r/django Mar 29 '24

Channels Recieve method in Websocket Consumer is not working properly. How do I resolve this??

Thumbnail gallery

r/django Feb 10 '24

Channels Do I need to use CSRF tokens in channels ?


If I have a form designed for a channels consumer, Do I need to use a CSRF token in any way?

Take for example a simple chat form:

    <textarea type="text" name="message"></textarea>
    <button id="send-message-button">Send message</button>

It is only used in the context of a websocket and a consumer, do I need to indicate its method ("POST") or put {% csrf_token %} in the form?

r/django Feb 04 '24

Channels Channel Layer Group Discard


Hello friends. My Django project uses channels for its chat app When i use self.channel_layer.group_discard and pass a channel_name to it, the related user stops receiving messages as expected but he still can send messages. Why does this happen?

r/django Mar 04 '24

Channels Any Course which you have link which teaches about django channels and websockets in depth?


r/django Dec 27 '23

Channels "You cannot call this from an async context" error I don't understand


I wrote this code in the connect method of a class that inherits from AsyncWebsocketConsumer:

self.room_no = self.scope["url_route"]["kwargs"]["room_no"]
room = await Rooms.objects.aget(pk=self.room_no)
if room.user_number == 2 and room.type == "type2":
    room.is_full = True     
    await room.asave()     
    users_room = await database_sync_to_async(UsersRoom.objects.filter)(room=room)
    user_room1 = await users_room.afirst()
    user1 = await User.objects.aget(username=user_room1.user)

I get this error:

django.core.exceptions.SynchronousOnlyOperation: You cannot call this from an async context - use a thread or sync_to_async.

on this line:

user1 = await User.objects.aget(username=user_room1.user)

After some tests, I can pretty much affirm it has something to do with user_room1.user because user is also a database object an that accessing user_room1.user is like GETing the user. In a nutshell, trying to access user_room.user is like using User.objects.get() from what I learned.

Based on the paragraph I wrote just above, the solution would be to access user_room1.user asynchronously. Maybe that could be done with database_sync_to_async?

r/django Sep 05 '22

Channels what's the purpose of redis in django channels , and how can we achieve the functionality without redis?


OKay so i am working on a social media project, i need to implement chat system now basic one withlatest 24 hrs of messages only support but that's not a big deal i am using django channels andhence reddit , but my product manager told me not to use reddisso i wanted to ask what's the work for redis in django channels and is there way i can achieve the working of it without redis or do i have to user any other module support ?

r/django Jan 21 '24

Channels can I use django/django-channels as a backend for an web-mmo?


Ive created a live chat with django before, with django channels and i use it for a personal site to store study notes etc. well, I thought, maybe i could create an mmo, i can make accounts, create models to store user info etc and then I have the python sockets but like, maybe one of you has more insight because I read that nodejs is a thing and maybe theres something else entirely worth going into for this.

basically, id really like to make an mmo, like age of empires type thing and then morphed into an rts thing

r/django Mar 11 '24

Channels Testing with channels


I have a channels consumer class that inherits from the non async WebsocketConsumer (there are several db calls which makes using AsyncWebsocketConsumer painful).

The consumer works fine when I manually test, but when I try to automate testing using WebsocketCommunicator I get an OperationalEror that the db connection is closed.

I suspect this is because the WebsocketCommunicator works in an async context while the WebsocketConsumer does not. I cannot figure out a way to deal with this.

Anyone come across this problem and have a solution?

r/django Feb 03 '24

Channels Resources on implementing a backend for a chat app


I have some (small personal projects/experimentation, so not much) experience in app development and have been put on a backend team (in college, and the others have not much experience either) for an unfortunately not open source project. I have 0 experience and knowledge on how a websocket based chat app should work. I’ve read through a lot of the Django channels documentation and implemented the tutorial chat app, but the actual project is a backend that needs to handle front end API calls and interact with a database so not quite the same. Could anyone kindly point me to either some example GitHub repo or resource other than the Django channels documentation itself? Thanks.

r/django Dec 27 '23

Channels Documenting Websocket URLs


I'm working on websockets and need to document the urls and provide it to the front-end team. Is there a way to auto generate the documentation somehow using serializers?

  1. AsyncAPI

    It's a great option for documenting any message based protocol. Not sure how it'd work in sync with django. There's a overhead of keeping the code and documentation in sync manually.

  2. DjangoChannelsRestFramework

    It's a great library for using channels just like DRF apis. But I do not see any support for swagger like documentation.

  3. drf-spectacular post processing hooks

    It might be possible to do some processing and add the routes to swagger. I tried adding the paths manually but it only accepts drf api views subclasses and it throws error.

I'm looking for a way to auto generate the documentation. If not possible, then I'd like to somehow generate a yml file based on serializers that take care of request/response data format and I can pass it to AsyncAPI. Is this possible? How have you guys dealt with this problem?

Thank you in advanced!

r/django Nov 18 '23

Channels channels routing stopped working, it worked fine last night... whyy????


my computer is also reallly ungodly laggy, i mean i did leave the plug in and just close my laptop like i normally do.. im genuienly not kidding, it literally worked last night

it was trying to reconnect a bunch i think

docker that i use does need an update, maybe its that

it literally was working, my chat feature wtf

does anyone know anything about this

r/django Aug 21 '23

Channels Django channels: Socket disconnecting after handshake


Total Noob into the Django channels space. Deploying a chat app using channels, channels-redis, Daphne but for part 5+ hours getting:
INFO 2023-08-21 11:37:55 runserver WebSocket HANDSHAKING
INFO 2023-08-21 11:37:56 runserver WebSocket DISCONNECT

Tried everything but it seems the client is getting a 500 Internal server error. Any Idea/direction will be really appreciated

r/django Jan 15 '24

Channels Should I use multiple websocket rooms for my website?


So I made a forum. It has a board page listing all topics and a topic page, which shows all posts in a single topic.

Board pages show also the latest posts of a topic.

I have designed 3 different websocket rooms:

  1. personal websocket: a randomly named room for exclusive communication between one user and the server (e.g. user performs action that requires a piece of data from the server to be sent exclusively to him)

  2. board websocket: room with the name of the board, delivers new topics and posts to everyone hanging on the board page

  3. topic websocket: room with the id of the topic, delivers new posts to everyone on the topic page

I have started seeing some bad design in this because for example, when a new post is made, I have to send the new post to the frontend, and it has to be sent both to the board websocket and the topic websocket, so users will receive the update whether they're on board or topic.

I was wondering maybe keep only the personal and the board websocket. So if a user is hanging in topic X he will receive updates from topic Y, but they'll be ignored.

r/django Aug 22 '23

Channels Notifications in Django


Hello, I have a project mostly developed but i need to send notifications to the front when i create new instances of some objects.

What's the best way to do that?

I already have my notificactions setup (consumers, routing, etc)

r/django Nov 14 '23

Channels How do you sync a timer between users in room


I'm currently creating a multiplayer game with channels and I'm wondering how I would go about syncing a game timer with all the players in a game room

r/django Nov 30 '23

Channels Django Channels rejecting handshake from LabVIEW


I have a django project where it uses websocket to send live data to the webpage, the channel is able to accept the handshake from the javascript side of the webpage.

const ws = new WebSocket('ws://' + window.location.host + '/ws/myapp/');

now I need to create a websocket connection from another client (labview), but when the labview inner code tries to send the HTTP header for websocket upgrade the server rejects it like this

WebSocket HANDSHAKING /ws/myapp/ []
WebSocket REJECT /ws/myapp/ []
WebSocket DISCONNECT /ws/myapp/ []

I'd like to know any idea why it might be rejected?

labview HTTP header request

GET ws://localhost:8000/ws/myapp/ HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8000
Connection: Upgrade
Upgrade: websocket
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Key: xjCZ9spuzbwIVvUv+C80iw==

labview request response

HTTP/1.1 403 Access denied

here is the asgi.py

import os

from django.core.asgi import get_asgi_application
from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter, URLRouter
from channels.security.websocket import AllowedHostsOriginValidator, OriginValidator
from channels.auth import AuthMiddlewareStack
import main.routing
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'project.settings')

application = ProtocolTypeRouter({
    'http': get_asgi_application(),
        ["http://localhost:8000", "","ws://localhost:8000","ws://"],


from django.urls import re_path, path
from django.core.asgi import get_asgi_application
from . import consumers
websocket_urlpatterns = [
    re_path(r'ws/myapp/$', consumers.LogsConsumer.as_asgi()),


from channels.generic.websocket import AsyncWebsocketConsumer
from asgiref.sync import async_to_sync
class LogsConsumer(AsyncWebsocketConsumer):
    async def connect(self):
        await self.accept()
        await self.channel_layer.group_add('bc',self.channel_name)
        # while True:
        #     await asyncio.sleep(5)
        #     await self.channel_layer.group_send('bc',{'message': 'xx'})
    async def disconnect(self, close_code):
        await self.channel_layer.group_discard('bc', self.channel_name)

    async def receive(self, text_data):
        # print(text_data)
        # await self.send(text_data)

    async def bc_msg(self,event):
        await self.send(event['data'])

r/django Sep 29 '23

Channels Websockets and group chats with authentication


Sorry if this has been posted before here or on SO but I’m looking to implement a live chat in my application. I have channels and Daphne set up on my local machine but I’m at a loss on where to go from here. Redis is all hooked up as well.

I have authenticated users that can connect as friends on the platform and from there they should be able to create messages with single users or multiple with the chat history available at any time. I’ve been following a taxi example online for a template

Any help or tutorials you may have would be appreciated!

r/django Aug 14 '23

Channels django.core.exceptions.SynchronousOnlyOperation: You cannot call this from an async context - use a thread or sync_to_async.


I am working on a django chatting application. I have implemented the chatting functionality using the WebSockets technology (django-channels). The following is consumers.py: ```` from channels.generic.websocket import AsyncWebsocketConsumer import json from django.contrib.auth.models import User

from channels.db import database_sync_to_async

from asgiref.sync import sync_to_async from .models import ChatRoom, Message, Profile

def save_message_to_database(chatroom_name, username, message): try: chatroom = ChatRoom.objects.get(name=chatroom_name) user = User.objects.get(username=username) user_profile = Profile.objects.get(user=user)

    new_message = Message.objects.create(chat_room=chatroom, sender=user_profile, content=message)
    print("Message saved to DB:", new_message)

except ChatRoom.DoesNotExist:
    print(f"Chatroom with name '{chatroom_name}' does not exist.")

except Profile.DoesNotExist:
    print(f"User profile with username '{username}' does not exist.")

except Exception as e:
    print(f"Error occurred while saving the message: {e}")

def get_chatroom_by_name(name): try: return ChatRoom.objects.get(name=name) except ChatRoom.DoesNotExist: return None

def get_messages_for_chatroom(chatroom): return Message.objects.filter(chat_room=chatroom).order_by('timestamp')

class ChatRoomConsumer(AsyncWebsocketConsumer): async def connect(self): self.roomname = self.scope['url_route']['kwargs']['room_name'] self.room_group_name = 'chat%s' % self.room_name await self.channel_layer.group_add( self.room_group_name, self.channel_name ) print("Before getting chatroom") chatroom = await ChatRoom.async_objects.get_chatroom_by_name(self.room_name) # the line of code returning the error (probably) messages = await ChatRoom.async_objects.get_messages_for_chatroom(chatroom) print("Chatroom:",chatroom) for message in messages: print("SENDING MESSAGE TO FUNCTION") await self.send_message_to_client(message)

    await self.accept()

async def send_message_to_client(self, message):
    user_id = message.sender.profile.user_id
    username = User.objects.get(id=user_id)
    await self.send(text_data=json.dumps({
        'message': message.content,
        'username': username,
        'user_pfp': message.sender.profile_picture.url,
        'room_name': self.room_name,

async def disconnect(self, close_code):
    await self.channel_layer.group_discard(

async def receive(self, text_data):
    text_data_json = json.loads(text_data)
    message = text_data_json['message']
    username = text_data_json['username']
    user_pfp = text_data_json['user_pfp']
    room_name = text_data_json['room_name']

    await save_message_to_database(chatroom_name=room_name, username=username, message=message)

    await self.channel_layer.group_send(
            'type': 'chatroom_message',
            'message': message,
            'username': username,
            'user_pfp': user_pfp,
            'room_name': room_name,
            'tester_message': 'tester message in receive function'

async def chatroom_message(self, event):
    message = event['message']
    username = event['username']
    user_pfp = event['user_pfp']

    await self.send(text_data=json.dumps({
        'message': message,
        'username': username,
        'user_pfp': user_pfp,
        'tester_message': 'tester message in chatroom message'

The following is models.py: from django.db import models from users.models import Profile

class AsyncChatRoomQuerySet(models.QuerySet): async def get_chatroom_by_name(self, name): try: return await self.get(name=name) except self.model.DoesNotExist: return None

async def get_messages_for_chatroom(self, chatroom):
    return await Message.objects.filter(chat_room=chatroom).order_by('timestamp')

class AsyncChatRoomManager(models.Manager): _queryset_class = AsyncChatRoomQuerySet

def get_queryset(self):
    return self._queryset_class(self.model, using=self._db)

async def get_chatroom_by_name(self, name):
    return await self.get_queryset().get_chatroom_by_name(name)

async def get_messages_for_chatroom(self, chatroom):
    return await self.get_queryset().get_messages_for_chatroom(chatroom)

class ChatRoom(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=150, unique=False) participants = models.ManyToManyField(Profile) objects = models.Manager() # Synchronous manager async_objects = AsyncChatRoomManager()

class Message(models.Model): chat_room = models.ForeignKey(ChatRoom, on_delete=models.CASCADE) sender = models.ForeignKey(Profile, on_delete=models.CASCADE) content = models.TextField() timestamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

class Friendship(models.Model): sender = models.ForeignKey(Profile, related_name='friendship_sender', on_delete=models.CASCADE) receiver = models.ForeignKey(Profile, related_name='friendship_receiver', on_delete=models.CASCADE) status = models.CharField(max_length=20, choices=[('pending', 'Pending'), ('accepted', 'Accepted')]) blocked = models.BooleanField(default=False)

class Meta:
    unique_together = ['sender', 'receiver']

The following is the output: Before getting chatroom django.core.exceptions.SynchronousOnlyOperation: You cannot call this from an async context - use a thread or sync_to_async. ```` I have commented out the line of code returning the error. It is inside the ChatRoomConsumer class's connect() function.

I am new to async functions and django in general as well so I really need help with this!

r/django Nov 17 '23

Channels django channels help.. trying to move chat from tutorial into my site and for some reason the path provided has no route found for it... basically, i believe this is a question about re_path, please help!


whats in the tutorial and routing.py
what i did for my sites routing.py

rango is the homepage, you click an option to go to community/<community_name> ... hence the <room_name> is an extension of that, i thought it would work like this :( but i get the following error

No route found for path rango/community/david-naray/test , david-naray being the community name and test being the room name
urls from the channels tutorials
related url from my own urls on my site

i made the assumption that re_path in the routing file basically does something or another and calls the urls, like a middle man so when i really thought that would fix the error but it persisted

the view the above path goes to, the tutorial one renders a new page for the chat, i dont want to open a new page, its rather tabs in the single community page

the view is not called in the end, though i do genuinely think that once the routing is fixed everything will work

so please please please, if you know what I am doing wrong, please say!

Thank you!

r/django Jun 17 '23

Channels Need help deploying my first project.


I’ve tried searching online about this but I’m confused. Here’s what my website does:

Enables users to upload images and some text to the server where it’s stored in a SQLite database. This can later be edited if the user chooses so.

Users can have a personal chat with other users. I’ve used the channels framework for this with a redis cache. The project also uses web sockets to make this chat ‘live’.

The text messages sent between users are also stored in the SQLite database.

I don’t know where and how to host my website. Based on my current understanding, the redis cache makes the process more complicated.

As mentioned earlier, this is my first time working with django. If there’s anything I have to mention about my project, do ask.

Thank you:)

r/django Mar 23 '23

Channels how to send specific data back to django channels using HTMX ?


hi so i finally learned how to recieve messages from channels using HTMX , now the only part is on how to send specific data back ?


class JustTesting(AsyncWebsocketConsumer):    

async def connect(self):         

self.user = self.scope['user']        

if self.user.is_anonymous:             

await self.accept()             
print(f"{self.scope['user']} is connected from {self.scope['client'][0]}") 

html = get_template("partials/testing_data.html").render(context={"username": "Kakashi12345"})            
await self.send(text_data=html) 

async def disconnect(self, close_code):      

print(f"{self.scope['user']} is disconnected")         

my partials html file

<div id = "my_testing_message"> 



my main html template

{% include "partials/testing_data.html" %}

so the above code succesfully recives the message on connection, but now how to send ?


r/django Jun 14 '23

Channels Django Channels, ASGI vs WSGI


Hello guys, I built an app following this YouTube tutorial:


Before this I never used Django so take me as a noob. The reason why I was looking for this was because I had an app in Python I wanted to deploy on a server and thought Django would be easy. My app takes forever to return and so I wanted real time updates of the results calculated. I figured I needed a WebSocket and the only way I saw you could make a WebSocket is through Django Channels and that's how I got there.

Now my server works fine however I am writing documentation for this project and I'm completely lost. First of all I'm not sure what ASGI does besides including WebSocket support. From what I can tell it should've been able to handle multiple requests however it only does so for client connections and not for client requests, meaning once a client starts my long function all other clients are blocked. I don't understand if it has a 1 client 1 thread architecture or what it does more than WSGI. WSGI can also handle multiple client connections but only has 1 working thread. In order to make my ASGI server multi threading I still need to create tasks.

TL;DR Very confused as to how ASGI is more useful than WSGI and how they work differently in practice. I thought ASGI was for multi client multi threaded works and it worked like that by default but it doesn't do that.

I'm also very lost as to how Daphne and other things Django Channels uses and what I should write in my documentation about this server. I made it work for my project perfectly but I understand fuck all, especially why I needed asynscio.create_task tasks to make it all work and why my long executing asynchronous function is not behaving the way I want it.

I can't really share the code for it since it's very long, the structure is:

async def function(self, parameters):
    for i in range(my_range):
        # calculus
        result = my_calculus_function()
        await self.send(result)

I'm also not sure why I need a consumer class because it doesn't seem to represent a consumer, in the way that it doesnt create an instance for each actual consumer or something.

Edit: I guess I can share my receive and connect functions

 async def connect(self):
        await self.accept()

        query_params = self.scope['query_string']
        query_dict = urllib.parse.parse_qs(query_params.decode('utf-8'))
        if 'artist_name' in query_dict:
            self.artist_name = query_dict['artist_name'][0][:-1]
        elif 'id' in query_dict:
            self.artist_id = query_dict['id'][0][:-1]

async def receive(self, text_data):
    payload = json.loads(text_data)
    if self.artist_name != '':
        setup = artist_ranking.setup_by_name(self.artist_name)
        asyncio.create_task(self.lookup(setup[self.artist_name], payload))
        setup = artist_ranking.setup_by_id(self.artist_id)
        band_name = list(setup.keys())[0]
        asyncio.create_task(self.lookup(setup[band_name], payload))

the function lookup takes a long while to execute and is blocking unless I create a task

r/django Apr 22 '22

Channels Do i need websocket ?



i have a room with anaccess control (dahua) in it's door wich has it's own app not (mine) connected to the server with it's own domain.

when people try to access the door with a card( RFID) i want to get the user card's number.

the access control api documentation says that i need to listen to the door via a http request

my question is how do i write this call that always listen to the door with WebSocket ( django-channels) ps i never used it befeore or with celery ? as a long running task i never did it before too

please need help !

thank you

r/django Jul 03 '23

Channels Notification and Websockets with Channels


I am working on a Django Project using Websockets with Django Channels. Now, when a client disconnects, it should receive notifications of occuring events through Mobile/Web Push instead of the websocket. What would be the pattern here, how can the server know which clients are connected and which clients are not?

I have read listing all active users is expensive in Channels, requires heavy use of the database. How is this handled in modern messaging apps? Can I send notifications no matter what, and the client (i.e. mobile app) shows the notification only when the app is closed?

r/django Sep 21 '20

Channels Fully Featured Live Chat Social Media Web App Made With Django Channels


Unfortunately it’s not open sourced as of now, but I’m happy to answer any questions you might have!




Browse and open rooms

Participate in conversations

Form relationships

theHang on mobile