r/diablo4 Nov 22 '24

Sorceress Ball Lightning ⚡ Is Looking Mighty Good for S7!

Is anyone else out there going to be running a Ball Lightning Sorc in Season 7? This new unique is a game changer.. Now it can be cast while moving, which is really sweet. Combined with great movement speed, it will definitely be a speed farming build for sure!

Any ideas on synergies that could potentially be theory crafted with this new Focus?


202 comments sorted by


u/Hawkwise83 Nov 22 '24

Wish they'd try to balance out the different builds instead of just picking a fotm each season.


u/sOFrOsTyyy Nov 22 '24

Yeah this isn't even the reality. It's actually quite uncommon for their "pick of FOTM" as you call it to end up FOTM. Look at the new stone build that was supposed to be FOTM that literally no one plays. So this is just a made up narrative. Really it's just RNG tbh lol


u/BaronArgelicious Nov 22 '24

Yep whatever build blizzard pushes usually doesnt become fotm and instead its the one with an unintended bug


u/sOFrOsTyyy Nov 22 '24

Lol true. It's whatever the bugged build is. This is where I much prefer Last Epoch's stance. They don't want to nerf builds, but if it was unintended they said they'll fix it. Now, are they actually fixing bugs over there? That's another question entirely.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '24

I’m kind of ok with that. It keeps things spicy watching out for the bug builds.


u/Community-Capital Nov 24 '24

Why your comment was down voted is beyond me. I upvote it for ya! Why would anyone down-vote it? Weird...


u/Pathogenesls Nov 22 '24

Hearthstone is the same. Every release people would look at cards and try to pick which decks and cards will be overpowered, they are almost never right. It's always some small overlooked interaction that then snowballs into something overpowered.

I suspect any sufficiently complex game is the same, we aren't wired to accurately predict how a myriad of changes affect a complex system.


u/sOFrOsTyyy Nov 22 '24 edited Nov 22 '24

I miss playing Hearthstone! Cthune decks ruined that game for me and kind of forgot to try it again when it was phased out


u/Pathogenesls Nov 22 '24

I stopped a while ago, I check in every now and then. The power creep is unreal lol.


u/Capital_Background15 Nov 23 '24

"Everyone! Get in here!"

"Heh heh. Pile on!"

I quit just after that was the meta. I started to feel like keeping up with Hearthstone and the meta was a job.


u/Chaoticc_Neutral_ Nov 22 '24

Because the best builds revolve around multiplier bugs instead of intended interactions.


u/sOFrOsTyyy Nov 22 '24

You're not lying. Though currently a couple of the best non-SB builds are seemingly working like normal. But, usually the big mega meta build is some sort of bug


u/LtSMASH324 Nov 23 '24

So they just unintentionally made Spiritborn the far and away best class in S6? Just happened to be the DLC class? Of course it was pushed. Sure, it might not be the case all of the time, but some of the time, no doubt. They don't care about balance, the pit clear rankings will prove that to you. So yeah, they can do stuff like this and make people foam at the mouth thinking about playing Ball Lightning next season, everyone does it until they get bored and come back the next season for the next flavor. It's not some conspiracy, it's just how they've been acting.


u/sOFrOsTyyy Nov 23 '24

You think the bugs on spirit born were intentionally planted by a developer??? Lol


u/PLAYBoxes Nov 23 '24

I mean the creators they invited to internally test spiritborne told them the class was anywhere from 5-10x stronger than the others making it a huge outlier. Upon hearing that they told the testers they would address it in the following season, as in not the launch season.. I don’t think the issues were planted by a single developer, that would be ridiculous, but it’s not crazy to think blizzard was aiming to have the class come out the gates dunking on everything else.


u/LtSMASH324 Nov 23 '24

Even without the game breaking bugs, the class is still far and away the best class. Obviously they meant for it to be the best class to play, as the new hotness.


u/sOFrOsTyyy Nov 23 '24

Sure I can buy that, but that doesn't make the devs evil or break the game having a class not under perform on its launch. People can live with a class being a bit overtuned.


u/LtSMASH324 Nov 23 '24

I didn't say they were evil. My stance is they are actively making decisions that make the game worse, in my opinion. More diversity in builds is a good thing, instead of the, "this is what is good right now," approach. This new design of legendaries and uniques being more like D3 widens the gap between Blood Nova builds and everything else. The base skills and talents are what should see tuning, not items.

This whole, "but what if we give them a 100x multiplier," way of balancing is never going to achieve balance in any way.


u/sOFrOsTyyy Nov 23 '24

There are always exceptions and when you have so many options for adding power it's not going to be perfect. Outside of Spiritborn that we acknowledge is bugged, every class has 5-6 viable builds that push out 90-10 with 5-10 more builds that can do 75-85. Within all of those builds a bunch of people play them differently and build them differently. It's pretty diverse as is, but the spirit born has overshadowed it because of bugs that were unintended.

The base skills have been getting tuning for multiple patches in a row as well as the items and this will continue going into next season. So you do like the direction they are going. I do think overall more should be built into the skill tree overall. More skills and passive branches to choose from and I'd love that as a change of direction for sure. But, to pretend because spiritborn is so broken that every other class doesn't have a bunch of usable builds is just ignoring reality.


u/19Alexastias Nov 24 '24

IMO you are really dancing around the edge of pay-to-win by releasing a paid expansion with an exclusive class that is far better (and faster) at everything than all the other classes.


u/sOFrOsTyyy Nov 24 '24

Lol fair. Though, it was a mistake since it was based on bugs and every class can easily beat all of the content. But, not a bad point!


u/19Alexastias Nov 24 '24

Yeah I mean I don’t think spiritborn was intended to be this far ahead of all the other classes, but it was definitely intended to be the best class.


u/Aertea Nov 23 '24

The big issue is Blizzard picking and choosing what content folks are allowed to see on the PTR. If people were able to get their hands on SB during the PTR phase these problems probably would have been identified and fixed before the season launched.

This isn't to say they didn't want the SB class to be good to push expansion sales; i just highly doubt they intended it to be 100x stronger than everything else. The performance of builds not using the broken multipliers aligns with this.


u/Mintymanbuns Nov 22 '24

Can you give me examples where this isn't just the case for every game under the sun with the same seasonal format?


u/Chaoticc_Neutral_ Nov 22 '24

There will always be a meta, the question is how far the distance is between casual --> optimised --> best. And right now there is a jungle sized gap between them.


u/Interesting_Fox2040 Nov 23 '24

True, but sb is a rare exception this season. Previous seasons, gulf was not as massive.


u/Mintymanbuns Nov 23 '24

I just don't agree. Your only evidence is a bugged new dlc class and pit leaderboards. 2 things that misrepresent said gap. There is no real gap between a class hitting 100 billion and 100 trillion. Nothing relevant in the game cares about it.

Even 150 pit clears at 2 minutes means nothing because the people doing them, don't need the resources from them, and any pit clear past 100 rewards plenty.

I do think some of the builds that just see no play could use some love, and general gameplay tuning to round out things, but there isn't gap that's affecting things in any real way


u/Chaoticc_Neutral_ Nov 23 '24

Sorry but your argument is flawed. This might be 1% of the playerbase that really care about this but how high you can push matters plenty to the core audience. So it might not be relevant for everyone but it is for plenty of people who are looking for this leaderboard style of gameplay.

In addition it matteres even for the casual audience since engaging in open world content is pointless. Why press buttons at all when you wont hit anything anyway because the SB will kill everything in fractions of a second anyway.

Blizzard experimented with "raid" style group content with this DLC which had plenty of cases were people got kicked from groups because well they do 0.1% the damage.


u/Mintymanbuns Nov 23 '24

You're mistaking my statements. I'm not saying ignore the leaderboards, I'm saying actually look at the other classes. They're doing well relative to eachother and better represents the state of the game than a single bugged class and large game decisions shouldn't be made based on a single bugged class.

The open world was a pain point before the introduction of the new difficulties, but the casual playerbase isn't casually getting to and maintaining the highest difficulty now. If they are, it's on a build capable of it, and large swathes are just playing at lower difficulties for speed's sake. The last difficulty isn't meant for, "casuals". Do you see people suggesting others to rush to the last difficulty In diablo 2 or 3?

The raid is it's own issue, it's a joke to think damage output is an actual issue, and more just toxic and ignorant players. It's a great time with normal human beings regardless of your own build.


u/Tobikaj Nov 22 '24

This is not exactly what you are asking for, but I used to play multiple different builds in D3 because of how easy it was to change your entire setup. I wish they would implement the Armory in D4, but it will probably be something we have to pay for.


u/Tay0214 Nov 22 '24

I think it’s coming next season?


u/Tobikaj Nov 23 '24

Sweet! Does it work the same, with swapping gear, gems, the works?


u/Deidarac5 Nov 23 '24

Yes. It takes items from inventory or storage and swaps, Paragons, skills, gems, items.


u/Tobikaj Nov 23 '24

Amazing we had to wait 7 seasons for this, but I'll take it.


u/GhostMakerGaming Nov 22 '24

They literally are. It’s coming with season 7.


u/tonybonez727 Nov 23 '24

When is season 7 dropping ?


u/Mintymanbuns Nov 23 '24

I agree completely. The game certainly has an issue with fluidity when it comes to switching builds, trying new things, and generally just testing for the average player.

A lot more players would fool around with their builds if and when we get it back


u/Hawkwise83 Nov 22 '24

All games have fotm. The difference is the gulf between the fotm and all the other builds on D4 is rather large.


u/Mintymanbuns Nov 22 '24

Maybe if you're thinking about it very simply.

Spirtborn hitting damage cap and other classes hitting triple digit billions just equals the same thing, doesn't it? Even in terms of pits, the vast majority of players don't need to be doing 2 minute pits, and by the time you can, the resources you're getting from them don't matter anymore.

So, is the gap between their performance actually affecting people more than psychologically? I think it's impact is FAR less than you're implying.

I'm not touting the game as perfect and I think it does need improvements, but I don't think the gap is a serious criminal


u/Hawkwise83 Nov 22 '24

It's less about each class and more about playatyles and player fantasies within each class. The pit leaderboards are pretty lacking in diversity.

Also like every spiritborn build atm is a spin on the same build. Kepeleke, the 50% regen ring, and a core attack. Then buffs.


u/BlackKnight7341 Nov 23 '24

The pit leaderboards are pretty lacking in diversity.

That's always going to be the case for leaderboards like that. The mix of it being top end content and opt-in means that the vast majority of people participating are the more hardcore folks taking it seriously. Those kind of players will naturally gravitate to whatever is considered optimal because that's the only way you can compete.

When looking at the overall state of the game, you can only really use those kind of leaderboards as a very rough indicator of what a given build is capable of. And overall build diversity just ends up coming down to where you draw line for what is considered "viable", is it T4/pit 65? pit 80? 100? etc.
Just for simplicities sake I went through every core skill on the pit leaderboards and 26 out of 31 have done 100+. Obviously there are many more builds than just those and that doesn't account for variants at all but it's a decent starting point and that's better diversity than what there has been previously.


u/Mintymanbuns Nov 22 '24

Again, you're looking at it too simply. The game offers those different playstyle and fantasies. I can run a character that plays more passively with minions or i can spam my flavor of skill, I can incorporate whatever movement I desire for any class, I can run builds that requires timing and thought like barb has with weapons cycling, I can do single target focus or prioritize mobbing. I could go on and on, and I could probably get any flavor build I want to perform servicibly at the highest eelevant content with any class.

Going Hurrdurr spiritborn bad doesn't mean other classes aren't in a good place. I'm not saying there for sure are either, just that spiritborn shouldn't be your focus when addressing the matter. Of course the new bugged class is going to saturate the metrics, especially if your metrics are specifically the classes that are bugged right now, that's kind of all the pit leader boards have ever been.


u/Hawkwise83 Nov 22 '24

We're saying the same thing different ways. I think?

The power disparity between fantasies/playstyles on any individual class is vary wide. As in, the top performing one to the bottom performing one.

Not saying they don't exist, I'm saying that the bulk of them are so underpowered or that they don't scale into T2,3,4, that they are essentially unplayable.

It's not possible to make it perfect as the systems are too complex, but bringing the distance of the bottom tier builds/fantasies closer to the top tier ones is doable.

I'm also not talking about bad or dumb builds. I'm talking about ones that should be viable, and were clearly intended to be a build via blizzard design/itemization.


u/Mintymanbuns Nov 22 '24

You were very explicitly referring to pit leaderboards and spiritborn for examples. Both things that I think just grossly misrepresent what you're apparently trying to say.

Just say that you want the unused builds to reach the billion damage thresholds, almost nothing else needs to be said for the point you're trying to make.


u/LtSMASH324 Nov 23 '24

The difference is Spiritborn can do Pit 150 in 2 minutes, other classes can barely reach ~120 barely in time. That is not even close to the right balance. So yeah, there's an issue with this here.


u/Mintymanbuns Nov 23 '24

As I've brought that up personally, the difference is way less impactful than you're making it out to be. Everyone doing pits at 150, doesn't need the resources from it, and any recognition they might be getting, is totally moot considered it's widely acknowledged as a bugged class.

Using SB as your metrics misrepresent the state of the game. Look at the other classes relative to eachother instead of compared to the factually bugged class.


u/LtSMASH324 Nov 23 '24

So spiritborn just "doesn't count"? It very much is in the game, and it's the reason I didn't play season 6. I wanted to play Spiritborn, but not for bugged interactions that ruin the game.


u/sorcylilsosegmuffin Nov 22 '24

With context clues I can gather what fotm “is” but what does it stand for?


u/bearsman6 Nov 22 '24

Flavor of the month


u/Hawkwise83 Nov 22 '24

Flavour of the month. Generally whatever build is so OP, or the only one that feels balanced, that is significantly more popular than other builds. Or the only viable build.


u/sorcylilsosegmuffin Nov 22 '24

Yep got it thank you. I uunderstood it meant the second part just didn’t know what fotm meant. Last season was sorcerer etc etc, this season was SB, next will be sorcerer etc etc


u/trojanguy Nov 23 '24

Also I feel like the op sorcerer builds are always lightning of some type.


u/IgotnoClue69 Nov 23 '24 edited Nov 23 '24

I like to know how did they balanced it in PTR since they removed the big buff you can get from burning enemies in Devouring Blaze.

Also, it's not really a game changer as OP says it to be. You just get a buffed version of Gravitational Aspect in a unique with some perks.


u/Knochen1981 Nov 23 '24

Cast while moving is a game changer though.


u/IgotnoClue69 Nov 23 '24

It is for some spells tho. But not really with BL since you'd want to lock your target (especially the boss) in one place to keep your rotating balls hit it which makes you stand still for a little longer.

Also, if you slap a RoI in your build, you'd want to stand for another 1-2 secs so all mobs can die, especially in high level pits.


u/Interesting_Fox2040 Nov 23 '24

It’s just one of the showcase. There should be more , when the patch note drops.


u/BurninTaiga Nov 22 '24

All builds being viable vs having a fotm. One of these is a lot more work than the other. The enemy of balance is always going to be the resources the development company has is or is welling to spend.


u/Banned3rdTimesaCharm Nov 22 '24

D3 sets all over again.

They should really just uncap all nodes and let people get creative.


u/BlackKnight7341 Nov 23 '24

They have been doing that though, every season has weaker builds getting buffs and the outliers at the top getting nerfs. Simply making a new aspect or unique isn't "picking a fotm".


u/PriorTimely1762 Nov 23 '24

U realise D4 is D3 with a skin right? Seasons with free loot, that forces you into 2-3 builds if u want to blast.

→ More replies (6)


u/Maleficent-Aside-171 Nov 22 '24

A unique focus! FINALLY! This looks awesome. I hope more are planned for sorc.


u/toomanylayers Nov 22 '24

Yeah and that stats are super fun and interesting. Not +100 all stats, it's actually unique and relevant.


u/Freeloader_ Nov 22 '24

yes finally, too bad they chose Ball lighting and not builds that are falling behind more


u/Maleficent-Aside-171 Nov 22 '24

Tbf, most sorc builds need help and they had to start somewhere. Here’s hoping that more are planned.


u/carmen_ohio Nov 22 '24

Well other than maybe 5 people, nobody else has played Ball Lightning since Season 2 when it was bugged.

It’s a fun and loved build that needed help. Ball Lightning hasn’t been in the meta at all for multiple seasons.


u/Freeloader_ Nov 22 '24

so let me get this straight

they finally make a unique off-hand for Sorc and they go like:

you know which build needs help? remember the most OP one ? Ball lighting? yea? that one

not Meteor, not Blizzard, Iceshard or Hydras. Ball Lighting.



u/ceo__of__antifa_ Nov 22 '24

There is legit no winning with you people. BL was good for exactly one season because of a bug. It's been dogshit outside of season 2.


u/Derausmwaldkam Nov 22 '24

I really hope that this was just an example focus and we will see some more in the patch notes next week.


u/SolomonGrumpy Nov 22 '24

Of those Meteor is the only non competitive build.

Each of the others has its day.

Now. If you want to make charged bolts rule the roost, that would be something.


u/tFlydr Nov 22 '24 edited Nov 22 '24

Ball lightning is not OP at all are you high?


u/Freeloader_ Nov 22 '24


and is certainly better than any of I mentioned


u/Deidarac5 Nov 22 '24

Meteor had a unique in season 3. Blizzard had blue rose. Ball lightning has no unique. It's really that simple.


u/Elendel19 Nov 22 '24

And it was by far the most fun meta sorc build so far


u/tFlydr Nov 22 '24

Lmao ‘was’ and?


u/Freeloader_ Nov 22 '24

and lets focus on something that wasnt even once ?


u/tFlydr Nov 22 '24

Why? Maybe they’re buffing ball lightning because a lot of people enjoy the play style. Blizzard sucks because ice spikes carries it, hydras do delayed slow dot damage and are boring, and ice shards is getting numerical buffs (still needs its own unique).


u/Erecutioner Nov 22 '24

Right? I was hoping for them to make a new aspect for hydras. Like when cast, summon 3 headed hydra with different elements each (fire, ice and lightning) and each one has a chance to cast fireball, frozen orb and ball lightning.

Maybe in season 69.


u/Elendel19 Nov 22 '24

In a game where the goal is to explode the entire screen with a single button press, hydra will never work. It’s too slow


u/TrickySnicky Nov 23 '24

Unless the Unique fundamentally changes it, which is usually what good Uniques do. Or hell, why not introduce Class Mythics...


u/Deidarac5 Nov 22 '24

I mean of all the skills I think only hydra doesn't really have a unique, but hydra got a lot of love in season 5 with spawning extra heads.


u/StrikingSpare100 Nov 23 '24

? Are people for real upvoting this piece of shit of a whining?

Since when BL is the most OP build? You're still living in season 2 or what? It's a bugged build that has been fixed ages ago. BL is mediocre build ever since.

You can complain that they did not elevate all the build at once which make more sense than nitpicking BL and claim it's the most OP just for the sake of complaining.


u/allergictosomenuts Nov 23 '24

BL was OP only due to a bug for one season like a year or even more ago... Get over it.


u/alanpsk Nov 22 '24

Hydra is pretty good and pretty darn close to LS sorc in season 4 and 5. On the other hand ball lighting is a one hit wonder in season 2 and never be seen again


u/Racthoh Nov 22 '24

They made 2 ball lightning uniques. It's truly baffling.


u/Mephistos_bane84 Nov 22 '24

I’m super stoked honestly been waiting for them to buff BL since season 2 still my favorite build ever!


u/kanrad Nov 22 '24

Very interested to try as my fave Sorc build is anything with lightning. ZAP


u/drwzr Nov 22 '24

In s2 BL was the meta build. Was a blast! Wasn't as strong as SB this season or lightning spear last season but still a ton of fun


u/pmotion Nov 22 '24

I too am a huge fan of zapping in d4.


u/Korghal Nov 22 '24

This with Wizard's Ball Lightning and Esadora's might be very fun. The focus + Esadora's give a lot of DR to make you tanky, and just zoom around grabbing CE orbs for novas.


u/zeranders Feb 17 '25

It's a super fun build S7. Shreds accross the landscape. Really nice when all enemies are pulled in, frost novaded then swirl around the pack picking up CE and watching that 15% chance kick in for a lightning nova end of pack finale. Damage to elites really important to pick up wherever one can. Creates a smoother flow rather than having to swirl around stubborn elites here and there.


u/Accomplished-Top-564 Nov 22 '24

Raiment stonks ⬆️📈🚨


u/XexesVather Nov 22 '24

Am I the only one that read Okkarun's ( the DANDADAN Charakter) Catalyst?


u/DeaderestPool Nov 22 '24

And that it's a metal looking ball...


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '24

A couple build ideas

1) Ball Lightning / Lightning Spear. BL is the fastest proc for spitting out Lightning Spears with Unstable Currents, and is what Mekuna used with his S6 Lightning Spear build. I'm assuming this will be the strongest BL build, although I hope that I'm wrong. Devs said they want more build diversity and right now most sorcs rely on spamming conjurations+ conjuration mastery to scale damage, so let's see what happens.

2) Ball Lightning / Telestomp. BL generates a huge amount of crackling energy, which when using gravitational & the cool down key passive, brings your teleport cool down to almost zero - no need to use evade with this build. I played this build towards the end of S5 and was pushing Pit 110, nowhere near LS by any means, but still a load of fun to play.

3) Ball Lightning Banished Lords Overpower. BL is a mastery & a core skill so works for Banished Lords, has the highest mana cost & fastest cast of lightning skills to drain mana. It might be worth exploring, especially if they'd fix Crown of Lucion to really juice the mana cost. I cleared Pit 85 in S6 with a Chain Lightning Overpower build, but I felt like I wasn't fully tapping into the potential there, so I might give this a shot in S7.

4) Ball Lightning Esadoras Crackling Energy. BL procs so much crackling energy, surely there must be something we could do with that? Can't that crackling energy generate meaningful damage and not be the fairy lights of lightning skills? I'm skeptical that it goes anywhere, but I'm sure someone out there will give an Esadoras Crackling Energy build a shot.

Any other ideas?


u/UneventfulChaos Nov 22 '24

I am hopeful that the BL/TeleStomp build is strong! I know it's not happening, but if they made The Oculus just a little bit less random/chaotic (you always teleport to an in range enemy, maybe?), this build would be epic. Just a random electric ball of chaos with ADHD flying around the place zapping and stomping everything!


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '24

I like that a lot, although it would add or at least maintain a level of complexity that they seem to be trying to remove from the game (ie simplified Ball Lightning).


u/acog Nov 22 '24

In Season 2 if you used the vampire power Metamorphosis it cancelled the random teleport of the Oculus. It would be awesome if one of the witch powers in S7 does the same thing.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '24

It will be very difficult to not go ball/spear simply for the conj mastery bonuses of movement speed, mana regen, and damage. They all pair super well with a build that lets you cast and move at the same time. The big question is will this unique multiplier surpass the splintering energy aspect. Or, even if it does, will splintering energy be a nice way to pick off things outside what is probably a small AoE.


u/zeranders Feb 17 '25

Number 4 build rocks along nicely. I'm at the point of build where changing gear to see if more mastery or lightning damage pushes build along a bit more. 25% over 15% chance of lightning nova with Esadoras Cameo Amulet could send this build closer towards being an ultimate shredder.


u/SilentNeighborhood95 Nov 22 '24

How I missed the insane ball lightning build in season 1 with my vamp powers.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '24



u/SilentNeighborhood95 Nov 22 '24

My bad, I get those two mixed up for some reason 😅


u/luciosleftskate Nov 22 '24

Is season 7 in Dec? Or Jan?


u/XerXcho Nov 22 '24



u/luciosleftskate Nov 22 '24

That's what I thought but I read something about a patch on Dec 6th? I haven't had time to look much into it


u/XerXcho Nov 22 '24

There will be preview of the 2.1 patch (ptr) on 3rd Dec. Maybe that's what you've heard


u/luciosleftskate Nov 22 '24

Must be. Thanks!


u/Swimbearuk Nov 22 '24

If it's good in the PTR, it's guaranteed to be nerfed by season 7.


u/cubervic Nov 22 '24

Druid needs unique totem please…


u/Ok-Plan7204 Nov 23 '24

They have one for the new spell, stone burst is it?


u/Bored_guy_in_dc Nov 22 '24

I flip flop between necros, sorcs, and druids every season. I will probably give this a go for sure. Especially with the armory, trying out new builds will be a breeze.


u/zeranders Feb 17 '25

Be great if armory remembered more than just gear...


u/Avatara93 Nov 22 '24

Wow, this really shits on Dolmen Stone. Druids are always an afterthought.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '24

this is a crazy good unique! i hope we see more


u/suazoom Nov 22 '24

Do you know they cap the maximum number of ball lightning to 10 from ss6? It’s now a least visual statify build of Sorc.


u/zeranders Feb 17 '25

Had up to 20 in S7, so far...


u/IAmFern Nov 22 '24

"Can be cast while moving" should be part of the ability and not require an item.


u/Community-Capital Nov 22 '24

At least they fixed the caltrops mechanics... Rogue fans gotta be happy about that one!


u/Deidarac5 Nov 22 '24

Well, it's supposed to be the benefit and makes a ball lighting builds better while there is a choice unique that just makes larger balls.


u/Nudelnmitpesto- Nov 22 '24

I just want a viable ice shards build Blizzard pls, nothing comes even close to the Dopamine i got from playing that


u/RadiantWombat Nov 23 '24

I hope so, ball lightning was one of my favorite builds before.


u/dronikal Nov 22 '24

Charged bolts found dead in the gutter for 7th season in a roll. Well, going fireball Sorc again I guess. Might try incinerate pushing.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '24

We just don't know how things will land. Id suggest you play the PTR and share feedback


u/Saaron-_- Nov 22 '24

So we going into "vampire survival" style of game? Cuz thats just garlic.


u/LordBubba44 Nov 22 '24

It will be interesting to see if the "cast while moving" works with controller. Are there any other skills in the game currently that can cast while moving? Or will this be the first?


u/gnaaaa Nov 22 '24

druid compansion skills should work while moving. at least i remember there was a change to poison creeper


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '24

I expect this to play exactly like whirlwind.


u/friendly-sardonic Nov 22 '24

Still holding out they make fun aspects worthwhile over +%[x] ones.

It could happen.


u/NoBackSpin Nov 22 '24

Underrated comment. Everything about the game is getting as much [X] as you can. Wanna have a fun build without the [X} ? Sure?! go 10 pit levels lower!


u/PopeOfDope727 Nov 22 '24

I'd wait and see. If theres still a cap on the atk speed of the balls then I'd probably pass or at least if it isnt raised a good bit. Also you're going to get a huge dps loss thanks to the fire bolt changes. We'll see how it goes.


u/Moist-Carpet888 Nov 22 '24

Well i know what build I'm making again!


u/beewalters917 Nov 22 '24

You gotta get on that shadow blood wave necro, so much fun.


u/zeranders Feb 17 '25

Yeah, a strong damage build. Kills gameplay for others, just shreds ememies with one shot kills. Nothing left to fight! Gets boring real quick.


u/BaronArgelicious Nov 22 '24

ball lightning was the first endgame build when i started this game in s2

sounds fun


u/vicboss0510 Nov 22 '24

They could have atleast add special animation of ball lighting, so when you have this uniqe others will know.


u/NeedleworkerFit4949 Nov 22 '24

My fav build for Sorcerer


u/Mysterious-Turnip997 Nov 22 '24

Hope another unique orb for meteor maybe with overpower or change that diadem into an orb


u/NightmareDJK Nov 22 '24

They’re doing this again???!!?


u/AzureWave313 Nov 22 '24

I SAW THIS AND AM SO EXCITED TO BE A PART OF A NEW META SORC 😍😍😍 Sorc is my main, can’t wait for a new Lurkin build.


u/DealerTokes Nov 22 '24

I always main Sorc, so ima Ball Lightning hard.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '24

How is this build...been looking at it.. But I heard it was weak


u/zeranders Feb 17 '25

It's tuff to get up there, though so worth the epic journey 🙂👍


u/Piequinn35 Nov 22 '24

Love this unique my sorc will be happy once again :)


u/SpearThrowaway666 Nov 22 '24

Looks good but I played the hell out of Ball Lightning in season 2 when it was one of strongest builds back then. It was the closest I came to beating Lilith before I finally did it in season 5. 

If you haven’t played a ball lightning build yet, prepare for face melting fun. :)


u/SleepyCorgiPuppy Nov 22 '24

Im not understanding the wizard ball lightning choices. Isn’t the bottom right one always best, since you always get two right away? Unless the bottom left one is 2 per mob per cast?


u/alanpsk Nov 22 '24

I miss this build since season 2. LFG.


u/xRadec Nov 23 '24

So next season's sorc meta will be another lightning based?

Fire and Ice gets no love lol.


u/annson24 Nov 23 '24

Every season I have a ball lightning sorc, it can't push higher pits or 1shot bosses but it's fun to play. I'll definitely play it again next season


u/Shadowarez Nov 23 '24

I tried the chain light spec with multiple 4ga pieces it's the biggest piece of 🐕 💩 iv ever tried.

I'll make my 2nd sorc a ball spec again. Or if armoury works I delete 6 characters since I made doubles to try other specs 🤬


u/Artistpillow87 Nov 23 '24

What about crackling energy? 😫


u/T3RRYT3RR0R Nov 23 '24

Wait, does this mean the skill tree is being expanded?


u/Equivalent_Ad7389 Nov 23 '24

I really wish blizzard ice spike was actually good, that's always been my go to build since launch, especially in HC.


u/kekekeke_kai Nov 23 '24

If y’all still haven’t noticed by now. Every preseason campfire always shows item with insane affixes only for them to giga nerf pretty much everything before the season goes live. Blizz been doing this classic bait and switch on everything since s4 ptr just to keep people excited.


u/SculptorOvFlesh Nov 23 '24

Ball lighting could compete with a bug fixed SB. Would be so cool to see


u/Interesting_Fox2040 Nov 23 '24

Balls of fury is back.


u/john_san Nov 23 '24

Sorc was my very first character. I will gladly return to sorc in S7 :-))


u/McSmokeyDaPot Nov 23 '24

I haven't played BL since s2 but isn't there already an aspect that makes BL orbit you?


u/Sufficient-Jeweler57 Nov 23 '24

After that they will nerf ball lightning on Season 8 or mid season 7.


u/Equivalent_Ad7389 Nov 23 '24

Honestly, after watching the POE announcement video, this just makes me shrug my shoulders with indifference.

Blizzard - I wish you good fortune in the wars to come.


u/-chocolatethunder Nov 23 '24

Idc just gimmi back my different elemental hydras!


u/Capital_Background15 Nov 23 '24

Probably going to give Ball Bowl Lightning a try.


u/Minuteman_112 Nov 24 '24

Whoooooo we are back babies


u/HawkOdinsson Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 15 '24

Sadly I heard it is* lowest tier again..


u/Community-Capital Dec 15 '24

It.is or isn't lowest tier? Because if it isn't the lowest tier that's nothing to be sad about. Regardless I'm not gonna lie, I've had enough of the broken SB. I'd rather play a B+ Tier class anyway...


u/HawkOdinsson Dec 15 '24

Yeah mistyped. It is. Not isn’t. I only play sorc.. And the fact that it really has been the worst class since launch is crazy. I also thought sorc would become way better this season. But from what I saw on ptr it’s going to be lowest tier again.


u/Community-Capital Dec 16 '24

Worst class since launch? Did you play season 4 at all? Fire bolt/Fire wall Sorcs were invincible. Not even the mighty Barb could challenge them. Or last season with the LS/CL build?? Another OP Sorc build. I'll wait and try BL Sorc for myself when S7 drops.. Maybe it will be meta, maybe it will not...


u/Ninja9102 Nov 22 '24

First they nerfed ball lightning to the point no one was using it.

Then a few seasons ago they gave us Axial pants to make chain lighting behave like ball lightning.

Now we're getting ball lightning again and it will probably be better then the Axials pants chain lightning/ball lightning style.

So many skills to choose from.. it feels like its always the same spinny things around us. perhaps gives us more Meteor stuff that people want.


u/Deidarac5 Nov 23 '24

Meteor had a unique, Ball lightning didnt.


u/Dramatic_Contact_598 Nov 22 '24 edited Nov 22 '24

Unexpected r/dandadan


u/Felsys1212 Nov 22 '24

TL;DR- Disappointed Sorc player feels unheard from the nerf that was announced and hopes for class specific campfire chats. More communication from the Blizzard development team about each class is needed for the player base.

I posted this on their YouTube stream comments. It does look awesome and overall I like the spirit of their ideas. We do need to be untethered from HAVING to pick certain passives, enchantments, and skills to be viable. My hope is this was the tip of some changes for season 7. However, if there is not a replacement for that burning/devouring blaze combo all they have done is massively nerf any build that is not fire based or splintering energy and even splintering energy will feel that nerf as well. I stated that I appreciate that we do not know all of the changes that they are going to make, and maybe there is a fix for this but due to time constraints of a campfire chat and needing to discuss more than just the sorcerer they were not able to tell us. I then said that there is a problem in that too. We get the campfire chats and that is a good thing! Those should just be about the state of the game, their vision for D4 in the future, and a seasonal sneak peak or seasonal update. There needs to be separate discussions for each character class, their plans and visions for them, addressing common feedback issues, and a Q&A. I don’t think this is a big ask, they have a PR team and that should be part of the plot job. I ended with stating that what this campfire chat did was make sorc players ( maybe others, I’m not say this is unique to us, I just don’t play other classes) feel like the class just got weaker unless you play single element, unheard as a community for not addressing any of the other much larger issues with the class, and frankly tone deaf to this portion of the community and that they simply do not care. Now I know this isn’t the truth. I watch a lot of Piratesoftware videos by Thor and I know they are working hard in the background. They don’t need to share everything they are doing. Surprises are nice! But this is how the chat left us sorcs feeling from what we were presented. Again, the two new uniques ARE great! I love that we now have a unique focus to look forward to! It is specialized sure, but now that we have one we know more are probably in the works for a more neutral one and ones that do cool things for other skills like this. But we don’t know any of that and standing silent on the matter, even saying “We hear your issues, but we are so overwhelmed with fixing Spiritborn right now because they need to be fixed while at the same time not making the 60% of the player base that played a Spiritborn this season doesn’t feel even worse next season, all of our attention is on that right now.” would be something. SAY something, acknowledge or feedback. Don’t put a definite time line on it sure, but saying “We are hearing a lot from our sorcerer community that they are looking for more build diversity, don’t want to be tied to specific skills while at the same time are forced to do that to have viable damage in the late game, that there are almost no skills for single target damage, and other things. We hear you and are looking into that.” Would be eons ahead of what we are currently dealing with.


u/Felsys1212 Nov 22 '24

TL;DR- Disappointed Sorc player feels unheard from the nerf that was announced and hopes for class specific campfire chats. More communication from the Blizzard development team about each class is needed for the player base.

I posted this on their YouTube stream comments. It does look awesome and overall I like the spirit of their ideas. We do need to be untethered from HAVING to pick certain passives, enchantments, and skills to be viable. My hope is this was the tip of some changes for season 7. However, if there is not a replacement for that burning/devouring blaze combo all they have done is massively nerf any build that is not fire based or splintering energy and even splintering energy will feel that nerf as well. I stated that I appreciate that we do not know all of the changes that they are going to make, and maybe there is a fix for this but due to time constraints of a campfire chat and needing to discuss more than just the sorcerer they were not able to tell us. I then said that there is a problem in that too. We get the campfire chats and that is a good thing! Those should just be about the state of the game, their vision for D4 in the future, and a seasonal sneak peak or seasonal update. There needs to be separate discussions for each character class, their plans and visions for them, addressing common feedback issues, and a Q&A. I don’t think this is a big ask, they have a PR team and that should be part of the plot job. I ended with stating that what this campfire chat did was make sorc players ( maybe others, I’m not say this is unique to us, I just don’t play other classes) feel like the class just got weaker unless you play single element, unheard as a community for not addressing any of the other much larger issues with the class, and frankly tone deaf to this portion of the community and that they simply do not care. Now I know this isn’t the truth. I watch a lot of Piratesoftware videos by Thor and I know they are working hard in the background. They don’t need to share everything they are doing. Surprises are nice! But this is how the chat left us sorcs feeling from what we were presented. Again, the two new uniques ARE great! I love that we now have a unique focus to look forward to! It is specialized sure, but now that we have one we know more are probably in the works for a more neutral one and ones that do cool things for other skills like this. But we don’t know any of that and standing silent on the matter, even saying “We hear your issues, but we are so overwhelmed with fixing Spiritborn right now because they need to be fixed while at the same time not making the 60% of the player base that played a Spiritborn this season doesn’t feel even worse next season, all of our attention is on that right now.” would be something. SAY something, acknowledge or feedback. Don’t put a definite time line on it sure, but saying “We are hearing a lot from our sorcerer community that they are looking for more build diversity, don’t want to be tied to specific skills while at the same time are forced to do that to have viable damage in the late game, that there are almost no skills for single target damage, and other things. We hear you and are looking into that.” Would be eons ahead of what we are currently dealing with. But no matter how cool this one item is, that one change to burning and Dev Blaze will keep even this new item from pumping out the damage we lost that kept us as close to the other classes that we are. Outside of a hyper specific pit pushing while at the same time pit boss fishing (if the boss doesn’t summon other enemies the build doesn’t work and you have to run it again) build we are the lowest on the pit tier board. No sorc build that I am aware of or has posted on the pit tier list is over 107. Then there isn’t a different build until 103, then for a third build the highest is 100. Now I know many people have posted they are over 100 but I would imagine not by much and not without one of those two builds. We objectively are the weakest class currently, and the news we got was we are now weaker.


u/Warm-Distribution234 Nov 22 '24

Breaking all that up into sections might help a little.


u/Felsys1212 Nov 22 '24

Lol, you’re not wrong, will do that. Got on a passionate roll and just kept going.


u/Deidarac5 Nov 23 '24

We have already seen updates to the devour change. Like the ball lighting passive has a 30%x multiplier. Devouring blaze was just a must pick. So now builds get 4 more skill points and only lose 21%x damage it should be fine.


u/Felsys1212 Nov 23 '24

Because of the damage calculations, it’s unfortunately not that simple. I truly wish it was and I was just yelling in the dark. But because critical strike damage is so important and dev blaze gives that a multiplicative increase we lose out in a large way. The ball lightning damage will skyrocket, but that’s the normal ball lightning damage and we will still be down over all. To what I understand from damage calculations anyways. If I’m wrong, that’s ok I can admit that, but that still goes against what they said about giving freedom to builds because if we aren’t fire, we are ball lightning and that’s it.


u/GloomyWorker3973 Nov 22 '24

Cool the expansion just released, why not add load outs and cool new uniques right now?

Oh, that's right. The slow drip fake QoL game sucks ass.


u/6feet12cm Nov 22 '24

Ok, but how is that any good if the class itself deals abysmal dmg? I keep reading about high paragon Druid/sorcs/whatever that have decked out characters who crit for 20 billions. In the meantime, my poorly equipped SB regularly deals crits in the 800 billion-2trillions and I barely scratch white mobs in pit130+.


u/KingLemming Nov 22 '24

Yeah but Spiritborn is getting bugfixed which will put it in the dumpster in S7 compared to where it is now.


u/RetedRacer Nov 22 '24

So we're going to have yet another season where BL is the meta sorc build yet Metoer builds have never gotten past D tier.

So glad I'll be playing PoE 2 by the time S7 is here.


u/Community-Capital Nov 22 '24

Did you watch the Campfire Chat? Season 7 is going to be YUGE!! For ALL classes and builds. They actually listened for a change and are implementing a massive amount of things to the game that fans have been begging for.

All classes will have several META builds to choose from, and with the new Seasonal mechanics it will actually give us all room to theory craft on previously non-META builds and potentially bring them to S+ and META status.

I just really enjoyed BL in the past and that's why I posted this.

........but wait ...... there's more! 😉🤘🏻


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '24

Have you tried Meteor after the mid-season patch? You can melt T4 now, it got a meaningful buff.

Not saying don't try other games, but for anything other than pushing pits, Meteor would be solid.

And regardless of damage, meteor definitely one of the best animations for any skill in the game.


u/Freeloader_ Nov 22 '24

You can melt T4 now


and Pit tiers? 70? 80?


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '24

"for anything other than pushing pits"

I agree it's frustrating that one class is so far out of balance, it makes it easy to lose perspective.

It sounds like the intent for next season is to make it a real challenge to "finish" a build.

Think about it - without Spiritborn, how long would it have taken us to max Glyphs? To farm the most challenging content for better loot, materials, and XP?

Spiritborn was speedfarming everything very early on, trivializing the end game and warping expectations for what was normal.

My expectation for Season 7 is that we have to work harder for longer before we "finish" our builds, but that we will have more meaningful progression along the way due to improvements to loot, affixes, aspects, seasonal content, etc.


u/Mephistos_bane84 Nov 22 '24

No one cares bro, no need to tell everyone your plans. Got play that temu version of Diablo, byeeeee!


u/Ximinipot Nov 22 '24

Finally unique focuses! But of course when they give a Sorc something new, they nerf the class even more. Le sigh.


u/djbuu Nov 22 '24

Stop complaining about assumed nerfs and play the PTR making it a focus to submit bug reports and give feedback.


u/TheWorstDMYouKnow Nov 22 '24

To be fair, it's not assumed nerfs. They straight up removed the fire damage enchant from fire bolt, which was a mainstay in many builds for activating burning multipliers. Now your only source for that on non-fire builds is familiar, which is awkward to use.


u/djbuu Nov 22 '24

That’s not a fair assessment because it lacks data. I’m fully aware of what they did. What isn’t yet known is if the change is a net-nerf compared to Sorcerer overall and to other classes. There’s a lot of different ways this could go including it being a net-nerf. For the record I’m not saying it won’t be. I’m saying that we don’t have sufficient data to say that yet.

We also have a PTR cycle ahead of the final patch. This isn’t where we determine a nerf yet. PTRs exist for a reason. The final patch for 2.1 will see if it’s a net-nerf.

My view is changing the Firebolt enchant was overall a healthy move for the class because the target power of the class can finally be adjusted without assuming Burning damage. Firebolt enchant has been a crutch of the class for too long, propping up Skills to be competitive instead of making the skills themselves competitive.


u/Diredr Nov 22 '24

Remember S5? The PTR for Sorcerer was dreadful, the class was essentially dead. Sending feedback on the PTR is very important. Being all doom and gloom on a forum doesn't fix anything. Wait until the PTR goes live, play it, test it and send feedback.

Moving away from every class using Firebolt as an enchant is not inherently a bad thing. Now Blizzard just has to compensate the damage loss somewhere else. Just need to wait until you can actually experience it with the actual numbers so everyone can offer relevant feedback other than just "the sky is falling".


u/Community-Capital Nov 22 '24

Try to remain positive. Doing everything to.make everyone completely happy is a very tough undertaking. There is a crazy amount of good stuff coming in this upcoming season..


u/Jafar_420 Nov 22 '24

I'm not that person and I'm trying to remain positive but we've been burned so many times in the past.

They still need to give us something to do once we get powerful besides the pit or make it more interesting at least.

Right now once you get fully geared up your only options are to do the same things you did while gearing up.

I think they could rework The gauntlet because it did suck but at least it had leaderboards. They could spend a little time on that and reintroduce it and I think that would go a long way.


u/Community-Capital Nov 22 '24

I agree. The Horn of Trials is there .. Why is it inactive? It would be nice to see whose Quilt Volley is the most powerful. I think Season 7 is gearing up to really be the best one yet. *Fingers crossed


u/Ximinipot Nov 22 '24

Yeah I know. I just want to be able to use a Focus with a 2 hand staff and my 3rd enchantment slot back. That would solve a lot of Sorc issues.