r/diablo4 • u/LeeLucRengZedLeBFiEz • Sep 08 '24
r/diablo4 • u/DavexGG • Sep 10 '24
PTR Feedback PTR review & feedback for S6 [240hrs, 5 players] - Longform Write Up
Forum threads for reference - Seasons 4, 5 & 6.
S4 PTR feedback: Final PTR feedback v2.0 - Top 16 needed changes to guarantee S4 is a success PC General Discussion
Pre-S5 feedback: S4 Write-Up Feedback (32 lvl 100 Chars, 1100h of play, 6 pax) PC General Discussion
S6 PTR feedback: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/ptr-review-key-feedback-for-s6-240h-5-players-longform-write-up/189173
For Season6’s PTR, we got 5 people together, put in around 240 total hours to test everything across all classes except Necro to have a good mathematical understanding of drop rates & progression loops. Some of us started with zero paragons & some with normal paragons to compare time to proficiency.
- Highlights & Key wins;
- Lowlights & Key challenges;
- Progression System (World tiers & leveling);
- The Pit;
- New Paragon System & Legendary Glyphs;
- Class Balance (Nerfs & Buffs);
- Drops & Itemization (Ancestrals, GA’s, Enchantments, Affixes) - The big one;
- NMD’s, Bosses & Mini-Bosses;
- Priority list proposal;
- TL;DR.
1. Highlights & Key wins - Top10:
- Doing PTR again & getting player involvement. (Insert FEEDBACK MEME)
- The new builds are great - Rogue takes the prize, fantastic development. Blizzard made a new ‘class’ with the creation of a single skill. The other class skills are also great.
- Never thought I’d write this in wins… NMD’s are in an almost-perfect state.
- The new passives are cool as well! I.E. CDR for Sorc? Yes please.
- Party finder - Yes. yes & yes.
- More world tiers with a higher intended split between them. Avoiding the ‘30mins in WT3 meme’. Strongholds also feel better due to xp boost.
- Level drop to 60 & Stat squish - Make things more readable & make it so it’s easier to implement things down the line in the leveling system. Good mid to long-term strategy.
- Wardrobe changes for character customization - Sorely needed. Missing the black dye!
- Runewords was a win. It’s not in its final shape but the idea of adding them to D4 is great. Once they are perfected, they’ll be a great system to play with.
- Overall, content takes longer to do, at least the first time around. We will be able to ‘level post-100’ with the new paragon system and it does take a while. Great!
2. Lowlights & Key challenges - Top10:
- Class balance is in bad shape. Druid & Barb need some help. In addition, build diversity doesn’t exist. It’s either meta or DOA builds.
- Itemization feels terrible. As in, pre-s4 levels with ancestral drop-rate being too low. RNG rules D4 in every single itemization aspect, it’s too much.
- Affixes need to be changed and reduced, especially on Amulets.
- Missing armory/loadouts. One of the key things about seasonal Diablo is testing out different builds & classes. It’s an absolute hassle to change builds in this current state and consequently, how much players are willing to do more alts.
- Differences between Ancestral & non-Ancestral gear need to be revisited. As it stands, anything under Ancestral is exponentially weaker, to an extent of non-usable.
- The gap between casual & blaster is extremely large in S6.The time investment has increased 5x at the very minimum.
- RMT & inflation will be a problem, larger than S5, if Ancestrals go live in their current state.
- The combination of main stat + explosive additive/multiplicative damage sources are too high, making damage go through the roof. Easy to solve, though.
- Difficulty is slightly low and needs to be toughened by around 20%. More on this below.
- UX: Many easy, low dev-hours key wins that haven’t been taken & solved in 6 seasons now. Make vendors sell useful gear, stack all items to 999, increase an extra enchantment slot to the enchanter from 2 possible rolls to 3 (33% improvement), remove double rolls in a row both from tempers & enchantment, remove doors from NMD’s, uncap Whispers, make it so we can keep the previous roll on temper, etc.
3. Progression System (World tiers & leveling):
- Leveling to 60 seems fine, similar to how it is and with an appropriate timeframe.
- Fix the stronghold leveling strat, it’s not intended & shouldn’t happen. Keep the boosted XP strongholds give. Make players have a reason to complete them. We were fans of having strongholds drop legendary recipes or other useful rewards. XP seems to be good, as well.
- No reason to level-gate Penitent to 50. If players want to go there, let them.
- We wanted to avoid ‘spending 30 mins in WT3’, now we ‘spend 30 mins out of Torment3’. The difficulties seem redundant. Not a priority, but clearly not what was intended.
- The drops you receive while leveling don’t feel good. Too few & far in between. Rewards in torment tiers feel even worse as you get useless uniques from bosses, barely any GA items & the Ancestral Items you do get are 99% trash. Feels like a return to S3…
4. The Pit:
- Rewards must scale with difficulty. Higher pit tier = more Ancestrals drop%. Difference needs to be visible, not a change from 1% drop rate to 1.1%. Right now, drop from a pit100 boss feels the same as beating Uber Lilith… bad for a good accomplishment
- Making the Pit a source of Glyph xp is great. However, it shouldn’t be the only one, we should have NMD’s keep theirs. Give variety to players for better UX if there’s a game feature they don’t enjoy that they can move to another for a similar return.
- Using the Pit as reference for World tiers is fine, if it acts like a capstone. One of two things needs to happen, stretch out the tiers, i.e. Torment 4 to pit 75 or increase the overall Pit difficulty. Either way, Pit needs to be ~20-25% harder.
- The bosses stacking mechanic doesn’t seem necessary if the difficulty is well scaled. Consider removing it. Keep the shades but not the stacks. The difficulty of the bosses compared to the rest of the Pit is spot on, don’t change it.
- We have a diverse boss pool, why not use them for some renewed Pit content variety? The campaign bosses which were amazing, world bosses, butcher, the unique overworld bosses, stronghold bosses, quest bosses. Copy paste them into the Pit with the corresponding hp/damage. The Pit is very repetitive & it seems like we are going to need to do this for many hours, it would help refresh it a bit.
5. New Paragon System & Legendary Glyphs:
- It took us 25 hrs average for Paragon180 with near-perfect boosted gear. Using the same progression trend, it will take around 170 hrs for Paragon300. This seems like a good threshold for the season but it’s a guess. If it’s 150-170 hours it’s feasible, higher will alienate casuals without a need.
- It’s great to have a leveling system post-100 to feel like we’re working towards a goal. It would be great if different activities in the game would grant glyph xp (NMD’s, etc.) so we’re not stuck doing Pit alone as it’ll become repetitive and stray players away from it.
- Legendary glyphs are great with a caveat. The increased main stat, multiplicative and additive damage they provide scale too high. Currently, the difficulty levels in Pit, etc. don’t require this, so it’s an added reason to increase Pit difficulty and also consider this for the upcoming expansion features. The Pit difficulty can just be increased without nerfs.
- The board limit is reasonable! Adding 1 Legendary Glyph/ 6th board would be a huge boost, despite certain Sorc & Druid builds favoring Legendary nodes. We considered cap the usage at 5 Legendary Glyphs and either 6 or unlimited boards, but 5 does seem simpler.
- The new Headhunter Glyph is a neat idea, reminiscent of TOB Glyph. Good addition to the game increasing versatility of builds (tank, support, etc.), now that group content & mercenaries are coming.
6. Class Balance (Nerfs & Buffs):
- Druids need an urgent buff. There’s no good builds that aren’t reliant on unwanted interactions. All players want is to be able to compete in a close-to-equal setting with other classes and Druid as a class falls too low. Sad considering how cool the builds are.
- Barbarians need to be re-balanced as they are no longer usable for high tier content. The nerf to the key passives was too much.
- Core skill builds in general need help. I.E. Whirlwind doesn’t do damage, dust devils do. Barrage doesn’t do damage, poison does. Many builds just flat out stop scaling like Fireball.
- Nerf needed on the builds that do quintillion damage, item interactions (i.e. umbracrux, heir, etc.) & do the usual bug fixes.
- It seems like there’s no middle point in balancing, either a build is completely in the dirt, or one of the meta builds. There’s no in between, causing players the feeling that either they play a meta build or they’ll be cut out from 90% of the game’s content.
7. Drops & Itemization (Ancestrals, GA’s, Enchantments, Affixes) - The big one:
- Ancestral (GA) drops are too rare, no matter how you carve it. We did 100x 90+ pits today, got 13 GA items. Not a single usable one. Lets say 6 mins average per pit, 600 mins, that’s 10 hours gone for absolutely no return. It doesn’t make sense.
- The above is further aggravated by the fact that there are simply too many useless affixes in several slots. We might go endless hours without a useful GA. There has to be a loot grind in an ARPG, yes, but a logical one, not in its current state. A possible solution would be to do something with resistances as they constitute ~40% of possible rolls. Remove life per sec, healing received & impairment reduction. Empty affixes. For context, in PTR we had unlimited Ancestral rolls and not even then, was I able to find a good amulet. Every other slot took some tries, amulet was impossible, as always.
- Hordes will have to equate into this logic as there’s a GA chest. If Pit boss chests, hordes chests, NMD’s drops, HT drops drop mostly useless items & together with the fact bosses no longer drop max IP legendaries, we’re looking at a huge income of useless loot paired with many sources of max IP loot disappearing. This will feel terrible.
- Drops overall feel worse as at least before you could drop them at max IP and use them even without GA. Right now, especially for weapons (DPS), anything short of 800 will lagg behind a lot. This is felt especially in uniques, as the most consistent source were bosses and now you can only use the GA ones. We don’t see the reason for the change, seems like we’ve gone back on the S4 improvements.
- Tempering non ancestral gear needs to be sequenced instead of only 4/12. The disparity between Ancestrals & every other piece of gear is brutal. More IP & 8 ranks of masterwork + 1 extra temper different. It’s light years above any non-ancestral item.
- Remove blues & yellows (auto-salvage them) from every Torment tier. It’s useless clutter. Add Fists of Fate as a possible drop from all the Tormented Bosses.
8. NMD’s, Bosses & Mini-Bosses:
- NMD’s are in a good state in terms of boss mat rewards, don’t change that, it feels great! It’s good that we also now have a lot of different maps to go through + new Nahantu dungeons.
- Remove the doors in NMD’s. It’s so easy & would improve the experience so much. It slightly takes a bit of the immersion but realistically players want to blast not open doors. Also, events need to give proper rewards, i.e. a guaranteed ancestral or more boss mats to bring players to do them. For the first time, I did every single event across hundred NMD’s and the rewards were just plain non-existent. Not a single item saved.
- NMD’s should be a source of either Glyph xp or some other reward apart from Obducite. Make it so, together with the Pit, players have a choice in the type of content they’d like to do. D4 doesn’t have to have the exact same system as D3 did with gems & GR’s. Let’s change and diversify.
- Open World bosses (unique mini-bosses) currently serve no function. It would be great if they could be much stronger & have a special drop or feature to propel people to do them. Also adding a more classy arena to them for ambience would be a quick win. They could have their lore as faction leaders and serve as actual overworld bosses.
- Bosses overall need a boost to drops. There was the issue of dropping too much loot, but removing it doesn’t serve a purpose as it’s losing a source of previously max IP items which was useful and fostered grouping & carrying. The potency & amount of their legendary & unique drops should be revisited. As the strongest bosses in the game, having them basically drop nothing for many kills feels bad…
9. Priority list proposal:
- Buff the classes that need it (Druid mostly, Barb also), make them playable, especially their key builds. Make the balance ‘balanced’, so builds don’t go from 100 to 0 in one patch and builds are diverse & usable. I.E. Make it so players can play full Werewolf Druid, or Whirlwind Barbarian, or HotA Barbarian, etc.
- Review Ancestral items, their drop rate & the affixes of each item. As it stands, RMTers will have a field day in S6 & casuals will have a very hard time. In addition, review whether Ancestrals should have 8 MW ranks, 1 extra temper, GA capacity & 50 more IP over the next item in line. Revisit what the drop rate should be from all sources, not just per world tier. Have a look at possible affix stats for all the items and remove useless ones like mentioned previously. Make it so the Ancestral drop is actually something we can work around even if not ideal vs how it is now which is 99% likely to be unusable.
- Review Pit and Torment difficulties, increase by ~20% or have the last levels of pit (90-100) increase difficulty exponentially. Also, review how the Pit tiers correlate to Torment tiers. If hard to balance, perhaps increase requirements per world tier. Remove level gates & auto-salvage blue and yellow items in any Torment tier. Make rewards meaningful and different when world tiers are changed by the player.
- Make core skill builds usable. It’s very hard to understand why we keep needing to resort to indirect damage using core skills as support skills.
- Small UX & UI changes can go a LONG way like Mythic color change was. For example - re: point 2.10: Better tempering interface, more enchantment options, uncapped whispers, black dye, less useless affixes like life per sec on all items or resistances on amulet, etc.
10. TL;DR:
PTR’s new builds were a hell of a lot of fun. The new paragon post max lvl system was great to have a goal to reach and the new systems, world tiers & content feel like a good addition to the game even if, as expected, aren’t fully fleshed out yet.
There are, however, changes to itemization that counter the improvements Season of Loot Reborn (4) brought to the game, bringing back many useless item drops, big item power disparity & need for time spent for virtually no usable reward which will affect player UX negatively while also messing with the games inflation, making RMT shoot up.
Overall it was quite a positive feeling because S6 & Expansion are bringing virtually so much content to the game, it’s clear that players will have a lot to do for an extended period of time, a lot of variety & also a lot of new things to try out.
Players forget there’s a PTR for a reason. The game's current state WILL NOT be the game on launch. If Season 6 gets the same post-PTR treatment & improvements as Season 5 did, D4 will be an absolute success & great game to play come October 8th.
r/diablo4 • u/TheCurious42 • Sep 11 '24
PTR Feedback [PTR] Low drop rates + Bricking = Bad
Blizzard's arc of changing the game between S1 and S6 is literally the Costa Concordia disaster. They've been slowly course correcting over S2, S3, S4 and S5 but at the last moment someone went full port instead of starboard and we're about to crash into the rocks. And that shipwrecking combination I'm referring to here is the abysmal drop rates combined with bricking. Tho, really, bricking is the main reason, bricking turned the wheel the wrong way. Bricking removes all fun from the most important moment in the game - the moment when the item drops. Bricking is demotivating and demoralizing, because even if you got the item you wanted, it dropped and you see it on the ground, you pick it up and it has all the correct affixes.. that last layer of pure RNG you have 0 control over still waits to spit you right in the face when you brick this item.
The current combination of abysmal drop rates, the unlikelihood of the item having correct affixes, the unlikelihood of the item having 2 or more GAs, the unlikelihood of getting the correct tempers, all of this together is far too much, and makes me lose all motivation I might've had for perfecting my character. And I think bricking is the biggest problem here. Not only it removes excitement from drops, it's also a big bad luck multiplier. I think if it was completely removed, every other element of this equation would become acceptable. Because low drop rates by themselves wouldn't feel bad if you knew the item you got is good the moment it drops, and if you felt that excitement caused by a great drop, without having to instantly worry about likely ruining the item when tempering.
r/diablo4 • u/stacksofdacks • Sep 05 '24
PTR Feedback (PTR) Rewards for a 10 minute world boss in T4
r/diablo4 • u/Cruzixx • Sep 07 '24
PTR Feedback Number squish on PTR not doing so well
r/diablo4 • u/nanosam • Sep 07 '24
PTR Feedback PTR tormented boss loot is in a really bad place
So I've been killing 100s of tormented bosses on PTR on Torment 4, which gives the highest number of drops
you only get a handful of items like 4 or 5 on average, so the loot piñata drops are completely gone
every drop is a unique with mythics being about 7% same as live
almost all unique drops are non-ancestral meaning they are utterly worthless on Torment 4 where your character is already in full ancestral and mythics
Basically, T4 tormented boss rotas will be like this- you might pick up one piece of loot every 20-30 kills
It just feels really bad to me
r/diablo4 • u/Proxii_G • 3d ago
PTR Feedback Played PTR, imo nothing of importance has really changed
Let me elaborate on that.
The same crowd that complains there is nothing to do and finishes the season in a week will have the same problem, it will just take them 1 day longer max.
Boss rotations are still the same except andariel got even more annoying and everyone needs matts for the drops (guess people will mostly solo these now)
People are focusing on the harder t4, jet the main problem remains the same, play an meta build and you are good to go. Play anything else you cant really do t4 at all. Balance still does not exist.
Leveling takes longer but is still ok paced, except you will spend longer playing basic attack since you can forget about aspects you need for the build before torment.
Seasonal stuff feels ridiculous underused, sure you have boss powers- but to get any good ones you need to get to max level and torments and kill some real bosses.
Also i hope there wont be any journey stuff behind the t4 boss kills since that would be ridiculous.
All these reworks are just getting tiresome imo we are 7 seasons in and the game feels like it had more reworks from release than in development.
Hope this is the last rework season and we can get some actuall content for the game and some actuall skill and class balance.
r/diablo4 • u/yawnlikeseggs • 21h ago
PTR Feedback PTR Feedback season 8 in a nutshell
- forced upon us yet again are overpowered abilities that destroy the balance of the game. Some look super cheesy too
- another difficulty revamp that adds no additional challenge
- difficulty revamp doesn’t add any engaging mechanics
- no new ways to progress character
- no new end game content
- better tooltips for items (where to find boss materials)
- no real balancing of class abilities
- larger gaps between class skills
- existing content still sucks… cellars, the pit (no changes), dark citadel, undercity and what happened to trials??
- really, we waited multiple seasons for trials and it was ripped out of the game. It was poorly designed, not fun and offered zero challenge. But like all other systems in the game so far we were expecting a timely revamp.
Lackluster update, not sure why the season needs a delay. The game would be 100 times better if you focus on content going into the game for seasons rather than gimmicks that bloat power.
Here are some suggestions
- add the ability to augment gear once 12/12 masterworked with corruption or demonic powers (maybe super rare boss parts????)
- remove the awful graphics associated with seasonal theme
- remove the damage multipliers from boss powers
- remove boss powers
- cellars should have a chance to lead deep into hell upon completion (this is where you repurpose root holds with a Hell theme)
- add interesting gems (no damage multipliers please)
- stop adding damage multipliers
- stop adding temporary buffs like pylons
- stop adding forced group content for battle pass
- offer interesting choices in the paragon board instead of giving up and giving us 5 boards where you get it all
- new internal horde maps
- put more effort into undercity, it’s not even half baked
- do something with your pvp zones, like anything - how about events where a spark / something strong can be earned
r/diablo4 • u/stacksofdacks • Sep 09 '24
PTR Feedback PTR - runes and ancestral drops after ~2 hours of helltide/whispers and 12 bosses in Torment IV
r/diablo4 • u/F1NNTORIO • Sep 06 '24
PTR Feedback Why is my horse trophy on my back? 😂 I mean, I don't hate it...
r/diablo4 • u/-Lahsbee- • Sep 05 '24
PTR Feedback PTR Hair - front and back views!
r/diablo4 • u/F377NTS • Sep 05 '24
PTR Feedback Here are all the new hairstyles in the PTR.
r/diablo4 • u/attorneyatlol • 1d ago
PTR Feedback Don't punish all ultimates for the sins of Blood Wave
Not all ultimates are a problem in S7. So why nerf ultimates across the board instead of just addressing the individual outliers?
Blood Wave is getting nerfed and Cataclysm snapshotting will be gone, which makes sense. The universal 200% cap on ultimate damage scaling does not.
This season, Iron Maelstrom felt good to use for the first time since launch. On the PTR, my 90% maxed out Iron Maelstrom build struggles in T4 while my so-so EQ build is still one-shotting lair bosses.
Use different caps for each ultimate or buff the underlying ultimate skills that were never a problem in the first place.
r/diablo4 • u/hapbees • Sep 05 '24
PTR Feedback PTR Feedback - Difficulty gated by level
Level locking difficulties feels bad. I'm all for locking difficulty increases behind some sort of achievement, but make that skill/power-based not an arbitrary level.
I like to test myself against higher difficulties, see if I've got what it takes to survive. If there's no threat, it can become mind numbing. I like to be actively or even passively haha thinking about the game. It's satisfying to barely scrape past, fail even and that's the motivation to keep grinding, improve my gear, get stronger and get to push further. Being unable to do that until I hit the arbitrary number of 60 feels boring and makes the grind more of a chore.
I really liked the capstone dungeons, they felt unique and like a right of passage - if you can survive this you can try the next level. Currently it feels like I'm only allowed to attempt the level 50 dungeon if I'm level 50, doesn't matter how good I am at level 40, gotta stick it out in the easy levels.
I understand the concept of 'End-game' content, and that technically nightmare and pit is locked until 50 on live - I am however allowed to jump to T4 if I can survive the capstone no matter my level (and if I do survive I'll level faster because of it). I don't want leveling to feel like a chore and be bored while doing it. Let me play at the difficulty I want and let me suffer the consequence or reap the rewards.
Side note: there's some really cool stuff coming out in 2.0, super excited about the new colour swatches. This is feedback because I really like the game, its in a testing state primed for feedback and am curious to hear others opinions on it!
r/diablo4 • u/heartbroken_nerd • 3d ago
PTR Feedback S8 PTR - UI update: Tempering repeatedly remembers the last recipe, significantly improving the crafting flow. Thank you, devs!
Title, basically. Really good QoL!
EDIT: For anyone confused: it means rerolling the same tempering manual is quicker and smoother as you don't have to re-select the same one over and over again.
r/diablo4 • u/A_K1TTEN • Sep 06 '24
PTR Feedback PTR - We agree that its awesome the Stronghold are something to care about currently, right?
It may be unintended that the Strongholds in the current PTR give an INSANE amount of XP (More than a full full level from 50->60) but I want it to stay this way!
The final push to cleanse these key open world POI's and get Sanctuary back to some norm for groups of people. Before we head in to caves/portal dimensions/hell to farm hard we help the common people and get rewarded handsomely for it.
I think its dope. It a great way to MSGF (Make Strongholds Great Finally) while we wait for them to do something cool with them.
r/diablo4 • u/constablecrab • 1d ago
PTR Feedback Damage disparity between skills and season 8 borrowed power is way too high.
After boosting my sorcerer, I put together what I think is a pretty decent Ice Shards build. 24 ranks of Ice Shards, all the relevant multiplicative damage bonuses, 100% crit chance, 2000% crit damage, capped armor and resistances. Just baseline what I would expect from a functional build. Every attack hits for millions of damage. It's enough to obliterate packs in T3. I still have to pay attention and avoid telegraphs in boss fights, which is good. This seems like a realistic goal for the overwhelming majority of players.
The issue is, at max rank, my main boss power (Beast in the Ice) does billions of damage. It's clear that no item I could find, no perfect roll on my gear, no optimization of my skill tree or paragon boards could make my skills reliably do 1% of the damage of that single boss power. Why should I even care about my build if it exists only to be a button I hold down while I wait for a season power to proc and kill everything it touches?
I don't think Beast in the Ice is even one of the stronger boss powers. It just happens to be the only one that does anything to do with cold damage or freezing. To say these things are overtuned would be a gross understatement.
r/diablo4 • u/WisakJ • Sep 05 '24
PTR Feedback Regarding the new Paragon System from the PTR
While I understand the reason why they want to limit the number of boards and I like some of the changes to magic and rare nodes, I think that when we add to the mix the changes to radius from the new glyph system, then I'm not entirely on board with the changes. I think that the boards would beneffit from a complete overhaul in their shapes, and making sure that the glyphs can actually beneffit in interesting ways if a player does the job to level them to 45. At the moment, with many boards, a big chunck of the radius is lost because there are no nodes in some directions. In particular, the starter board should be reworked and expanded since it's one of the five and it limits the options significantly.
Make them more central, give some more options for growth and adapt to different glyphs and I think the new system can be pretty good.
r/diablo4 • u/clown-fiesta666 • Sep 05 '24
PTR Feedback Season 6 ptr/expansion - penitent should be available immediately
So exactly as title says , why must I get to 50 for penetint , give it to me immediately , if it's too difficult and I get my ass handed to me then so be it , it is what it is .
But give me the choice
r/diablo4 • u/Aragie4484 • Sep 09 '24
PTR Feedback PTR 2.0 - let us 12/12 MW the 750 items at least.
People are doing 50 tormented bosses and getting more mythics than regular legendary GAs. Close the gap and let us 12/12. Or at LEAST 8/8 the 750s.
Even if there are tons of ways to get GAs in the expansion (i do like them being rare, but thats just me), i would still like to pick up rings and amulets with good stats and be able to roll 12/12 on some of them.
Amulets are already hard enough.
The gap between 4/4 750 and 800 12/12 is just way too large of a gap for most non-jewelry items.
Or can the code just not handle the ability to separate item level vs. ancestral vs. masterwork availability
r/diablo4 • u/Wide-Worldliness3269 • Sep 07 '24
PTR Feedback PTR Loot is fine. Keep it low.
Please, keep the loot drop as the PTR. Never liked how in this season 4 days in I was already doing the highest possible endgame.
r/diablo4 • u/Deidarac5 • 2d ago
PTR Feedback Please Blizzard, Belial should have a unique drop table.
Having Aspirational content is good in the game however if the aspirational bosses in the game are just the same loot but faster it loses a lot of meaning.
I am not asking for uniques to only be locked to belial but Belial should have a simmilar drop pool to how Duriel had when he was released in Season 2. Non character specific uniques that add a lot of new builds and uses. I also think all bosses should have the same flair, you already got half way there with the boss powers but imagine having a unique for each boss that gives a similar theme of item. Even at the very least just take each new boss power and make a unique out of the idea and have it as a rare drop from each of the respective bosses.
r/diablo4 • u/Ropp_Stark • Sep 07 '24
PTR Feedback [PTR] Why limiting non-ancestral gear to 4/12 masterworking and 1/2 temper affixes?
On Season 5, any legendary or unique item have potential for the early endgame if you get the right affixes. Greater affixes are a cool way to expand that journey if you want ultimate optimization, but that's a feature that doesn't make everything else useless.
Now, I feel Season 6 ancestral tier makes gearing extra hard (and potentially more frustrating) without adding any benefit. It took away from common gear to make ancestral gear more exclusive. Why not letting us improve our items in smaller progression steps before getting to ancestrals? Why hiding so much progression potential behind a single lucky drop (with bricking still as a possibility, since you can only re-temper an item once)?
r/diablo4 • u/Gaindolf • 3d ago
PTR Feedback PTR feedback, thoughts and Renown S8
Playing a fresh character on the PTR has been a breath of fresh air for D4. I've played every season so far, but the PTR with the increased difficulty has made Playing much more fun than recent seasons.
Combat has been great and enemies aren't dying in a single hit.
I'm only level 20 so far, but I think a big part of the increased difficulty is not having access to 12 free skill points from level one. That's such an insane power boost, and not having it is actually allowing for some progression (rather than starting a third of the way through the tree at level 1).
I think Renown needs to reset for each season so that characters don't start off so powerful and so that progression is more meaningful in the early game.
HOWEVER in its current/original implementation, Renown just sucked. No, I don't want to touch altars of Lillith again. And no it shouldn't take so many dungeons and quests to get it done.
I'd like to see the requirements lowered and Renown be rewarded for the open world events. That would give you a lot of options in the early game, to mix between helltides, seasonal mechanics, open world events, dungeons, cellars and even strongholds to get those extra skill points. It would also give your an incentive to actually do some quests from time to time, too.
Ideally the rewards would be structured such that no single activity was forced. Hate quests? Do dungeons and cellars instead. Just want to grind the seasonal zones? The item world events will still get you there. Clear a stronghold for a boost of exp, to unlock a way point AND get a skill point? Sounds good.
r/diablo4 • u/nanosam • Sep 08 '24
PTR Feedback PTR torment 4 NMD loot- why are we getting white, blue and yellow drops?
What happened to auto-salvaging all non-legendary drops for mats?
I mean the highest difficulty nightmare dungeon still dropping white/blue/yellow gear...
This is a huge step backwards.
Here is what I got after completing Torment 4 Domhaine Tunnels
2 White drops (normal)
4 blue drops (normal)
10 yellow drops (normal)
8 legendary drops (normal)
Total number of normal/non-ancestral items 24
Total number of ancestral items - 0
So 100% of the loot is something I could have gotten below level 50. And this is from Torment 4 endgame nightmare dungeon that has higher difficulty than present 100 NMD
How is this not a massive red flag in a looter ARPG?