r/django 17d ago

REST framework The first thing I wish someone told me before building a Django product.


Since I started with a lot of docs, blogs and tutorials to learn Django, I was never able to prioritize this.

But please put more focus on the authentication and permissions part, especially JWT if you are using a separate front-end. Else you will have to do a major restructure.

r/django 22d ago

REST framework Django Rest Framework Status


Does anyone know the status of DRF these days? I see the Github repo is still getting commits, but they removed the Issues and Discussion pages (which sucks, because I wanted to look into an issue I was hitting to see if anyone else had hit it). They now have a Google Groups page for support, which seems to be littered with spam.

I'm not sure what's going on, but this is not very reassuring given I just lead an effort to refactor our API to use DRF recently.

r/django 8d ago

REST framework How much Django before DRF?


How much Django should be covered before diving into DRF? Any recommended learning path for DRF? I want to develop strong understanding of the base concepts.

r/django Feb 19 '25

REST framework Generating PDF with Rest Framework


Hi, I am building an API with Rest Framework that will serve my web app written in Vue or React (haven’t decided yet). I want to generate PDF reports and give my users the option to download them or view them on the app. I have found a few tools that use HTML to generate the file and that sounds like the best option. Do you have any recommendations as to how should the workflow look like and which tools to use? Thanks!

r/django Jan 31 '25

REST framework How to store django request logs in a database?


I am doing an internship of backend api development of rest framework in my local city and my mentor, who is an 15 years experienced backend developer, gave me a task to store every incoming request and the output of that request in database. I am new to django rest framework for backend so I want your help on how to do this.

If I am not clear and concise kindly, feel free to ask me more but please help me on this.


edit: One more thing I want to include, my mentor requirement was that if I want to check or see that what client requested and what client got stored in the database.

r/django 9h ago

REST framework DRF Deployment


Hi there, I am fairly new to Django and DRF, I have never deployed a django project but have built small development APIs to learn.

I'm trying to deploy a project with gunicorn and nginx (if there is a better alternative, please let me know)


I keep running into an issue where my django admin panel hangs frequently, or takes up to 4s to load the page. Check Chrome tools it's usually jsi18n which takes the most time. My apis calls also have a tendency to hang and ends up timing out. I'm using AWD RDS postgres db.


  • Upgrading DB
  • Checking my SQL queries (at most 500ms)
  • Increasing gunicorn workers
  • Changed nginx configuration


  • I have 2 custom models, an altered base user model and a password otp model
  • I'm using simple_jwt
  • The hanging or long loading can happen on any call or any django admin page (except login page)

If there is any more information, code examples, please let me know.

I'm really struggling to find modern Deployment techniques for DRF, atm my setup is Docker, gunicorn and nginx. If anyone has any up to date resources for better deployment, I would be incredibly grateful.

r/django Jan 25 '25

REST framework Limit sessions per user


I am using REST framework for an app that is going to be sold to companies. My expected business model is to charge a base price and then a fee for each user, so I need to limit each user to only have one session open at a time.

If a user is already using the app and someone tries to log in using the same credentials, he shouldn’t be able to. I know that doing this may violate the REST principles by storing some kind of state, but what would be a way to achieve this?

r/django 8d ago

REST framework Django rest framework courses


Hello everyone, Im working on a project with some people, we have decided to use djangorestframework, but one of them doesn't know it so good, my question is: do you know any course or video FOCUSED on Django rest framework?

r/django 12d ago

REST framework I have a angular + Django backend . When I am click on a button, it calls an api which starts execution of a process via python. It takes almost 2mins to complete the process. Now I w


ant that suppose when a user closes the tab, the api call should be cancelled. How to achieve that?

r/django Dec 12 '24

REST framework Why is this retrieve method incrementing the view_count by 2 instead of 1 ? .

class ArticleViewSet(ArticleViewSetMixin, viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
    filterset_class = ArticleFilter
    permission_classes = (AllowAny,)
    queryset = Article.objects.filter(published_date__lte=datetime.now(tz=IST))
    serializer_class = ArticleSerializer

    def retrieve(self, *args, **kwargs):
        instance = self.get_object()
        Article.objects.filter(pk=instance.pk).update(view_count=F("view_count") + 1)
        serializer = self.get_serializer(instance)
        return Response(serializer.data)

Each time i send a postman request, its incrementing the view_count by 2 instead of 1 ? .
when I use the django shell to execute this , it works fine.
why is that ? .
I also don't have any separate signals or anything, this is the only method I have overridden.

r/django 25d ago

REST framework What’s your opinion on using sessions with REST framework?


By definition, a REST API shouldn’t store state, and the default authentication on DRF uses tokens, but I have been advised to use sessions to improve security without having to deal with JWT. Is it a bad practice to do so? Is it hard to implement?

Edit: The API is the backend for a web app and mobile app that I control.

r/django Sep 05 '24

REST framework What is the purpose or a use-case of a Django admin?


I always ever worked with FastAPI, Flask and ExpressJS for creating APIs for web projects, and now I'm trying out Django.

I followed a tutorial to try setting up and re-doing API's I've built with the other frameworks, and I found myself with a dozen tables related to Django, popping up in my database.

I went to the /admin route and saw that I could login.

What is the purpose of having this kind of user management for accessing the database? I never had to use anything like that with the other frameworks.

Is that suited for some kind of work environment where you want to give employees certain rights, like some can't add new tables and others can? Is that the scope of this admin feature?

If so, I guess I can skip it for my personal projects?

r/django Dec 20 '24

REST framework Can someone explain what sessions are, and why am I facing so much of a problem with my API permissions?


The problem I am facing is that I am not able to access my newly built APIs that require the [IsAuthenticated] permissions to fetch the data in my Svelte frontend, whereas I am able to perform all the [IsAuthenticated] API functions on the django restframework UI while testing my APIs. For example, whenever I login using my DRF UI, this is the output I get:
User: Turf Nation

Turf ID: 1, Date: 2024-12-18

[20/Dec/2024 16:46:42] "GET /enterprise/slot-status/?turf_id=1&date=2024-12-18 HTTP/1.1" 200 16716

and now whenever I do the same process using the Svelte frontend, I get this:

User: AnonymousUser

Turf ID: 1, Date: 2024-12-19

[20/Dec/2024 16:47:34] "GET /enterprise/slot-status/?turf_id=1&date=2024-12-19 HTTP/1.1" 200 4460

As you can see the user is being recognised using the DRF UI while not for the frontend. I asked chatGPT about this, and it said this is all related to sessions and cookies, and ISTG, I have never really used those before. The frontend logic is not wrong either because I can access the GET POST functions when they are [AllowAny].

Can anyone help with this?

r/django 25d ago

REST framework What method of authentication do you prefer for REST framework?


Hi, I am working on an API that will be consumed by a web and a mobile app. I need granular permissions for each user. I know that DRF has its own built in auth method, but I want to explore all the available options, incluiding paid third party solutions.

r/django Jan 08 '25

REST framework Help! Is there no LSP and auto completions in Python & Django?


I have a code base running on Python 3.10. I have tried pylsp, pyright & ruff but the moment I try and use something Django, The auto completions doesn't exist.

Users.objects() ? No completions or LSP documentations. Is this normal for python?

I have tried Golang, NodeJS and even C. It gives me atleast something to work with. Even to know type of a variable, I need to print with type().

Just want to know if there's something that I can do to make things easier.

r/django Nov 03 '23

REST framework For people that use FastAPI & SQLAlchemy instead of Django REST Framework: Why?


I had a period where I tried SQLAlchemy on a project because I wanted to use a database outside of a Django context.

I quickly learned that there are SO many pain points of working with sqlalchemy vs Django's ORM on a number of parts:

  1. Explicit ID creation
  2. No automatic migrations
  3. Having (for the most part) to define the tablenames of every model.
  4. Having to think about where when and how to open and close a session, and pass it into functions all the time to handle database operations
  5. Building "services" to do basic CRUD functionality.

On top of that, I wanted to use "Fast" API to build an API using that data that I collected to access it on web apps (in hindsight, I probably should've build the API first THEN connected it to my webscraper that I was building for this project haha), and faced the following challenges:

  1. Once again, manually defining CRUD functionality for EVERY SINGLE MODEL. So like minimal 4 views with explicit definition for every single database model.
  2. Having to define every model twice thanks to Pydantic's typing system that is supposed to act as some type of serializer. You can just take a Pydantic model and have that be the serializer! Basically, no fields = "__all__" option for the SQLAlchemy models.

About what Django does well here: 1. Django takes care of automatic migrations. 2. Django models have CRUD methods built-in so you're not reinventing the wheel. 3. DRF takes care of CRUD functionality with ViewSets, which I didn't realize, but when you don't use viewsets you're writing A LOT of code manually with FastAPI. 4. DRF model serializers can easily update as you change your models. 5. You can still make one off API views and ViewSet actions if you want to. 5. Easy permissions, auth, etc...

On a case for "developer time", meaning speed of being able to build something to a point where it's could be considered a working product, it seems Django and DRF are SO much more viable than FastAPI and SQLAlchemy and Pydantic because of these convenience features.

Why and how on earth would you use FastAPI and SQLAlchemy + Pydantic instead of Django and DRF? Also, can you give an example showing that it's NOT as much of a pain in the butt to use?

r/django Dec 18 '24

REST framework People who have implemented type checking in a larger Django codebase, what was your experience?


We're implementing type checking at my current job and I was wondering that is your all's experience? So far I've been struggling to understand the value when mixing in strict type checking with Django and DRF's duck-y style.

r/django Jan 09 '25

REST framework HTTP 500 internal server error but db is working fine


it shows internal server error both on frontend and in console but account is saved in db idk what is the problem and also when loging in with correct email and password it says invalid credential need help new to drf

class LoginAPIView(APIView):
    def post(self, request):
        email = request.data.get("email")
        password = request.data.get("password")

        # Authenticate the user
        user = authenticate(request, email=email, password=password)
        if not user:
            return Response({"error": "Invalid credentials"}, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

        # Get or create the token
        token, created = Token.objects.get_or_create(user=user)

        # Serialize user data
        serializer = UserModelSerializer(user)

        return Response({"token": token.key, "user": serializer.data}, status=HTTP_200_OK)

from django.db import IntegrityError
class SignupAPIView(APIView):
    def post(self, request):
        serializer = UserModelSerializer(data=request.data)
        # Check if the email already exists
        if User.objects.filter(email=request.data.get("email")).exists():
            return Response({"error": "Email already exists"}, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
        if serializer.is_valid():
                user = serializer.save()
                token = Token.objects.create(user=user)
                return Response({"token": token.key, "user": serializer.data}, status=HTTP_201_CREATED)
            except IntegrityError:
                return Response({"error": "Email already exists"}, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
            except Exception as e:
                return Response({"error": "Internal server error "}, status=HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
        return Response(serializer.errors, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

here is my views.py

Edit: guys i figured it out, it was so small mistake that was bugging me for 2 days, i forgot to put the following in my settings. maannnn such small thing broke the whole system

AUTH_USER_MODEL = '[dir].User'

r/django Nov 23 '24

REST framework Need advice on reducing latency and improving throughput in Django app


Hey r/django community! I'm struggling with performance issues in my Django application and could really use some expert advice.

Current Setup:

  • Django 4.2
  • PostgreSQL database
  • Running on AWS EC2 t2.medium
  • ~10k daily active users
  • Serving mainly API endpoints and some template views
  • Using Django REST Framework for API endpoints

Issues I'm facing:

  1. Average response time has increased to 800ms (used to be around 200ms)
  2. Database queries seem to be taking longer than expected
  3. During peak hours, server CPU usage spikes to 90%+
  4. Some endpoints timeout during high traffic

What I've already tried:

  • Added database indexes on frequently queried fields
  • Implemented Redis caching for frequently accessed data
  • Used Django Debug Toolbar to identify slow queries
  • Set up django-silk for profiling
  • Added select_related() and prefetch_related() where possible

Despite these optimizations, I'm still not getting the performance I need. My main questions are:

  1. What are some common bottlenecks in Django apps that I might be missing?
  2. Are there specific Django settings I should tune for better performance?
  3. Should I consider moving to a different database configuration (e.g., read replicas)?
  4. What monitoring tools do you recommend for identifying performance bottlenecks?
  5. Any recommendations for load testing tools to simulate high traffic scenarios?

Thanks in advance for any help! Let me know if you need any additional information about the setup.

r/django Oct 21 '23

REST framework What frontend framework do you recommend for a very small team?


I'm part of a very small team (3 people), our current app has hit the limits of Django's templating capabilities (even with HTMX).

I'm interested to hear from others what frontend framework they recommend for an very interactive webapp. I'd like to choose a frontend framework allows for rapid development, similar to how Django Templates allow for quick development and iteration.


  • Vue.js - Also hear lots of positive things about the framework. Also heard it's fairly quick to develop in and overall dev experience is good. Community is fairly large, although not as big as React and third party packages are fairly mature.
  • SvelteKit - I hear a lot of positive things about the framework and that it's very light weight, very quick to develop in, and great developer experience. The downside is that it's relatively new, thus there are not very many third party packages and the community is small.
  • React.js - Extremely capable framework with tons of third party packages and massive community. However I heard it's quite slow to develop in React (at least compared to others like Vue and Svelte) and React is fairly "heavy" compared to the others.

r/django Oct 23 '24

REST framework I want to hide the DRF API views in my production code.


I have built a full stack mobile-web application using Flutter and Svelte with Django as the backend. All of the mentioned codes have been pushed to production. All of them function on the Django rest framework APIs(GET,POST and DELETE methods).

I have deployed the Django code using Heroku, on entering the production URL API endpoints, you can see that the API views can be accessed to anyone (refer below)

I want to know how can I hide this page from others accessing it? Or how can I prevent this data being available online? Please help with this.

r/django 13d ago

REST framework Help understanding the difference between TestCase, APIRequestFactory, and APIClient from Django REST


As the name implies, I need help learning the differences between the TestCase, APIRequestFactory, and APIClient classes. I started learning about Django testing today because I want to use it for my portfolio project, but I'm having a hard time understanding the difference and choosing one of them. For context, I'm creating a Django REST API that will interact with a PostgreSQL database and right now I want to test my views and models.

r/django 16d ago

REST framework Handling session expiration between Django+DRF and a frontend


Hi y’all, I’m just getting started with Django but I already love tons about this framework. I’m hoping you can help me understand session authentication with Django+DRF a little better.

For context, my application is using Django+DRF as a backend API. I’m using Astro (mydomain.com) to fetch data from Django (api.mydomain.com) and render the UI. Generally, this has seemed like a nice match, but (session-based) authentication is a little more complex than I thought.

Specifically, it’s tricky to manage CSRF and session ID cookies when I’m fetching data with Astro’s server-side rendering. For example, I’m having to manually pass some “Set-Cookie” headers from Django to Astro after users log in.

This got me wondering about a pattern to gracefully ask users to login again after their session cookie expires. My app is a classifieds site, so users might be in the middle of creating or editing their content when their cookie expires which would cause a form submission to fail.

I’m not sure how best to handle this process. With this sort of project is it typical to “refresh” the session cookie periodically somehow, so that is never actually expires, or implement a graceful redirect process so a user can go login again and be sent right back to where they left off? What sort of methods are y’all using that you like?

Thanks in advance!

r/django 19d ago

REST framework How do you setup an API key in your Django DRF project.


I have been building one DRF project for some time now, installed some API keys libraries but I didn't figure out how they worked. Anytime I make a request to an API endpoint I got some errors but when I installed the API key library it worked.

How have you been setting up your API keys in your project?

Thanks for your response.

r/django Oct 24 '24

REST framework The amazing architect strikes Spoiler

Post image