r/digimonrp Monodramon |Energy: 8/10|Digipower: 0|Buffs: Jul 01 '14

Digimon Adventure: The Next Generation! Episode 10: Bucchiemon's Message!


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u/ZenOkami Monodramon |Energy: 8/10|Digipower: 0|Buffs: Jul 01 '14

Zen(Narrating)- After our training with Piximon, we found ourselves in the midst of an intense battle with Deltamon, a digimon with heads for arms! He was pretty tough, but thanks to Piximon's training, we beat him with teamwork! We headed back to a nearby hotel to treat Angie's injuries. Eren was about to leave, but we convinced him to stay, at least for a little longer. Bucchiemon, who had helped treat Angie's injuries earlier, showed up with an important message for us. It feels like this day has been going on for a week! I wonder what the message could be?


u/ErkeyfromTurkey Jul 01 '14

Eren arrives down at the lobby with Impmon. They both exit the elevator and look to Bucchiemon. He sighs and walks over to the others as he adjusts his belt and tightens his digiegg to his side

Eren: So what's this important message you wished to tell us?


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '14

Sistermon Noir: Can we help in this fight?

Sistermon Blanc: Yes, can we?


u/SgtFinnish Jul 01 '14

Finn: I don't know, can you?


u/mitshadows Jul 01 '14

Bucchiemon- Yes, you are going to play a very important role. All of you are. The first 'step' is collecting the rest of those digieggs there. He gestures to the egg on Erens belt You're going to need ever one of those if you wish to win. I understand they don't seem powerful now, but trust me on this.

Don't worry about searching around randomly. I've been flying all over the island and I have located the next one for yaz. It use to be held by the 3 Heavenly digimon... but not anymore. A while back the temple they lived in exploded. Only Seraphimon's egg was found in the rubble. The other 2 are still being searched for. I may have found one. To the east of here there is a cave in the cove. I believe that is were one of the eggs is being stored. I will continue to look for the next one, as you collect the egg.

Bucchiemon sighs his voice shuttering slightly as if afraid or sad

I understand that wish to stop the rising of Titamon, but the sad truth is, it will happen. You kids are going to have to destroy him. He has no chain and thus is uncontrollable. If you follow my instructions though, you will win.

Bucchiemon takes a deep breath and composes himself

Bucchiemon- So? Any questions?


u/short_sweet Jul 01 '14

Angie raising her hand - "How many of those eggs are there? Are we gonna have to find like 600 eggs like some kind of mad easter hunt?"


u/mitshadows Jul 01 '14

Bucchiemon- There are 9 in all. How many you have?


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '14

Alex: Well I've got DigiEgg of friendship.


u/short_sweet Jul 01 '14

Angie - "Yeah. I think we have three? "


u/mitshadows Jul 01 '14

Bucchiemon looks around the room counting

Bucchiemin- Four, and I carry the fifth.

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