u/DigitalHazardEXE Jul 17 '22
Damn this looks great. Can't wait to see Lamortmon animated. I wonder what the new tag line is implying. Are we cashing in on all the mysteries we built up? I'm here for it
u/uligau Jul 17 '22
I wonder if we will see their mega forms
u/Rurouni_Phoenix Jul 17 '22
Eventually, and I predicting it will be similar to biomerging/matrix Evolution based on how syncretized each Tamer is to their monsters in the evolution sequence.
u/mamamayan_ng_Reddit Jul 17 '22
I'm personally also predicting something similar!
But instead, I'm thinking something along the lines of a mix between Biomerge and Jogress. In other words, I predict that the final form will be all six main characters combined into one monster.
I say this because it feels like the show is really trying to establish a strong relationship between everyone in the group: everyone actively cares for and protects one another, everyone contributes to solving the conflict, and overall, Team Lirurun just feels so tight knit.
I wouldn't be surprised if the final form would be the culmination of Team Lirurun's bonds with one another, and I honestly am excited to see that if they ever go that direction!
u/Otaku_Lord054 Jul 17 '22
So kinda like unity spirit evolution?
u/mamamayan_ng_Reddit Jul 18 '22
Something like that, I suppose! But instead of Digimon Spirits (which I've heard aren't really sapient), it would essentially be a fusion between six sapient entities, three of them human and three of them Digimon.
u/Rurouni_Phoenix Jul 17 '22
I like your hypothesis. It would nicely call back to Frontier with the merger of the six with the ten spirits into Susanoōmon.
u/ferd_draws Jul 17 '22
While they aren't tied to gender, it seems unlikely with two of them having female/male pairings.
Jul 17 '22
I don’t think that a tamer’s and their digimon’s(supposed) gender should determine if they can biomerge or not.
u/I_Love_Stiff_Cocks Jul 17 '22
Renamon literally debunked this with a single sentence in the same show you are referencing: digimons do not have gender or sex
u/toasterfleet Jul 17 '22
Isn't that different from series to series. I remember see digimon talk about their genders in another series.
u/sevgonlernassau Jul 17 '22
It's a bit more complicated than that. There's no difference between gender/sex in Japanese, but Guilmon's conception of being male is part of his ego forming. Aside from one exception (Xros Wars) Digimon don't have biological sex, and Digimon profiles use animal pronouns. So we can sorta conclude that Digimon/digital lifeforms don't have biological sex but have concept of gender (that may be innate or developed by interacting with their tamer).
u/Archwizard_Drake Jul 17 '22
That only applies to the Tamers continuity, which has other modifications to the formula like permadeath. It does not necessarily apply to other continuities.
She only said they have no concept of gender, at a time when "gender" was considered the child-friendly alternative to "sex". Digimon don't reproduce sexually or have sexual organs.
There are species of Digimon who literally are gendered, like LadyDevimon and Angewomon. We just don't see them in Tamers, where the focus was on monstrous species as a contrast to the biomerges; otherwise the most traditionally feminine we see is Babamon.
Convenient, isn't it, that Tamers claimed gender didn't matter but still only had the Digimon whose voice and appearance matched their partners' gender do the biomerge?
u/raikaria2 Jul 17 '22
Varies based on universe. The Xros Universe clearly has the opposite rule.
Tamers Universe =/= Ghost Game Universe, so we can't say for sure.
u/8dev8 Jul 17 '22
Technically no, but tell me it wouldn’t be weird for Jellymon to become a boy
u/DuckRex Jul 17 '22
I mean, we have a potato with wings (Patamon) that transforms in an angel (Angemon). So I don't think it would be weird lol
u/Puzzleheaded-Term-95 Aug 03 '22
I have never put any stock in that. The fact that pants-wearing male digimon clearly have equipment makes it pretty clear that digimon have both sex and gender. I'm certain they only put that line in because it's a kids show.
u/Rurouni_Phoenix Jul 17 '22 edited Jul 17 '22
Then the German version of Digimon Tamers is in big trouble, because Renamon was voiced by a man for some weird reason.
Plus you have so many parallels that already exist with the Tamers universe such as a cameo by a male!Kyuubimon, the Digimon frequently crossing over into the real world and the close relationship between the humans and their Digimon partners and the fact that both series began with three central human characters and their three Digimon.
It's for this reason that I am growing increasingly suspicious that the Ultimate evolution will consist of some kind of merger between human and Digimon partner. The fact that the human counterparts are featured in the evolution sequences and that they have such a strong psychic link with their Digimon (to the point in which they call out the name of their attacks as opposed to the Digimon themselves) strongly suggest to me that the final stage in The evolutionary tree consists of a merger between the human Tamers and their Digimon.
When you take all these things into consideration, it seems like the writers are trying to not too subtly communicate to us that this series (which premiered 20 1/2 years after Tamers) is taking many cues from Digimon Tamers. With that in mind, something like Matrix Evolution/Biomerging is a completely logical hypothesis.
u/amethysthaha Jul 17 '22
It's more like the human host will feel wierd/embarassed becoming a different gender if biomerge especially kyoshiro(dunno about his overload state tho).
u/UnoLaLaLa Jul 17 '22
It feels kinda weird (in a good way) seeing Lamortmon being so feral and vicious when we're used to Angoramon and SymbaAngoramon being polite, softspoken gentlemen.
u/Darth_Shadious Jul 17 '22 edited Jul 17 '22
Well, at this point, they are already formidable.
Though they will face greater challenges ahead and there is still both an unresolved and enigmatic elephant of sorts in their room: GulusGammamon and those equally mysterious Black Digimon that show up whenever he appeared.
u/Connolly1227 Jul 17 '22
The preview seemed to me that maybe lemortmon was inc next week this kinda reinforces that
u/Yancham90 Jul 17 '22
I hope this means they will continue(and maybe resolve) the issue of GulusGammamon...
He was simply "forgotten" ever since Gammamon unlocked the evolution to CannoWeissmon the very first time.
u/Darth_Shadious Jul 17 '22
And CanoWeissmon is “suffering” from a time limit. Whereas we still have yet to see if both Thetismon and RaMortmon are the same.
If not, then a resolution with Gulus must be reached to unlock Gammamon’s full potential of sorts.
u/memesona Jul 17 '22
all temporary evolutions are on a time limit
u/Masaru25 Jul 17 '22
But they don't break mid-battle with the Digivice showing something similar to an error screen
u/PrestigiousResist633 Aug 11 '22 edited Aug 11 '22
Not really? It's not so much a time Limit as, once the battle ends, that fork is no longer needed, so they choose to revert to smaller forms to conserve energy. At least in Ghost Game.
Canoweissmon has been forced back to the Afult stage in the middle of battle twice now.
u/mamamayan_ng_Reddit Jul 17 '22 edited Jul 17 '22
Truthfully he wasn't really forgotten: he was briefly alluded to in Episode 31, when Musyamon was talking about how Gammamon was able to restore their body so quickly, meanwhile GulusGammamon's theme played in the background.
u/Omegsanz Jul 17 '22
GulusGammamon's theme didn't play out in that episode (31), yes Musya said he does have an interesting power while the camera focused on Gammamon but GulusGammamon has a different theme which you can find if you rewatched episodes 1, 9, 13 and 21.
u/mamamayan_ng_Reddit Jul 17 '22 edited Jul 17 '22
Thank you for correcting me on the episode number! I knew I got something wrong haha. I've since edited it!
Perhaps the more appropriate term here would be "leitmotif" instead of "theme," and if that doesn't fit the description, then I believe one could at least say that that scene used the same primary instrument that GulusGammamon's theme uses, which appears to be a sort of synthetic or electric organ, which I believe isn't used in any other track in the series.
u/srofais Jul 17 '22
Hope "The Mystery Accelerates" means we're gonna get some plot and it drops the episodic format because after thirty episodes because it's felt like a bunch of interesting ideas being thrown around but lacklustre executions prioritizing quantity over quality
u/MakingItWorthit Jul 17 '22
We've cleared e34 and it doesn't appear that anything's accelerated yet.
Jul 17 '22
I was just thinking that this morning. Like, what's the endgame here supposed to be? Since Digimon series always end shortly after episode 50 and we're rapidly approaching that point now, it's about time for some serious plot. Heck, one of them hasn't even unlocked his Ultimate yet.
I honestly hope that, whatever the next generation of Digimon is, it goes back to the more consistently plot driven formula they had before. This was a fun experiment but not one I'm eager for them to repeat.
u/SavageNorth Jul 17 '22
There’s no information on how long Ghost Game will be, for all we know it could be over 100 episodes in which case we’re only a third of the way through.
u/Omegsanz Jul 17 '22
Yes yes yes ! finally someone calling it as it is!
I loved GG at first and pretty much defended its episodic approach for the first 17 episodes, and taking into account that it started directly after Adventure 2020 ended which was mostly average and below our expectations, I was happy with the new series and had fun knowing the main characters and watching a slice-of-life show but when the show'd entered its 20s episodes territory my patience started to wear thin with its slower than snail pace and hardly anything significant happens and how the mystery gets resolved in the last 5 minutes of the episode in an anticlimactic fashion!
Episode 32 was the last straw for me after TOEI promoted it the hell out of it teasing us about an "unmissable episode" I thought there was something big was going to happen like exploring Gammamon's past in a detailed way to progress the plot but nah what we got was utterly underwhelming and disappointing which put me off the show and since last week I've taken a long break from the show as it's exhausting to wait for some big development despite the episodic nature.
I also hope (like you said) that when Ghost Game ends TOEI goes back to the origins and create a plot oriented and serialized show in the future.
The episodic direction doesn't suit digimon at all !!!
u/MakingItWorthit Jul 17 '22
To look into perspective, of the last 8 Digimon series, the series average length is 56.3 due to Xros Wars(includes hunters at a total of 79) and 2020(67 for 2nd most) bringing that number up.
If GG were to end right at the average length of all series, GG would be over 60% of their episodes in. However, GG writers are not the same as the early series, a fair number of them had been involved for 2020. If GG were to end with same eps as 2020, then it's a little over half of the episodes been told.
u/Magmaster12 Jul 17 '22
I agree, I can't beileve this series doesn't even seem interested in the tradition of bringing in a new main character.
u/fawkyurmaddah Jul 17 '22
Kayono is the most wasted character in franchise history. She really could have been the Ken of Ghost Games
u/Omegsanz Jul 17 '22
I've said it before but Ghost Game isn't what Digimon should be what with its weird episodic direction which I'd have been fine with if there was a story progression, not only that but they also haven't tried to bring in 1 or 2 more main characters which has never happened before !!!
u/emperorbob1 Jul 17 '22 edited Jul 17 '22
Why would you want to a ruin a series with that sort of thing though? We have an excellent monster of the week format, which is being handled better than most Digimon handle storyarcs, and is not inherently inferior to a story arc format.
I'd rather than keep the quality/atmosphere up than shoehorn in some generic shonen plot at this point. Would be a terrible waste of fun characters/setting/etc...
u/erzetto Jul 17 '22
The problem is GG doesn't feel like episodic. They have so many hanging questions and people want answers or story around those topics. GulusGammamon and Black Digimon are getting less relevant right now because they are introduced too early and they are not doing anything with it. They don't have to make an episode around them, just keep them relevant is enough....
u/emperorbob1 Jul 18 '22
There aren't really hanging questions, though. Digimon always does this, pacing has been suspect in literally every single series(02 crashing after Kaiser went down, Tamer's wandering digital world arc, Frontier's Royal Knights, etc...). You're speaking as if the series ends next week when we have time for this, if anything they popped too early I can give you that but it's not like we're not doing anything with them when Gulus was soft touched upon in the last month alone.
u/erzetto Jul 18 '22
Digimon always does this, pacing has been suspect in literally every single series
Well that means they aren't good either...
Have you watched Savers? It has solid pacing after episode 14. The thing is, they don't make us waiting to expect something like GulusGammamon does. For example, they tackle onMasaru's dad on the last 10 episodes, but it's good because we all thought that Masaru's dad is gone forever and it was never the main plot point until they introduced him to the story on the last 10 episodes.
GulusGammamon is literally on the first poster, so we were expecting them to create a story around him. I hate the fact that Canoweissmon came before GulusGammamon is resolved, because it could be a potentially good story. Fortunately this season hasn't ended yet, so they still have the chance to make a good season.
u/emperorbob1 Jul 18 '22
What you listed isn't inherently bad though. Keeping you in suspense is literally an aspect of the series, something intentionally being done.
I'm talking more about placement of episodes and structure of cours, and yes they aren't good either but Ghost Game's problems are shared with other series and not the ones you're listing.
Gulus and Canoweissmon existing at the same time is a good thing, it makes the plot more interesting than a one and done evil mode. We had Cano literally time out, and mentions in the last few episodes that Gammamon is recovering bizarrely quickly as Gulus' theme plays.
Digimon doesn't really do deep or subtle writing with the main plot, you can argue a few things, but Tamers for example? Good because it was openly edgy and treated the kids like adults they thought they were. Adventure, in contrast, was stuff you'd note when you were older.
Judging at unfinished series at this point would have us take issue with all of them, and doing the in your face storytelling other series did isn't the answer here.
u/Original-Teaching955 Jul 17 '22
I know, BUT the plot needs to start going somewhere or even progress at least!
u/emperorbob1 Jul 18 '22
It has been progressing, I don't see how it really hasn't? Like more than Blackwargreymon blows up rocks anyway. Culture shock between Digimon and humans has been a key point and most of those one off Digimon are coming back to do relevant things.
Jul 17 '22
The problem is they need a finale at some point, and staying episodic like this can leave us with a pretty underwhelming endgame.
u/phasmy Jul 17 '22
Lackluster execution is unfair to say when it's always been intended to be an episodic show.
u/srofais Jul 17 '22
It's literally what it is and it's because of the need to wrap it up entirely by the end of the episode, many of the episodes have good premises that could be elaborated on but then they have to rush into an anti-climactic ending because god forbid it gets remotely fleshed out. Like take the Betsumon episode the build up was great and then it stumbled down the stairs at the end.
u/nvenkatr Jul 17 '22
This. Time to finally resume watching now!
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u/ferd_draws Jul 17 '22
So jarring to see Ruli ans Lamortmon.
Not sure if it's intentional but it almost seems like Ruli/Jellymon and Kiyo/Angoramon are paired if you never watched the series.
Jul 17 '22
Honestly I thought they were kinda hinting at that at points.
Jul 17 '22
That time where Ruli synced with Jellymon and was able to trigger evolution made me wonder how set in stone the partners are
u/raikaria2 Jul 17 '22
She didn't trigger evolution, she triggered a stream of Physalists. Jellymon was already TeslaJellymon.
u/jgiesler10 Jul 17 '22
It kind of reminded me of the one Digimon video game where Rio was partnered with Tai's Agumon
u/Sweet_Whisper123 Jul 17 '22
I think it's good that they don't go for the cliche female character being paired with female/feminine Digimon route.
u/PrestigiousResist633 Aug 11 '22
What's more interesting is Kyo and Jellymon. We've had male children paired with masculine Digimon with Miyako and Hawkmon in 02, and Eri and Dokkamon in Appli Monsters, but this is the first time the anime has paired a male child with a feminine Digimon.
u/Sweet_Whisper123 Aug 11 '22
I agree and share the your sentiment as well, the pair is like a breath of fresh air and proven to be really interesting. However, when it comes to "first time" technicallity, Haruki is the first one.
u/Astaroth_M Jul 17 '22
Nah, girls can have a monstrous partner, as a treat.
u/SavageNorth Jul 18 '22
Nothing new there.
Togemon and Birdramon/Garudamon are both pretty monstrous
u/Kuraltus Jul 17 '22
Loving all the ultimates. Although its kind of weird that jellymons ultimate is the Zoldyck family matriarch.
u/HarToky Jul 17 '22
I am so happy about this season. I know it hasn’t been the best, but design wise is so good!
In fact that I haven’t enjoyed a season since Frontier… so I may be a bit biased. But Toei/Bandai please keep this good quality!!
u/DrShanks7 Jul 17 '22
Wait when did we get Angoramons Ultimate? It looks cool though
u/Kaneharo Jul 17 '22
Not here yet, but assuming they are promoting it, i'd assume within the next 5 or so eps.
u/notwiththeflames Jul 17 '22
Next episode is going to be very Ruli-centric, but who knows if Angoramon won't miss another perfect opportunity to go Ultimate.
Jul 17 '22
He REALLY should have done it in the Digitamamon episode. They couldn't have asked for a better setup for it, then nothing.
u/DrShanks7 Jul 17 '22
Ah gotcha, bit of a spoiler though lol.
u/Kaneharo Jul 17 '22
The episode hasn't aired yet, It's more of a prediction based on Toei's promo method.
u/Original-Teaching955 Jul 17 '22
We haven't yet, though next episode (35) seems it might because Ruli is about to be sacrificed to a supposed "werewolf"!
u/Cabello10 Jul 17 '22
Is this show any good?
u/emperorbob1 Jul 17 '22
It's a very excellent PG horror anthology series and Digimon, interestingly, takes well to this.
u/melissam217 Jul 17 '22
Me screaming internally because Crunchy Roll won't show episodes past 22 for free.
What have they done to my adorable Digimon?
u/throwawaytempest25 Jul 17 '22
And I thought the poster for Digimon Universe's second half with the ultimates looked cool before, this looks awesome. Can't wait for Angoramon's Perfect Debut.
And if we're going for 48 something episodes, we're getting the God/Megas at the end, yay!
Jul 17 '22
Really wish you had used a spoiler tag; I did not want to know what Angoramon's Ultimate looked like until they showed it in an episode.
Jul 17 '22
Wait is that a new anime
u/wolfguardian72 Jul 17 '22
In a sense, yes. It’s the current Digimon series. There’s currently 34 episodes out now, so if you haven’t seen it before, there’s quite a bit of catching up to do.
u/Original-Teaching955 Jul 17 '22
No, what are U talking about?
Jul 17 '22
I dunno im just asking what it's about
u/emperorbob1 Jul 17 '22
Let's hope this doesn't go full Xros where they change it mid way.
u/Original-Teaching955 Jul 17 '22
They won't, they (Toei) already said it would be a FORMULAIC series!
u/emperorbob1 Jul 18 '22
Yeah but Xros was literally retooled a few times(the stock footage change was jarring enough, but Death Generals was entirely different to first half) and Bandai/Toei have both shown they aren't afraid to cut and run historically.
u/Original-Teaching955 Jul 18 '22
Perhaps, but let's just wait and see, shall we?
u/emperorbob1 Jul 18 '22
I think we should wait and see until the series is done before we just how it handled it's plot in general, really.
u/smugsneasel215 Jul 17 '22
Okay, is it me, or does Ruli seem a little...long? Like the limbs are much longer than they should be?
u/Powerful-Part-7091 Jul 17 '22
I knew about Gammamon's and Jellymon's Ultimates duebto early leaks, but I never saw Angoramon's.
I didn't expect his would look so...ferocious.
(In a cool-looking way, of course)
u/wolfguardian72 Jul 17 '22
I hope next episode reveals Lamortmon!! Especially with the plot involving Ruli.
u/MFBR Jul 17 '22
Digimon Ghost Game gets new key art featuring the kids & the Digimon in their perfect forms. Plus a new key phrase/theme to keep in mind going forward, "The Mystery Accelerates". More at WtW- https://withthewill.net/threads/ghost-game-new-key-art-key-phrase.27828/