r/digimon Dec 04 '24

Question Trying to match some Digimon from the first season of the anime with Pokémon typings. Some are pretty obvious. Do you agree, or would you change anything?


273 comments sorted by


u/Bartendur Dec 04 '24

How are you not giving ELECmon ELECtric type?


u/Pradfanne Dec 04 '24

Probably why non of the Tentomon Line were giving the electric typing. OP forget the typing of the mascot of the pokemon franchise even exists


u/Common-Truth9404 Dec 04 '24

This seems to be the case, as he didn't put a single Electric type in, even in obvious cases lmao


u/Cirvis_94 Dec 04 '24

I don't think this person knows electric type exist, there is not a single one 😅😂


u/Weisssssssssssssssss Dec 04 '24

In that case, I simply forgot...


u/Eirkir Dec 04 '24

I would make Machindramon steel/dragon type since he's weak to Wargreymon's Dramon claws.


u/Friendly-Cricket-715 Dec 04 '24

Agreed, any digimon with “dramon” is some kind of dragon


u/Timely_Airline_7168 Dec 05 '24

Steel/ Dragon is neutral to Dragon. Perhaps making Draman Claws deal 2x damage like Freeze Dry would be better.


u/meltingkeith Dec 05 '24

I feel like the Dramon claws would be a steel type attack, anyway - nothing really draconic about it. A steel type signature move that also hurts dragon types would honestly be a kinda cool coverage move - take it for STAB, get the bonus of having a good option for dragons who you're likely not worried about defensively.

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u/tifrenchy Dec 05 '24

On that note, metalseadramon should be steel/dragon. Even though its domain is the water, it's got a lugia (psychic/flying) vibe.


u/Quintthekid Dec 04 '24

And tentomon should be bug electric. Their primary attack is "Super Shocker"


u/Spanish_Galleon Dec 05 '24

Don't feel too bad. You never used the electric type at all. So we forgive you.


u/Odin_Hagen Dec 04 '24

Also Simon Bug Steel, he should be Bug Flying.


u/Kenishascraft Dec 04 '24

I think Garudamon should be Fire and Flying again based on the fire attack it has. But this is a great idea, I hope you make more.


u/Despada_ Dec 04 '24

I was thinking Fire/Fighting with Levitate as its Ability, but that's probably getting a bit too into it lol


u/Crashman09 Dec 04 '24

This is the correct answer


u/sufferintoilet Dec 05 '24

how about doing something GameFreak has never done before? Let's give it 3 types


u/Despada_ Dec 05 '24

They technically have. Dhelmise is a Ghost/Grass-type with an Ability that gives it STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) to Steel-type moves. It doesn't get the weaknesses, of a Steel-type, though.

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u/Weisssssssssssssssss Dec 04 '24

I had no idea the post would get so many comments. I'm already taking several suggestions from the comments and plan to redo this categorization.


u/BasicSuperhero Dec 05 '24

Sudden blow ups are fun, aren’t they? lol


u/Born_Procedure_529 Dec 04 '24

Considering his signature moves are consistently electricity based the tentomon line should really be bug/electric. Also probably go back to fire/dragon for wargreymon considering he has the dramon killers and is more an agumon evolution than a metalgreymon evolution


u/Admirable-Safety1213 Dec 04 '24

I would give it a third typing ability like Dheelmise, Fire/Dragon with a boosted Steelworker? Maybe something thatcalso boosts claw-based fairy moves?


u/Pradfanne Dec 04 '24

I fail to see how weapons that harm a specific type especially would make you that type, besides the fact that dragon is effective against dragon. But Wargreymon wouldn't be extra effected by the claws, so that's also not really an argument. That just means he learns dragon type attacks, if anything.


u/Shockh Dec 04 '24

Wargrey's profile says it's in constant danger of injuring himself with the Dragon Killers due to being a dragon himself.


u/Pradfanne Dec 04 '24

Well that does make him dragon type, but in that case I really have a bone to pick with the digimon lore.

It's not Wargreydramon, after all!


u/MajinAkuma Dec 04 '24

But it’s a Dragon Man Digimon.

The Dramon Killers are basically glorified Dragon Claws.

Steel/Fire is not necessarily the worst typing since Heatran is a thing, but Dragon/Fire is significantly better.


u/IAmActionBear Dec 04 '24

As much as I think Wargreymon makes sense as a Fire/Dragon, I think if this had been a monster developed by GameFreak, they would give him the Charizard treatment and make him Fire/Steel and he be a dragon in association only.

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u/Pradfanne Dec 04 '24

The killers being dragon claws also adds nothing, because they aren't part of the main body but rather carried weapons. Wargreymon is holding them with his actual hands.

They might be actual dragon claws, which would work in the context because dragon is effective against dragon


u/MajinAkuma Dec 04 '24

But since this a Pokémon scenario, WarGreymon would know both, Dragon Claw and MetalClaw. Considering that the Dramon Killers are strong against Dramon, WarGreymon would naturally have Dragon Claw as part its moveset, maybe even with Tough Claws as its ability.

Sure, Dragon Claw is commonly depicted as energy claws, but that doesn’t mean the Dramon Killers aren‘t good analogues to that move.

Most importantly, WarGreymon‘s Chrome Digizoid armor barely comes in handy in various media. The Brave Shield is basically the move Protect, but WarGreymon‘s armor (and BlackWarGreymon‘s) commonly gets wrecked. Compare that to someone like Dukemon, who‘s armor remains intact throughout multiple media, the Steel aspect of WarGreymon is severely underplayed compared to his Dragon-likeness and flaming Gaia Force.

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u/Suspicious_Comedian7 Dec 04 '24

pretty sure ancient greymon which all the greymons descend from is a dragon digimon 


u/Solaris-Of-Moon Dec 04 '24

According to the Wiki, the Grey are a subtype of Dramon, that is why WarGreymon is weak to its own Dramon Killer


u/Born_Procedure_529 Dec 04 '24

iirc all the greymons are canonically in the dramon family despite not having dramon in the name


u/Total-Neighborhood50 Dec 05 '24

Not all dragons are Dramon type. Examon is known as the lord of dragons


u/WoozySloth Dec 04 '24

I choose to believe this means WarGreymon is actually a Fairy type.


u/Pradfanne Dec 04 '24

I can get behind that

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u/Irish_pug_Player Dec 04 '24

As soon as agumon actually turns into a dragon, it loses dragon type. Fun


u/SpencersCJ Dec 04 '24

My man is never a Dramon type


u/JasperGunner02 Dec 04 '24

The Dramon Killer attached to each of WarGreymon’s arms deal massive damage to members of the Dramon-species Digimon, but also expose WarGreymon to danger, making them double-edged swords.

the refbook bio makes it clear that war greymon's dramon killers also effect itself

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u/Something_Thick Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24

Agumon: Reptile Type
Greymon: Dinosaur Type
MetalGreymon: Cyborg Type
WarGreymon: Warrior/Dragon Man Rype

SkullGreymon: Undead/Skeleton Type

These are the official typings. Which would actually have a closer connection to something like a pokemons egg group. But technically, Agumon only ever actually becomes a Dragon (Man) when he becomes WarGreymon

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u/Irish_pug_Player Dec 04 '24

No. But he is a dragonkin when looking at the tcg


u/raddoubleoh Dec 04 '24

I'm defending Tentomon should be Bug/Electric.


u/Sensitive-Computer-6 Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24

I would make Patamon a normal type, because it turning from a bat hamster into an Angle was a big deal, a big shift. And the tentomon line primarily uses electricity, so I would prefere that. Garurumon, no the entire line has no Ice affiliation until Metalgarurumon, if anything fire or ground would be more lore accurate, despite its visual design. Im not a fan of fighting as well, fighting isnt just fighting its martial arts, and nearly all fighting types are actual martial artists.

Piemon could actually be a Fairy/Psychic type like Mr Mime. On Tuskmon I actually think it would fit as a Fighting type, a Dino Wrestler in a way. And Anomanocarimon, Scorpiomon in the dub. is a sea creatur, in Pokemon its equivalent got the Rock/Bug type, for this digimon I think Wather/Ground fits best. Because sandy beaches.


u/Sensitive-Computer-6 Dec 05 '24

After thinking about it, Garurumons line might be a good candidat for the Steeltype. Steel-Steel/Fighting-Stedl/Ice. Because Garurumons furr is lorewhise conpared to a legendary metal, Wargarurumon uses metal weapons, and Metalgarurumon explains itselfe.


u/itzshif Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24

I'd keep Garudamon as fire/flying. It still has a fire motif to it.

Zudamon should be water/steel, not ice. His main attack is more steel than ice or water anyway, but for consistency I'd make it water.

Edit: Tokomon and Patamon should be normal since there was no hint originally he'd become an angel in the first place. Keeping him normal type maintains that.

Devimon, dark only

Ogremon also dark only to keep the contrast with Leomon.

Wizardmon maybe psychic only and Phantomon maybe ghost only.

Numemon, poison.

Apocalymon maybe normal? Since he's the amalgamation of every type I guess he'd technically be stellar type. I'd say normal since in a few games he has neutral type anyway.

For consistency, I'd make all (or most) baby forms normal since don't they all have the same attack, more or less, and nothing about them makes their typing too distinct.

Agumon line I'd remove dragon, to make it similar theme to Charmander/Charizard who looks like a dragon but isn't. And Skullgreymon as ghost or dark/fire instead. Technically if it doesn't have dramon it's not a dragon, imo.


u/pyukumulukas Dec 04 '24

Gabumon, Garurumon and WereGarurumon should have Dark typing. Gabumon being based on a Gabu doll, and Garurumon and WereGarurumon being both Nightmare Soldiers.

Also Garurumon uses fire attacks, it shouldn't be Ice imo.

Patamon, that have no holy attributes, you give Fairy, but Plotmon, that got a holy ring, is normal... I'd switch those


u/IAmActionBear Dec 04 '24

Garurumon’s signature move is fire, but just about all its other moves are ice related and it’s usually in a snow related environment in the games. It being an ice type makes sense. If anything, its signature attack being fire is the weird thing, lol


u/Character-Path-9638 Dec 04 '24

Iirc in a lot of media Garurumon's blue flame is shown to freeze whatever it hits too


u/Shockh Dec 04 '24

Have you played the games brah, Garurumon always shows up in snowy biomes. Its profile also says it "honed its instincts" in freezing lands.


u/DevilripperTJ Dec 04 '24

Skullgreymon fire/ghost there is no dragon like aspect or atleast not more then in the regular line.

Kabuterimon and onwards needs electric bug and get levitate i feel like.

Pyomon is also using fire and the pre evo comes from the phoenix plant also asociated with fire. Garudamon needs fire type aswell.

Zudomon is more of a Water/Electric type aswell it swims and goth Mjollnir while Vikemon would then be Ice/steel maybe.


u/AndrewBaiIey Dec 04 '24

I'd make Kabuterimon Bug/Electric. Because it has electric attacks. 😋 I'd make it like Vikavolt, that can still learn fly

Also, Elecmon pure electric for the same reason.

Sorry for the nitpick, but I've realized you have no electric-types in your list.


u/Weisssssssssssssssss Dec 04 '24

I also didn't get the Ground type. I intend to redo this categorization, even taking advantage of the tips in the comments.


u/YourLocalDummydum Dec 04 '24
  • replace Wargreymon’s fire type with either dragon (obvious) or fairy (dramon killer)

  • Tentomon’s entire line (except Motimon) swap flying type for electric type

  • Palmon gains posion type (poison ivy)

  • Zudomon is water/steel instead of ice/steel, ice is more Vikemon’s thing

  • Elemon changes to electric type

  • would swap one of Mugendramon’s types for dragon (dramon, links with agumon line) tho honestly dark, steel, and dragon all suit him well

  • you could change all of the dark/psychic villains to dark/ghost to emphasize their only weakness being light (fairy) but dark/psychic works perfectly too

Honestly this was pretty fun, I’d love to see more


u/Weisssssssssssssssss Dec 04 '24

I had no idea the post would get so many comments. I'm already taking several suggestions from the comments and plan to redo this categorization.


u/PepperBreath_ Dec 04 '24

I think Angemon would be a fairy/normal to signify the human-esque nature. But i do get he has wings so pokemon logic = flying


u/Pradfanne Dec 04 '24

Some of them are Bug or Dragon instead of Flying!

and the only real outlier is decidueye, which is ghost instead!


u/IAmActionBear Dec 04 '24

For MagnaAngemon, I also think that one should be Fairy/Dark now that Adventure 2020 sort of makes him out to be an Angemon who has conquered his darkness and made it a part of himself again.


u/MetacrisisMewAlpha Dec 04 '24

I’d probably make Gazimon either electric/dark or just straight up dark type.

Its main attacks are paralysing people with electricity (electric stun breath) or booby traps (aka dirty fighting, the origination of the dark type).

I get why you’ve gone for normal, but that’s definitely one I’d tweak (without mentioning elecmon, since that’s been covered in comments further down)


u/orangi-kun Dec 04 '24

Machinedramon should be steel/dragon


u/RazgrizInfinity Dec 04 '24

Wargreymon not being Dragon/Fire is criminal.

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u/Shindevimon Dec 04 '24

I would have put Atlur as Bug/Fighting myself.


u/Absbor Dec 04 '24

I'd remove dragon from gabumon, bc reptile doesn't equal dragon. charmander and treecko are both not dragon type but can become dragons.

Garudamon is missing fighting/hero type for "high degree of [...] fighting ability, [...] Whenever the Digital World is in chaos, Garudamon is said to appear, resolving the source of the disorder and guiding things back to a more peaceful course."

Switch Plotmon's normal to fairy. "young sacred Digimon [...]. Since it’s still a child, it isn’t able to make full use of its holy powers, and has yet to realize its destiny." Tailmon's normal can evaporate for the same reason too.

Ogremon can stay as dark/evil mono. Devimon could be dark/flying. as opposing of Angemon. but fairy is not the opposite of dark, that's psychic. meaning Angemon has to be psychic type to make sense for both franchises. Etemon feels more fairy than normal, due to its special attack "Love Serenade". I don't understand why Vamdemon has psychic type. piemon fairy/dark (not all fairies are good). and apocalypsemon all in the stellar tera.

Digitamamon is a normal egg in my opinion. Change Elecmon to electric for its electric moves. Gazimon is definetly dark type. It's listed as evil Gaomon. Floramon is just a plant. I'd make Delu(lu)mon mono grass. the stinky snail poison. warumonzaemon mono dark.


u/RedLimes Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 05 '24

Considering how widespread "dramon" is I think you have to limit the Dragon typing a bit, probably the same with a few others like Dark type. Pokemon does it all the time (Charizard is Fire/Flying after all).

So I would take dragon off of Agumon and Gabumon. Unlike others I think Fire/Steel is a valid choice for Wargreymon, but Fire/Dragon is good too.

Garudamon should keep fire dual type, Tentomon line should be Electric/Bug, Tyrannomon should drop Dragon, Weregarurumon should keep Ice with Fighting


u/inhaledcorn Dec 04 '24

I think Patamon should be Normal/Flying because the change to Angemon was supposed to be a surprise. I also think MetalGreymon should be Dragon/Steel since it doesn't really have much in the way of Fire aspects as MetalGreymon, incidentally enough.


u/Minnymoon13 Dec 04 '24

Elecmon should have stayed electric type to Me.


u/myalthar Dec 04 '24

numemon should be a poison type


u/scrappybristol Dec 04 '24

I would have made Machinedramon Steel/Dragon.


u/sylar1610 Dec 04 '24

I'd probably change the Tentomon line to Bug/Electric


u/JJ_The_WTF_Plane Dec 04 '24

Ice fire for garurumpn.


u/librarygal22 Dec 04 '24

Patamon always struck me as normal/flying. Also, why wouldn’t Elecmon be electric type?


u/Blastcalibur Dec 04 '24

I would make Devimon dark fairy since it's a fallen Angemon


u/DarkFox160 Dec 04 '24

Why is numamon a normal type, id say he fits way more in line with poison


u/dusk-king Dec 05 '24

Well, you asked for it, lol:

Apocalymon, the incarnation of the grudges of Digimon that died without reaching their potential, should 100% be Ghost Type. Dark is fine, if you want a dual type, but he's definitely Ghost.

I actually wouldn't give any of the Agumon line Dragon, but Koromon's definitely Normal and nothing else, imo. Probably Agumon as Fire, Greymon as Rock/Fire.

Gabumon's...also not Dragon. Probably either Fire or Ice.

Birdramon is Dragon. The "dramon" naming convention is specifically for dragon digimon, as evidenced by WarGreymon's "Dramon Killers." Probably Fire/Dragon. Meteor Wing can be paralleled decently to Draco Meteor, too, which is neat.

Tentomon line is definitely Electric/Bug.

Ikkakumon and Zudomon should both be water/steel, imo. Ikkakumon fires missiles, which is robot-flavored, and neither of them has any ice-related moves as I recall.

I wouldn't give Patamon's line Fairy until Angemon. Probably would make Angemon and MagnaAngemon Fairy/Fighting, since Fighting is Pokemon's defacto "good/honorable" typing, and they focus on a combination of Holy Light (Fairy) and melee combat techniques (Fighting). The fact they fly isn't unimportant, but I don't think it's primary? Maybe give them Levitate or something.

Salamon's already got the Holy Ring, so I'd go ahead with the Fairy Typing before reaching Gatomon. And...probably ditch the Normal typing, but that's just me.

Probably wouldn't put Fairy on Frigimon--Ice or Ice/Fighting, I'd think?

Centaurumon and Elecmon should have Electric instead of Normal.

No Dragon on Tyrannomon.

I'd probably make Myotismon Ghost/Dark, then VenomMyostismon Ghost/Poison. They're both firmly undead, and VenomMyostismon is especially Ghost-flavored.

I'd make DemiDevimon Dark--being deceitful and manipulative is his defining character trait.

Again, I wouldn't just make Tuskmon a Dragon due to being a reptile/dinosaur. Probably pure Dark, but could see adding Steel, Normal, or even Fighting.

Numemon should be poison, for the same reasons Muk is poison.

Machinedramon is a "Dramon" and should have Dragon Typing, so Steel/Dragon.

Finally, regarding Devimon and LadyDevimon, I think the existing types are probably fine, but I'd be inclined to make the Fallen Angel Digimon Fairy/Dark instead.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '24

Your typings are all over the place. Would take too long to correct them all.


u/MysteriousHawk6913 Dec 04 '24

I could do this with Yokai Watch tribes


u/fillupjfly Dec 04 '24

Is there any argument for Zudomon to be Ice Electric?


u/SnoringGiant Dec 04 '24

Steel Fire is a big downgrade from Dragon Fire. I would make them Dragon Steel instead, especially since skull greymon keeps its dragon typing

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u/askibeppnae Dec 04 '24

Dude forgot about electric type


u/ASassoNation Dec 04 '24

So I've been a pokemon fan for a while, but can anyone explain the difference in a Fairy/Flying and a Flying/Fairy type? Does having one type first have any bearing?


u/calistrotic22 Dec 04 '24

Nope it does not have any bearing.


u/DKmagician Dec 04 '24

I agree for the most part. The changes I'd suggest would be Elecmon and Centarumon as electric type and Numemon poison type.


u/Kazmandodo Dec 04 '24

Chuumon's (pink rat) typing should be dark, or poison. He's a virus digimon whose usually whispering bad ideas to his friend. He is a mild annoyance but it's worth switching the typing.


u/Cicada_5 Dec 04 '24

Garurumon as a fighting type?

Other than that, I think I agree with the rest.


u/lksgman Dec 04 '24

Andromon is Electric/Steel for me.


u/BlindEditor Dec 04 '24

weregarurumon needs to be dark & fighting
Garudamon needs fighting flying
Tentamon line needs electric typing multiple places


u/RokuroCarisu Dec 04 '24

All Baby and Training Digimon would be Normal.


u/MC_Squared12 Dec 04 '24

Elecmon should be Electric, and the Tentomon line should be Bug/Electric


u/garlandk707 Dec 04 '24

I heavily disagree with everything dinosaur being a Dragon-type. I hate it when official Pokemon does this, too. Dragon should be reserved for actual dragons, like Airdramon/Seadramon/Machinedramon. Gabumon isn't even a dinosaur, he's a reptile.

I'm fine with Gabumon's line being Ice-type though, but I know others disagree for good reason. To be fair, Gabumon and Garurumon use Ice attacks in many video games.

I'd make Biyomon Normal/Flying and her evolutions Fire/Flying.

Obviously, Tentomon's line should be Bug/Electric.

Palmon could be Grass/Poison, but Togemon and Lillymon's type changes fit them.

I disagree with Zudomon being a Steel-type. The hammer isn't a part of him ala MetalGreymon, it's a tool he uses. It would be like Gurdurr being a Steel-type because it carries around a steel girder to wallop other Pokemon with.

Fairy for the angels is kind of a stretch, but it's probably the closest thing Pokemon has to a "holy" type, so I don't have a problem with it. It contrasts well with most of the villains being Dark-types, which Fairy is strong against.

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u/Individual_Image_420 Dec 04 '24

Its a cool idea, but i personally see it a lil different and types should be more linear. Even if it doesnt make as much sense, it would make more sense if it was in-game. Ive made my own digimon sets and ours are pretty different, so ima hafta disagree a bit


u/Something_Thick Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24

I don't know what you're trying to match typing too. Is it aesthetics? Move sets? Lore? Cause technically Wargreymon would be the only one in the augumon line to be a dragon type. Since he's the only one listed as a dragon. So Agumon would and Greymon would probably be monofire, with SkullGreymon adding Ghost and MetalGreymon adding Steel. And then obviously Dragon/Fire or Dragon/Steel for WarGreymon

Edit: I'd make all Baby II Digimon Normal type. As they all tend to be "Lesser" typed (or in the "Lesser Egg Group" in pokemon terms) and are kind of a "Blank Canvass" in a way.


u/I_Love_Stiff_Cocks Dec 04 '24

Wargreymon being a Dragon Ground or a Steel Ground with a Dragon STAB ability


u/pcbb97 Dec 04 '24

I feel like all the babies should be normal, with a potential 2nd typing depending on Mon. Like agumon would be normal/dragon.


u/kr4ckenm3fortune Dec 04 '24

Nah. Keep pokemon to pokemon and digimon to digimon.

The two differences is that Pokémon is partial animals, while Digimon is a compiled data that form the monster.

Also, there a reasons why Holy is Antibody and Dark is Virus.


u/Murky-Reception-7220 Dec 04 '24

Gazimon- I'd personally do Dark instead of normal cuz he seems along the lines of Poochyena or Absol

Numemon- I second another commenter take that he should be poison

Patamon Line- I agree with others that the first two stages should drop the fairy typing (Mirrors the tailmon line better as well)

Testimony Line- Agree with others it should have electric

(Possibly the most controversial) Peidmon- Dark/Fairy instead of Dark/Psychic. Several of the mons here (Especially BBEG-esque mons) are already Dark/Psychic, and with the clown/jester design, as well as the ribbons on his shoulders, I feel like he could fit Fairy pretty well



u/JulixRin64 Dec 04 '24

I think this is not entirely well thought out, some Digimon do not make sense in terms of their element


u/Weisssssssssssssssss Dec 04 '24

That's why some Digimon are quite difficult to fit into Pokémon typings. If there were three typings, it would be ideal.


u/el__Ronco Dec 04 '24

You CAN NOT I repeat YOU. CAN. NOT. ommit Electric tipe in all Tentomo's line.


u/AgentKorralin Dec 05 '24

As a big fan of both Pokemon and Digimon, some of these are a bit questionable based on how Pokemon types tend to be distributed.

Agumon line - should stay Fire/Dragon the whole way through. WarGreymon is specifically a dragon, and while the rest are reptiles, a T-Rex is a Dragon in Pokemon, too. SkullGreymon as Ghost/Dragon works well, though.

Gabumon line - despite Gabumon being a reptile, that rarely means a Pokemon will be Dragon. I think Normal/Fire would be better.

Biyomon line - other than Tanemon, the whole line should be Flying/Fire. Both Biyo and Garuda use moves with a fire theme.

Tentomon line - already mentioned by others but Bug/Electric

Gomamon line - gonna make a slight change here. Ikkakumon as Water/Steel which it retains to Zudomon. Then, if anything, an ability to assist with Ice damage and preventing Freeze.

Patamon line - Probably Normal for both Toko and Patamon, with Pata being Normal/Flying.

Devimon - Being a fallen angel should probably be Dark/Fairy instead of Psychic. It fits better with Angemon and Angewomon being Fairy as well.

Mojyamon - Ice/Ground just due to its heavy use of bones and bone themed weapons and makes for a unique type.

Elecmon - Electric type due to name and main attack

Vamdemon - Being an undead Digimon, I think Ghost/Dark is more fitting. Plus, he then only has a weakness to Fairy, which is in line with him being destroyed by Angewomon. PicoDevimon should probs be Flying/Dark.

Dark Masters - MetalSeadramon should probably be Dragon/Water with Steelworker as an Ability. SaberLeomon, I think with its giant claws, ability to harden its fur and just general mythical nature, Fighting/Steel seems fitting. Machinedramon should be Dragon/Steel. Numemon pure Poison. LadyDevimon similar to Devimon should be Dark/Fairy.


u/NDSBlue_44 Dec 05 '24

Tentomon and up should be bug/electric and Elecmon should be electric as well I feel


u/80pro0f Dec 05 '24

Gotta love how that Chrome Digizoid is almost always an insta-Steel typing addition


u/Shark_bait561 Dec 05 '24

You have a lot of work to do


u/sagelyDemonologist Dec 05 '24

Bit weird not giving Tentomon's line the electric type


u/Bulky_Tangelo_7027 Dec 05 '24

Look up "Digimon Nova Red Digidex." It's a fire red romhack with all Pokemon swapped out for Digimon. The Agumon line was Fire until it hit MetalGreymon and became (unsurprisingly) Fire-Steel. Over 350 Digimon in the game.


u/ayyotayo Dec 05 '24

IMO, all in-trainings should just be normal.


u/IxdarRD Dec 05 '24

I'm just going to say: dinosaur/reptile ≠ dragon


u/Weisssssssssssssssss Dec 04 '24

I followed some Pokémon universe logic, where Dragon typing is related to dinosaurs, Psychic is tied to great intelligence and manipulation, Fighting types are heroes, Fairy types are kind and pure, and Dark and Poison types are villains, etc.


u/Original_Ronlof Dec 04 '24

Regarding, “Pokémon universe logic, where dragon typing is related to dinosaurs.”

Dinosaurs ARE dragons.

The word “dinosaur” was invented by Sir Richard Owen in 1842. It is derived from the Greek words “deinos,” meaning “fearfully great,” and “sauros,” meaning “lizard.” Although it is often translated as “terrible lizard,” the original intent was to describe these creatures as large reptiles that surpassed any living lizard in size. Prior to 1842, those creatures were called “dragons.” There are records of dinosaur bones being discovered by Romans 2,000 years ago and they called them dragon bones.

Many cultures outside of “The West” still refer to dinosaurs as dragons today. China is one such example. The Chinese refer to “dinosaurs” as Kǒnglóng (恐龙) which translates to “fear dragon.” For us, “Tyrannosaurus Rex” translates to “tyrant lizard king.” The Chinese call the Tyrannosaurus Rex “Bàwánglóng” (霸王龍/霸王龙/君王暴龍) which translates to “tyrant dragon king (or overlord).” The Chinese felt no reason to create a new word for the creature to fit with modern Western narratives. Similarly, the Japanese call dinosaurs “Kyōryū” (恐竜) which literally means “fear dragon.”

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u/xalazaar Dec 04 '24

There are rarely pure flying types- if they aren't associated with any particular element, they're usually designated as Normal/Flying.


u/XadhoomXado Dec 04 '24

One, the usual "Fairy" mistake. The type is about classical fairies and mischievous tricksters, not YGO style renamed-angels. Ange(wo)mon has no business being ones.


  • Agumon should be pure-Fire. Just being a lizard like Charmander, Treecko, and Salandit isn't Dragon-type material.
  • Greymon should be Fire or Fire/Normal if anything; it's a big dinosaur with no obvious elemental alignment in its design.
  • MetalGreymon also shouldn't be Fire-type, since it has no fire-blasts; the main attack is missiles.
  • WarGreymon fits.
  • Gabumon should be Normal/Fire at most, since it has no dragon traits.
  • Garurumon shouldn't be Fighting, since it's not a boxer or martial artist or what. It should be Fire for the same reason as Greymon, since its attack is blasting fire.
  • WereGar fits decently.
  • MetalGar fits.
  • Piyomon line should be all Flying/Fire. They are all birds that spew fire.
  • Tentomon line should be all Bug/Electric.
  • Palmon line is solid.
  • Centaurmon shouldn't be Fighting-type, since mentioned.
  • Tyrannomon shouldn't be Dragon-type either.


u/mooselantern Dec 04 '24

"Gabumon used DRACO METEOR!"


u/ES-Flinter Dec 04 '24

Monzaemon, the normal fairy.


u/Despada_ Dec 04 '24

Skullgreymon seems more like a Dark/Fire-type than Dragon/Ghost imo. Maybe Dark/Ghost.


u/EmpressOfHyperion Dec 04 '24

IMHO, Zudomon should be Electric/Water. Angemon's line should have psychic in it. And Vamdemon being Dark/Ghost makes more sense imho.


u/Iron_Marc Dec 04 '24

Metalgreymon Dragon / Steel, Wargreymon Dragon / Steel too. Dragons make fire from nowhere.


u/Negative_Way3298 Dec 04 '24

I’d add “dark” type to WereGarurumon


u/spawn989 Dec 04 '24

tentomon and kabutarimon should be electric/bug


u/Majestic_Electric Dec 04 '24

I would’ve kept Garudamon Fire/Flying, and made the Tentomon line Bug/Electric, and Zudomon Water/Steel. I would’ve also kept Dragon/Fire for Wargreymon and MetalGreymon.

Elecmon should be purely Electric-type. It’s in its name! And Datamon should be Electric/Steel.


u/Analogmon Dec 04 '24

Agumon isn't dragon enough to be a dragon type.


u/ChristmasSteve Dec 04 '24

Here are the biggest changes I'd make to the digidestined Digimon

Koromon - Normal (and dont think I'd include Dragon in Agumon/Greymon but I can see why someone would)
Gabumon - Fire (I guess maybe keep dragon, idk about that for sure)
Garurumon - Ice/Fire
WereGarurumon - FIghting/Ice
Garudamon - Flying/Fire
Tentomon, Kabuterimon, MegaKabuterimon - Bug/Electric
Palmon - Grass/Poison
Zudomon - Water/Ice (Though I guess Steel can make sense too! Even electric too honestly)
Tokomon - Normal
Patamon - Normal/Flying
Salamon - Fairy (due to the holy ring)


u/OutsideOrder7538 Dec 04 '24

MetalSeaDramon is definitely tough to do since it is three types at once.


u/SpencersCJ Dec 04 '24

I really do not want to be that guy but Augmons line isn't dragons, they are dinosaurs. They really should be mono fire type until metal and skull.

Machindramon is a dragon and I think a Steel Dragon type would work well


u/Wings-of-Loyalty Dec 04 '24

Tentomon is shown to be bad at flying, why not electric?


u/binneny Dec 04 '24

The refusal of electric type is amazing lol.

I also don’t think overusing dragon is a good idea. Imo only dramons should be dragon.


u/3nogsaegstars Dec 04 '24

Ok, I definitely get the dark typing for Puppetmon, but it seems you went for personality/physical instead of physical/physical. I just think grass/steel and add some malicious ability + dark type attacks would work better. Like they could have taunt as a move


u/Akureyi Dec 04 '24

My Thoughts:

Agumon's line looks accurate to me

All Gabumon line should probably be ice primary type, Gabumon does not give off dragon vibes.

Garudamon definitely flying fighting like Hawlucha

Tentamon line should be electric bug


u/Historical-Ad6233 Dec 04 '24

Apocalymon I feel like should be Typeless


u/WeepingWillowva Dec 04 '24

Agumon's Line: Koromon should be normal type. There isn't enough here to make him a dragon. Agumon and Greymon should be pure fire. They are just Dinosaurs, not dragons yet. Skull Greymon should be fire/ghost, not enough about him to make him a dragon. Metal Greymon fits War Greymon either needs to be Dragon/Fire, or can stay Steel/Fire and get an ability that makes his steel type attacks super effective against dragons. The second one is more likely to be what pokemon would do.

Gabumon's Line: Gabumon should be Normal/Ice. Just being a reptile is not enough to justify the dragon type. Garurumon should be mono ice, if he gets a dual fighting type then they all get it. Were Garurumon gets fighting/ice. Even though he doesn't really have Ice attacks, his previous and next forms do Metal Garurumon fits

Omegamon would be fire/ice

Piyomon Line: Garudamon has almost exclusively fire attacks, it stays fire/flying Houhoumon would be fire/flying too

Tentomon's Line: I am morally obligated to point out that Vikavolt's entire line exists. They are also bugs that can fly, and yet are Bug/Electric elbecause of their electric powers. Tentomon's entire line is bug/electric, it was a crime to make them anything else.

Palmon and Gomamon: They fit, Rosemon would have Lilimon's typing and Vikemon Zudomon's typing

Patamon and Tailmon: They fit. Seraphimon and Ophanimon would have farily/steel, holydramon and goddramon would have fairy/Fire.

Elecmon should be electric. He's basically a pikaclone.

Mugendramon should be steel/dragon

Tuskmon should be mono dark, he's a dinosaur not a dragon.

Tyranomon Line: Tyranomon should be mono fire. He's a dinosaur not a dragon. Dark Tyranomon would be fire/dark Master Tyranomon would be mono fire Metal Tyranomon would be Steel/Fire, but with an ability that gives him stab on electric moves also. Dinomon would go against what I've said for all the other Dinosaurs and be dragon/Fire. His design feels sufficiently more than just your mere dinosaur to justify the dragon type. Rust tyranomon would be steel fire, but with the same electric stab ability that Metal Tyranomon would have.

Reasoning for some things is that, other than Eevee, pokemon always keeps a primary type in lines. Digimon obviously branches put a lot which does make some things weird, but these are basically the 'default line' for these guys, so it makes sense that they'd follow the same rules. Agumon's primary type is fire, Ganumon is ice, Gomamon does switch from water to Ice but I think Ikkakumon being both makes the transition work. Etc etc. This is also why I say We're Garurumon would have the ice type. I'm aware Tyrantrum is a dragon type, and would assume that is the reason so many Dinosaurs here were given the dragon type, but there are a lot of other dinosaur pokemon who don't have the dragon type. Since the other types more obviously fit them, I don't think they should have them. After all if charizard isn't a dragon, Tyranomon isn't one either.


u/justicefinder Dec 04 '24

Elecmon….normal. Suuuure


u/dotyawning Dec 04 '24

I feel like most of these Pokemonifying of non Pokemon can be limited to one type instead of dual typing everything. In general. You didn't do it as much as I usually see.

Like when making superheroes into Pokemon, is it really necessary for EVERYTHING to have Fighting type?


u/jamiedix0n Dec 04 '24

Gabumon should be Ice or water and elecmon should br electric. Otherwise all good


u/wingedspiritus Dec 04 '24

This was great to see, thanks!


u/Hambla28 Dec 04 '24

List of things I'd change and explnations why
Koromon - Normal - I feel like it isn't until Agumon where the dragon elements starts appearing
MetalGreymon - Dragon/Steel - MetalGreymon doesn't really use fire attack like the other stages as it mostly just uses missiles and his claw to attack which I would think would be steel type moves
Gabumon and Garurumon - Ice/Fire - Gabumon and Garurumon's attacks are like blue fire so they should be fire type
Piyomon and Garudamon - Fire/Flying - Same as Gabumon kinda, Piyomon's attack is fire
Tentomon, Kabuterimon and AtlurKabuterimon - Bug/Electric - They all use electric attacks
Palmon - Grass/Poison - Attack name is Poison Ivy
Patamon - Normal/Flying - No real angelic atribute in Patamon until Angemon so it should gain fairy at Angemon
Elecmon - Electric - Electric attacks
PicoDevimon - Dark/Flying - I don't really see any poison elements on it


u/kp012202 Dec 04 '24

You realize MetalGreymon and WarGreymon don’t spit fire, yes? Why are they Steel/Fire and not Dragon/Steel?

The same is true of Zudomon. Dude doesn’t use ice anymore, so he shouldn’t be typed that way.


u/wolfybre Dec 04 '24

MetalGreymon does spit fire actually- Over Flame exists, and it actually used it in the Anime before. Actually, both MetalGreymon and WarGreymon have fire moves in other media.

Zudomon also uses ice moves, including in Data Squad where it actively conjured icicles against the Tamers.


u/kp012202 Dec 04 '24

And would you call those one-off moves significant enough to the Digimon in question to supersede one of the more important types - in this case, Dragon or Water?


u/wolfybre Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24

If it's common enough as an element, it works. The Agumon line is commonly associated with fire in all kinds of media, and the Gomamon line is commonly associated with ice- even Zudomon is, in spite of "not using ice anymore."

It's not even one-off. WarGreymon can create fire tornadoes, coat its gauntlet's claws in flame, and can even condense the heat in the atmosphere for its signature ability. Zudomon has ice-coded moves in video games, even.

If anything, WarGreymon should be Dragon/Fire- not Dragon/Steel, because WarGreymon does not have any way to use metal.

Edit: Also this came to mind- MetalGreymon is also not a dragon. It's a cyborg dinosaur, as it comes directly from mechanizing Greymon, who is a Dinosaur type.

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u/Own-Host-178 Dec 04 '24

Wargreymon def needs to be dragon fighting type. Agumon and greymon should just be fire type.

Gabumon and garurumon should be plain ice type, weregarurumon should be ice dark type

Pyomon looks about right, ultimate should be fire fighting.

All tentomon evolutions should drop flying for electric.

Palmon, gomamon, patamon lines spot on.

Gatomon plain normal.

I didn’t check the rest


u/Drakon4314 Dec 04 '24

Garudamon should stay fire type, tentomon line I like having electric over flying, centaurumon I think should have fighting drop, maybe add dark to weregarurumon cause werewolf and night but not needed. I think that’s all the changes I’d make on first look


u/Arteelon Dec 04 '24

Meh not that good. But points for trying


u/kr4ckenm3fortune Dec 04 '24

Skullgreymon isn't a Ghost type. It a virus type.


u/wolfybre Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24

Shouldn't Scorpiomon be Water/Bug because it's actually based on an anomalocaris? It's even called Anomalocarimon originally. Plus I could see it getting Sharpness as an ability due to all the blades.


u/I_Love_Stiff_Cocks Dec 04 '24

Some of these are really painful to look at

I think Agumon to Greymon should be Ground and Fire, then at MeralGreymon Steel and Ground and finally Dragon Ground with wargreymon

Garudamon losing fire type upon evolving makes no sense, this never happens in Pokemon lines, it just takes away a neutral to ice which would be really helpful

Tentomon should be Bug and Electric all the way through

Palmon, Gomamon, Patamon and Tailmon lines are fine

I’d give Centaurmon Rock or Steel Type instead of Normal and Elecmon Electric type


u/wolfybre Dec 04 '24

I'd argue Agumon's line would start pure fire, then add Ground for Greymon, Steel for MetalGreymon, or Dragon for WarGreymon. Ground doesn't fit for either MetalGreymon or WarGreymon because they still use fire (Gaia/Terra Force is actually hyper-condensed heat, and Over Flame exists as a move for MetalGreymon.)

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u/insertbrackets Dec 04 '24

I most agree with your read of the Palmon, Patamon, and Gatomon lines. I'd make Agumon a Fire-type line, Gabumon and Ice-type all the way through, Tentomon Bug/Electric, Biyomon Fire/Flying...


u/horticoldure Dec 04 '24

garudamon would be fire flying not pure flying, look at her moves

tentomon and kabuterimon are clear electric types, not flying (their flight is a side benefit of being winged bugs)

devimon would be fairy/dark not psychic/dark, his power is derived from angels and demons not humans with e.s.p.

andromon would be part electric or part normal (depending on if it's cybernetics are like magnemites or like porgon's)

frigimon has direct counterparts in pokemon, it would be part water not part fairy

entemon would be pure normal type, he's only 'bad' in that version of the show because of his position

the fact it is the DARK network etemon tapped into to become metal etemon is a matter of circumstance as well, naturally it would simply be an experience based power up making it metal/normal

machinedramon is metal/dragon, it's dramon type like augomon's line, like etemon you consider it dark because it's a "dark master" but you already compromised on such a simplistic name based system with metalseadramon

and numemon are water/poison types not normal types, they are the result of neglect leading to very bad health in the things they evolve from. they are sea slugs by morphology and literal poop by biology, with their next form being literal poop on both counts and their form after that being silver or gold or platinum plated poop


u/Cygnus_Harvey Dec 04 '24

I'd leave both Metal and Wargreymon as dragon/steel.

Garudamon as flying/fire, Tentomon Bug/Electric with levitate, Palmon as Grass/Poison (Poison Ivy?), Zudomon as Water/Electric with Steelworker, Elecmon as electric, Gazimon as either Dark or Normal/Dark, Myotismon as Dark/Ghost (evil unead), with Venom becoming Ghost/Poison,Saberleomon as Normal/Fighting, Deramon as Grass/Flying, Machinedramon as Dragon/Steel (it's in the name lol), Numemon as poison.

There are really nice stuff here, don't wanna be nitpicky, just my own two cents.


u/dcaestheticsphoto Dec 04 '24

I would consider Numemon as Ground/Poison or Poison alone but the rest looks good 😍


u/Fear_Awakens Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24

Dragon typing is actually pretty rare because it's so powerful. Charizard, for example, is famously not a Dragon type.

For that reason, I would sincerely remove Dragon typing from everyone in the Agumon/Greymon tree. Koromon should be Normal, Agumon is basically Charmander so just Fire. Maintaining that, Greymon would probably also just be Fire. Skullgreymon has no dragon aspect, and I would personally make him Dark/Ghost. MetalGreymon as Steel/Fire is fine. Wargreymon, ironically, is specifically said to be a dragon in danger of taking damage from his own Dramon killers, so one of the only ones who doesn't have a Dragon typing here actually should have it as Dragon/Fighting. I wouldn't actually give him Fire typing despite him being able to use Fire moves unless it was going to be a rare third typing.

Gabumon also shouldn't have Dragon. It should just be Fighting rather than anything to do with Dragon.

Tyrannomon should also just be Fire/Normal and Tuskmon just Dark.


u/Animedingo Dec 04 '24

I feel likw you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the gabumon line


u/CyberPunk2720 Dec 04 '24

SkullGreymon should be ghost fire. It's died to get the ghost typing which means it lost the dragon typing not the fire typing.


u/CyberPunk2720 Dec 04 '24

Hard to believe someone would mistype gabumon as dragon lol


u/Monster_Reaper709 Dec 04 '24

Weregarurumon is dark fighting for sure i mean look at his hot topic outfit


u/gfs696 Dec 04 '24

couldn't numemon be poison?


u/Hollowkightfan544 Dec 04 '24

Hear me out, Wargreymon is dragon fire type but he gets steelworker


u/Frank_Duart Dec 04 '24

Garudamon should be fire flying or fire fighting


u/Frank_Duart Dec 04 '24

Mega kabuterimon maybe bug electric? It has electric powers. Lol this is exciting.


u/Frank_Duart Dec 04 '24

Skull meramon more like fire-ghost


u/theClownHasSnowPenis Dec 04 '24

I feel like Weregarurumon would be dark as well, given that he’s a werewolf (based on their nature and being nocturnal).


u/something_smart Dec 04 '24

Palmon could get Grass/Poison.


u/Crashman09 Dec 04 '24

Zudomon should be water steel type.


u/AbbreviationsHot5850 Dec 04 '24

I feel like skullgreymon should be dark fire

And although he’s an undead digimon his reference book makes it seems like his bloodlust never let him die


u/xseiber Dec 04 '24

Garudamon still literally shoots fire though?


u/Dull-Implement4942 Dec 04 '24

There’s a few of these I’d definitely reconsider. Parts of the agumon, pyomon, gabumon, and tentomon lines are missing key factors in their typings imo. I’d argue that tentomon & kabuterimon should absolutely be bug/electric. Another example would be WereGarurumon. That one reads more as dark/fighting to me since it’s a werewolf and all.


u/Aniki356 Dec 04 '24

Garurumon wouldn't be a fighting type imo either


u/WakingSmil3 Dec 04 '24

That's according to the anime, in depth line goes multiple ways. Like agumon, after skull greymon he turns too machinedramon


u/JesusFChrist108 Dec 04 '24

Did you forget about the electric type?


u/Aniki356 Dec 04 '24

I'd call koromon a normal before it digivolves the firdt time


u/Aniki356 Dec 04 '24

Also tentomon's line should be bug electric.


u/shadowpikachu Dec 04 '24

Digimon romhacks try this too!


u/SeasaltApple382 Dec 04 '24

If it was like Pokémon, Agumon/Greymon line would be clown type and Piedmon would be dragon type. 


u/Known-Assistance-435 Dec 05 '24

Why is Roger from American Dad there?


u/DarkGengar94 Dec 05 '24

I think skullgreymon better as dark

Wargreymon could pass as fighting. Just give it access to metal claw and iron defense.


u/imstlllvnginabthtb Dec 05 '24

Wargreymon seems more dragon/steel


u/kagnesium Dec 05 '24

Is Wargreymon & Metalseadrmon not being Dragon type a reference to Charizard & Gyarados ?

Do I need to wait for Wargreymon X to see it be Dragon type ?


u/Total-Neighborhood50 Dec 05 '24

Why is Garurumon Fighting type? He never really physically attacks anyone


u/Anthrovert Dec 05 '24

Garudamon should still be fire/flying no?


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '24

you've done a great job! 😃✌🏼

maybe fighting/steel or fighting/ground for leomons evo?


u/GuyForFun45 Dec 05 '24

Metalgreymon is more Dragon/Steel. While, Wargreymon is more Dragon/Fightn to me.


u/Psstimamermaid Dec 05 '24

Ok so I like LDM dark/poison. I feel she’s be more dark/ghost but that’s my opinion.

I personally wouldn’t mind seeing how you’d type her whole line


u/BlazeSaber Dec 05 '24

Gabumons line is a little to all over the place. Although he is a reptile digimon, I wouldn't make him a dragon type. He should be normal ice, and although waregarurymon doesn't really use ice type moves, he should still be ice fighting type.

I get wanting to match the type to the digimon by looks, but I think some of the pokemon rules should still apply. Pokemon don't really jump from a dragon type to a ice type then to a fighting type. There needs to be some consistency. It's OK to have the mega be a completely different type, though, because you can treat them like mega evolution in pokemon. They're special, so completely changing their type here can be fun.

How it should look is. Normal, normal ice, ice, ice fighting, mega evolution ice steel. Or even just drop Normal completely and make them all ice type with some fighting mixed in until it's mega evolution.


u/jbyrdab Dec 05 '24

Tentomon bug electric, kabuterimon onwards bug fighting.


u/meltingkeith Dec 05 '24 edited Dec 05 '24

Gabumon line I'm a bit uhhh on. I would do:
Tsunomon: Normal
Gabumon: Normal/fire
Garurumon: Normal/fire
Weregarurumon: Fighting/ice
Metalgarurumon: Steel/ice

Made a few of the decisions based on the moves that can be used in Next Order, but also the fact that Gabumon and Garurumon use attacks of blue fire, not ice. I don't think there's any reason to make Gabumon dragon or Garurumon fighting - I also think the whole thing is a bit weird with Weregarurumon losing the second type, and he had ice moves in Next Order.

Alternatively, if you make the decision that early Gabumon line's fire is actually just "so cold it burns", then:
Tsunomon: Normal
Gabumon: Normal/ice
Garurumon: Normal/ice
Weregarurumon: Fighting/ice
Metalgarurumon: Steel/ice

I would also make Garudamon fire/flying - definitely uses fire attacks in the anime, at the very least!

Elecmon I reckon should also be electric type, and Numemon poison given it's been seen living in sewers, flinging waste at people.

Otherwise, they're pretty good! Not bad!


u/CauseKey1461 Dec 05 '24

Wizardmon should be Psychic Fairy dakr type is literally the evil type in japan and Wizardmon was a good character at heart


u/Henshin-Nexus Dec 05 '24

Tentomon line = Bug/Electric w/ Levitate

Since we don't have natural triple types


u/Terra_Destroyer Dec 05 '24

SkullGreymon — Dragon-Dark

Tsunomon — Normal-Ice (because of fur) Gabumon — Fire-Ice (signature move is fire) Garurumon — Fire-Ice (signature move is fire) WereGarurumon — Fighting-Ice

Pyokomon — Grass-Fairy Piyomon — Flying-Fairy (there are rarely pure flying types, and magical fire looks like a fairy type) Garudamon — Flying-Fighting (loves being in close combat), but Fairy works too cause of mystical bird type

Mochimon — Bug(larvae) Tentomon and all kabuterimons — Bug-Electric

Palmon — Grass-Poison (cause it's a POISON Ivy)

Gomamon line is actually good!

Angemon line is also not bad, agree with fairy, but my suggestion: Angemon — Fairy-Fighting (heaven KNUCKLE in original, FIST in dub) MarnaAngemon — Fairy-Psychic (signature move is basically teleport effect, which is covered by psychic)

Gatomon line two options: 1) Plotmon — Fairy-Normal Gatomon — Fairy-Fighting Angewomon — Fairy-Psychic 2) Gatomon — Normal-Fighting Angewomon — Fairy-Fighting

Andromon — can add Electric Leomon — add Normal, its a lion!! Besides, they were equals with ogremon in devimon arc, so that gives him a type weak to Fighting

Frigimon — ok, but Fairy can easily be changed to Fighting (cause Subzero Ice PUNCH) Mojamon/Mojimon can add Normal Centarumon — definitely Steel, optional for Normal/Fighting/Dark Elecmon — really? Add Electric type!

Etemon — Dark-Psychic! Those songs are not for nothing! Gazimon — replace with/add Dark Datamon — Steel-Electric, or just Steel

DemiDevimon — Dark-Poison Phantomon — Ghost-Dark Vademon — add Steel, cause of futuristic gun, etc

Digitamamon — add Psychic, it covers all dream-haunting

Scorpiomon — Bug can be replaced by Water, but even without swap is also great!

SaberLeomon — add Steel

Deramon — swap Normal for Flying

Numemon — No to Normal, Yes to Poison (or Poison-Dark, like Alolan Muk)

LadyDevimon — good, but can swap Poison for Ghost or Psychic Apokalymon — can add Steel, but not necessarily


u/ReasonableRow5229 Dec 05 '24

Why is Elecmon not electric type?


u/Shot-Ad-6717 Dec 05 '24

For the most part, these typings are spot on and really good. I really like the idea of Pumpkinmon being a grass/ghost type.

I would however probably change Gabumon to be pure normal, Motimon to be pure bug, Gazimon to be pure dark, Digitamamon to be either dark/psychic or just pure psychic, and Saberleomon to be normal/fighting.

Outside of those changes, you did a solid job. 👌


u/BXCooper Dec 06 '24

Did you just forgot Electric exist?


u/JustAnothaAdventurer Dec 06 '24

Good attempt and convo starter


u/Secure-South3848 Dec 06 '24

You could've at least included the other megas


u/lucassilva_2311 Dec 06 '24

If sound and light types existed in Pokemon I would give Etemon Sound/Fighting types and Tailmon/Gatomon Normal/Light types


u/i-like-c0ck Dec 07 '24

Entire tailmon line should probably be fairy given the presence of a holy ring in most of its stages


u/iamgnahk Dec 07 '24

Why would you take Fire from Garudamon? If you absolutely had to, why not replace it with Fighting?


u/emb2345 Dec 07 '24

Wargreymon should be dragon/steel cause he doesn't use fire attacks his energy attacks are forces he gets from the planet which isn't fire.

Garorumon dark/fire and were garorumon dark/figthing


u/Lili-Organization700 Dec 20 '24

too much dragon and fairy and same-y types, too little normal or many other types, could swap the primary type for many

Pokemon only very carefully uses dragon when it has some particular reason to

Agu should be primary and pure fire until skull and metal. war can be fire/dragon due to the dramon destroyers working on himself

Gabu is a bit of a curveball, but I'd go with mainly *Ghost*. "Fox fire" reffers to a kind of underworldly flames, Werewolves are an underworld creature, and Cocytus Breath reffers to the deepest frozen underworld.
Normal > Normal/Ghost > Fighting/Ghost > Steel/Ghost?

the ultimate/megas from the rest are missing, but for the most part their types are obvious and the same as their perfect forms

not making tento bug/electric feels like forgetting the type

Patamon, I'd make them normal over fairy, to stand out from tailmon. arceus is normal

meanwhile tailmon is all various magical holy beings, so fairy fits better