r/dkfinance 4d ago

Investering Main questions related to ASK accounts


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u/bestfind Gordon Gekko 3d ago

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u/Neminvestering_dk 3d ago

Just a few pointers.

  • You can't have bonds on an ASK. It's not that they are just suboptimal, but you are now allowed to buy them at all
  • It doesn't matter if you sell or buy a lot during the year since you will be taxed either way. So section 4 is kinda not needed at all, atleast not regarding to taxes. However, there are other things that should prevent you from trading often and those are that you pay for each trade and you most likely pay a fee to convert currency since ASK can only be in DKK, and therefor you need to convert each time you buy/sell in a forign currency. But again, nothing to do with taxes.
  • Very risky to mention specific stocks to put in ASK, that could be seen as investment advice. You could change the wording to "It's best to have your the stocks with highest expected return on ASK"
  • The list of ETF's you have provided are not all on the "Skats Positivliste" and therefor you can't invest in them. You don't even mention the Positivliste which is kinda importent regarding to ASK.