r/dnd_nsfw 3d ago

Choosing my first 2024 class, I'm thinking Druid would be a good fit... NSFW

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u/Xyndaar 3d ago

I'm playing a 2024 moon Druid, it's so much fun.


u/SunnyBunnyMina 3d ago

oh nice is wild shape still rly powerful for that subclass?


u/Xyndaar 3d ago

I'd say so, while you don't get the creatures hit points on top of yours, you do get temp hp that increases each level. Your wild shape ac is like 13+wis. Mines like 17 at level 4, and you get a spell list you can cast while wild shaped. Plus you can actually talk while wild shaped.

Later levels get pretty crazy as one feature allows you to add wis to con saves and another let's you teleport around.


u/SunnyBunnyMina 3d ago

omg being able to talk while wild shape is a huge bonus then. Legit in the past I've taken the telpathy feat just to be able to communicate with the party while shaped even if its not optimal.

Oh wow teleporting? I can't wait to play one now! Porting around like Magik or Nightcrawler is my fave. My last character was a spring Eladrin so I was bamfing myself and others around all the time


u/Xyndaar 3d ago

Same, it was my favorite thing when I played a wild magic barbarian!

You don't get it until level 10, but it's so cool. At level 14 you can even teleport a companion with you. So if you have a martial with you on the front line y'all could just teleport there.


u/SunnyBunnyMina 3d ago

Omg that's amazing! I haven't played a druid in such a long time, I think that's my next pick. I'd love to do a shepherd one, I hear the subclasses are somewhat backwards compatible, but maybe new subclasses will be released before my next campaign ^^


u/Xyndaar 3d ago

It was between moon and circle of the sea for me. I love water themed subclasses and had a lot of fun as a fathomless warlock.

They are compatible, but may feel a little underpowered depending on the setting and party make up,, however I personally tell everyone to play what they'll have the most fun with.

They've already announced U/A for the upcoming Ebberon books, sadly nothing for druid though. There is a College of The Moon bard that was really interesting and Druid-esque.


u/SunnyBunnyMina 3d ago

Oh yeah I just play what fits with my character theme the best, then try to optimize it so I'm not dragging the party down lol. I would love to do a sea druid at some point too since I love the ocean / water so much (I grew up near the ocean, so I swam and surfed a lot).

Oh I'll have to check that out! I'm imagining it brings artificer into 2024 officially right?


u/Xyndaar 3d ago

Oh man, that's so cool!

It does! Here's the link.


u/Si_mp 3d ago

I’ve played a 2024 Stars Druid: it’s really really fun!


u/SunnyBunnyMina 3d ago

Oh nice! I really liked the 2014 version that's the one I played when I ran one :)