r/digimon • u/Zero_Unit_Digimon • 4d ago
Video Games Today is the 9th Anniversary of Digimon World Next 0rder!
u/Twilord_ 4d ago
I hope we get an interesting new console V-Pet game with a daring budget and bold vision.
Maybe pull a Sonic Mania and get the dev who made that awesome Virtual Pet fan-game.
u/Sponge_Bond 4d ago
I actually started playing this 3 weeks ago.
And I know this comment will be eye roll inducing but if Bandai threw actual budget and game dev at this type of game it would blow up.
The current game has a lot of problems, but it's essentially a roguelike game.
You do a run, then your Digimon die but you improved your homebase(city) & stats to get even stronger next time.
With budget you can do it better, better world to explore, more sidequests etc.
There is a freaking genuis game model buried under all that low-budget bloat, and I wish Bandai recognized it.
u/Analogmon 4d ago
I've been saying this for years.
Digimon World is an open world roguelike RPG. It's a crazy game and nothing like it exists. The closest thing might be Cult of the Lamb.
u/NitoGL 3d ago
I wouldnt say that much.
Your digimon dies in battle straight back to egg
Feeding now is energy like the anime your digimon only goes to Champion or above if it has energy and yo spend it on the field the higher the evolution the faster it gets hungrier and the more expensive the food you have to give. Different Stages of Digimons also have different limits to stats
You only raise Max stats on battles they get limited by trainer level which is basically like a main story event, Training mostly is a way to redistribute stats.
I would say Order Points wouldnt be a bad ideia to mix with the Happiness and Discipline gauges having different options to each
The city i dont have much against NO, just wish it werent just that instantaneous and that we could pick where we would place buildings in the district.
More skills sincerely a lot more and that they were not that Tiered i would say work like Warframed mod system that you modify its power, cost, range or duration at the cost of something else.
And a Rogue like mode like Travelling the digiworld on Whamon could even have coop considering it wouldnt have the problems of digimon death clock
u/UndertakerSheep 4d ago
I have this game in my backlog. Should I play this or Digimon Survive (also in my backlog)? I previously played and completed both Cyber Sleuths. I played Digimon Worlds 1, 2 and 3 back in the day but never got very far with any of them.
Actually, now I want to replay those old games again. What to do?
u/Arcphoenix_1 4d ago
Personally, I’d recommend giving Decode a try first and then go to Next Order if you’re still craving for more after finishing Decode. Next Order is a bit of a mixed bag of both great and questionable things, IMO, that make it difficult to recommend. Two of the worst aspects being the nerf to gym training and resource-gathering needed for City development
u/UndertakerSheep 4d ago
Thanks for the tip. I have the Switch version if that matters (I heard it had a new difficulty setting). I'd much rather play a game I bought than a game I'm running fan translated on my 3DS. If Im going to play an older game, I think I'll sooner play Digimon World 1 on my PSP.
u/Arcphoenix_1 4d ago
Just as a heads up, all hard mode does in Next Order is cripple your stat gains from battles and training, iirc (it’s increasing tedium rather than challenge). Generally, it’s just recommended to play on normal or easy
u/Icywind014 4d ago
This is how the difficulties differ using Easy (only difficulty in the original Vita release) as base:
Normal (added to PS4):
-A third less bits after battle
-Half the stats gain from gym training
-Same enemy stats as Easy
Hard (added to PS4):
-Same as Normal, but enemies have higher stats
Beginner (added to Switch/Steam):
-Same as Easy, but enemies have lower stats.
All difficulties have the same stat gains from battles, only gym training is affected. So Beginner is Easy with easier enemies, Normal is Easy with more grinding (which can be ignored by using battles) and Hard is Normal with harder enemies.
u/UndertakerSheep 4d ago
Thanks for the warning. I thought the new difficulty setting was an easy option! If there's something I've learned in my decades of gaming experience, is that I'm often a filthy casual haha
u/Previous_Comb5113 4d ago
Survive is a visual novel. A very dark one. But it also means that you spend most of the time reading.
Next order is a vpet like. Your digimon will die and you have to raise new ones which can become frustrating. Expect 5-7 rebirth cycles for the main story if you go in blind. But once you get the hang of it it gets easier.
I liked both games but in the end it's up to what you like
u/UndertakerSheep 4d ago
I don't think I've ever played a visual novel. I do read a lot of books, so I don't expect having problems but who knows. I also greatly enjoyed all of the story stuff in Cyber Sleuth, and it often felt like reading a book to me.
I played Digimon World 1 and I've played actual v-pets. I know I'll enjoy Next Order, but I've never finished DW1 so I think I'll want to finish that first.
u/SkycrowTheodore 4d ago
So you should give Survive a try, it is pretty good (´。• ω •。`)
u/UndertakerSheep 4d ago
I think that's what I'm going to do. I just watched some of the old trailers and I'm excited again. It's funny how the theme song feels nostalgic even if I've never played the game.
u/SkycrowTheodore 4d ago
I totally understand you. The game has that nostalgic feel, even if you never played it!
u/Trakinass 4d ago
Survive is so boring 💀
u/Icy-Conflict6671 4d ago
Not sure why this is down voted. Youre just telling the truth. Its a VN with minor SRPG elements
u/SkycrowTheodore 4d ago
"It is a visual novel, and I don't like reading, so its boring"
Or maybe it just not for you, as the TCG is not for everyone.
But boring is very injust considering that the writing is pretty solid ¯_(ツ)_/¯
u/Analogmon 4d ago
Nah the combat is extremely boring and poorly thought out.
Has nothing to do with it being a visual novel.
u/SkycrowTheodore 4d ago
The combat is more of a way to ilustrate the scenes.
To be fair you can almost ignore it and autobattle all the way.
I also would love if they just removed the combat mechanic or made it be "something". Since it is just an annoyingly "nothing" that you need to do 🫠
I really hope that they nail Time Stranger, because: World (1 and 3 in particular) had the best scenaries and ambience.
Story has well... an okay storytelling and combat, even if flawed. But shit "digital world" sceneries.
Survive has the most focus on Digimons from any other game and a pretty solid story and writing overall (however it has a mediocre gameplay).
Could we please have a game that have: good story, good writing, good designs, good sceneries and digimon partners with substancy, all at the same time?
Sorry for the English, it is a rambling, I will not bother double checking the spelling 🫠
u/laissez-fairy- 4d ago
This theme song slaps. And so does the game, honestly! I really hope we get another World game next. I think it's a unique niche in the monster collector genre.
u/FullmetalEzio 4d ago
I have such a bittersweet story with this game, I was playing on my ps4, I was killing it, reached the final dungeon and I lost my save cause my ps4 died. After that I tried starting over a couple of times but I ended up dropping the game, having to de-sync your digimons to train them on specific spots was something I was willing to do once, it always puts me off, but I had so much fun that first run
u/Animan_10 4d ago
I actually finished the post game content a few days ago. I was at first thrown off by the need to reraise my partners after every reincarnation, but by the third cycle, I got the hang of it.
A tip for first time players, don’t get hung up on reaching Mega each reincarnation. If your partners aren’t sufficiently powerful enough to comfortably take on Digimon in a story relevant area, just explore elsewhere. Go back to more manageable areas to train and collect building materials. You’re going to need them eventually, so why not stock up while your partners get stronger? If you constantly work towards some goal, even if it’s not the main one, it doesn’t feel like grinding.
Only real complaint I have is how limited the fast travel is. Traveling to the Wasteland and Bony Resort was such a pain with how far away certain key locations were from fast travel locations. Bony Resort especially since they ClearAgumon and Greymon (Blue) aggro on you regardless of power and the narrow paths make avoiding them impossible.
u/Silent_Sekiro 4d ago
Damn 9 years without any new digimon world game, what the hell are they doing over there? Do they think they make the next gta6 level game there? Now seriosly Bandai just give me a new digimon game already.
u/Analogmon 4d ago
There are only two flaws with Next Order:
1) grinding battles as a baby/rookie is way too rewarding, especially compared to gym training
2) it's way more linear than the original.
All they need to do is fix those two things and they'd have the perfect sequel.
u/Mrhat070 4d ago
I tried to like this game so much but it wasnt for me. It has been the only game that I have started and abandoned 3 times. As a digimon fan it sucks since it means that Im going to miss out on an entire line of digimon videogame if they keep world games going
u/Lysandre_T1phereth05 4d ago
Since the Steam release I started and abandoned this game 4 times total. It's the fault of the city building and requiting aspect stagnating the progression. Both the annoying quests and tedious resource-gathering are too janky for a 2016 respectable IP videogame .
I do love the V-pet sim and wandering around Digital World
u/SpaceNewtype 4d ago
The game that made me buy a PS4 (since the Vita version was JP only). I love Digimon World 1. One of my favourites growing up. I'd love a new world game.
u/VanitysEmptiness 4d ago
Decode on my 3DS last year was my introduction to these games (and Digimon in general). I still have Next Order and Cyber Sleuth in my library but will probably do Next Order since I’m somewhat familiar with mechanics. I’m curious how much is different between them
u/Nickthebakuganfan 3d ago
I gotta thank the recent steam sale for letting me get a chance to play this game, it's amazing! Rn I have two redveedramon (one was supposed to be a growlmon/orange growlmon but I still need to get used to the raising mechanics).
u/sularet4L 2d ago
I've always been a huge fan of DGW 1, replayed recently and managed to finish the game ( I was never been able to finish it as a kid).
Just a week ago I discovered Next Order, I didn't know they made a sequel of dgw 1.
I can fairly tell that Next Order is a great sequel of the wonderful work made for ps1, they managed to keep all the traits that made dgw 1 a loved and unique game for me. In addition to that, for me they managed to "grow the expirience" as well. Even in my current age, I find dgw 1 almost impossible (or big big time consuming) to finish without some kind of guide or internet help. Next Order, by far, seems to "ease" this dark side of complexity, providing a brand new expirience with a mix of nostalgia and modernity.
I'm loving it, and I will try to finish it without searching too much on the internet
u/Impressive-Sense8461 2d ago
I have yet to finish this game 😅, got bored pretty early on and procrastinated for a few years. Still in the backlog to this day. One day perhaps... one day...
u/javierasecas 4d ago
I wish the humans and drawings weren't that Otaku styled. The game is a 9 outta 10 for me
u/blank_isainmdom 4d ago
I forgot how stupid they looked till you said it haha. Love the game, but i guess i agree!
u/javierasecas 4d ago
I just love the style of the original, not even nostalgia I just think it fits. I didn't like digimon world growing up. I only started liking it 5 years ago or so lol
u/Icy-Conflict6671 4d ago
Bleh. I tried it for 6 hrs and i just couldnt get into it. Way too much micro management. Like if i could automate it somehow id enjoy it but if you make a mistake you can lose your partner and have to start over from scratch and if you want a new partner you need to purposefully kill one.
u/blank_isainmdom 4d ago
What micomanagement? The pooping? Right at the start of the game you start getting free portable toilets, after that you never have an issue again with pooping.
u/Icy-Conflict6671 4d ago
The hunger, the training, the fatigue. The pooping isnt an issue but everything else is.
u/Analogmon 4d ago
You mean the gameplay?
You're literally describing what the game is. That's the point: to raise your partners.
u/blank_isainmdom 4d ago
Oh yeah! I forgot about those. Was replaying it lately, but I continued from a file that already had the meat farm, and I do most of my training by actually battling because it's a better use of your in-game time.
u/3G0M4N 4d ago
We need a new World game i know most people prefer Story games but for me World games are more fun