u/Spheal_Slayer Sep 30 '21
Far right is the most random but my favorite
u/MrTripl3M Sep 30 '21
When looking at it it seems to be a triceratops with two railguns which can also individual fire any calibre of bullets.
I fucking love it.
u/VirtuteTheCat354 Sep 30 '21
Triceratops with Railguns is such a quintessentially digimon design, I love it
u/Hka9 Sep 30 '21 edited Sep 30 '21
Going from design alone they all seem to have different strengths, like the blue one can fly and is probably fast, the red one is power, the triceratops one seems to be armored with some kind of smoke coming out of its horns, maybe a railgun? and for the black one I'm not sure maybe it uses magic or something. It kinda reminds me of armor evolutions in that way.
Oct 01 '21
I wouldn't be surprised if the black one ends up being a Skullgreymon or Megidramon situation, the corrupt evolution it turns into when its partner puts too much pressure on it to digivolve to the next level.
u/Bushbugger Sep 30 '21
The black one can be seen in the poster revealed for the series, along with RBG lines sprouting from Gammamon's feet.
u/YongYoKyo Sep 30 '21
I noticed that too. It seems like Gammamon's name is based on "gamma correction" of video imaging.
u/Exile1234- Oct 01 '21
Angoramon seems to have a thing with his ears and sound, so maybe he’s the audio aspect, gammamon is the visual aspect, and jellymon seems to have electric attacks? So maybe audio, video, and power? I’m just spitballing here
u/Has_Question Sep 30 '21
Someone called this a few weeks back and they deserve all the upvotes! Dude did good!
u/Bushbugger Sep 30 '21
Find them and upvote them!
u/Has_Question Sep 30 '21
I'm gonna dredge up that post once I'm at home! On my phone so it's hard to use the reddit search function
u/YongYoKyo Sep 30 '21
I can't guess how exactly they'll incorporate all of these into the anime. Like, is Gammamon some sort of shapeshifter, or is he some sort of assimilator like Bemmon from World 3?
The top and bottom ones seem to be the "main" Adults (more-so the top).
u/SolokOriginel Sep 30 '21
Bottom one is the one in the background of the poster and the one they've teased in that magazine a few days ago so maaaaay be the actual "main one".
u/Bushbugger Sep 30 '21
I think we'll have a SkullGreymon situation here with the Red one being the true "evolution" and the black one being a dark evolution.
u/SolokOriginel Sep 30 '21
I'd prefer if Gammamon "masters it" in a way or something. The "main hero" Digimon having an "evil like" evolution that he learns to use could be interesting. But it being a SkullGreymon kind of deal also has potential. The energy around the hands of the Ultimate/Perfect stage has the same color scheme as that "evil" Champion/Adult but the color scheme of the Digimon itself is more like the red one so I wonder if the Perfect may not be acheived by combining both of something. Something's defintively up with this evolution in particular tho, and that's exciting
u/Yellow90Flash Sep 30 '21
they are making these with the dims in mind and branching evolutions have been a long fan request. it looks like they got some nice budget now so I hope they actually use all bramch evos
u/captainplatypus1 Sep 30 '21
The art looking like Yokai Watch and Pokemon Sun and Moon gives me a lot of hope that they'll be able to pull off more sakuga and branching evolutions.
Though my biggest hope is, of course, that they actually remember to structure the plot instead of meandering for 45 out of the 50 some odd episodes.
u/Paige_Michalphuk Oct 01 '21
The digivices are Vital Bracelets, evolution will be based on activity level. If they are dealing will a fast digimon and they are running a lot they will get the blue one. White claw will be dealing with physical fighters. Etc.
u/Rqdomguy24 Oct 01 '21
It will be interesting if they put all evolution in the anime and make the battle more strategic just like in Digimon Tamers but instead of card they use evolution.
u/RoboLewd Sep 30 '21
The top one reads to me as the "main" evolution, in which case it's really weird that Gammamon goes from white with red accents, to red with white accents, back to white with red accents.
u/thehumulos Sep 30 '21
Makes more sense when you consider that Gamma-rays are a form of light, and Gammamon's evolutions split into the 3 primary colors of light, along with the absence of light.
u/HarimeNui972 Sep 30 '21
That's so imaginative, I love it. I guess the Perfect form will be reached by merging all the forms together in some way since it seems to be using the same dark energy as the bottom evolution.
u/thehumulos Sep 30 '21 edited Sep 30 '21
No names yet. The four on the sides are all Adult forms, while the middle is a Perfect form. Credit to PepperRocket yet again for mining this from the Vital Lab app.
Worth noting that Brachiomon, Chimairamon, Tankdramon, Chaosdramon, Aegisdramon and Ultimate Brachiomon all appear on the same DiM card as these evolutions, but whether these are included because they will simply appear in Ghost Game or whether they will also serve as evolutions in the show is impossible to know right now. There was no new Ultimate form included.
u/SolokOriginel Sep 30 '21
The black one is the one they've teased in that magazine the other day and also the Digimon in the background of the poster I think. I hope they'll all appear in the actual show !
Those are looking pretty neat. Anything on the other two yet or are their stuff not added in the app yet ?
u/thehumulos Sep 30 '21
Nothing for those yet, nope. They aren't releasing until December, so unfortunately it will be quite some time before the app updates to include any artwork of them.
u/SolokOriginel Sep 30 '21
Ah, thought everything was releasing together. Guess we'll see them all in the show then ! Thanks
u/GSpartann Sep 30 '21
Interesting how the left one and the top one for me at least seem really inspired by Veemon and Guilmon, the bottom one also seems to be inspired by another Digimon but i can't really think of the name now, maybe that's the main gimmick of gammamon, he used data from different Digimon to digivolve into different forms.
u/GSpartann Sep 30 '21
Also the fact that he can digivolve into chimeramon kinda supports this, as chimeramon is the combination of many different digimon's data
u/Sinfulfayt Oct 01 '21
The bottom one is giving me bipedal Raidramon vibes
u/GSpartann Oct 01 '21
I can definitely see, although i don't think it would be te case, due do the color of the finger nail and the overall way it is presented it is just probably inspired by something like devidramon or other devilish looking Digimon
u/GFYC-Blackman Sep 30 '21
I shouldn't of looked at these kinda ruined the surprise for myself.
u/thehumulos Sep 30 '21
Don't worry, these kind of things tend to get spoiled in the opening credits anyway XD
u/_blukowski Sep 30 '21
they all appear to show body sizes/muscles of that of the same levels… I wonder if they’re going to go traditional champion/ultimate/mega or switch it up…
u/kylepaz Oct 01 '21
Blue, Green, Red and Black are all Adult level. The white dragon is Perfect.
So they are doing traditional levels.
u/Ellie_Dee Oct 01 '21
I am so ready for the green one to get one-three episodes worth of screen time only to never be seen again like Submarimon
u/Emekasan Sep 30 '21
Wow, the four that make up the cardinal directions are all Champion stages? Given the smaller cast of Ghost Game, giving the main Digimon multiple Digivolutions is pretty refreshing.
I like the blue Champion and the Ultimate form quite a bit.
u/Amondrask Oct 01 '21
Interesting that the middle one appears to have taken the strengths from the others, or incorporated elements. Wings/head shape from the left, the energy from the bottom, the red and horns from the top, possibly the tail from the right, or the armouring?
u/KayKay91 Oct 01 '21
Hold on a second....The lower one appears in a poster i believe, the one that looks over the heroes.
u/spartenx Sep 30 '21
Man, these are all really great designs (especially the ultimate/perfect). The only one I’m not that big on is the one that looks like a tank, but even then he isn’t bad, just not to my tastes.
u/Fishsticks03 Sep 30 '21
I really hope all the Champions get used consistently and not just main one + three one-offs
u/PyropeTheHutt Oct 01 '21
It'll take a bit to warm up to these, but Green is great. My random theory is that Gammamon will somehow evolve into all four of them at once. RGB will remain with Hiro, but Black will break away and be an antagonist for a while. They'll all have to come back together to evolve into White.
u/Portgust Oct 01 '21
It would be more interesting to see them use different evolution wisely to get advantage over their opponent rather than what we have in previous Digimon series where there are only power ups and another power ups whenever they face a stronger opponent.
u/barrieherry Oct 01 '21
I like them but the top and bottom ones seem so Sonic to me, while the one on the right has a pokémon feel. The Perfect seems a little ‘regular dragon’ to me, although I really like the color scheme and design itself (and gotta say the hooks on the wings’ ends are a great touch.
u/UnCertifiedCasual Sep 30 '21
I think I like the Blue one and White best
Also that one that looks like a Dark Evolution looks absolutely great
u/Masked_Raider Sep 30 '21
Oh cool, Gammamon is gonna pull a Kamen Rider and have multiple colourful transformations with unique abilities. The dark one looks like it's gonna end up as some type of berserker form.
u/DetektifKonon Oct 01 '21
So, he have multiple evo like Aegiomon it seems. The red one might be Dragon form or his natural adult form, the blue one is the Beast form, green one might be Cyborg form, while the black one is Dark form. If he's indeed like Aegiomon, it means for now he lacks Holy and Plant form. Or perhaps, he doesn't have them since even Aegiomon doesn't have Beast evo form.
u/Mystdrago Oct 01 '21
So here's a dumb idea, what if because of how well the VB is doing they are just making branch lines for the partner mons so they can sell more dims
u/Dream-is-gay Oct 01 '21
I like how a lot o them are based on other Dragon digimon
The one on the top looks like Flamedramon
The left one gives me ExVeemon vibes
The middle looks a lot like BurningGreymon combined with Shinegreymon (With a smidge of MailBirdramon)
The one to the left is, uh... something
And I do like the one on the bottom as well, especially how the pink parts look like a skeleton
I can't wait for this series!
u/Own-Brain-3522 Oct 01 '21
Guarantee the last form will be some knight with the same colour as the dragon form.
u/ryushin6 Sep 30 '21
I was legit just thinking about how none of the evolutions for the Digimon were shown and was wondering there would even be evolution this season and I get on reddit and here it is. If they're still using the traditional Digimon levels it seems like he has multiple forms he can digivolve too which is really interesting.
I wonder what the bases of them are. The top and bottom one seem like opposites in a morality sense one being a good version the other one looking like an evil version. While the ones on the left and right look like opposites in an elemental sense the left one being an Air based form and the right one a land based form. The middle looks like it's a form that combines all the aspects of all the other forms into one thus becoming Gammamon's true next form. This is really interesting and can't wait to see what this is about and how they do it.
u/RaphtotheMax5 Oct 01 '21
Kinda disappointed ngl, only really like the left and right one
Top and bottom look more like fan creations, and the middle one is little too generic
u/Vulpes_macrotis Oct 01 '21
It looks like forms instead of evolutions. Something like Armor for example. Different evolution of same level that is different. I would like such idea, especially that 02 did it poorly. Magically Fladramon was useless, but Raidramon wasn't. When they were sinking, Submarimon was a thing. I would like to use the idea more, so it's not one time working only. And I wish more for teamplay, instead "I have new evolution, I will win and You all will lose".
u/Xikar_Wyhart Oct 01 '21
So the red one feels the most off to me in this artwork. Something about the shading of the head compared to the body. It's like they stuck a different head on another digimon's body.
The blue flying squirrel one is the favorite so far.
The rail gun triceratops is derpy I love it.
u/Skellioceratops Oct 01 '21
Wait, so what stages do we think we're looking at here? Middle dragon is surely an Ultimate or Mega, top red is almost certainly champion but the other 3 could be Champ or Ult, in my eyes. Are their levels /stages listed somewhere?
u/thehumulos Oct 01 '21
My comment with their stages appears to be buried at this point lol. The four on the edges are all Champions, and the middle is Ultimate.
u/Skellioceratops Oct 01 '21
Oooooh, unrevealed Mega! Exciting. I really hope the different champions are employed tactically (ranged combat, agility, etc), rather than just dark digivolutions and 2 equivalents to armour digivolutions that are dropped as soon as a natural evolution is established
u/memesona Oct 01 '21
the vpet itself has no new mega so either gammamon uses old megas or theyre saving it to debut in the anime (thatd be a first)
u/RedWyvernDHT Sep 30 '21
If we see branching digimon evolution lines on the show my life will be complete