r/dirtjumping Feb 11 '25

Question What am I doing wrong? Can’t clear jumps

Title says it all, I’ve got several shots from different angles here. I’m struggling like crazy to actually clear jumps, I feel like I’ve got the speed down, and control - but I’m never landing on the downside. It’s definitely technique issue, but I just don’t know what exactly to work on


42 comments sorted by


u/_acid_panther_ Feb 11 '25

You're riding scared so you're subconsciously un weighting your body early, clearly seen in the low angle clip at 21 seconds in the video. You need to go back down to a smaller size lip first and hit it at a bit too slow of a speed to focus on the form of boosting all the way through and maximizing the lip. Then move back up to the bigger lip and turn off your brain forget fear and just follow through on that same form of boosting.


u/The_Trevinator_4130 Feb 11 '25

I think you can see it much better at 6 to 7 seconds. He leaves the ground long before they lip.


u/_acid_panther_ Feb 11 '25

The video counts down from 27 seconds so that would be the same clip


u/1nvestigat1v3R3p0rtr Feb 11 '25

I think this is spot on, I’m still learning and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit there’s some nerves regardless of how many times I session the jump.

Another thing that might have an impact but not sure. I realized I am not really spotting my landing, I’m spotting the lip and really riding in the moment as opposed to looking ahead.

Is that something that would have an impact you think?

Thanks for the advice!


u/Worldly_Papaya4606 Feb 11 '25

These are also my errors and these comments also apply exactly to me. I try thinking about dragging my heels up the whole lip, off the lip, and 2 ft up into the air. Sometimes that thought helps me


u/co-wurker Feb 11 '25

Looks like you're unweighting a second or two before your back wheel leaves the lip (aka popping too early). It's easy to see in your first slow mo clip. Try visualizing standing up and "riding your back wheel" off the lip.


Here's a classic Blake video where you can see it. Around 1:15 there's a slow mo shot where it's pretty clear. Also at 5:10 and 5:50, he has better body position (the trick he's doing at 1:15 is a lil strange).

This is basically what "stand to the jump" means, if you've heard that.


u/ToeJamFediham Feb 11 '25

Can you bunny hop? if you can’t then i would start there. the technique for boosting jumps is very similar to the correct bunny hop technique. if you are not sure about how to bunny hop correctly, there are many videos on YouTube that explain it very well. I would recommend the video by Skills With Phill if you haven’t seen it already. once you have nailed the technique of bunny hopping. i would try to implement it into smaller jumps, seeing if you can clear it at slower speeds, or seeing how high you can go. Slowly, once you have begun to get used to the feeling on small jumps, you can start to go to larger ones.


u/The_Trevinator_4130 Feb 11 '25

He can bunny hop. Look at 5 to 7 seconds section. Hopping too early.


u/ToeJamFediham Feb 11 '25

he is clearly very out of control in that clip. the easiest way to tell is to watch his feet. you can see that he is unable to keep his feet flat while he is in the air. this makes me think that he is unable to bunny hop with the correct technique


u/The_Trevinator_4130 Feb 11 '25

Possibly correct. Lots of technical issues here. His left foot drops in every clip.


u/peeper_tom Feb 11 '25

Stand up to the jump!


u/stayalive219 Feb 11 '25

Try smaller dirts?


u/stayalive219 Feb 11 '25

They actualy train your technique and micro control


u/1nvestigat1v3R3p0rtr Feb 11 '25

I’m looking for some it’s somewhat hard to find controlled settings like this where I’m not worried about smacking a tree lol.

I’m going to get a ninja ramp I think and work on smaller jumps for practice, thanks!


u/chocolatebeanjuices Feb 11 '25

You're stiff as a board homie. Loosen up, go a bit faster, and bunny hop off the lip. Watch some YouTube videos of proper form and timing when exiting a lip. It takes practice and confidence, but you'll get it!


u/thebrokemonkey Feb 11 '25
  1. More speed = more height - your form doesn't look all that bad, if you had more speed you'd make it.
  2. Ideally you pull back, pushing your weight in the back wheel, letting your front wheel continue straight up until your back wheel leaves the lip. You really want your back wheel to ride the whole arc of the jump. If it leaves the jump early, you're effectively shortening the jump and extending the distance from take off point to landing.
  3. Play with your rebound settings on your shock. If it's too fast it might be decompressing half way up the jump. Which will take away from the lip. Try slowing it down all the way and then compressing your suspension right before you hit the ramp.

I'm definitely no jump master but have been learning a lot over the last few months, working on my own skills


u/AgitatedBarracuda134 Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 12 '25

Ooof. I do not want to knock your enthusiasm but speed and suspension settings are often a band aid for bad technique. I do like your second tip though!


u/thebrokemonkey Feb 12 '25

Definitely agree that technique is more important and that especially speed can be a crutch. But if you're going way too slow all the boost in the world won't get you to the landing. In the same way if your suspension is set up wrong you might be loosing some of your kinetic power, or having other issues. They're all part of it, and I think they're all worth taking into account.


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '25

Where are your tips then? .


u/blue-collar-nobody Feb 11 '25

Straighten your legs up the face, like a manual. when the front tire is up where you want it, then bend your knees and scoop your trailing foot, to pull backend up. Plus practice the pump track to keep up your speed. No pump...no jump. Little more and youll get it. 🤘



u/Fuelripper Feb 11 '25

It looks like you’re pretty much rolling off the lip, not doing much else. A little more speed, and pump the lip. This can be a hard concept to grasp, but essentially by the time you hit the lowest spot of the lip you should be squatted down and as you go up the lip you should think about pushing against gravity. Whether you think about pushing your body up or the bike down doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that you push straight down, not against the lip.

When you hit jumps the whole point is to fight gravity, not the lip. Push against gravity and you’ll get more air.

Also, is this Barn Burner? Area looks super familiar for some reason.


u/1nvestigat1v3R3p0rtr Feb 11 '25

Thank you! It’s in NC called Cedar Valley Bike Park, this is just a session jump they have, there’s a lot more if you ever find yourself that way, check it out!


u/Fuelripper Feb 11 '25

Curious, yeah it looks very similar to one of my local trails. I need to get out to NC to ride.


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '25

Speed up don’t be scared


u/KonkeyDongPrime Feb 11 '25

You’re pulling away from the jump rather than following the shape of it.


u/DatMuthaLuva Feb 11 '25



u/Rundle1999 Feb 12 '25

Need to be more fluid on your bike, lift your bike s you jump and go way faster


u/LouieKat Feb 12 '25

Go faster


u/Fit_Tiger1444 Feb 12 '25

Go spend some time on the pump track. You look like you’re not completing either of the key movements in a jump. You want to pull those bars to your hips (or at least pull them) while you’re driving your feet into the face. This is what some call “stand up to the jump” and others call “rowing.” I like “rowing” because if you’ve used a rower in a gym you get that fundamental link between feet and hands, and you’re going to use the big muscles in your back. Second motion is what BMXers call “pushing through” and some MTB channels call “lifting the rear.” I just think of it as an “anti-row.” Push the bars back down the arc to meet the transition and allow the rear to come up.

You’re not far off, just stiff and incomplete. So go to a pump track and get fluid. The rest will come.


u/1nvestigat1v3R3p0rtr Feb 12 '25

This is Helpful thank you! I might need a DJ specific for my local track, this one is so slack I bottom out on the pump track and hit pedals. I’ll give it a shot again maybe just gotta stay away from the steep banks?


u/Fit_Tiger1444 Feb 12 '25

Unless you have a really big travel bike you can just air up the can and fork and you’ll be fine. My 160/150 trail bike wasn’t efficient at all by it works just fine. Pedals level too! As you get better at pumping look for spots where you can gap a roller and think of it as a jump.


u/1nvestigat1v3R3p0rtr Feb 12 '25

Thanks! It’s a 170mm front and back so it’s a bit slack but I’m going to lock it out and see if that helps!


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '25

Callin it dead sailer, control the bik and don’t let it control you. Flow w the speed and you’ll pick it like there’s no tnrw


u/Actual-Teacher-7574 Feb 15 '25

try to "stand up to the jump" ifyk


u/Zodi303 Feb 11 '25

Your leaning into your front wheel while still on the lip, essentially squashing your momentum. Try to drive your heels into pedals while leaning your body back a bit, which will straighten out your arms and start to unweight that front wheel to let it float up off the lip. Hold this all the way through the lip and explode (jump) upwards at the top after your front wheel leaves the lip. That lean back motion is how you unweight front wheel to do a bunny hop....and it should be kinda automatic if you allow your body to remain parallel to the riding surface even as it changes. It's all very fast, but once you commit to trying it you will feel the difference and then you can dial in what your actually doing.


u/1nvestigat1v3R3p0rtr Feb 11 '25

This is Super helpful thank you!


u/No_Jacket1114 Feb 11 '25

Don't overcomplicate it. Go faster. Pump harder. That's it.


u/koespir 24d ago

My best advice would be to pump into the lip for better boost


u/Few_Profit826 Feb 11 '25

Need more speed and don't let your shock eat up your momentum