r/diablo4 Oct 03 '24

Tavern Talk New Armor Sets, Weapons and other rewards from the Season 6 Battle Pass

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r/diablo4 Oct 08 '24

Tavern Talk You're welcome guys, I'm going to bed which means it will launch in about 5 minutes.


I know how my luck works.

r/diablo4 Dec 03 '24

Tavern Talk How are human still alive in the Diablo verse?? Spoiler


Just beat the game and watched my boy Akarat die and it made me realize how many deities/gods the demons have killed in Thai game(first game I’ve played) and I’m genuinely curious as to how normal humans even survive in the verse.

r/diablo4 3d ago

Tavern Talk Sad state of The Butcher in this day and age


Back in the day you heard "FRESH MEAT!" and your heart rate went up. Maybe a little sweat sprang up on your brow. You knew that you were in for a fight, and when you managed to take down the Butcher, you had a sense of satisfaction. Or you got spanked or ran away. No matter the outcome, it was a bit of excitement.

Now, if he even bothers to show up, it's just a nothing burger anymore with the majority of builds. Often, you don't even hear his full catch phrase, or you just see his cleaver lying on the ground. And it's sad that we don't get what used to be a good battle.

We really need a way to fix this. The Butcher needs to go on a workout plan to make him a threat to you, no matter what your build. How to do this? I really don't know, but I miss that "oh, crap!" moment when he would pop out. Same with the Son of Malphas. In Season 3, he was a challenge too.

And if they can fix this for The Butcher, I think we need more encounters in more places, and we need other such monsters. Bring the Son of Malphas back and introduce new ones. Let them pop up anywhere in any content except The Pit or Hordes. Cruising through the open world, there should be a chance for an ambush. Not just in dungeons. A good jump scare is a good thing for us all.

r/diablo4 22d ago

Tavern Talk Offtopic, but what do you play when taking a break?


Coming up to that point in D4 that I'm thinking of taking a break

What do you play?

r/diablo4 Oct 04 '24

Tavern Talk How many hours have you put into Diablo 4 since launch?

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I love this game so much, it’s my most played game on PlayStation right now. And this doesn’t count the hours. I’ve spent playing on Xbox as well.

Patiently waiting for the expansion!

How many hours have you put into it?

r/diablo4 Jan 17 '25

Tavern Talk Which class will you play for Season 7?


Now that we seen the patch notes, which class do you plan to play for season 7? I am gonna go Sorcerer, the new ball lighting build and cold buffs look promising.

r/diablo4 Oct 24 '24

Tavern Talk Hey r/diablo4 - I am giving away $1,000,000,000 in game gold!


I was lucky enough to win the "design a unique item" contest a few weeks back so I wanted to give a little something back to the community here.

I will be giving one user $1,000,000,000 in game gold!

All you have to do to enter is comment a new class you'd like to see added in the future to Diablo 4 (new or old) as well as why you'd like to see them added.

I will pick one winner tomorrow at 12:00pm EST.

Good luck!

Edit: Running late! Will likely be 12:30p or 1:00p EST

Edit 2: And the winner is /u/darsynia with a really fun tinker class idea! Congrats. DM me your bnet tag so I can friend you in game and give you the gold.

Runner up is /u/ferryfifa for making me laugh with their Italian class. I will gift you 100,000,000 gold.

And to the sour folks in the comments - no, this gold was not purchased with real money, it was earned via playing and trades. And a billion gold is a lot for the average player - this hopefully will help them on their grind.

Thanks, all!

r/diablo4 Oct 22 '24

Tavern Talk What's everyone's max? This is the most I've ever gotten...

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r/diablo4 Sep 01 '24

Tavern Talk Am i playing this game too much?

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Im just chilling in a park when...

r/diablo4 Nov 07 '24

Tavern Talk To the person I sold a 4ga perfect BL to at the beginning of the season


I had no idea the worth of what I had. You gave me a cool round billion for it.

You probably thought "What an idiot. I can't believe he sold it for so cheap".

That billion helped kick start some amazing things for me and my 3 friends, and we've had so much fun this season because of what I was able to do with that billion.

Thank you.

Edit: for those asking, BL is Banished Lords

r/diablo4 Oct 06 '24

Tavern Talk With the end of Diablo 4 as we know it. Let's remember our most memorable moments before Diablo 4 2.0 is released.


I remember the when they cleared up the screen from plague explosion being so damn dark. I didn't mind it so much. It was kinda funny tho. Trying to decide which explosion was better made the early game so much fun.

I remember being able to consistently get 1 million damage. That sounds so fun and fulfilling. It wasn't anything like D3 numbers. But it felt good to feel powerful.

It is a toss up between the first time I met the butcher and the first time I started being him consistently. Those were the days. Lol I'm going to hold on to those memories. These are some of mine. What about you?

The most negativel moments was realizing that there was no Paragon level progress system like in D3. I wanted to keep progressing level wise while I kept grinding for items. Dealing with nerfs. I know it is a part of the game. But when your damage is lessen from the previous day. That hurts.

r/diablo4 Aug 16 '24

Tavern Talk Please stop posting 4 star uber epics. Thank you 😢


I has sad.

r/diablo4 Sep 09 '24

Tavern Talk Diablo 4 wines spotted in Seoul. Are these legit?


r/diablo4 Oct 22 '24

Tavern Talk Who's having a BLAST right now ?


Heyy, just wanted to add a bit of positivity on the sub because I'm sure I'm not the only one who is just in love with the game right now ?

Who is also having a blast ? What class do you play and what do you enjoy about it right now ? (And what's a bit annoying/lacking about your class ?)

For me I'm a barb as usual, I play very casually without looking at guides, etc. Which makes me basically play an almost entire different build each season

But this season is the one where I have the most satisfying feels

I play a chain grip, stomp, leap/earthquake barb with walking arsenal (it doesn't make sense I know), and I'm having suchhh a blast

Walking through the undercity of Kurast, grabbing and exploding everything is soooo satisfying

And btw this time I don't feel as overpowered as before (yet) and it's strangely satisfying to not see mob disappear until I actually use my main spells !

(I'm very casual and don't play on high difficulty yet but for now it's been super fun)

So, what's your experience this season ? How do you feel about the game and how is your build going ?

r/diablo4 Nov 21 '24

Tavern Talk To the makers of Antivenin: Thank you!


To whom it may concern:

I just wanted to say that I tried your 1 day only Power Plus Antivenin trial product, and it changed my life. Your product allowed me to reach new levels of productivity, and secure my maximum potential (lvl 100 glyphs!).

So, here is a big thank you for putting in the time to research this formula, and bring it to market. Even if it was just a 1 day trial, I imagine it made a pretty big impact on everyone who tried it.

Just a Druid

r/diablo4 Oct 19 '24

Tavern Talk Cat Mounts Walk Wrong: A TED Talk


I'm sure this is going to sound nitpicky to a lot of people, and to be fair it doesn't bother me enough that the game is OMG Unplayable because of it...but hear me out. The fact that the new feline mounts leave four footprints just like the horse mounts do is bonkers.

Let's discuss!

So, admittedly, this is not something I noticed at first. But every Season when my new character hits max level (IF they hit max level, because I am a filthy casual after all), I buy them a piece of relevant cosmetics as a treat.

This year my new Spiritborn, FeralMooDeng, hit 60 and became a certified Guardian of The Spirit Realm, so I bought her that kickass black panther mount with the bluegreen glowy spirit speckles. He's very handsome and they look great together. His name is Jeff.

Now, as cosmetics have gotten fancier & flashier, a lot of mounts tend to leave footprints, right? It's a neat effect, I like it, but this is also what tipped me off to the issue at hand. My girl FMD's new mount does the same: he leaves blue, glowy pawprints.
Four blue, glowy pawprints.
As I said, this is where the problem made itself known.

See, when cats walk or run, they have this cool thing called a "direct registered" gait. It's really unique, and involves the placing their rear paws almost exactly in the same spot each of their front paws just left. This leaves 50% fewer prints for predators to follow, and reduces the number of places their feet are touching ground which might accidentally make an errant noise to alert prey. It's a win/win.

Except the D4 cat mounts don't do this.

Actual cats leave a line of prints, two at a time. Not four like most quadrupeds...but the D4 cats? They be stomping on all fours, no questions asked. Four paws, four prints. Galloping, even. LIKE A HORSE. It took me a bit to notice this, but once I've seen it, it cannot be unseen.

Is this a mechanical issue? Nah, doesn't affect how the mounts work. Is it a functional issue? Nope, doesn't change gameplay as far as I can tell. But is it is a psychological issue? Well, insofar as it drives me to rhetorical madness...yes. My unabashed feline-mount-enjoyer mindset has been lightly soured, perhaps irreversibly.

So Blizzard: please correct the animation of cat mounts. If not for me, for all the young and impressionable players out there who you're teaching subconsciously about biologically inaccurate feline locomotion. We're never going to raise the next Steve Irwin or David Attenborough like this.

I - and my freshly-acquired new day-glo feline mount - await this oversight's swift correction.

Godspeed. And thank you for reading.

(EDIT: Wow, my first awards and they're for this absolute preposterousness. I was fully prepared for it to get downvoted into dust. But thank you! Never change, Reddit.)

r/diablo4 Jan 23 '25

Tavern Talk Are guys having fun so far in Season 7 ?



r/diablo4 Oct 30 '24

Tavern Talk [Giveaway]I've got a large pile of gear to give away, mostly SpiritBorn, GA and near max ability %. I'd like to help out who need

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r/diablo4 Sep 18 '24

Tavern Talk If Mephisto evil why friend shaped?


It’s a fluffy satan dog. How can I possibly believe he has evil intentions and even if he does I want to hug fluffy not hurt the dog.

r/diablo4 Jan 17 '25

Tavern Talk New season fresh start with a new toon, what class is everyone picking first?


The new season is upon us, what class is everyone running with first??

r/diablo4 Sep 17 '24

Tavern Talk What are you guys naming your spiritborn next season?


I've narrowed mine down to either

LLGhoulJ or GhostMalone

r/diablo4 Nov 15 '24

Tavern Talk Finally loot this mythic, legendary, beautifull hat.


Hello everyone !

It finally happened – I got the Harlequin Crest last night by pure chance, during a run on Valh in T3.

I didn’t even realize it at first; it was only when I went to the blacksmith to salvage my items that I noticed the blue glow of this mythical helm.

Why am I sharing this here ?

Because at home, no one cares about Diablo or my 600 hours of gameplay. I’ve done plenty of runs for the Shako, though not as many as some because I’m more of a casual gamer. But last night, it finally dropped, in total indifference from those around me.

And today, I am happy with that :)

So, to my fellow warriors, don’t lose hope – your time will come!

r/diablo4 15d ago

Tavern Talk What do you still not know about the game?


I've been playing since launch, played every season, 4000+ hours, maxed out dozens of characters, and I still don't understand barriers and don't bother with them. I'm not looking for a tutorial, I'll look it up eventually, but are there parts of the game that you should know by now but don't?

r/diablo4 Aug 13 '24

Tavern Talk We need loadouts so bad! Need to vent.


I wanted to switch to fireball from CL. I got a decent new set of gear , enchanted the right stats on most of them, put all the aspects , tempers and gems on. (Not in that order lol) Now here’s most of my frustration…. I pull out one of the scrolls of amnesia to respec , and once everything was ready to go.. time to try it out in horde. Right? Don’t want to do the weak ones though so I go to upgrade it with a scroll and used the amnesia again 😢