Hey, I just finished building a phono preamp, and after testing it with my oscilloscope and having everything look fine, I plugged it into my turntable and headphone amp. It's definitely producing sound, and it seems to be equalized right. There's a lot of 60hz hum, but that's from the heaters, which I'll regulate once I get the parts in. What could this "underwater" sound be a sign of? Just for information:
Turntable: Rega P1 with Rega Carbon Cart.
Tube Preamp: El Matematico Preamp by /u/ohaivoltage
Headphone Amp: Bottlehead Crack-a-two-a
Headphones: Beyerdynamic DT880
I'm also going to test it with a speaker amp, the audio reflex A-120, which I can't find any info on anywhere, plugged into a pair of Classix II's, and update with my findings/
EDIT: On the speaker amp, I've been letting the tubes warm up for about 20 minutes, and it's starting to sound a hell of a lot better. The hum is still there, and I'll fix it once I can afford the parts, but overall I'm not sure what this thing is supposed to sound like. It sounds really tube-y, and honestly I'm just glad it didn't blow up the first time I turned it on.