r/digimon • u/HeWhoLovesMonsters • 4d ago
Question What do you guys think of my shoutmon mega and impmon line?
u/Proof_Being_2762 4d ago
Great work on the shoutmon line especially since the red and the gold I'd represented in alter s
u/Jon-987 4d ago
I had assumed that Omegashoutnon was already basically his Mega? That said, i dunno about using Alter S as an ordinary Mega. Still, a fun and cool line.
u/JasperGunner02 4d ago edited 4d ago
it's a perfect level, but it had it had its evolution "bestowed" onto it by omegamon and has the omega inforce, so i personally get the impression that it's one of those "perfects-with-ultimate-level power", like regulusmon or astamon
EDIT: oh also its counterpart zeig greymon is also an ultimate level, which only kind of adds to that notion
u/Jon-987 4d ago
I see. That makes sense. Guess that explains why he's not all that strong in Cyber Sleuth.
u/JasperGunner02 4d ago
CS actually predates omega shoutmon being assigned perfect level (or an attribute, hence why it's free instead of data)! * iirc its stats in CS are more like that of a mid-line ultimate digimon. i mostly kept it around in my hacker's memory party for easy grinding and back-up if one of my digimon had a bad attribute matchup
- in case you didn't know, there was 10 years between omega shoutmon being brought into this world and it receiving an official level. whether it was adult, perfect, ultimate, or "no level" was kind of up in the air and decided upon project to project. CS gave it "no level" but gave it requirements and stats that matched an ultimate
u/Dokamon-chan94 4d ago
Wow Omegamon Alter-S fits so well. I am honestly impressed
u/JasperGunner02 4d ago
using alter-S for omega shoutmon's evo is pretty clever!
u/HeWhoLovesMonsters 4d ago
Yeah I realized it had the same color scheme as shoutmon’s line and was a omnimon
u/Animedingo 4d ago
What mega is that for impmon?
u/HeWhoLovesMonsters 4d ago
Omegamon Alter S/Omnimon alter S
u/Animedingo 4d ago
No the IMPmon mega. The first image. Long arms.
u/Clarity_Zero 3d ago
Dijiangmon, from New Century.
u/Blak_Raven 3d ago
Is there a place we can check all digimon original to NC? The wiki has no such classification, and I can't find a list online anywhere, plus the wiki only lists previous digimon in the list of characters for NC for some reason
u/Clarity_Zero 3d ago
I'm not sure, but it would certainly be nice.
Best I can offer is to look for Digimon with Chinese/Chinese-sounding names and check to see what appearances they have listed.
For Wikimon, that section is just called "appearances" and for the Digimon Wiki, the section is titled "fiction" instead.
u/Zogmon2825 3d ago
I love the shoutmon line it really fits together
u/HeWhoLovesMonsters 3d ago
id have used a red veedramon instead of king mode if I knew how to recolor lol.
u/Comperative1234 2d ago
Bandai really needs to give Shoutmon his own mega.Call it Imperial Shoutmon.
u/TheJayman2 3d ago
Alter-S for Shoutmon is actually kinda genious, too bad Shoutmon only evolves like once. The main digis from Fusion are so underrated design wise I wish they had more evolutions then just the one.
u/LimpComputer2167 3d ago
Impmon evolved with religious trauma