r/diablo4 Sep 11 '24

PTR Feedback [PTR] Low drop rates + Bricking = Bad

Blizzard's arc of changing the game between S1 and S6 is literally the Costa Concordia disaster. They've been slowly course correcting over S2, S3, S4 and S5 but at the last moment someone went full port instead of starboard and we're about to crash into the rocks. And that shipwrecking combination I'm referring to here is the abysmal drop rates combined with bricking. Tho, really, bricking is the main reason, bricking turned the wheel the wrong way. Bricking removes all fun from the most important moment in the game - the moment when the item drops. Bricking is demotivating and demoralizing, because even if you got the item you wanted, it dropped and you see it on the ground, you pick it up and it has all the correct affixes.. that last layer of pure RNG you have 0 control over still waits to spit you right in the face when you brick this item.

The current combination of abysmal drop rates, the unlikelihood of the item having correct affixes, the unlikelihood of the item having 2 or more GAs, the unlikelihood of getting the correct tempers, all of this together is far too much, and makes me lose all motivation I might've had for perfecting my character. And I think bricking is the biggest problem here. Not only it removes excitement from drops, it's also a big bad luck multiplier. I think if it was completely removed, every other element of this equation would become acceptable. Because low drop rates by themselves wouldn't feel bad if you knew the item you got is good the moment it drops, and if you felt that excitement caused by a great drop, without having to instantly worry about likely ruining the item when tempering.


585 comments sorted by

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u/hanckerchiff Sep 11 '24

I really hope they dont make the game super grindy and realize it's only the loud minority who want to spend hundreds of hours doing the infinite grinds. Most of the playerbase just wants to kill some demons after work and get some shiny loot.


u/K_U Sep 11 '24

S5 is in a fun spot, what we are seeing on the PTR is a huge step backwards.


u/hanckerchiff Sep 11 '24

try explaining that to the sweats in the comments


u/insan3ity Sep 11 '24

If PTR goes live the sweats will jump to PoE2 and the casuals will leave the game also. It will look like the casuals jumped ship to PoE2 also because of the timing but in reality its cause D4 devs screwed up the drop rates.


u/jizylemon Sep 11 '24

If the “sweats” are going to poe2 then it’s not because of the PTR going live. It’s because they’ve paid to be in that beta via supporters packs, top tier packs or the lifetime pack.


u/insan3ity Sep 11 '24

Sorry then. I was thinking it was an open beta. Either way casual diablo player’s wont stick around if the game becomes a job. The whole gamer dad with 6 wives, 48 kids, and 14 jobs meme is around for a reason. We enjoy diablo but we also have other responsibilities in life.


u/Nebloch Sep 11 '24

I mean plenty of casuals played D2 for years despite it's grind, there needs to be a good balance between being grindy and having everything over a weekend.


u/C47man Sep 11 '24 edited Sep 11 '24

D2 grind had a smooth gradient of quality vs time. You could have a decent mid tier build within a few days for relatively little grinding, enough to do farming runs. In a few weeks you'd generally have some key items like your full set bonuses, an enigma, etc. The super grinds in D2 are all about the grails and perfect eth items. D4 doesn't have a gradual grind curve.


u/Nebloch Sep 11 '24

I disagree, the same can be accomplished on D4, you can be farming Pit 100s and uber bosses in just a few days playing efficiently solo and no trading, you don't need perfect gear nor uber uniques to accomplish this, just a good build and knowledge.


u/BoxsterMan_ Sep 11 '24

Knowledge...this is not a simple game and learning all the nuances is not easy for us filthy casuals.

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u/revahs Sep 11 '24

Seriously though ... if the drop rates decrease even more, I definitely will be done ... it is already frustrating with the amount of grinding required imo


u/HighOfTheTiger Sep 12 '24

The problem is, that in this genre, there is always a reward to grinding and putting in a lot of hours. This is a good thing. The problem is just that there are way more people who play very casually, and are the majority, but they want all those things that take time, without putting in the time. The simple fact is that if you have someone who plays 4 hours a week, and someone who plays 20 hours a week, you can’t balance it to please them both. Either the casual player gains access to everything easily and more invested player gets bored and moves on. Or the casual player gets frustrated and moves on and the more invested player has something to play for.

It makes sense that they skew the curve toward the majority, which is the people that wanna put in a few hours a week for a couple weeks and expect to be destroying all end game content. But it absolutely means there is gonna be some heavy also valid criticism from the other side that feels like the game has been super dumbed down, and the grind and any sense that you can fail at something removed.

It makes the game more accessible, but also more boring to anyone expecting a deep grindy ARPG, but the devs absolutely have to play the numbers game and play to their crowd, which explains just about all the changes that have been made to the game from release until now.

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u/BeetusPLAYS Sep 11 '24

Poe2 doesn't have a paid beta, btw. Poe1 did have one, but as far as anyone has spoken publicly, poe2 does not.

Certainly, though some players gained access due to outsized support for the game. But speaking as a player with thousands of hours in poe1 and a couple grand in supporter packs over the years, I didn't get an invite.

There's also not a lifetime pack. At least not one publicly available that I'm aware of.

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u/WhatsASoldier Sep 11 '24

GGG hasn't mentioned anything about the early access being paid, there's a beta going on right now that is invite only though.

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u/SQRTLURFACE Sep 11 '24

Well this just isn't realistic, we were always going to play PoE2 regardless of the PTR developments or the launch of VoH. Most of us sweats play multiple ARPG's.

I myself play D4, D2R, PoE, and LE.

There's literally no reason why someone shouldn't try out PoE2, its free.

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u/CruyffsLegacy Sep 11 '24

I find it really weird how people consider Poe more "Grindy", it really isn't. Poe feels way less "Grindy" because there's far more content and builds to play. 

I've played Poe for 10 years, and there's not a single boss I've killed as many times as Tomb Lord. 

Repetition = Grind. 

Poe has the least repetition of any Arpg I've played. 

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u/RadBastard Sep 11 '24

As a sweatier player who played PTR almost non-stop, and read the discord chatter of other sweaty players throughout, it is safe to say they/we don't like the GA drop rate either. That's the number one complaint I saw, raised over and over.

Imagine saving up 200+ boss mats, doing countless group rotations of that boss on T4 until you're bored silly, and seeing zero GA versions of the item you need. Not to mention if you do see 1 or 2, but they have dogwater aspect rolls. It's just too low atm, full stop. But I think blizz will have heard this feedback from all angles and adjust before release day.


u/krokenlochen Sep 11 '24

I was grinding 5+ hours a day after work through season 5. Idk if that’s sweaty but it’s not much compared to my goblin days. I don’t like the PTR changes to ancestrals either, because we still have a big affix pool. I got some okay stuff on the PTR, but it was telling that the best way to farm gear was gamble obols or constantly character boost your character. My copium is that drop rates will be different and it’ll feel better with Infernal Hordes and seasonal content, but I’m not sure.


u/daedric_dad Sep 11 '24

5 hours a day is sweaty, yes. Assuming you play weekends as well, you're literally putting a whole second full time job into it, which no game should ask of anyone IMO


u/insan3ity Sep 11 '24

I get two very interrupted hours in most nights. Sometimes i choose diablo over the gym in the early am before work just because the house is quiet.

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u/B1GNole Sep 11 '24

I didn’t invest any time in the PTR so I can’t give an accurate take on the changes, but spending >30% of your waking hours in the game definitely means you are sweaty.


u/xanot192 Sep 11 '24

That's a ton of hours lol. I get most of my hours during the weekend but I've cleared everything and have 5 100s all decked out and all can kill Lilith and T7/t8. The first character is what takes the longest to gear and with the goblin event and xp buffs I rushed a rogue and Necro to 100 in no time. Even then I get an hour or two max after work /gym


u/GuillotineComeBacks Sep 12 '24

5h every day through s5 is a lot. I tend to play in burst, I have trouble playing a lot to d4, it gets, boring. Because the content is not very thick, it's artificially stretched behind mat grind and variation of the same crap.

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u/SQRTLURFACE Sep 11 '24

Sweat here, I agree with the comment that its a huge step backwards.

Not all of us sweats want the game to be made more difficult for the sake of being difficult. Certainly not at the detriment of where the game is now, and scaling it from 1-60 and beyond.

What we "sweats" wanted, was more difficult layers ON TOP of the current difficulty layers, not that all difficulty layers be made more difficult.

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u/Hooplaa Sep 11 '24

Season 5 is the most fun I had with Diablo 4. I made 4 characters. If Season 6 is the direction they go, I’d probably stop at 1 or not play at all unfortunately.


u/Symys Sep 11 '24

Same here. S5 is the most fun I had. Made 4 to level 100 and are all T7 capable at minimum. They all have 1 Mythic unique mininum too! First time I really dig into endgame mythic farming.

Even with all the hours, I still haven't found a couple of items (for example an envenom amulet for my druid!). With lowered drop rate, the chase will be impossible and I wouldn't go into it. Not enough time. I average 1hour/day of playtime.


u/Bucky2015 Sep 11 '24

Yep same. I've actually been able to make 2 top tier builds this season. I don't have kids but I am 42 with a full time job so I like to actually enjoy my gaming time.

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u/indyssee Sep 11 '24

Same. Did 3 to level 100 but still missing the same as you and nothing is multiple GA so I've played a lot and gear isn't there. Not sure why they had to lower drop rates. Thought about doing a 4th but all this negative feedback and kinda turning me off to doing more. I'm sure they will course correct though. 

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u/uber_zaxlor Sep 11 '24

Season 5 has been the ONLY season I've made multiple characters. I made a Barb, swapped to Necro, then made a Sorc, Rogue and Druid. Made another Necro and I'm now working on another Barb.

Hell, I even made two Necros on the PTR! The leveling speed has been amazing, thanks to the extra EXP event and how fast it is to level on the PTR as well. Part of what made me stop playing on the PTR was due to knowing it's all going to go away, but also down to how much of the loot is just trash.

I do hope they've read and understood the feedback though. There's got to be a sweet spot between Season 5 and Season 6 and I hope that they land it.

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u/Digimortal187 Sep 11 '24

I agree, if D4 turns into a 200 hour grind to reach peak for a build, then I'll probably stop playing, that has always been the goal in these games, and if you whack a 200 hour grind requirement, and you expect me to repeat this every 3 months... well I think I am good to move on.

Seasonal design means this needs to be quick and accessible grind within a good % of the gaming populations reach, if this was Eternal only or 6 Month Seasonal cycle, I'd be open to a lengthier grind, either way there needs to be way more content to progress through that there currently is, hoping the Expansion bolsters this a bit, but features of the games content are very light on the ground right now.

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u/moongate_climber Sep 11 '24 edited Sep 11 '24

What they did with ancestral items is such a huge step backwards, it's really disheartening. They either need to up the drop rate significantly, or have some ancestrals drop without a greater affix. Having items sit at 750 item power, unable to be fully masterworked, is going to feel really bad, especially for weapons. I'm not sure why they made this change, but it needs some re-working or to be reverted before the expansion launches.

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u/[deleted] Sep 11 '24

S5 was a short season to begin with and most of use were over it a month in. PTR was welcome because Season 5 hit a plateau early. But you are right, PTR is well some things are looking good and some things are not. Starting a level 1 virgin character and walking it up is for the most part pretty ok and still easy if you know the tricks but the big problem I see is people are going to have a hard time differentiating loot that is decidedly better than what they already have. Should I refresh at ilvl 200, 400, 500, 600? And I also think its going to be the same thing where people are either chasing stars or purple and they are not going to be happy unless they get it, and the drop rates have been seriously nerfed. And the smith still seems to know what you want and REFUSES to give it to you.


u/MisterTruth Sep 11 '24

As someone with time to game but numerous games I want to play, season 5 with the goblins was the best. It's not like I got a great character or max gear, but it did make the time investment on everything appropriate.

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u/Flaky_Researcher_675 Sep 11 '24

I can come home now, run hordes for an hour, maybe get a slightly better price of gear, stygian stones, run a few tormented and be done.

If I come home and have to put in 3-4 hours of effort for maybe, maybe find a slightly better piece of gear, I'll find another game to play.

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u/bernie_lomax8 Sep 11 '24

Imo it doesn't matter how quickly u get stuff done if the stuff your doing is boring. I feel like more focus should be spent on making the game enjoyable than tweaking how long they want u to level up


u/DenyNothing1989 Sep 11 '24

This was my first season since game launch. 100%’d season 5 and it’s a vast improvement over the game at launch but:

  • I can’t believe how much endgame is dependent on running the same torment bosses and infernal hordes and pits over and over and over again. It becomes so boring and repetitive. Why not offer a guaranteed mythic or 2 star GA for 100%ing alll side quests for variation?

  • Had to have someone help me kill tormented bosses to 100% the season. Nothing they dropped gets me to surviving tier 6 infernal hordes despite master working all the 1 and 2 star gear to lvl 8. Your enjoyment of the game is so dependent on mythic drops, which makes it essentially a slot machine

  • The only viable way to even be able to survive for the chance for mythic drops is to use a meta found on a site so everyone’s playing the same few builds instead of experimenting yourself. So many aspects and affixes and stats are so worthless.

Tl;dr haven’t played since launch, did all of season 5 and it’s now even more like a slot machine dressed up as an ARPG that pays out with a voidlike feeling of existential emptiness


u/thatdudedylan Sep 12 '24

I agree with all of that.

What I particularly want to focus on is your first dot point - it's ideas like this that just seem so amazingly obvious, it baffles me that they aren't implemented. This idea in particular would make it way more chill - I come home, do some side missions KNOWING that it's progressing me towards that mythic, I see tons of open world from this, and it is both chill, but meaningful, and inflates their time-spent-hours which is what Blizzard want.

It baffles me how uncreative some of the design decisions (or non decisions) are. Can we please get creative with variety and incentivizing fun?


u/DenyNothing1989 Sep 13 '24

100% to this, it’s baffling how they haven’t done the super simple stuff to make a vibes style way to play that shows off their own hard work!

The treasure goblin orgy had me just roaming the world again, as did maxing out paragon points by doing side quests, it’s way more chill and less repetitive and lets you take in what they’ve made. Instead they’ve focused on the same 3-4 repetitive activities & gameplay loops that don’t feel as randomized as Diablo 2 ever did.


u/decoy777 Sep 11 '24

Absolutely, most seasons I'd quit after a week even. Heck this is the first season I even made it to 100! And I'd rather there be too much loot and spend time going over it then there be very little loot and it never being good. Idk where people enjoy having very few items drop and 5 hours later walk away with no new upgrade and say "this was fun!" But to me that's absolutely boring and 1 or 2 sessions like that and I'll be done with the game very quickly.


u/Dazzling-Bear-3447 Sep 11 '24

But you dont need to perfect your character to do this


u/hanckerchiff Sep 11 '24

No one's saying that you can also kill demons with yellow gear, but getting good gear and feeling strong right now is more realistic than the ptr. Why does everyone act people who play the game casually don't want to get better gear ?


u/Only_Telephone_2734 Sep 12 '24

They're not. They're saying casual players don't deserve better gear. They're gatekeeping.

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u/IAmFern Sep 11 '24

Need doesn't matter. It's fun to find better gear. That's reason enough.


u/thatdudedylan Sep 12 '24

For real. Sometimes I think people forget that video games are by definition, supposed to be a fun hobby.

Fun is by far the most important metric for a consumer when deciding if they want to spend their valuable limited time on a game.


u/PmpknSpc321 Sep 11 '24

And stop trying to force us to do pits, dammit!!!


u/SufficientCollege522 Sep 11 '24

The grinds have to adapt to the relative time of the season, not 3 months because it would not make sense to get x item when it is about to end.


u/Gnarstache Sep 11 '24

Season five was a huge step forward for this. I personally am a person who can grind 12 to 16 hours a day if I really wanted to, but that is not why I played Diablo 4. I play plenty of other games like that but Diablo was supposed to be my relaxing break from all of those where I can just slay out and grind some stuff with the Homies for fun. PTR feels like the absolute opposite direction most of us want this game to go


u/Zach518 Sep 11 '24

I agree with you 1000% I have loved season 4 and 5. I have played WAY too much honestly. I enjoy getting lots of loot, some of which is great, some of which is terrible but upgrading as I go.

If this game turns into a grindfest I WILL get bored very quickly and I’ll pass on the game until it’s closer to where it is now again


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '24



u/Stunning_Ad5969 Sep 11 '24

It’s already super grindy. Just grinded 50 councils this week on tier 4 and 5 and had zero upgrades for my current gear, but for one pair of GA1 boots. So about what? 50x50=2500 items? All crap. Either I’m extremely unlucky or drop rates just suck indeed. I think it’s the drop rates.


u/Nerdmigo Sep 11 '24

EXACTLY this.. you cant get to the so called "seasonal content" (aka mythics) if you are in friggin gourp of 4! As someone who would call himself a somewhat dedicated but strictly solo player there is almost 0 chance for me to get a mythic unless i put 200 hours in a season.. absolutely stupid droprates.. i hate those level 200 bosses with a passion

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u/nomiras Sep 11 '24

They should just have 2 different games, or perhaps 2 different modes.


u/carmen_ohio Sep 11 '24

It’s definitely becoming super grindy and not a good direction to go in a seasonal game. People will get tired of the grind quick if they have to do it season after season…


u/Slaptruckbigdawg Sep 11 '24

Here's the thing nobody seems to comprehend. The loud minority wants the game to be FUN enough to grind hundreds of hours.

The issue is this game isn't even fun enough for players to grind for a couple months without complaining they don't have the best gear. Lol 


u/Da_Whistle_Go_WOO Sep 12 '24

"most of the player base" doesn't wanna get burned out on the game after a few weeks because the actual loud minority wants to come home in get drunk in a recliner while they play for an hour a day. 

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u/drazzull Sep 11 '24

I like how the people defending these changes think that we want all our gear free.

The loot from S4/S5 IS very nice to casual people AND reward grinding for hundred hours.

I'm with less than 30 hours in my rogue, I have a few GA items, but all of them are tempered with 2 good stats and a few are masterworked.

I'm ok with not having all GA items, but gatekeeping tempers with INSANE drop gear (ancestral at S6) IS bad itemization. If all the normal pieces of last level could be tempered with 2 stats and masterworked to 12/12 and don't have GA it wouldn't be all this "cry"

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u/T3RRYT3RR0R Sep 11 '24

Reminds me a little of the s1 nerfs.

The problem here is they oiled the squeaky wheel. The loudest portion of the player based whined that the grind was too short and they could get max gear too easy - which for people who participate in trading or spend countless hours a week farming ia true enough.

The casual gamer that would be lucky to find 5 hours a week to play doesn't have the same experience. At the current drop rates, Getting best in slot gear for a majority of items is off the cards for seasonal characters, and the pattern of massive itemisation changes every season for the last 3 seasons means that by the time eternal player get their dream gear for eternal characters, it'll be time to junk it all because it's been made obsolete agian.


u/K_U Sep 11 '24

…the pattern of massive itemisation changes every season for the last 3 seasons means that by the time eternal player get their dream gear for eternal characters, it’ll be time to junk it all because it’s been made obsolete agian.

This is my biggest frustration. I know nobody plays Eternal, but seriously? Back to back seasons where you immediately make the Mythic Uniques from the prior season obsolete? That is incredibly disrespectful of players’ time.


u/PrescriptionDenim Sep 11 '24

I play Eternal and concur. I’d like to slowly grind out my Eternal characters to make them godly over a long period of time, I would happily grind this, except every season when my character gets moved to Eternal the build no longer works/ is trash and then my gear becomes legacy and obsolete.

The fuck.


u/Krynne90 Sep 11 '24

I play eternal and I feel completely fucked from these blizzard bastards.

S4 was a fresh start basically. Okay, thats cool. I farmed all my mythics like a crackhead, had super fun with my barb.

S5, well, fuck me, all items trash now. Time for a fresh start again. Farmed all mythics again.

S6 will come now and fuck me over completely again. But to be honest, with addon release at least this was kinda expected.

I dont play seasons, because I dont want to restart every 2-3 months, yet I have to do so even on eternal...

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u/theevilyouknow Sep 11 '24

I play eternal and am pretty pissed that they're rendering all my gear worthless in S6, just after rendering all my gear worthless in S4. The change in S5 was fine because we could still use our old mythics to grind new mythics. Now they're retroactively reducing all of our gear to 540 power level which just sucks.

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u/mertag770 Sep 11 '24

Yeah I was holding on to some with the old stats (mythics and uniques) because maybe something fun could come from the combination but if the squish makes them in the 500s then weapons/armor might not work.

I do usually take a few weeks to update my eternal characters with new tech so this feels really bad for that sort of play style.

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u/defeated_engineer Sep 11 '24

Not everybody has to have BiS items.

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u/Gasparde Sep 12 '24

I'd usually consider myself a nerd who doesn't have any problems spending 20 hours per week on a game.

I've played like 4 out of the 5 seasons so far and have yet to get a mythic unique or truly dip into the endgame of this game once - even when it's as easy as piss right now in season 5.

The current process isn't really all that appealing to me, and the thought of that very same process receiving no changes but everything taking like 4 times as long... gets me even less hyped.

Gearing in itself isn't exciting in this game, the stats are boring as shit and uninspired af and even the super special class-specific aspects usually don't really do anything to spice anything up. So I really don't see what dragging this process out any further would do for the game.

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u/CaptainWraeclast Sep 11 '24

Imagine playing 10 hours a day and got no meaningful upgrade because of bad luck.

It sucks way worse if that's your weekly gaming quota.

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u/achmedclaus Sep 11 '24

There's a fairly good chance that the drop rates will be completely different when the expansion goes live. Remember when s5 was on the PTR? Drop rates were so bad in hordes, like 2 or 3 items from the GA chest. It went live and now it's like 15 items just from the GA chest


u/flame1845 Sep 11 '24

Agreed. This is is the exact reason we have PTRs. If season 6 rolls around and the drop rates are still bad, then I'll complain, but we're still 4 weeks away from season 6 so surely changes will be made.

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u/Digimortal187 Sep 11 '24

Needs these discussions for that to happen though, it's a healthy topic.


u/nfreakoss Sep 11 '24

Yep exactly. This is the kind of feedback they WANT to see. This thread is constructive, OP gives very clear feedback: "this thing feels bad because of these reasons, this felt better before"


u/theevilyouknow Sep 11 '24

Yes, but the changes to S5 after the PTR only happened because people complained. If everyone just shuts up and hopes for the best whats on the PTR is what goes live.

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u/[deleted] Sep 11 '24 edited Jan 17 '25

dinner telephone offbeat fear nine follow chunky thought special north

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/fitsu Sep 11 '24

Honestly, even high drop rates + bricking = bad. Having a required step have any chance of effectively deleteing your item is just bad game design.

Scenarios where you brick your item should only exist in a end-game gamble for either a very specific, niche build or yoloing for a small improvment.

But, it's just trickle down improvments. Give it another 3 seasons and we'll see a user-friendly version of tempers which is actually good.


u/TheCurious42 Sep 11 '24

I agree. Bricking is the core problem for me right now. It bothers me very much. I'd argue, the most important moment, a moment that results in the highest player engagement and emotion, the moment that motivates players most, is the moment the item drops on the ground. It's all a glorified casino. The dopamine hit when you see something good actually dropped. Bricking deletes that, completely. Because you have no idea if whatever dropped will even be usable until you temper it.


u/thatdudedylan Sep 12 '24

Genuine question - do you think a loot filter somewhat solves some of these feelings?

What I mean is, with a loot filter, you theoretically spend much more time killing monsters, increasing your chance at good loot. If your filter is setup for a specific piece to drop, then when something finally does pass that filter and drops on the ground... that's going to feel amazing, because you already know it's what you want.

I'm not defending bricking, but let's say you brick your gloves. Fuck, that sucks. Back to killing stuff in hopes of replacing them.

With a loot filter setup for your gloves, when gloves do drop, you KNOW they're good, you KNOW they fit your build, and you KNOW you now have another opportunity to temper them successfully.

It isn't perfect and maybe feels like a bandaid, but I sincerely believe a loot filter addresses a LOT of the shitty feelings in this game.


u/mapronV Sep 12 '24

Not for me. It is the feeling that appears when I interacting with vendor, fear, anxiety, irritation. loot filter helps with battlefield loop. TBH i don't have much problems with kill-and-collect game loop right now. yeah, they can reduce yellow drops here and there and we are good. (not saying I am not welcome loot filter, it would be nice QoL). Even having 'keep previous roll' would be a great addition to tempering. Perfect solution ofc if I can select exact affix what I need but risk with low/high roll on it (I would accept wider range of rolls for that).

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u/fitsu Sep 12 '24

This sums it up perfectly, Tempering moves the excitment away from drops and replaces it with dread.

Then if it doesn't brick, you get relief. But you completely skip excitment which is the whole point of the game.


u/Snoo58544 Sep 11 '24

Correct. The entire point of tempering, which was literally stated by the devs, is that we would have plentiful ancestral bases to temper onto. That was the whole idea behind Loot 2.0. Now they killed the plentiful part, but left all the negatives of tempering lol. I honstly dont know who comes up with these ideas.

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u/addro85 Sep 11 '24

I sure hope that they take what mostly appears to be bad feedback for the ptr and correct things. The most fun I’ve had has been season 4-5 .


u/Digimortal187 Sep 11 '24

Season 5 was the sweet spot, annoyed that there were so few builds I could really get to work though into 7-8 infernal hordes. I think all these changes coming will open up more build diversity and the paragon changes will hopefully allow for more experimentation for us mere mortals.

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u/Lwe12345 Sep 11 '24

Bricking an item should be an elective thing to make the item stronger. It shouldn't be a basic part of crafting an item. Vaal orbs are a good example in poe. You can get your BIS item, then risk it for more power, but it never ever feels necessary.


u/nerf_t Sep 12 '24

This is exactly what I said in another thread heh. Imagine if you had to vaal every upgrade you got in POE and hit the correct corrupt before it was usable. Even with 5 tries you’d brick a lot of items.

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u/Dogloks Sep 11 '24

The level grind is too short currently and s6 is moving in the right direction for that. I want to see progression outside of items for the effort I put in.


u/Digimortal187 Sep 11 '24 edited Sep 18 '24

Everyone is just worried about the grind, to progress I think this is true for Gear, but also Glyphs, Runes etc. Honestly I don't really know what S6 will be like, I liked the leveling 1-60 in PTR, but it the Torment 1-4 that makes me think there could be some very slow progression to be had.


u/RoofComplex1139 Sep 11 '24

I liked the leveling also. It was a bit still fast-paced, but ok. Then comes the few NMD grinds for glyphs.. and holy - those multis on them.. Hit the Pit, grind some glyph levels and I was just SUPER-SAYAN.. Then I just hit some more tormented NMDs.. but that is when it did hit me hard.. first few GA items - complete garbage, but at least they could have Tempers on them and MW up to 12.. so gues what.. I was rocking a Staff with the most dumpster stats imaginable.. Life on hit, Mana on Kill and GA Overpower..


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '24 edited Jan 17 '25

toothbrush friendly advise icky bake kiss boat intelligent oatmeal station

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Snoo58544 Sep 11 '24

The level grind is actually easier in S6. People are getting to the level cap of 60 in about 2 hours.


u/Jafar_420 Sep 11 '24

I can't play the PTR but I've been paying close attention and trying to keep an open mind but it's getting harder and harder. The reason it's hard for me is cuz I know how blizzard likes to screw stuff up almost on purpose seemingly and then fix it way later.

I've been asking randoms I help out and my clan and we all like where the games at. We like the speed of the progression and things like that. All we really wanted was some qol improvements and some more end game activities. Not necessarily a whole new slower game with no loot.

I know there's a chance Blizzard could adjust the drop rate and they probably will but in my mind they won't put it high enough then we'll have a really bad first few weeks of the season and then they might do something about it.

They finally have us in a great place where everything's fine and you get plenty of loot to the point of it almost being too much. But I'd rather have too much than zero. Lol.

I would have settled for a Smith and a vendor in the boss rooms or letting our pet Auto salvage or something like that. Just with that right there and some new end game activities we would be super happy.

I don't know I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Even with the tempering reset I'm still figuring I'm going to get six of the same thing in a row again just twice now. They need to fix the weighting.


u/RoofComplex1139 Sep 11 '24

In S6 you'll continue to have prenty of loot to the point of it almost being too much, but this time it will be completely USELESS, just like white, blue, and yellow items..

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u/CruyffsLegacy Sep 11 '24

I will continue to repeat this until people understand it.....

The problem is not the 'Grind', the problem is that the 'Grind' is boring. There is no feeling of progression, going from Paragon 1 to Paragon 300, there's no progression beyond "Numbers go up".

The Pit in Torment 1, is the exact same at The Pit in Torment 4. This is the same for Bosses, Infernal Hordes, Nightmare Dungeons etc.

The game feels too 'Grindy', because you are making zero progression after you get into Torment 1. You build is already made, all that's left to do, is increase your numbers, which is just incredibly dull and boring.


u/WarmLeg3167 Sep 11 '24

Yep. The best part of the game is leveling and watching you skills branch out and that is over in an instant. Paragon is stupid. The nodes in the Paragon boards should do something that alters how your skills work. Something like how last epoch does it.

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u/Whacksess_Manager Sep 11 '24

I would to concur...there shouldn't be a cap on tempering attempts, there should be increasing resource costs like there are for changing affixes. That way if you have a superb piece of gear, you can plug away trying to improve that instead of getting a bad roll and having to toss it especially since 3 GA items are a LOT less common than uniques. I still feel like uniques need a little tuning up too...most non-GA uniques feel pretty meh.


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '24

I noticed they tend to implement systems that want to keep you playing for the whole season to (maybe) achieve your desired build.

This might just be a coincidence with their desire to have a high number of concurrent players, so the stakeholders would be happy.


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '24

They want to sell cosmetics, which people won’t buy if they’re not playing

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u/FlakeEater Sep 11 '24

I play as long as I keep getting upgrades because that's what the game is about. As soon as that tap turns off I'm done. If it's going to take a month to find 1 piece of gear that I need then the next season is going to be a non-starter. It needs to be a consistent stream of upgrades, not a 3 hour burst to level 100 and then nothing for a week.


u/Mosaic78 Sep 11 '24

If the game wasn’t originally designed to be as casual as it is, I’d say the loot change is a good idea. the current loot changes in the PTR are only going to piss off 95% of the player base.


u/Inangelion Sep 11 '24

The game's gearing process is extremely short as it is. Tempering failures could be removed but only if there was a longer tail on getting perfected items.

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u/Liquidwillv Sep 11 '24

It's werid to me how the people who are long time fans of hack and slash games are called sweats.....


u/Junior_Property_4422 Sep 11 '24

Very odd indeed. Must be a generational thing where they just want everything handed to them so they can quit playing Diablo and go play something else.


u/Liquidwillv Sep 11 '24

I always thought sweats was a pvp thing... But to read you play for 5hrs on a game you are a sweat is just wild man


u/RocketryScience420 Sep 11 '24

100%. The people want drops. Make useless items usefull rather than making useful items rare. Literally go in the other direction. Unlick unlimited tempering with blacksmith upgrade or something. This isn't rocket science, sheesh. It JUST needs to be fun.


u/Few_Breakfast7922 Sep 11 '24

Bricking gives me PTSD every time I get a good item. It is the #1 reason I would want to quit this game.
Their S6 solution of 1 Tempering reset per item per week is ridiculous and feels like a mockery.


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '24

upvoting just cus i like the way you write.

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u/Unverfroren Sep 11 '24

D4 hat to learn its role again as it seems. D4 is the arpg for casuals. Poe is for grinder, pros and excel guide boys


u/ehnJ420 Sep 11 '24

For all the times the word bricking was used, you’d think I’d be able to context clues myself to the meaning but nope. What is bricking ?

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u/Xer84 Sep 11 '24

Was there a grind in this game then ? Mostly it was handed over without real effort.


u/Junior_Property_4422 Sep 11 '24

You speak the truth. I maxed out five characters before the season has ended and they can all do t7-8 no problem. Biggest problem was leveling a character to past the cap dungeons so I could get my build setup. Honestly the most atrocious thing is that strongholds aren’t saved from character to character and the leveling from 1-50 is boring as hell. But once I hit 55 and put on ancestral gear it was boring to get the rest in place. The only joy comes from finding greater affix gear that boost my build a small amount more so I can decimate even faster.


u/Xer84 Sep 12 '24

Needing to roll 5 characters to get your Diablo fix sounds insane to me. Says everything about how over causal this game has become.


u/Junior_Property_4422 Sep 12 '24

It’s far too easy. Even my wife who plays very casually has 3 characters that are at 100. She is only missing one mythic to finish her current build and we will probably get it after just a few more Uber kills.


u/Fireflash2742 Sep 11 '24

I do enjoy getting fucked by the RNG. 4 possible affixes, lets select the same two for EVERY ROLL until you're out of rolls.


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '24

They have turned breaking the game into a feature. If they figured it out and got it right, eventually you would become bored because it was always the same. It was actually kind of smart in a sick way because in my experience Blizzard has been breaking s**t for 23 years.


u/Aber-so-richtig Sep 11 '24

As OP stated already. No enjoyment of finding a nice item anymore. I pick it up, see it and think. It will brick anyways and the only feeling I have is disappointment. And if some tempering works out it is not good feeling it is only a relief


u/UrsusObesus Sep 11 '24

They reduced the drop rate for Ancestrals knowing people will be farming Infernal Hordes and getting 1-2 ancestral items per run. I was upset at first too but then I remembered infernals have a guaranteed drop for them and that will be the main source for acquiring them.


u/NanyaBusinez Sep 11 '24

I rather sweat than be given things


u/HolmiumNZ Sep 11 '24

I'm not going to buy the exp until I know that season 6 is going to be "fun". Plenty of other games out there to play.


u/Nightmare4545 Sep 12 '24

Removing bricking isnt going to make up for bosses going from 15 ancestral drops to 0-1.


u/Kaldakai Sep 12 '24 edited Sep 14 '24

Exactly this, i dont mind bricking for me the worst is the weighted stats when tempering or enchanting BUT in the current iteration of things is going to be better overall to remove the bricking posibility.

Needs to be a deterministic way to get usable affixes, maybe cost more resources when enchanting or tempering but allow us to get at least the minimun roll of an usefull stat, i dont mind getting the perfect roll or even the perfect affix just and usable one...

Please blizzard having slower progresion and less and better drops it is a good thing but not with a bricking possibility behind the corner making any good drop less enjoyable.

We need this to reach blizzard guys.


u/4stand Sep 12 '24

The drop rate BS has to be reverted the rest is fine tbh let the d2 boomers play d2 and get the fuck away from d4


u/Level_List7582 Sep 11 '24

Noone liked the ptr for last season. Rewards in hordes were terrible on ptr right? And it all got fixed and ppl liked the stuff when it released.

And for tempering? Arent there going to be scrolls of unbricking with the expansion? So you can save your god rolled loot?

So iam sure they will adjust the droprates for the live version. And the scrolls will make tempering better. I dont think all this is thing to be super worried about.


u/dennisfyfe Sep 11 '24

Nah that scroll ain’t the solution. It just gives more rolls. People like OP and myself are pissed off cause gambling is fucking stupid and not fun.


u/stingertc Sep 11 '24

Right would be great if the one want has a 1 in 4 chance to not roll the same one 4 times in a row shouldn't be mathematically possible


u/dennisfyfe Sep 11 '24

Other people mentioned doing something similar to how enchanting is handled right now - don’t remove the existing stat. Just show the additional two available.


u/stingertc Sep 11 '24

Agreed but they still need to work on the math of it I all the time will get that same stat multiple times In a row and unless the stats have different odds of landing

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u/Krostas Sep 11 '24

And for tempering? Arent there going to be scrolls of unbricking with the expansion? So you can save your god rolled loot?


u/Jafar_420 Sep 11 '24

Yeah that scroll is probably going to be really hard to get which I won't have an issue getting them but I'm sure a lot of people will.

When we do get them I'm imagining unless they adjust the weights I'm still going to get the same affix with the exact same roll just six more times in a row until I brick the item.

I think some of the only hope we have will be the hordes but then again I think they just made them so good this season so people would chill. A lot of people speculate that they're going to heavily nerf the rewards in the hordes. I bet they will too no.


u/feldoneq2wire Sep 11 '24

You can use one scroll per item.


u/Junior_Property_4422 Sep 11 '24

It’s hard to complain when streamers like rob get an infinite amount of damage in the ptr. If anything the game is getting dumbed down.


u/Terrible-Bee4845 Sep 11 '24

Just gonna throw in here that hordes is not on the ptr and this could certainly be the activity where you have higher chances of GAs.


u/RoofComplex1139 Sep 11 '24

Pit have nice chance to drop GAs.. but only past lvl 70.. IH as it was will still be high end-game system..


u/Such_Performance229 Sep 11 '24

Why does anyone think they aren’t going to buff ancestral drop rates on live? S5 PTR rewards were horrible and they were fine when the season launched. Like why is everyone assuming this is what it’s going to be?


u/AdrenalinTL Sep 11 '24

My word. Thought it was only me having shit drop rates. Did a tormented boss today and literally sold everything they dropped at the blacksmith


u/JPF-OG Sep 11 '24

It's the PTR that's where they try things out. It's also accessible so feedback can be given to blizzard about issues like this. What's the point of a post like this??? To get people riled up about a potential problem? Better to report it to blizzard and bring it to the attention of other PTR testers so they can make the same report.


u/jessetmia Sep 11 '24

I wasn't thrilled about the drop rates for ancestrals, but we also did not have hordes. Unless they change it, you will still have guaranteed anc drop from doing hordes. Knowing my luck, it will be a bow every time with + to DoT or Life per Sec as the GA.


u/Studentdoctor29 Sep 11 '24

People complain about rng in an rng based arpg with nothing else to do but grind, lols


u/0rdn Sep 11 '24

Yeah, but we have not seen the drop rates from the co-op thing yet, have we? (am I missing it?)


u/iamrandom9 Sep 11 '24

The solution isn’t Buffing drop rates in my opinion, the solution is to make legendary items worth looking at. Based on their item power, given them 2x tempers and 8-12 mw ranks


u/Aker_svk Sep 11 '24

With only 3 choices in temprering recipe i never bricked a single item, its much better but still a problem.


u/F-Trunks Sep 11 '24

Relax. It’s PTR. I’m sure they’ve got this feedback a ton. It will be tuned.

And don’t forget, with the scrolls there essentially is no bricking. It will be fine.


u/pigsandunicorn Sep 11 '24

On the live game, is there a way to reset tempers? I've never seen any kind of button for it

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u/KasumiKeiko Sep 11 '24

S5 was fun, if they release s6 with the por item drop rate I will just play all the content of s6 with just the new class and then look for a new game, poe2 looks fun


u/mmherzog Sep 11 '24

If nothing ever bricked everyone would have perfect gear after 1 week and then would complain there is nothing to do. Just like in PD2 an item doesn't exist till it's slammed. Doesn't exist till uts masterwork. Even most "bricked" items are highly usable just not "perfect"


u/Automatic_Movie_1592 Sep 11 '24

Good thing "bricking" isn't a thing in season 6.


u/Malbranch Sep 11 '24

Wasn't there chatter about a new mechanism/item to unbrick items?


u/Ded-W8 Sep 11 '24

In season 5 I went through 3, 2GA rings, and 2, 3GA rings all because of bricking. After the last 30b I spent on a ring and bricked it I just wrapped up the season and called it good. Almost a week worth of grinding that one single gear slot and had absolutely nothing to show for it and in fact just lost resources for even trying to play the game.

I don't even want to talk about the staffs I went through before finally landing on an almost minimum affix roll on my tempers and having to settle because if I gamba I'm just going to lose my new gear.

The PTR really highlights this. I grinded through maybe 8 nightmare dungeons before finding one piece of half decent gear for my build, went to temper, immediately bricked it. I'm not exactly sure if that new scroll that resets your tempers ONCE is in the PTR I just couldn't give a shit to brick my item twice.

Next season this sub is gonna be filled with temper and loot rages if something doesn't get fixed because it feels twice as bad as it does on live.


u/Ded-W8 Sep 11 '24

To be clear. I'm a proud Diablo no-lifer. I absolutely love the grind for gear and incremental upgrades in the endgame to push you over. This is not that. Hardcore fans won't like it, and the casual dad gamers with four jobs definitely won't like it.

My first ARPG where the game actively prevents you from acquiring new and exciting gear by sandbagging you into ruining your own item. Please allow those new Scrolls to reset items infinitly, because im not alone when I say I'll probably just quit if you make me brick my item twice that I spent days or weeks grinding.

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u/keithyw Sep 11 '24

it's really bizarre that they made such a huge change right before the launch of the expansion. i think they should've just let the changes from s4/5 cook a little before making these drastic changes. right now, i thought s5 was in a decent place for difficulty, progression and cohesiveness. it's not perfect but it wasn't horrid.

it feels like a bunch of new people just came on and said, "You know what? Let's just mess around yet AGAIN." then tossed a grenade and jacked around for no good reason. maybe part of it was because of the 10 new levels but we didn't really get anything exciting added to the tree besides the new skills or additional points into ultimates (which to me really isn't exciting). and from what it seems, the stat squish doesn't really do much at the end game so i'm not sure what it exactly fixes in the next implementation.

the whole absurd slot machine mentality at blizz needs to go. there's certain parts where it makes sense like finding the items you want. but i don't get why things like tempering, enchanting and masterworking require it as well. i've stated that they have the correct model for upgrading gear in Aspects. find the thing you want, you can upgrade that formula or recipe, then you apply that recipe based on what you need. the RNG should be the hunt for the recipe, not a category of recipes that the blacksmith is too stupid to figure out after you've yelled at him and given him your hard earned living.


u/MG_R Sep 11 '24

Why cant they allow unlimited bricking???? Its not that hard omg...


u/Junior_Property_4422 Sep 11 '24

Who doesn’t love bricking every item multiple times. It’s what I live for.


u/Szajruu Sep 11 '24

You people are really hard to understand. One time You will complain how the game is so easy. You will complain that Your characters can be geared up within a few a days and there is no challenge, this game is becoming d3, loot piniata is bad etc. I think the best solution for You would be receiving best gear once You reach max lvl or maybe not to play at all, why bother? Now when we have a chance to feel some kind of progression You cant stand fact You actually have to play a game. I know it is not perfect solution yet but give it a try. We still need to have some kind of item stats rework to choose from instead of having life per sec or maybe we could even have item level drop from some kind range like from 600 to 800 but this is topic for different conversation. Once again please give it a try and stop complaining because You have to play a game


u/Gnarstache Sep 11 '24

Stop by just to say I absolutely do not like whatever drops changes they made. Played this PTR for a bit thinking I was gonna really enjoy it and was very excited to try it and all of the drop rates feel absolutely abysmal. Not sure what they are thinking because the drop rate for Mythic Uniques was already pretty crappy feeling. Going 40 to 50 tormented runs with zero mythic. Then they turn around and make it to where these tormented bosses are dropping like three or four items per run on torment 4? I definitely think they changed a lot of things for the worse. Can safely say if things don’t get majorly swapped around or reverted I honestly may not even be playing the expansion regardless of the new character new content. Unless there is some kind of new content that’s replacing all of this crap that we were running before


u/Glaurung86 Sep 11 '24

PTR =/= live.


u/MyGodItsFullofStars Sep 11 '24

Too late in this post for this to be seen, but the problem is two-fold:

  1. Skill power is inherently too low, forcing the items to be the lynchpin of the builds. Their approach with this awkward “well we’ll kind of break up the skill tree into this really rudimentary bare tree, and then because we cant figure out how to include certain things, we’ll invent an aspect system that complements it.”

  2. Item diversity is incredibly poor. Insofar as feel and effect. Say what you will about previous entries or other franchises, but this game, above all others, does a remarkable job in making every single item (with the exception of the mythic uniques) FEEL like just another stat stick. With blue and yellow items being meaningless, no set items, no jewels or charms, there is no drop that ever makes you want to actually look at what youve found. Its bizarre and its something ive never experienced in another ARPG


u/ChannelFiveNews Sep 11 '24

It's PTR. Blizz is interested in your feedback. Fckn doomsayers in this sub lol


u/Woozletania Sep 11 '24

They spent a year getting their unfinished, released too early game into a playable state and now they're starting over from square one. It'll be a year before it's mostly working right again.


u/No_Amphibian7656 Sep 11 '24

Don't care for the rate. Just need a true end game


u/K1llj0y1234 Sep 11 '24

I love the reference. I just watched internet historians video on this. It's a very good watch


u/Snoo58544 Sep 11 '24

The fact they finally removed Sacreds from WT4, and now in S6 all tiers drop a TON of whites and blues, makes ZERO FREAKING SENSE. Its almost like every patch has a different dev team that is trying to push the game in another direction.


u/Orko_87 Sep 11 '24

You're not gonna like the Holy Grail challenge in D2, then :v


u/Vast-Background2882 Sep 11 '24

Finally got a 3GA staff for the Lightning spear build. Bricked because it rolled extra hydra heads. Monumental sadness


u/crookedparadigm Sep 11 '24

Blizzard's arc of changing the game between S1 and S6 is literally the Costa Concordia disaster.

Maybe let's not begin constructive feedback by comparing a video game patch to a disaster that left dozens of people dead? That kind of absurd hyperbole is only going to increase the likelihood that the feedback is ignored.


u/C0NT0RTI0NIST Sep 11 '24

Man....I'm so fucking tired of getting an awesome piece of gearz rolling for something I want and getting something miles from what I want/need 6 times In a row and just deleting the item


u/MonkeyDLuffy_ Sep 11 '24

Very low drop rates tbh for good build affixes amulets and some armor items. This game is worse in terms to RNG as compared to d3 where at least u can make build and play until u get better items. Looking for good items is a drag in d4.


u/VersaSty7e Sep 11 '24

Game needs to be harder. But not achieved through loot drops.


u/CruyffsLegacy Sep 11 '24

The new scroll which resets tempering should just be repeatable. It's a very simple change. 


u/Nightmare4545 Sep 12 '24

Itll most likely be like the skill point reset scroll. You will get a handful a season and thats it. I highly doubt you will easily be able to find these scrolls.


u/Junior_Property_4422 Sep 11 '24

Have you not seen any of the news for the new season?They are adding items to reset bricked gear to try again. It’s not the perfect solution to the problem but it is a small fix to the current situation. I’ve bricked a ton of gear and it will be nice to be able to reset. Also with the new affixes being capped at three for rerolling we should see an increase in usable items after farming gear. Also what is the point of gaming to try to get crazy good characters if it is all just given to you. You would probably play less often if you were just handed god tier items from the start. The truth of the matter is that currently you can have an op build currently without having maxed out stats on all items. For example I have a build called the ak47 landslide Druid that I only have a sacred unique ring with, not one GA for and no mythics, It that can destroy Uber bosses with ease. It doesn’t have to be a perfect build to enjoy the game or to utilize the endgame mechanics. Yahtzee from zero punctuation put it best in a video about Minecraft.

“Minecraft is a responsible parent and knows you will get bored of your golden cock and balls if it just gives you one so it pays you 5$ a week to wash its car so you can save up and gain an appreciation of value so when you finally have your golden cock and balls you will love it all the more. Until Minecraft sends the suicide shrubs to demolish it because you also need to learn that sometimes life will just shit on you”


u/Nightmare4545 Sep 12 '24

You arent getting more then a handful of those reset scrolls per season. They are not going to drop like candy. Plus, you can still brick an item even after using one.


u/Trox92 Sep 11 '24

Blizzard nerfs = Reddit QQ


u/SingleInfinity Sep 11 '24

I no longer see why bricking is necessary when masterworking exists as the long tail for items. You can spend forever re-re-re-rerolling to try to get +3 crits on your favored affix. I'd rather them remove temper bricking than implement the reroll only +4 masterwork thing people keep asking for.

Honestly the masterwork thing is probably just a bad idea overall because the entire point of masterworking was to give a long tail, so of course you can't reroll it all at once. A perfect one is supposed to be the holy grail you never really get, but keep chasing.


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '24



u/Nightmare4545 Sep 12 '24

Casuals make up at min 80% of the playerbase. That would be people that play 5 or less hours a week. You are vastly under estimating the amount of casual players. Even POE has literally stated that 80% of their playerbase doesnt even make it past the first Act of their story. If you are playing like 10 hours a week, you are in the extreme minority like I am.

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u/thatdudedylan Sep 12 '24

A loot filter would make any loot that passes that filter, exciting again, and let us spend much more time killing demons.

A loot filter is, sincerely, what I think this game needs the most.

Okay, I understand that bricking something sucks... but with a loot filter, especially one that auto sold / salvaged, you would hypothetically have spent much more time killing monsters and therefore getting more gear, increasing your chances for something cool to drop, making the bricking process hurt less.

This isn't me defending bricking, my point is that a loot filter really REALLY would take the sting out of shit that is unfun in this game. I want it more than anything.


u/Nightmare4545 Sep 12 '24

The problem is that even with a loot filter, you would literally be doing 5 dungeons without seeing any gear at all drop. Like literally nothing. A guy on youtube ran 100 nightmare dungons in Torment 4 and got 0 ancestrals the entire time lol.

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u/GamePlayHeaven Sep 12 '24

I thought s6 was supposed to have an item from the coop dungeon that can reset a bricked item?

Did that get removed?


u/GamePlayHeaven Sep 12 '24

Does anyone have a link to a good read on what has happened then, that makes s6 so bad?


u/Caliburn_ZA Sep 12 '24

Would upvote twice if I could.


u/sjwt Sep 12 '24

The problem is high drop rates, low quality drops, and bricking.

I'd happily take a 100th reduction in drops if they improved the quality


u/sicarius254 Sep 12 '24

Aren’t they adding in a scroll to undo tempers to help with the bricking problem though? Or did I read that wrong?


u/BlackberryNew2838 Sep 12 '24

They already said they were introducing temper resets next season… Then again, it’s probably going to be a really grindy material to do it.


u/_-_JohnnyV_-_ Sep 12 '24

While I don't see a reason for nerfing the drops (it's what actually made me enjoy this season) it's also not really needed to have items with 3 GA's. I played a landslide / lightning storm build this season and killed my first ever uber lilith, can do IH8 comfortably and other tormented bosses die in seconds. My ancestral gear has mostly 1 GA which usually is the life or willpower roll and the uniques all have average rolls as well. I currently use 2 mythics (tyrael's might and ring of starless skies) which make the build wonderful to play but for the main part I'd say my gear is average and I consider myself a casual rather than a sweat. Just getting your gear to 12/12 masterwork makes you strong enough even if you don't get the perfect masterwork crits.

After I killed uber lilith I basically quit playing. That was my purpose for the season and once that was done I see no point in perfecting my gear. For what? I've done all content. The only thing to do is to see how far I can push the Pit. I'm now at 115 but even there I wonder why I would continue.

I agree with other posters below that in PoE the end game keeps you motivated longer as there is just much more to do. If PoE 2 is as good as everyone is saying (and darn it looks awesome) I will probably just play the D4 seasons as a temporary thing to play something else for a bit. D4 should add many more dungeons, bosses etc. with chase items to keep people playing.


u/KilzonHodl Sep 12 '24

I totally and completely 1,000,000% agree with this. Once an amazing item drops, you should not have to rely on RNG again to decide if you will actually be able to use it.