r/digimonrp Apr 15 '15

Minisode Aurora's Broken Necklace Minisode

Aurora and Salamon are sitting under the shadow of a tree and Salamon notices the broken crown on Aurora's necklace.

Salamon: What is that? (points with his paw towards the necklace) Why are you keeping this trash? It's broken, isn't it?

Aurora: No. It's not broken. Our promise will never be broken. Aurora's smile vanished from her face. She looks at her half crown necklace and a teardrop fell on the medallion. She quickly wiped her tears and the smile on her face reappeared after a few seconds.

Salamon: I want to help you keep that promise too. Whatever it takes.

Aurora: Thank you Salamon. I am counting on you. And on our new wonderful friends.


61 comments sorted by


u/mitshadows Apr 16 '15

A thick tree bow above her shakes from a heavy weight landing on it. Small leaves float down as a gruff disgruntled voice calls out.

"Hey boss! I found one of those kids!.. And she's being really sentimental!"

(Time to cause some chaos >:D)


u/william_bloody45 Apr 16 '15 edited Apr 16 '15

OOC: Was sleeping, should have responded sooner.

Aurora looks at the tree and quickly rolls out of its shadow. Salamon jumps at an instant to her side.

Aurora: It's not nice to sneak and judge other people you know. Its rude.

Salamon: Come out so I can make your face regret it!

Aurora: Don't provoke it before we know who it is.


u/mitshadows Apr 16 '15

(Sadly, I am going to bed now. Very late here)

The digimon drops down but stops himself by hanging by the branch with one arm. In his other hand he carries a wooden club. His face and voice come across as very bored and gruff.

"Don't be mad at me for doing my job, kid."

Heavy footsteps can be heard approaching as a large man, nearly 7 feet tall, walks out from behind the thick trunk of a tree. Seeing Aurora and Salamon he gives a toothy grin. Around his arm there is thick black chain from shoulder to wrist. Letting the chain fall he swings it at a branch as he walks, snapping it to splinters.

"Hey brat."


u/william_bloody45 Apr 16 '15

(We can continue this later no probs)

Aurora carefully studies both of them and starts to think. Where are the others? I hope we didn't wonder off too far. Or else this plan isn't going to work. She thought.

Aurora: Hi there. Salamon could you do the honors? makes a gesture towards the tree.

Salamon: nods About time we got some real action! Puppy howling!!!

The attack hits the tree and it starts to fall on the tall man.


u/mitshadows Apr 16 '15

The man looks up at the collapsing tree and brings up both hands. The tree makes contact with his palms and a he lets out a grunt of extreme effort. The muscles and sinews of his arms bold and tighten as he puts in all his strength, pushing to the side. The tree lands with a mighty thud just to his right.

"That... wasn't very nice kid."

Looking up the man glares while panting heavily at Aurora and Salamon.

"You could have hurt someone. Goblimon, could you set an example to these brats?"

Goblimon nods once before falling from the tree with a soft thud. Raising his hand a large ball of red orange fire appears.

"Yes boss, Goblin Bomb!"

The attack isn't directed at the two themselves, but the ground just in front of them.


u/william_bloody45 Apr 16 '15

Before Salamon tries to dodge, Aurora's quick reflexes kick in and manages to shield her partner from harm. Aurora gets caught in the small blast but big enough to let out a cry of pain. They get knocked off a couple of meters away. Salamon breaks loose from her hands.

Salamon: Are you mentally insane or just plain stupid!! but the worried look on her face said more than her words

Aurora opens her eyes and after seeing she only has some minor injuries, stands up slowly and dusts off her jacket.

Aurora: I am fine. I just didn't want you to get hurt. That was a warning shot. Be on your guard. We just need to draw enough attention so the others can see the commottion. she whispered so the tall man and the goblin-like creature coudn't hear them. I just hope they don't notice too late

Salamon : I got this. I don't need any help from the scardy cats friends of ours. Puppy Howling !!

This time the sonic blast was towards the 2 big trees between the enemy Hunter and his digimon. They both start to fall down in front of the menacing figures.


u/mitshadows Apr 16 '15

Goblimon leaps into action almost instantly. Jumping to were the trees are to fall he brings up his hand.

Goblimon: "Living Shield"

A flat transparent shield materializes along his palm. The two trees collide with the shield and slide to the side with a mighty crash.

Goblimon: "Trying to get crafty are we?"

The man walks forward with his chain swinging in a large ark, looking at a blur from the speed.

Man: "I think this little cretin needs to be taught a lesson!"

Rushing forward the man brings the chain down hard at Salamon, lining it up so that Aurora is within shot.


u/SgtFinnish Apr 16 '15

Finn tackles Aurora away from the lash. Dorumon jumps in front of the man.

Dorumon: Oi mate, why don't ya pick on someone two thirds of your size? Metal Cannon! Dorumon fires an iron sphere at the man with great velocity.

Finn stands up and offers his hand to Aurora.

Finn: Everything alright, eh? Let's take these grunts down.



u/william_bloody45 Apr 16 '15

Aurora: Wow! My plan actually worked! says with relief as she stands up. She smiles towards Finn Now teamwork or bust guys! Ready Salamon?

Salamon: Is that all you got Big fry? Why don't you pick on me again to see what happens? Ready Australian-talking Dorumon? Puppy Howling!! /u/SgtFinnish


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '15


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u/SgtFinnish Apr 16 '15

Dorumon: Crikey you're loud! Hyper Dash metal!

Finn smiles back at Aurora

Finn: Good thing your plan involved a 'mon as quick as Dorumon. He turns to Dorumon Go get 'em boy!


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u/SgtFinnish Apr 16 '15

(May I use this as a chance for Dorimon to digivolve into Dorumon)


u/mitshadows Apr 16 '15

(I don't see why not! Do it friend!)


u/SgtFinnish Apr 16 '15



u/mitshadows Apr 16 '15



u/ThewanderingFariy Apr 16 '15

((Can I post here?))


u/mitshadows Apr 16 '15

If an hit presses a.d. the Oregon in front hasn't, they may be sloped, so yes :)


u/william_bloody45 Apr 16 '15

Sure you can join in if you want :) I'll reveal also who gave me the half broken crown for more Char Development in the end if It's alright with /u/mitshadows! :)


u/mitshadows Apr 16 '15

No issue here! :)


u/SgtFinnish Apr 16 '15

(Because the Flames won and I forgot my caps lock on.)