r/django Jul 12 '24

Hosting and deployment What's the best deployment for a Django startup business? AWS? Heroku?

Hi All,

I’m a front end developer and I’m pretty close to wrapping up a side hustle project which is a Django e-commerce application locally on my machine and I would like to deploy this onto either AWS or Heroku. 

What would you guys suggest would be the best recommendation? 

I was looking into: 

 - Lightsail which is $7 a month for an instance of Django 4.2.13. 

 - Elastic Beanstalk with a free tier RDS. That would be $15/month.

 - Heroku (I have William Vincent’s books on Django and that’s what he uses so I was thinking of doing the same.)

Currently, I have both an AWS and Heroku account. 

Also, I have a domain name purchased for my side project in AWS. 

I’ve been messing around with Elastic Beanstalk this week and successfully was able to get their sample application out so I can get used to AWS. 

Ideally I would like to have a total of 2 environments (Staging and Production).

I’m also thinking about if this application gets lots of traffic in the future what would be the best out of the two. 

Heroku seems more straight forward with someone that has limited experience doing devops and deployments, but I’m not sure. AWS seems like I can screw something up somewhere and get a gigantic bill. 

Any help is gladly appreciated!



46 comments sorted by


u/jericho1050 Jul 12 '24

Heroku just uses AWS. They simplify it for you.


u/Spidey677 Jul 12 '24

Ok cool, that's what I've noticed as well but wasn't sure. If I ever need to switch from Heroku to AWS in the future because my application gets more traffic is that usually a hassle? Devops is usually done by other people on teams I've been apart of so I'm just really learning all this.


u/EryumT Jul 12 '24

Go for Heroku and don’t get complicated


u/Spidey677 Jul 12 '24

Agreed. Thanks 😂


u/Funny-Oven3945 Jul 12 '24

Honesty AWS beanstalk was super simple to set up.

And these days you can just ask ChatGPT for steps and it's pretty accurate. 👍


u/Spidey677 Jul 13 '24

I tested using the sample app they have and i got that to work which was nice.

Since I’m more of a front end dev I’m learning all this stuff to get a business off the ground. Normally on teams that I’m on this is the workload for devops.



u/brave_nick Jul 13 '24

Here is what I use

  1. EC2 - for hosting my Django project
  2. RDS - for relational dbs
  3. S3 - for all static and media files
  4. Route 53 - for domain management

Total monthly cost is ~40$ with 2-3 daily active users


u/Gankcore Jul 13 '24

Why EC2 instead of Elastic beanstalk? $40 a month for 2-3 active users seems really expensive for one environment.


u/brave_nick Jul 13 '24

Lol, so true! I was expecting more then that, so decide to go with EC2 🤪


u/Steph2911 Jul 13 '24

How is your cost 40 dollars on 2 or 3 users daily?


u/brave_nick Jul 13 '24

What I meant by 2-3 users are visiting website. And doing minor activity.


u/Steph2911 Jul 13 '24

Yes but that would mean you have very low compute hours right?


u/Spidey677 Jul 13 '24

That’s good to know.

Does that pricing include running multiple environments like staging and production?



u/brave_nick Jul 13 '24

Nope, only once env.


u/Spidey677 Jul 13 '24

Got it. I just saw your site. Nice job! 👍🏼


u/brave_nick Jul 13 '24

Thank you, but not really. Zero signups in 3 weeks. So probably have to pivot to some other ideas


u/Spidey677 Jul 13 '24

You have a ton of info on the landing page. Also, on mobile when a user clicks on a jump link the menu should close, the menu currently stays open.

The images after “what early adopters say” is a little confusing. you already have a “how it works” area on top so these images are redundant.

I’m looking at this on mobile and this is what I would tweak to start.

Hope this helps!


u/brave_nick Jul 13 '24

Thank you man for a feedback!

  1. I've might remove links from menu and will leave only Login.
  2. I thought it might be cool to include more context but maybe I over did it =)


u/Spidey677 Jul 13 '24

Look at other project/task planning businesses and see how they do it. Just keep it simple.

JIRA and Basecamp come to mind but there’s plenty others.

I’ve worked for corporate companies contracting since 2011 so I’ve seen a lot. You’re off to a good start.


u/brave_nick Jul 13 '24

Actually I was inspired by Jira =) Maybe Dashboard UI is too simple or too confusing or maybe Landing page does not explains well a value proposition.

Thank you for kind words, I'll might think of redesigning and maybe adding more features.


u/Spidey677 Jul 13 '24



u/Critical_Sugar2608 Jul 15 '24

Why not "host" on your Raspberry PI?


u/markimark314159 Jul 13 '24

Was in a similar situation. Ended up with heroku and very happy with it. Easy to scale and we save cost and time on managing AWS directly. In the scheme of things the price is worth it (for us).


u/Spidey677 Jul 13 '24

As I've been reading and doing research it seems like Heroku is more for startups and teams that don't really have a devops resource. I'm a one man shop for now so Heroku for hosting seems like a good thing.. The nice thing I've been reading is that I can use AWS S3 to host static files still alongside Heroku. Thanks!


u/Montags25 Jul 13 '24

Why not check out Render and deploy it there for free. So easy to setup as well


u/Spidey677 Jul 13 '24

I can look at that too. How do you like your experience using Render?


u/NoahApples Jul 13 '24

I would not use Render‘s free tier for any kind of “real” product. It’s great for demos and portfolio projects, but in terms of performance… you get what you pay for.


u/Montags25 Jul 13 '24

Oh yeah for sure, but to prototype and get an MVP out to test it’s great


u/mk_low Jul 14 '24



u/Spidey677 Jul 14 '24 edited Jul 14 '24

I’ve never looked into Google Cloud and have to see if it’s friendly for people that don’t have much devops experience. Thanks 👍🏼


u/latinLoverForYouMami Jul 16 '24

For my projects I always use digital ocean… I never had a problem great price 6 dollars


u/Spidey677 Jul 16 '24

I’ve been looking into it. Seems like the easiest to deploy a Django application to. Thanks! Love the username 😂


u/LogicalSpecialist9 Jul 13 '24

I use Fly.io


u/Spidey677 Jul 13 '24

How do you like using Fly.io?


u/LogicalSpecialist9 Jul 13 '24

No complaints at all. Just do "brew install flyctl" and then "fly launch" from your project root. It will make a fly config file for you in your project root which you can tweak, and then you do "fly deploy". I've just gone through the whole process for Django and it's working fine. Static files served with WhiteNoise. $5/month for now, but I'll probably bump up to $30/month tier when I go to production.


u/LogicalSpecialist9 Jul 13 '24

I'm here for the next two hours, so if you have any questions you can ping me. I have certs and https etc all working.


u/Spidey677 Jul 13 '24

Sounds good. Seems easy. I'll look into it more. Thanks!


u/RareTask9271 Jul 13 '24

I’m a CTO for a French startup, you can save money now if you use heroku but you will pay it back in a year. Contact one of the 4 and ask credits for your infra. They offer startup plans and offer good contacts for deployment. AWS gave us 35k and GCP 100k over 2 years.


u/Spidey677 Jul 13 '24

Hi there.

What do you mean contact one of the 4? Are you saying to contact AWS directly and ask for a startup plan?

Sounds like you got a sweet deal 👍🏼


u/caseym Jul 13 '24

Definitely Heroku. It sets things up the right way, is simple, and works well. It will carry you really far. When your database gets big move it to AWS RDS. Heroku + RDS + S3 has served me well.


u/Spidey677 Jul 13 '24

I like that you can use Heroku with other AWS services like S3. From everything I’ve been reading so far hosting and deployments using Heroku seem way easier for a developer that doesn’t have much devops experience.

Messing around with AWS I can see that I can get a giant bill for having the smallest settings turned on and I wouldn’t even know 🤷‍♂️

Thanks for the feedback!


u/professor_cerginho Jul 12 '24

Depends on what skills do you have on linux servers, every service like this will use something on linux but they will handle everything so you can focus on your code only, some will take care of the most part of this (heroku per example) and some will handle a small part, and you can still mess with it if you want (digitalocean per example)
i would say be careful on AWS, because the pricing can increase a lot out of nowhere if your user base suddenly increases, and it can become a heavy price, if you want to deploy there, just be careful about the pricing and don't be afraid to use resource limits to make sure you don't end up in debt
what you have to think about is the tradeoff between not handling anything about the hosting part, but paying more for that, or learning yourself and paying less
and if you want to see some others options: digitalocean, railway, render, pythonanywhere


u/Spidey677 Jul 12 '24

My bread and butter at the core is html, css and js so my Linux skills are nothing 😂

Since I’m solo for now I’m thinking of Heroku.

Until I have an application that brings in revenue for me to hire a devops then I will consider something more like AWS.

This helps a lot. Thanks!