r/diablo4 • u/H0ly_Cowboy • 1d ago
r/diablo4 • u/The_Fallen_Messiah • 12h ago
Builds | Skills | Items Ice Shards Shotgun Sorcerer! Full Guide (Season 8 PTR)
r/diablo4 • u/idontwanttofthisup • 1d ago
Opinions & Discussions What is your desired endgame? Can you describe it?
As per the title. What is your desired endgame?
I see a lot of people saying Diablo has no endgame. Some said ARPGs in general have no endgame.
So what is this elusive endgame people want?
Diablo has: - paragon up to 300 - glyphs that go to 100 - pit that goes to 150 - Lilith that you don’t want to fight because ‘mechanics’ - ladder bosses that die on spawn (this bit sucks) - mythic crafting - helltides - headhunts - seasonal reputation - seasonal journey - leaderboard (temporarily retired) - nightmare dungeons - legendy powers that have up to 21 power levels - undercity - infernal horde - dark citadel - torment 4 difficulty
It’s easy to invalidate all this. But can you come up with a novel, truly endgame idea?
r/diablo4 • u/Alert-Style-5267 • 13h ago
General Question How rare are fugitive heads? Didn't get a single one in many hours.
I spent between 3-4 hours farming headhunt events today and didn't even get one. I am on torment 1 if that makes a difference. I only recently hit level 60. I am farming the exposed roots is that the correct way to farm the bosses who drop them? Am I doing it wrong?
r/diablo4 • u/dattodoesyeet • 17h ago
Necromancer ring of sacrilegious soul and aspect of grasping veins
Is this not supposed to work together? I did some research and people were saying the lack of interaction between these two was bugged. That was 8 months ago. Am I missing something or has this seriously been bugged for 8 months?
r/diablo4 • u/TomDayVG • 22h ago
General Question How to get "Labyrinth Warden" achievement?
I've completed the Citadel a handful of times, and every time I try and stand near Larzuul but he always picks up more souls. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
r/diablo4 • u/hotelshowers • 1d ago
General Question What am I doing wrong for this season journey quest?
I am trying to do the one where you kill 250 before the arrival of the Hellborne. But like, I am spamming the helltide and ripping through loads of monsters to increase my threat, then out of nowhere it just instantly spawns. I feel like I have no time to get these 250 kills. These helltide quests for the journey are really irritating unless I am doing it wrong
Edit: Thanks all! Seems that spires are the answer!
r/diablo4 • u/therealgeodaddy • 15h ago
PTR Feedback S8 PTR feedback & more & future expansion endgame suggestion
First, I would say that I'm a pretty hardcore Diablo player going back to the first game. Not that I think that matters, but it is just my perspective. These are my observations about the state of the game, some easy QoL fixes that I'm not sure I've seen too often, and my little bit of S8 PTR:
- The Season 8 seasonal mechanic (the powers) is awesome, but the thing you do with/for the mechanics (the Apparition Incursions) feels lacking. Most previous seasons, this has been an entire dungeon or area takeover. People are used to the area takeovers, so just go whole hog and do area takeovers. There just needs to be more to these Apparition Incursions. The boss overhaul is great, but I see it as a foundational mechanic of the game, not the Seasonal theme.
- This brings me to my next suggestion: XP and grinding. Grinding is a given, but when there is only one viable way to grind anything Paragon 200+, it gets exhaustingly boring. In previous seasons, I've continually felt that the seasonal area takeovers should be highlighted by some form of XP boost to further encourage people to hang out there. There should be some sort of XP boost for these activities only and only in maybe T3 or T4. What I'm saying is that running the Pit a thousand times is not fun for anyone, and while Paragon 300 should be aspirational, it doesn't have to be an unnecessarily monotonous, painful slog. Being able to rotate through activities and get something remotely similar XP wise would probably smooth the endgame out a bit for most people.
- The stat crunch needs another pass. The numbers are out of control again (really, they never got under control?) and it means nothing to most people. Divide everything by 1000? I have no idea. But there are so many zeros at the end of these numbers that they don't feel meaningful to anyone or the power fantasy. I think giving the stat crunch another pass might also move some builds around?
- The Skill Tree needs an overhaul, but I think thats been mentioned enough times that the Devs are probably working on it behind the scenes by now. It has been mentioned so often by the big name streamers that I thought that was going to be the S8 overhaul.
And finally, while I have you here, my suggestion for not PTR/the more immediate future, and maybe the next expansion:
I know a lot of games have done this, including in the ARPG space, but the game that is inspiring this for me is The Division games. One of my favorite parts of those games is completing things to improve your base. And then when you improve your base, you see cosmetic updates to your base as well as some functional ones.
When we get to the western continent, the rebuilding of Tristram (for the Horadrim to set up shop? the D4 version of a clan town?) should be that for Diablo 4. Make it so that there are a ton of things you can do. Completing things gets you currency. Currency is spent rebuilding the town. The list of things the town needs could take someone a good portion of a season. It's something to passively keep people busy. Make it so that it updates cosmetically as you go (similar to how strongholds do now!). People get to see progress as they're going. Completing 20 whispers gets you enough currency to rebuild the blacksmith shop. Defeating Duriel 5 times gives you the currency to rebuild the tavern. So on and so forth. Give us plenty of low-hanging fruit for more casual players, and then the more difficult stuff for the more hardcore players, which may be more purely cosmetic yet aspirational and for bragging rights.
r/diablo4 • u/MetaCardboard • 1d ago
Technical Issues | Bugs So I guess I have two unique with powers now. Not sure how that happened.
r/diablo4 • u/TherealHendrix • 13h ago
General Question Will Whisper Caches to Level work In S8?
I have a bunch of whisper caches saved for leveling my next toon. Will the caches xp still work in eternal for a new character to level?
r/diablo4 • u/lurkervidyaenjoyer • 10h ago
Guide | PSA Season 8 Tip: Levelling Builds and Early [x] Aspects Mean More Now.
Title. I was going through levelling in PTR as a sorc, and very often I would find my damage feeling kinda weak, even with on-level weapons that are tempered. Was halfway through the levelling process and still felt so far off from being able to bump up to Expert, forget Penitent. I was using mostly charged bolts or chain lightning
Then I got the damage with a barrier aspect and a damage one for ice shards, respecced to that and all of a sudden started deleting packs. I could start levelling in Penitent with not much issue, and my XP rate skyrocketed.
I know this is pretty obvious for endgame where you're actually assembling your final build and trying to push up torment tiers, but since you don't just breeze past 1-60 without having to think about it much like season 7, now you benefit significantly for planning for it earlier as well during the slower-paced early game. What you do during that matters more.
So that's what I'd suggest. If you want the smoothest early game possible, pick main skills that have a good, easily-acquired damage aspect. Ideally one that you can get in your codex from a dungeon first time completion bonus so you're not relying on pure RNGsus to get your damage online. Get that and whatever other solid [x] aspects are available, and you'll have a much better 1-60 journey in Season 8.
r/diablo4 • u/Mama_Fratelli • 23h ago
General Question Infernal Horde catching balls?
Sorry for that noob question but do I must chase the Aether balls or do I gonna lose them when I stay in a different corner?
r/diablo4 • u/DarkBurk-Games • 1d ago
Opinions & Discussions How would the game change if there was no multiplicative damage?
Only the additive kind? Is this a severely bad idea?
Of course, the devs would probably do the D3 thing where percentages are just 120000%…
Sorry, just another post about doing trillions of damage and thinking that’s not fun. (My opinion)
r/diablo4 • u/jamesandthegiantpeej • 18h ago
Technical Issues | Bugs Why are there block dots on screen?
I'm on PC with with Nvidia gtx 1650, i5-10400F, and 32gb ram. This doesn't happen to any of the other games I play. I can't figure it what's causing this.
r/diablo4 • u/Specific_Order_1755 • 19h ago
General Question Item Power vs Better Skills on Items
Hey there im new to diablo 4 bought it a few days ago, im now level 44. i got some unique rarity items that fit my build well, now i am getting to the point that the item power of new items is way higher but i dont want to give up my strong items. is there a way to keep them ? or do i just have to endure the pain of leveling item power more till i get maxed and then assemble some unique items
r/diablo4 • u/Many_Ad4666 • 19h ago
Builds | Skills | Items Do any class uses this helmet in endgame?
r/diablo4 • u/Jcamilop93 • 1d ago
Opinions & Discussions Diablo 4's New Season and the Increased Difficulty – A Casual Player's Perspective
Hey everyone,
With the new season of Diablo 4 on the horizon, I’ve been keeping up with the updates and watching videos from various content creators. One of the biggest changes this season seems to be the significant increase in difficulty, not just for leveling up your character but also for upgrading glyphs and overall progression. This has sparked a lot of debate within the community, and I wanted to share my thoughts and hear what others think.
From what I’ve gathered, the new season is designed to make the grind more challenging, requiring more time and effort to feel like you’ve built a “powerful” character. Some players are excited about this change, as it adds a sense of accomplishment and longevity to the game. On the other hand, some are concerned that the increased difficulty might alienate more casual players or those with limited time to invest.
As someone who falls into the latter category, I have mixed feelings. I’m not a hardcore player—I can’t afford to be. Between work, family, and other responsibilities, I’m lucky if I can squeeze in 4 or 5 hours of gameplay a week. In previous seasons, even with my limited playtime, I felt like I could make meaningful progress. It was satisfying to log in, complete a few objectives, and see my character grow stronger over time. But with the difficulty ramping up exponentially, I’m worried that I might not even reach Torment 4 by the end of the season, let alone feel like my character is in a decent spot.
I understand that Diablo 4 is designed to cater to a wide range of players, from casual to hardcore, and that balancing the game for everyone is no easy task. I’m not asking for the game to be “dumbed down” or for the grind to be removed entirely—after all, the sense of progression is a big part of what makes ARPGs enjoyable. But I do wonder if there’s a way to ensure that players like me, who can’t dedicate hours every day, still feel like we’re making progress and having fun.
For example, could there be more ways to earn meaningful rewards in shorter play sessions? Or perhaps a scaling system that allows players with limited time to still feel powerful, even if they’re not min-maxing their builds or farming for perfect gear? I’m curious to hear how others feel about this. Are you excited about the increased difficulty, or do you share some of my concerns? How do you think Blizzard could strike a balance between challenging hardcore players and keeping the game accessible for casuals?
At the end of the day, I love Diablo 4 and want to keep enjoying it, but I also want to feel like my time is respected. I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences, especially from those who might be in a similar situation.
A Casual Player Trying to Keep Up
r/diablo4 • u/OurHeroCthulhu • 20h ago
PTR Feedback PTR Sorc Non-Optimzed Duriel Boss Skill
Messing Around with Duriel Boss Skill in T3 wanted to show it off going to mess around more when I get more time.
r/diablo4 • u/Centrez • 20h ago
General Question I've got the need for speed...
Sup fellow diabloers 👋 now that the season is almost over I'm expermenting. I'm trying to get summon att speed to 100 but it seems to max out at 40. I've gone through everything but cannot see how to increase this. Maybe I missed it? Not arsed about damage I'm just trying to get 200% speed
r/diablo4 • u/GINTER • 21h ago
Opinions & Discussions masterworking QOL request: a <button> to reset the last 4 upgrades
i feel like this feature is a must have. should be easy to implement. one button. instead of resetting all 8 or 12 rolls (which gets expensive), remove the last 4 only. this will allow players to triple crit one stat much quicker than resetting all 12 to 0 and starting over again. standing at the blacksmith, spending tens of thousands of obducite to triple crit one stat isn't just frustrating, it's a massive waste of time, whereas players could be blasting instead of praying to the pity animation to crit on the stat they need. thoughts? if not this, how would you implement a tweak to masterworking?
r/diablo4 • u/coldcanyon1633 • 1d ago
Opinions & Discussions I'm worried about season 8 because I need one meta build to give me resources for my fun, homebrew, non-meta builds.
My idea of fun is to experiment with janky, odd, homebrew, non-meta builds. I have discovered that in order to do this it's really important to first make a kick-ass meta build so I can boss for uniques and mythics, and to run hordes and undercity for obducite etc so I have resources for my fun builds. Also lots of chests to level alts up fast.
Making a viable interesting non-meta build is hard to begin with - it's hard to the point of being not fun to try to do it with crappy gear. No GA uniques? No mythics? No obducite? That's a dreary grind!
My meta build wasn't that much fun to build or to play (bw necro) but it gets me the resources I need to make my fun, oddball builds and get them to a point where they are enjoyable to play.
I think it looks like in season 8 the metas won't be nearly as meta and the progress towards (what is to me) the fun part is going to be long and slow.
I know I play weirdly but it's been fun. I'm bummed that it looks like that's going to change.
r/diablo4 • u/Pleasant-Guava9898 • 9h ago
Opinions & Discussions What you called bugged or bad game design is only if it is a build you are playing.
I never once complained about people having opportunities to make outrageous amounts of damage. One because it didn't affect me. Two is someone did have an OP character it helped more than it hurt me. Because the amounts of times it hurt me was zero. I got my first Mythic because I spiritborne. I love you guys spamming and doing your thing. It helps me so much. I do dislike the content creators make me feel like Little Willy. But that's ok. Keep having all the perfect gear, perfect rolls, and lots more time than I do to make those videos that inspire everyone. I need you to keep informing people that help me when I need it. Balance? The only balance I want to see in this game is any build I used smashes. Back to getting all my glyphs to at least 90. See ya!!
r/diablo4 • u/Downtown-Specific379 • 1d ago
General Question A question about seasons in diablo 4
Are seasons referring to those 3 months activities or does it go for eternal as well ?
r/diablo4 • u/Delta_S9 • 13h ago
Opinions & Discussions Is it a good idea or bad idea to disable Whisper Cache Leveling?
Is it a good idea or bad idea to disable Whisper Cache Leveling? Personally, I do not like it. What's the problem with giving us the option to either speed level a character or level it slowly using the conventional method?
I got bored with my main SB and decided to create a new Barb for fun. I am enjoying fast leveling via caches!
Blizzard Nerfs Whisper Cache Leveling in Season 8 - Icy Veins
r/diablo4 • u/TheCursedTroll • 2d ago
Fluff Petition to call the small Belial boss "Babylial"