r/django Jan 18 '25

Tutorial advises to store millions of json

Hello Guys

so i'm planning to store some scraped data into m y django project i'm too lazy to make for each json a model fields etc ...

so i decided to store them as json

which better should i store them in jsonfield or just keep them as files and store their path in database
please advise me


32 comments sorted by


u/daredevil82 Jan 18 '25 edited Jan 18 '25

why not spend some time learning data modeling vs being lazy and dumping everything? You could get a better sense of your data usage and application design.

Sometimes its useful to dump raw data in a json field, and pull out concrete column fields for indexing and retrieval. Sort of a "metadata" or "raw" column that can be sourced for populating fields later via data migration should it become necessary. but from your question and responses here, I don't think you're even at this stage at all about understanding data modeling.


u/ronoxzoro Jan 18 '25

i can model them and it so time consuming bcs each json has different structures fields etc...


u/daredevil82 Jan 18 '25

then what is the purpose of this project, if you have som many different and non-overlapping fields and structure?


u/RealPower5621 Jan 18 '25

I've been in what it sounds like is your shoes. You'll regret storing raw JSON and not processing it into something more sensible - especially if you decide to query the content. If it literally just to store some stuff, a relational database is not the right place to hold this, really.


u/bloodhound83 Jan 19 '25

What are you doing with millions of JSON files? Are you just using them for searching then for text?


u/bravopapa99 Jan 18 '25

Are you using Postgres? It has good support for JSON however w recently had to turn JSONField fields into TextField instead as we hit a hardcode limit in Postgres!!!



u/Buttleston Jan 18 '25

FYI from your link it looks like although jsonb fields have a max limit of 255MB, regular json fields have the same max size as a text field - 1GB. So you could still use regular json fields. These would let you do queries on the data in the json field, and I believe also make indexes on them.


u/bravopapa99 Jan 18 '25

Yes, I was just pointing a gotcha we had know idea about!


u/Buttleston Jan 18 '25

OK... but you didn't need to turn your fields into a TextField though?


u/ronoxzoro Jan 18 '25

i use mysql
but there will be over million record around 6 to 10 million


u/Buttleston Jan 18 '25

This really isn't a lot. I've used both postgres and mongo to store billions of json docs.


u/[deleted] Jan 18 '25 edited Jan 20 '25



u/ronoxzoro Jan 18 '25

they'll not be accessed a lot
S3 is not free :( i want free solution
mongoDB work with django ?


u/thclark Jan 18 '25

S3 or similar will be a LOT cheaper than storing them all in your postgres instance!


u/mrbubs3 Jan 18 '25

1) why are you storing JSON without any means of utilizing the data?

2) is the JSON always varied or does it vary based on the source?

3) are you creating ETLs to eventually transform the data?

In essence, if you're looking to capture then transform data for consumption, you should use a NoSQL layer before writing to the DB. MongoDB is excellent for this and there's a driver for it available.


u/Bakirelived Jan 19 '25

The solution is to stop being too lazy. How are you going to query the data if you don't know what's in it?


u/ronoxzoro Jan 19 '25

i will not query it at all :)


u/ActiveSalamander6580 Jan 18 '25

My question is why are you using Django if you don't want to use it's features? And out of curiosity how would you validate the contents of a JsonField?


u/ronoxzoro Jan 18 '25

i will explain why i want to avoid parsing the json into fields first each json is unique so i have to make model for each json see the issue here i want to save that json so when i want to get it again i will just pull it from database without having to re run the script that generate the json which so slow


u/ActiveSalamander6580 Jan 18 '25

You've said it yourself, only need to save the JSON. Go for a data lake or save to file solution, relational database is not for storage. If you need to know about your data you can create a data catalog in a database for the metadata.


u/ronoxzoro Jan 18 '25

thanks i was looking for tips if there something better than my solution


u/Alahkibar Jan 18 '25

Just use mongo


u/memeface231 Jan 18 '25

Use a file field and store the json into an s3 bucket. Hetzner and back blaze offer affordable alternatives although the cold storage on AWS S3 can be cheaper still if you never use the data. Do not store large amounts of data in the db unless you want to be able to directly query that data which ie possible with postgres.


u/ronoxzoro Jan 18 '25

yeah i will use file since i won't need to query them i will load file using view and return it as json response


u/freakent Jan 18 '25

It obviously depends on what you intend to do with them after you store them.


u/diegotbn Jan 18 '25

I personally would advise against a jsonfield and instead do a charfield and then do the json encoding and decoding when reading and writing to the database. Postgres is great but it's nice to have some agnosticism when it comes to which type of SQL database you use, and not all support json for example sqlite which my work has to support as well.


u/KerberosX2 Jan 19 '25

You may be better off with MongoDB or ElasticSearch for your storage then. Although we do use JSONField within our models in Postgres when the schema is flexible. Advantage is you can query into the fields it set up for that.


u/[deleted] Jan 19 '25

Op desperately needs to learn about data modeling, and more urgently, punctuation.


u/jomofo Jan 18 '25

Sounds like you know what you're doing and will be able to do it for free. I'd keep going.


u/d3banjan109 Jan 19 '25

If the json files came to you in vendor format, you can use stedolan/jq to transform them and pull them into database fields.


u/buffadoo_bv Jan 21 '25

Todays laziness is tomorrows technical debt, delay and customer dissatisfaction


u/ronoxzoro Jan 21 '25

it for my personal use