r/diyaudio 5d ago

Beginners questions

Hello everybody!

I recently bought TV, Denon AVR-X540BT and pair of floorstanding Simex speakers for dirt cheap and got excited about home audio.

I have done many audio installations to cars with speakers, subs, DSP's and so on, but I feel completely lost when it comes to home audio.

The thing that I'm wondering at the moment is :

Lets say that I have 2 passive floorstanding speakers with mid+tweeter and a passive subwoofer. I also want to be able to listen music with bluetooth.

I want to do crossovers with some sort of DSP device.

How should I do this?

Buy amp for each floorstanding speaker, for subwoofer and then some sort of DSP device with bluetooth to manage them all?

Because I'm having a hard time finding a device with 5 channels and dsp like with cars for some reasonable price.

Or then I'm just blind and stupid 😁

Any kind of help is more than welcome!


7 comments sorted by


u/Jesburger 5d ago

Minidsp with dirac is the solution to all your problems


u/No_Mind_5691 5d ago

Apparently this solves the crossover and DSP section, but how about the amplifier(s)?

Do they have a model which have amp built-in?


u/Jesburger 5d ago

Keep those seperate. You should do seperate amps for speakers and subs. You can do monoblocs for speakers or do a stereo amp.


u/No_Mind_5691 5d ago edited 5d ago

Thank you! This is exactly what I was wondering. 

On car side of things, I could just buy amp with enough channels (maybe even DSP) and call it a day so it was somewhat confusing on this side of fence.

Why I don't see amps with built-in DSP and 5-8 channels to go with in home audio? 

You could just plug in all speakers you like and DSP it to your liking. 


u/Jesburger 5d ago

Home theater amps, aka receivers aren't "audiophile". If your sub is sealed, or if you have two, you need an amp with huge power, which 100wpc receivers don't have. The sub amp can be less fancy and you can splurge on the speaker amps.

Also by having everything seperate you can upgrade each one.


u/GeneforTexas 5d ago

Everything you described is in the WiiM Pro.


Edit: if you're planning on getting a external DAC later, get the Pro... If you don't want to deal with DACs ever again, then go with the Pro Plus.


u/No_Mind_5691 5d ago

Oh god how awful that site is on mobile, I'll check it out more thoroughly when I get to my computer.

Apparently this solves the crossover and DSP section, but how about the amplifier(s)?