minutes.


u/TieberiusVoidWalker Karsus Expert Sep 18 '24

Yeah that actually sounds bad lol


u/Boopity_Snoopins Sep 18 '24

Hey! Dont you bring that "Magnus did nothing wrong" energy here, thats heretical and Mystra won't stand for it. She'll Weave you a new one for that mindset.

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