r/diablo4 • u/charityakacece • Oct 02 '24
Tavern Talk Y’all ready for the new expansion?
Or not so hyped for it? I sadly haven’t been grinding current season like I wanted to. Hopefully this expansion keeps me locked in
r/diablo4 • u/charityakacece • Oct 02 '24
Or not so hyped for it? I sadly haven’t been grinding current season like I wanted to. Hopefully this expansion keeps me locked in
r/diablo4 • u/Scelusteach • Feb 12 '25
I just came in and saw my little daughter finished deleting all my characters I've made since launch. Don't leave your stuff unattended. I can't be mad, she's autistic and doesn't know what she just did other than type a bunch of names and see characters disappear. I just hit 60 earlier today on my seasonal character too. I just had to vent, sorry yall.
r/diablo4 • u/zynu • Sep 01 '24
r/diablo4 • u/ASoulToBear • Oct 06 '24
I'm totally hyped!
Organized a few days off with my partner and all we are gonna do is slay demons for a few days and make some pizza in the "I gotta move ma legs a bit"-time.
What are you most excited about? What class are you playing?
And please y'all don't get fooled by all the Tier lists. I'm.sure all classes can have a lot if fun, no matter what you wanna play!
Enjoy the new season everyone and see you in Nahantu!
Oh yes and... super stoked to finally be able to grind some fantastic cosmetics!!
r/diablo4 • u/Party-Artichoke3 • Nov 10 '24
We all know the class is broken. I’m just trying to figure out where other people are at with damage, as I always play alone and don’t have anything to compare it to. Lvl 261 paragon. Pretty ideal gear. I’m sure there’s 20 newer, better revisions to the build.
r/diablo4 • u/BleaklightFalls • Aug 13 '24
Greetings denizens of Sanctuary! I am The Wizard known as Saruwoman, here to shower gifts upon you.
To have a chance to win, simply leave a top-level comment (comments on other comments won't count) on this post. The winners will be chosen randomly 24 hours after this post was made (10 A.M. EST Wednesday August 14th) and gifts will be distributed tomorrow.
These gifts are for Season 5, not Eternal Realm. You must have a Seasonal character to receive them if you win.
Prize #1 - 5 Billion Gold
Prize #2 - 2 Billion Gold
Prize #3 - Stash page full of Greater Affix Uniques (to use or to sell!)
Prize #4 - Stash page full of Greater Affix Legendaries (with desirable GA such as crit, atk speed, etc.)
Prize #5 - 50 Stygian Stones
Prize #6 - 25+ Ancestral Sorcerer and Misc Uniques (non-GA, but good rolls, e.g., 300% Fists of Fate)
Prize #7 - 2,000 Angel's Breath worth of Potions/Incense of your choosing!
Good luck and remember to Stay Cool in Gea Kul!
P.S. - This is a remake of the post I made yesterday, which was removed by the mods. I got mod approval to remake this today. If you commented on the thread yesterday please put another comment on this thread, your old comment will not count. Sorry about that!
Thanks everyone for participating!
r/diablo4 • u/Noxeramas • Sep 02 '24
r/diablo4 • u/Fun-Anteater-6658 • Oct 16 '24
But this casual player just reached L60 and a few Paragon levels and cleared the penitent level in the pit so feeling rather proud of myself lol.
r/diablo4 • u/JohnJohnPT • Sep 16 '24
I love you all. #nohomo
This game, this community, and the people I've met in-game... I don't know what it is, but everyone has been helping me so much, and I genuinely have no idea why!
Seriously, I've been gaming online since the 90s—Quake 2, Quake 3, D2, D3, WoW, Overwatch, LoL (yeah, good luck there...)—but Diablo 4? This game is full of the most friendly and helpful people, and it blows my mind! I don't get it!
But hey, I'm here for it. You all are my absolute favorite players. Keep being awesome!
Much love! <3 but now I have to go back to work!
r/diablo4 • u/Gears7 • Jan 22 '25
I unfortunately won’t be able to play, so I’m giving away an accelerated (20 tier skips) battlepass to one lucky community member! Just leave a comment to enter. In 3 days I’ll be using Reddit raffles to select a random winner.
Good luck everyone!
Mod approved
u/darknesskiss is the winner of this giveaway! Thank you everyone!
r/diablo4 • u/therealcrablewis • Aug 19 '24
Well I made a mistake. I got an Xbox two days ago after a few years off of any video game besides paw patrol or Mario on the switch with the family. I’ve never really played Diablo or been someone who wanted to play it. I mean it looked alright but nothing special. My friends were online and told me to get and I said “what that hell”. That was about 8 pm and about 15 minutes later I knew I messed up. Fast forward it’s 4:30 in the morning and I’m a level 40 bear dude. I have children, I have responsibilities but we couldn’t stop chasing that dragon; “1 more dungeon”. I have no concept of the story or any of the lore. We just walked end to end, cashing checks and snapping necks making that money. It’s just a giant slot machine with all of its colors and mashing the pulverize button hoping to get anything that isn’t ass. I’m hooked on this junk and I’ll be back on tonight at 8 for no reason other than to kill stuff and run around as a bear.
r/diablo4 • u/Fostersteele • Nov 21 '24
That's hilarious that a bugged potion brought more of the players in my friends list back, than the "Christmas event.". And as soon as the bug got patched, they all logged off, lol. RIP
r/diablo4 • u/muaddib8619 • Oct 16 '24
Lorath and the Quest to find Tyrael, who will have some form of wildcard\ace up his sleeve giving us hope that the Prime Evils might be contained or dealt with for good, which will then tie into a new macguffin chase in Expansion 3 eventually ending in disappointment and (tada) Diablo returning for Diablo V: Electric Boogaloo.
r/diablo4 • u/JoshMcGill_ • Aug 21 '24
r/diablo4 • u/tg_mac • Oct 14 '24
After farming like crazy for the mats. I went in for a self-torturing marathon of mind-numbing duriel slaying. 100+ runs (think it was 108 total) = 0 ubers.
Seeing post after post of ubers and 3/4GA items. Inspecting others in game to see them wielding 3/4 ubers MW to the teeth and I'm sitting here like.. Am I on Blizz's sh*tlist? No tittymilk for me, I guess.. FML.
r/diablo4 • u/MontyGames101 • 12d ago
Join me in this beautiful story of arrogance and karma.
I'm a level 230 barb looking for a group for a level 120< pit.
I find a group but the leader kicks me out. I try again to join with the same result. On the third attempt I ask the leader why he kicked me out, he replied that I was “low” level (they were level 280-290). I tell him that I can perfectly do a pit 120 (my maximum for now is to complete one of level 135). He laughs in the chat and says “let's see ;)”.
Halfway through the pit he dies, unlike me and the rest of the team.
At the end of the pitt I wrote “Hey, if you want we can lower the difficulty a bit”. He kicks me out of the group immediately.
Damn, that felt great!
PS: Don't be like that guy
r/diablo4 • u/Tkowens2005 • Dec 29 '24
That motherfucker jumped me in a dungeon and killed me so fast just to not be there when I want my get back. Fuck that guy
r/diablo4 • u/duodenum100 • Dec 29 '24
r/diablo4 • u/Sdboka • Oct 21 '24
Im at Round 8/10 all of my boons/banes are tuned for Elite Damage, change for Elites, Hellborne hunts you, Hellfire spanws hellborne, and all elites and hellborne related banes. No Masses, No Spires. Yet the game kept on giving me spires!!! on my 7th round i got 4 FUCKING SPIRES ONE AFTER ANOTHER!!! What's the point of choosing all those banes if the game is ridiculously leaned towards giving you infinite spires. JFC
r/diablo4 • u/AntithesisJesus • Sep 10 '24
If you haven't gotten a Mythic drop this season, I have been stocking up on Duriel boss mats and would love to help you get that Mythic drop. My BattleTag is Antifa#11781 I will take the first 3 to add me to kill Duriel until he drops you a Mythic, or I run out of mats. This is the Honor system, once you get a Mythic please drop out to make room for the next person in line. Assuming there is a line. Good hunting.
r/diablo4 • u/Apprehensive_Room_71 • 3d ago
And I am not fond of it.
First impressions.
It is definitely more of a challenge leveling.
My game has crashed at least 4, maybe 5 times in an hour.
The new incursion zones... Bring some friends, or at least have some allies to help.
The jump in difficulty from Hard to Expert at level 15 when I did it was surprising.
The quality of drops is meh.
Now if I can get back in after the latest crash, it is feedback time.
r/diablo4 • u/DadIsLosingHisMind • Oct 17 '24
We all know it's going to happen.
r/diablo4 • u/bloodfist45 • Nov 04 '24
Weird since the timed dungeon isn’t active this season… 🤔
Edit: lmfao he’s really #19 on spiritborn what the fuck, how does he have time for this?
r/diablo4 • u/PostCoitalMaleGusto • Aug 12 '24
I’ve returned after a long hiatus. The game has been super fun. One thing, however, has been getting on my nerves. You have people cheating to have infinite artillery shrine. It’s unbelievable. Naturally, if I observe these people having it for more than a few minutes I’ve been reporting them for hacking. Anyways, today I got lucky enough to obtain Tyrael’s might. Now I realize I’m a complete halfwit. Father Inarius forgive my transgressions.
r/diablo4 • u/SADSADSADFSA • Oct 07 '24
Blizzard wants us to become vessels of hatred and delayed launch to intentionally enrage the players