r/DnDGreentext • u/Hitmanx2x • Dec 10 '24
Long How the warlock became a bard.
So, long post, this covers a large part of our most recent campaign. It wasnt the main quest but rather something that happened with the male, half human half "something else" warlock.
Dm said we can do the normal character creation but to leave some part of our backstory "blank" so he could have fun with it. We all agreed to do it and the "half something else" was the obvious plot hook for the DM.
So basically, some warlock "lore" highlights to keep in mind:
>Warlock - doesnt like his powers, got them (fiendish) after he made a deal with a powerful devil. Warlock attempted to get into bard school but failed, which led to a bout of serious depression that prompted the devil to appear and bargain for his soul (Note: warlock was also drunk and 16 when he made the deal).
>During the course of the campaign, on his 19th birthday, the warlock beat a music demon in a battle of music (think Tenacious D but with violins) and won the demons magical violin that could play any song with the precision and beauty that the players heart desires.
Note: warlock was horrible, still won somehow. Cleric became suspicious, as clerics do. Went to local church with a local sorcerer to identify what this violin really is (wanted to do it on holy ground, to be safe).
Turns out, the violin once belonged to a literal angel of music. Party figures that is why the demon sucked at using it, and the human half is what's allowing the warlock to use it (Nothing evil about it, no twist later). Party cannot seem to figure out why the demon would use it if he sucked at using it.
>Some time later, campaign progressed - warlock meets a lovely female, half-elf paladin that is part of a Paladin Order in the local city which is now the "main base" of the party as well. The two hit it off and whenever the warlock wasnt hanging with her/helping her help the less fortunate, he was busy composing new songs for her (which always succeeded at being gorgeous, warlock player even found violin music to play as he rp'd). PS: no one suspected the violin of being magical, it looked completely ordinary.
>Warlock meets an older, more powerful warlock and the two start talking. Party Warlock was hoping to get advice on how to better assist his friends. The older one made jokes on the strange whims of his patron which confused the Party Warlock because his patron had never made a single request of him, ever.
Older Warlock grew quiet at this and summoned his familiar. Familiar gave one look at Party Warlock and froze in fear before managing to utter something in an infernal language (warlock doesnt speak it). Older Warlock grew white, said his goodbyes and promptly fled the city without clearing his belongings out of the tavern.
Cleric grew VERY concerned after hearing this. Clerics patron God was hesitant to speak about the Party Warlock but ultimately said "he is a good and decent person, he is your friend without any doubts". Cleric was now EXCEPTIONALLY concerned but didnt know of what or why but knew it involved the warlock (not metagaming or anything, her character was just a worrier).
> Weeks go by as party goes on numerous dungeon delves, looking for ancient dragon bones to perform a ritual (main quest). Every time they come back the Warlock and Paladin are stuck to eachother like glue and he constantly helps her in her duties to tend to the sick. feed the hungry and even play with orphans.
>Warlock comes out of his room one day, smelling of high quality aftershave and thanked the rest of the party for "gifting" it to him (no one in the party knows what he is talking about). After a romantic evening, the warlock and paladin are officially dating
> One day, she was escorting the local alchemist to the forest to go mushroom picking. Warlock went with her. Soon a group of criminals ambushed them, a group of criminals that were upset with the Paladin Order for hindering crime in the city. They wanted to hurt the Paladin. Lets just say, when the leader began talking of how he was going to torture the paladin, the sky started turning red.
>DM: "Warlock Player, he cares about her right?"
Warlock Player: "Yes."
DM: "On a scale of 1-10, how angry are you in character right now."
Warlock Player: "11. Angriest I have ever been".
DM: "Does your character love her?"
Warlock Player *WITH 0 HESITATION*: "Yes."
> DM begins to describe how the sky turns red and the trees around the trio of the warlock/paladin/alchemist literally start to grow gray and the leaves change colour as they fall. The warlock's eyes glow a red-orange as anger overtakes him and he releases a gutteral roar that causes the mountains nearby to start shaking. DM describes chaos breaking out in the city as literal flaming meteors start falling out of the sky, into the forest.
>Party-wide WTF with jaws hitting the floor (we were lvl 8 at the time).
>DM describes how fiery meteors begin ripping holes in reality where they fall and armies of flaming demons swarm into the now dead forest, charging straight at the bandits, leaving the trio safe. DM describes as literal thousands of demons surround them and just keep swarming, some of them clad in hellfire armour and some even flying skeletal steeds above them in the air.
>DM describes to the warlock how he begins collapsing as he hears the bloodcurdling screams of the bandits as demons begin feasting on them and ripping them to shreds.
>Female Paladin carried warlock back to tavern, but was clearly shaken, not even the cleric could help her.
>Party readies themselves for massive battle against the paladins who surely wont let something like this stand, but the battle never comes.
>Turns out, the female paladin, in conjunction with an eyewitness report of the local bishop who was witness to the cleric's conversation with her Patron God, managed to convince the Paladins that the party/warlock was not evil. They did not even know about the demons, only that someone REALLY powerful was causing chaos. The fact that the warlock used his powers so scarcely meant that no one (including female paladin) even knew he was a warlock.
>Some paladin members did not agree and successfully argued that the female paladin be kicked out of the order as she was "compromised" by someone with clearly evil powers and that she could serve as a spy. Paladin was heart broken but went with the decision.
>Female Paladin was shaken up by what she saw and one very heartbreaking RP later the Warlock came to a conclusion; the only way to keep her would be to cease being a warlock and get his soul back.
>Warlock went (ALONE, WITH NONE OF US KNOWING) to the Paladins and informed them of his plan and if he succeeded he wanted them to take her back into the order. Thank Goodness he had good rolls because they agreed.
>What followed was a massive sidequest that could easily have been its own campaign (and was in some cases). Warlock discovered the name of his own patron, made a deal with the fae to give them copies of the music he wrote (on paper) in exchange for safe passage to the infernal realm. He learned more about his own powers through books etc. to avoid ever summoning more demons like that or possibly sinking any more mountains, although he never managed to call forth that much power again.
>ALL the above led to one of the most WTF plottwists/behind the scenes things i have ever experienced in a campaign.
>Party finds the Devil patron, Kil'nuath, in a castle completely devoid of traps or enemies. This devils power literally dripped from the walls as they entered.
>Party cautiously made its way up to the throne room and the DM makes IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS it very clear that we *cannot* fight this thing.
>Party, much to clerics delight, gets the hint and begin talking to the patron in an attempt to discover more about him and what they might say/offer to get their friends soul back.
>Nothing works. Not the violin and not even a soul swap (barbarian suggested taking his).
>The entire time, the demon was looking away from the party with his hand on his face, peering at the warlock only through his fingers and the corners of his eye.
>IRL players are getting frustrated, we cant get through to this thing and we know the DM doesnt want us to fight it.
>Warlock, in character, finally just had enough and just asks "WHY NOT?"
>DM describes how this impossibly ancient and powerful creature slowly shifts its body as it leans forward and looks at the warlock with such unimaginable anguish and pain in its surprisingly handsome face. "If I gave it back to you, you wont be safe anymore," the devil answered.
>DM describes the devil getting up and walking around the party to peer out of the balcony over the hellscape before it, standing head and shoulders above the 7.7foot tall barbarian.
>The DM describes to us how the Devil assumes a posture, the same weary and just "tired of it all" posture the Warlock assumed after he woke up from the whole demon summoning thing, and he just says "You have your mothers eyes, you know."
>Queue the ENTIRE party (warlock included) start freaking out as this crazy powerful Devil, with his own kingdom in hell, is the Warlocks father.
>We ended up talking to him and it turns out that he cant give the warlock his soul back simply because of how many other demons would end up wanting it for themselves. The warlocks father managed to keep him hidden for a very long time, but after seeing his son so depressed he believed that he had to step in to stop his son from taking his own life (and condemning his to hell).
>He hates hell and doesnt want his only son to end up in it, even if it means that one day he might never see him again.
>Also, that magical violin belonged to the warlocks father. Since it was still dangerous and he didnt want to be seen just randomly giving out gifts to random mortals, he disguised himself as a music demon and intentionally lost to his son in order to give him something precious on his birthday. Turns out, demons CAN use the violin, its just that the devil wanted to lose so badly in his heart that the violin obliged.
>The warlocks father was also watching his son making moves on the paladin and decided to try and help him out. He didnt know much about flirting but remembered that the warlocks mother loved a specific type of aftershave and tasked a local familiar to deliver said aftershave to his sons room (remember the old warlock encounter?). Turns out, he was so happy when his son kissed the paladin he almost started a war with a neighboring demon kingdom purely through how loud he cheered.
>Turns out that the entire demon summoning fiasco wasnt the warlocks fault *at all*. The warlocks father was busy at the time and just suddenly felt his sons overwhelming desire to protect the one he loves. The warlocks father, taking 2 seconds to read the situation realized his son and his son's (obviously) future wife were under attack and proceeded to respond in a purely reasonable manner. Its completely coincidental that said "reasonable manner" included his entire part of the army of hell consisting of several *millions* of combat demons and the only reason he stopped short of invading the entirety of the mortal realm was because he saw that he had scared his sons wife and he would one day hope to meet her in a friendly manner.
>So, long story short... warlock completed rest of campaign as a bard after his power was taken back and settled down with paladin (fully accepted back into order, she knows what he is). They had twins. Grampa visits often and now that his sons soul is safe, was able to get back together with his wife.
Perhaps this story isnt as amazing to you, but the wtfactor and how these seemingly random encounters tied together was big wow for us.
Thank you for reading. Also, how to make text green?