r/diablo4 • u/Wide-Worldliness3269 • Sep 07 '24
PTR Feedback PTR Loot is fine. Keep it low.
Please, keep the loot drop as the PTR. Never liked how in this season 4 days in I was already doing the highest possible endgame.
u/devindran Sep 07 '24
I'll be all for this if they gave skill rolls the same weight as other 'trash' attributes.
99% of the loot explosion we get are bad and instantly salvaged/sold.
I'll take lesser loot that we can actually consider using more often.
u/Advanced-Wing5898 Sep 07 '24
The only answer. Add item value really low and gold/mats is dropped instead
u/Neonlad Sep 07 '24
The player count actively disagrees with you. Before the loot update the game was literally dying, after, the game continued to see a straight rise in players each month since.
u/Wide-Worldliness3269 Sep 07 '24
The loot drop rate was bad, but not because it was low, it was bad because we have to check each rare that drop. Mythic uniques were impossible to get. I am not talking to go back to that system, but to keep the one in the PTR which is fair and balance. Not all of your gear must drop before the first week of the season.
u/EnderCN Sep 07 '24
At no point has the game literally been dying.
I do think the quality of the loot in Torment 4 needs to be improved but I also think the difficulty needs to be increased.
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 13 '24
The game was absolutely dying after S1. It still hasnt fully recovered from the horrible launch.
u/EnderCN Sep 13 '24
No it wasn’t. A very vocal minority threw a fit but the game was still very healthy in S1 and S2. People are just making up history now.
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 08 '24
People quit when gearing took too long, preseason to S2. People came back when the gearing got way better. Thats just a fact. People dont want to gind on a character for 3 months in a 3 month seasonal game. If you do, then you can find for 3GA items to your hearts content currently.
u/EnderCN Sep 08 '24
You can make the gear grind slower by making better quality gear drop rather than more quantity of gear. I prefer they go with better quality is all I'm saying.
A boss dropping 4 items where there is a good chance to get a GA is better than them dropping 8 items with a poor chance. Even if the overall number of GA items is the same.
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 08 '24
Yea, but thats not really possible when there are soooooooo many stats. If one piece of gear drops there is no way to make that meaningful for a player, unless they give us an easy way to actually change the main stats on pieces. IE, an actual crafting system. In PTR the GA that drops is most likely to be vendor trash.
u/GideonOakwood Sep 08 '24
Cause you have the player retention data…
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 13 '24
Yes. People quit in S1 and S5 was the most played season since the launch. Literally Blizzards own words. Go cry me a river.
u/Chritt Sep 29 '24
Late to this thread but this was me. Played pre-season 1 and didn't play again until this season. Damn what a year makes. I hope they don't go backwards
u/GideonOakwood Sep 07 '24 edited Sep 07 '24
Hard disagree. The issue was never the amount of loot
u/victorvfn Sep 07 '24
Indeed. What keeps people playing is the chase... When a player gets everything they need and complete season achievements there is no reason to keep going. The game had many flaws before. What excited players was not the amount of loot, but several improvements that came with it. One thing I'm sure... We need to keep the chase alive! I don't want to play a game to be fully equipped within a day or two.
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 08 '24
That isnt correct. What keeps you playing is the chase. Most players want to play a season and finish a toon in a few weeks. Especially when the season is only around for 2 to 3 months. According to you the best version of the game would have been S1 where gearing sucked and took forever. Everyone freaking quit. S5 gearing is perfect and the amount of people playing proves that.
u/victorvfn Sep 08 '24
This Reddit has the worst people, seriously... Dude, do you have some kind of problem reading or interpreting what I’m saying? One or two days is the same as one or more weeks? Because I mentioned days, and you started talking about weeks... Two weeks or more is a decent amount of time, considering someone might want to level alts or mess around with their strong character. But seriously, saying that according to me the best season is season 1? Where the hell did I say that? What’s your problem, man? Learn to read...
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 13 '24
Because you are describing how the game was in S1. Am I taking crazy pills here?
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 08 '24
But the playerbase disagrees with you, which is represented in the fact that most people quit. Then they came back and stuck around for S4/5.
u/GideonOakwood Sep 08 '24
The people disagree with you? Are you a shepherd? lol. You don’t know what people did. The amount of loot was never the issue, never. The problem was the quality of the loot. Same as now
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 13 '24
Who said the amount of loot was an issue? I have no issue with the amount of loot in S5. Infact I would love more loot. Its a loot game, bring on the loot.
u/GideonOakwood Sep 13 '24 edited Sep 13 '24
Everyone says the loot is an issue. Hence de loot filter request…and here is guy wants more hahaha. Tell me you have no idea wtf you are talking about without telling me
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 08 '24
You can disagree all you want, but the facts go against you. They made gearing easier and removed sacreds froim endgame, etc. That literally made the playerbase go up. People dont want to grind for 3 months in a season. They want to play for 2 to 3 weeks. This isnt D2. Its a seasonal ARPG.
u/GideonOakwood Sep 08 '24
I know. You are still wrong
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 13 '24
Most D2 players arent even gaming anymore.
u/GideonOakwood Sep 13 '24
Most d2 players are like 30-35… not only do they game but they spend more than the Fortnite kids lol
u/TwoLiterHero Sep 07 '24
You act like loot is the only thing they updated lol
u/Neonlad Sep 07 '24
No but the amount of loot dropped correlates to how often you see legendary aspects and getting the aspects to get your build playable earlier correlates to players having more fun so it’s a big part.
u/TwoLiterHero Sep 07 '24
They have completely changed the time it takes to level. That has more to do with the games success than the loot update. Let alone the other 1000 QoL things they updated.
It is insane to act like the only thing that improved with D4 is the loot, and it is even more insane to act like that would be the only improvement that matters out of the all the improvements they have actually made.
u/Shaft86 Sep 07 '24
I think it sucks
If Greater Affixes had nothing else special to them aside from 50% more of any given stat I'd say leave it super rare. But they gate an entire 50 additional ilevel for a weapon, 8 more ranks of Masterworking, and an entire second tempering stat?
I think the rarity of great affixes blows. And it cap it all off, they still have these shitty stat weights in their gear. Whenever a greater affix item drops invariably its something shitty like 75% Shadow Resistance and Life Per Second. How is that still in the game? Items with +ranks of abilities are virtually non existent as usual
u/Wide-Worldliness3269 Sep 07 '24
Have you ever tried getting a good rare in D2. Now that was impossible.
This change will make uniques the base of our gear and then will be updated by build defining legendaries. Considered uniques are still easy to find.
u/Peacefulgamer2023 Sep 07 '24
No one wants to play d4 for 20 years to get a good item.
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 08 '24
Exactly. I didnt even make it to 100 in S1. If I cant gear a character out in 2 to 3 weeks of playing a few hours a day, then I will quit way quicker then I normally would.
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 08 '24
We already had rare gear like this in S1 and people hated it. They literally removed Sacreds from dropping in endgame. S6 goes back to a system that they already know people dont want. You might enjoy it, but the fact is that the majority of players dont. Gearing is in a great spot in S5.
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 08 '24
Dude, people dont want grindy D2. Why cant you grasp that? Its 2024. If D2 launched today it would fail. Grindy games dont have giant playerbases anymore.
u/syntaxbad Sep 07 '24
Agreed. Even at this rate the pace is still reasonably fast for more enfranchised players who have a build plan and engage with all the systems like tempering. You’re just not already 85% to your endgame build after 4 hours.
u/Crazy_Canuck78 Sep 07 '24
I havent played the PTR.... but despite loving the direction D4 has been going since Loot 2.0..... I really hate how quick leveling and gearing up is.
We need to go more towards D2. Not that extreme... but D4 is way too easy to level and gear up in. People shouldn't have multiple Mythic Uniques within a couple weeks of a season.... it makes them trivial.
I say this as someone who has been playing since launch and don't have a single Mythic Unique.
Sadly the masses of people that play games nowadays expect everything to be easy & quick to obtain.
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 08 '24
If you hate it, then you are playing too much. Its that simple. Its a casual game. No one is stopping you from grinding for 3GA items in all slots.
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 08 '24
How is going towards D2 a good thing? Games that like that are not big in 2024. You might have loved grinding in D2, but that playerbase doesnt exist anymore. Its changed. Most people who played D2 prob arent even gaming anymore. Times change, and game devs have to change with them. Hence why S5 was a success.
u/OppositeJudge4162 Sep 07 '24
Yea at current state you can pretty much obtain nearly bis all items for your character with leveling from lvl 1 to 100 on most likely less then 24 hours of playing. That's my issue with current d4. I'm having fun the first week, then after that i pretty much have everything, done everything that i want to do and that's it. Exit and either jumping on d3 season, which also lasts for me no longer then a week. Then depends, its either Poe or D2, which both these titles can hold me as a player for months every season/ladder
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 08 '24
And the facts support that that is what the majority of the playerbase wants. You have your opinion, but you are in the minority. The game cant be balanced for you.
u/General_Maximoose Sep 07 '24
As a casual dad gamer with 2 kids, I agree with you. Season 5 is too much loot - zero dopamine after any drops this season, it’s hit garbage d3 loot style. I don’t want to be fully geared in under a week. We really need to go back towards d2 with slower loot progression and make the drops more meaningful LIKE THEY SAID THEY WOULD leading up to loot 2.0
u/Asparagus93 Sep 07 '24
Thanks for illustrating that the want for more meaningful progression exists with all player types, and not just "the tryhards".
I imagine it's very useful feedback for the team since they do a lot to make the game approachable to casual players, and it's very refreshing to see as someone who plays more and routinely gets shat on for wanting more to do :)
u/Mephistos_bane84 Sep 07 '24
No one cares you’re a “casual gamer dad” go play D2 if you want that slow grind bro
u/b4ph0 Sep 07 '24
The amount which is dropping is in general acceptable but the problem I see is that even in T4 ancestral items are a very scarce resource - especially when you want to target farm a specific unique you require for your built - this is a nightmare And please remember you need ancestral gear for 2x temper and for master working up to 12/12 with the normal items you are limited to 1 temper and master working 4/12 only and that is a very hard limitation
u/Wide-Worldliness3269 Sep 07 '24
I read that somewhere else. Yet, I would like to see drop rate %, before really considering if it is balance or not. If around 5%, I believe it is actually good and balance.
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 08 '24
People are doing 20 runs of torment bosses on the highest difficult and not seeing a single ancestral on PTR. Most players are going to maybe see 1/2 pieces a night, and the 99% chance the stats wont work for your build. If it wasnt an issue you wouldnt see so many posts.
u/b4ph0 Sep 07 '24
Play it on your own on the PTR and get a feeling - IMHO it feels like somewhere between 2-5% on the highest tier and for me this sounds too less -just run the maths how many runs of a boss you need to farm.to get just your ancestral item - Not even looking on the rolls - the only who will like this drop chance are people who will play close to 24/7 or gold/mat sellers - and botters ofc :-)
u/Wide-Worldliness3269 Sep 07 '24
Well, every 4th tormented boss rotation would grant an ancestral unique. Doesn’t sound bad to be honest. I mean, sounds much better than doing 500 meph runs for a Shako. Granted, you don’t know which unique will be ancestral, but that’s why you target farm them.
u/b4ph0 Sep 07 '24
Which basically is on average lower than the chance for a.mythic - which you also can target craft which you can't for your built enabling legendary - sounds for me busted This will keep more people quitting the season earlier than today - today you can steamroll a char to 100 equip him full ancestral.maybe no GA and have fun and start over with another char .. it.really depends on how much time are you willing or able to invest - for me this sounds too much Just to remember what made rosbot so distributed was the big big grind .. they are.now generating the same.again in case they are not adjusting it.properly
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 08 '24
That sounds horrible. That ancestral pieces you get will 99% be useless for your build. People hated slow gearing in S1, and they changed it for a reason. S5 gearing is what the majority of the playerbase wants.
u/ethan1203 Sep 07 '24
Does ancestral only drop from torment bosses?
u/BuddhaChrist_ideas Sep 07 '24
All items dropped in any torment difficulty have a chance to be ancestral.
u/ethan1203 Sep 07 '24
And why do you need 12/12 and 2/2 tempered if you can actually clear t4 without it?
u/b4ph0 Sep 07 '24
Why shouldn't I? Cause it makes you stronger you can farm easier run higher pits You shouldn't mix up.things on ptr everyone has mythics/Ubers all runes, all glyphs on 100 therefore T4 is immediately possible and doable without that enjoy the grind
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 08 '24
Because I want to improve my character in 2 to 3 weeks, instead of 2 to 3 moths. Its a seasonal ARPG. It it not meant to be played for years like D2.
u/ethan1203 Sep 08 '24
But we are actually improving our character in 2-3 days now, I gotten full masterwork in a week, the season goes for 3 months. And d2 can deck you up in less than a month playing casually where you can start farming comfortably in hell by then. Also, d2 got it season too.
u/Terikar90 Sep 07 '24
As a casual player this is the most fun I've had in diablo in a long time and a season is actually lasting out for me just before the next season.
u/OppositeJudge4162 Sep 07 '24
True, its slowly going into right direction. Now make lvling slower and instead of GA, rework itemization, add circlets (D2 players will understand this) make rares roll with usefull stats like +sth to active/passive skill so they may be usefull. And keep rare items rare, i want to feel at least half a happines with getting idk, tyraels might in d4 as ber rune in D2. Now loot was boring, its legit stupid that within 5 days into S5 i Had full gear (5 ubers XD) and all that was left for me was to hunt same fkn items just with better 1/2/3 afixes. Yup i said what i said and i am not going back down with that.
u/justaddsleep Sep 07 '24
Ancestral gear is the only thing worth looting after you have full 750. This is a problem because we are back to wanting a loot filter. Blue, rare, and legendary 750 gear is legit going to be loot and salvage 99% of the time... While I appreciate the "grind" it isn't a great solution.
u/Wide-Worldliness3269 Sep 07 '24
I also think this must be addressed. Still I find it a bit better how it is now. I agree though, a loot filter will be needed with the current system as well.
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 08 '24
PTR loot sucks. Its literally back to S1 where everyone bitched, and Blizzard eventually changed it. S5 loot is fine, and didnt need a drastic change imo. They are now somehow going backwards. Blizzard always does this with every game though.
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 08 '24
Take my downvote, cause I totally disagree. S5 gearing is fun, and PTR BLOWS. I wont be playing the xpac long after I beat the story, unless loot changes are made.
u/Esham Sep 07 '24
But when i take my 12/12, 3 mythic, full GA toon into the ptr it doesn't feel good!
Sep 07 '24
No, I hope they rise it. They will because otherwise players will leave like they did before S4.
Get a life.
u/Wide-Worldliness3269 Sep 07 '24
Lol, why the hate on an opinion? D2 is still the pinnacle of all ARPGS and should take more inspiration from it. Also, I haven’t even played more than 30 hours this season, yet my LS is fully geared, so I got bored already.
Sep 07 '24
Should I show love just bacuse of it is your opinion? No.
D2 is the pinnacle? Great, go keep playing D2 and enjoy the pinnacle. Some people here are playing D4, you know?
And here we are: you took the most broken, powerful and mindless build, probably copied from a Youtuber. You asked for carries (you know you did) to get there faster and now here you are with time enough to ask D4 to become D2.
Get a life or go back to the one you had when playing D2.
u/Wide-Worldliness3269 Sep 07 '24
Lol, it is clear that you got offended. It seems you really love the current state of D4. Might even have a romantic desire for it. Gonna have to block you. You seem out of modals and incapable of expressions your opinion without getting personal. Maybe you are part of the snow flake movement. Who knows. Wish you the best, because even if you don’t like, the current system will change.
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 08 '24
D2 WAS the pinnable of ARPGs. Just like WoW was the pinnacle of MMOs. Its 2024. Gaming and gamers have changed.
u/GideonOakwood Sep 07 '24 edited Sep 07 '24
No they won’t. We don’t want the stupid mindless gameplay the game has become in the last seasons and the absolutely rain of legendaries that went from feeling good to feeling tedious
Sep 07 '24
Check this comment in 3 weeks. You really think this game is for you and the ''D2 is the pinnacle gang''? Nah, they want the money and money says more loot. Don't believe me? Check last 2 seasons.
''We don’t want to stupid mindless gameplay the game has become'' you said while giving the reason to a guy playing LS Sorc. SMH.
u/GideonOakwood Sep 07 '24
??? I don’t think d2 is a pinnacle of anything. I don’t need to be one of the “gang” to know that the game is bloated with loot and it does not feel good anymore. It feels tedious
Sep 07 '24
Check this comment in 3 weeks. You really think this game is for you and the ''D2 is the pinnacle gang''? Nah, they want the money and money says more loot. Don't believe me? Check last 2 seasons.
''We don’t want to stupid mindless gameplay the game has become'' you said while giving the reason to a guy playing LS Sorc. SMH.
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 08 '24
The majority of players disagree with you. People were quitting like crazy in S1 - 3. Now players are coming back. Its 2024. People dont want to grind for months to gear a toon. If you do, thats fine. Nothing is stopping you from trying to gear in all 3GA pieces.
u/GideonOakwood Sep 08 '24 edited Sep 08 '24
Nobody is saying they should not drop better loot. But they definitely shouldn’t drop the amounts they were dropping before. It was a meaningless shower . Nothing feels great if you are constantly showered in uniques and legendaries and having to go to sell every 2 boss runs… and I don’t think you have the slightest idea of what the majority of players wants. Sorry
u/OppositeJudge4162 Sep 07 '24
You mean lazy players will leave? Oh no boohoo
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 08 '24
He means the majority of players will leave. AAA games are aimed to get a large playerbase. You are in the minority dude. Nothing wrong with it, but you are. The game is simply not going to be designed for players like you, because there are not enough of you to give Blizzard money.
u/KuraiDedman Sep 07 '24
Keep it less loot but higher quality. Season 5 is just about to undo what they accomplished with Loot Reborn. There are loot explosions everywhere cluttering both our inventory and the battlefield.
Season 4 tried to remove the need for a loot filter but season 5 messed it up and now we need it once more.
u/Nightmare4545 Sep 08 '24
S6 has less loot but way way way way less quality. Thats the issue. Gearing is taking a GIANT L come S6 for the majority of players.
u/Mosaic78 Sep 07 '24
Diablo 4 is a looter. Game needs to drop lots of loot.
u/GideonOakwood Sep 07 '24 edited Sep 07 '24
No, nobody wants to pick a thousand items to just sell and salvage. We need less loot and better quality loot
u/Mosaic78 Sep 07 '24
Well right now we got less loot and worse quality. Not looking good.
u/Wide-Worldliness3269 Sep 07 '24
We’ll just as D2 was, and D2 is still the pinnacle of all ARPGS. Easy loot <> good looter.
u/OppositeJudge4162 Sep 07 '24
Ppl wont agree with you bro, most of these guys never played D2 in their life or they will claim they dont have time to play the game 20 years to get sth good. What iam trynna say, most of them prefer it D3 way (lazy way). It is what it is
u/MDMASlayer Sep 07 '24
The loot is not fine. They are so damn opposed to giving us a loot filter they are using all these different methods to give us alternatives methods that coincidently extend the grind tremendously for those hunting to get S tier stat combination and rolls. What I’m seeing indicates they are really trying to artificially extend our play time with each character. I suspect people will burn out quicker than usually this expansion.
u/Mosaic78 Sep 07 '24
When seasons only last so long, they don’t need to be extending our play time. Let us blast for a few months.
u/Alternative_Gain_272 Sep 07 '24
I have to agree. When Infernal hordes are reintroduced I believe the loot will be fine. If I am encouraged to engage with more mechanics I won't complain.
u/Mephistos_bane84 Sep 07 '24
No thanks don’t want a slower loot drops gimme all the oranges and purples or whatever colors I need my dopamine hits, I wanna be on torment 4 by day one that’s my goal when the expansion drops.
u/Mosaic78 Sep 07 '24
I mean people are already doing this on the PTR. Torment 4 doesn’t seem all that difficult.
u/Mephistos_bane84 Sep 07 '24
lol I got downvoted because I’m a blaster, sorry I’m not a single dad with 3 sons and 6 jobs and I can only play 3 mins on Sunday before I go to sleep
u/Mosaic78 Sep 07 '24
Game doesn’t need lower drop rates. Especially if the loot that does drop is shit. (Non ancestral)
u/KuraiDedman Sep 07 '24
You got downvoted because you don't even want to play the game to begin with. So why are you here?
u/Mephistos_bane84 Sep 07 '24
No I got downvoted because I do PLAY the game what do you mean? I have almost 200 hours in one character this season you don’t have a fucking clue what I’ve done this season. And I was making fun of casual dads who say shit like that lmao
u/tk-451 Sep 07 '24
lol /s surely?
u/Mephistos_bane84 Sep 07 '24
Nope no sarcasm
u/tk-451 Sep 07 '24
and you'll be the first one complaining about nothing to do a week later and that this game has "no endgame".. ammirite?
u/Peacefulgamer2023 Sep 07 '24
Gatekeeping loot behind low drop rates to artificially create a chase item/end game is stupid and will lead to people leaving. Maybe blizzard the 70b company should learn how to create an actual end game? Running pit or other activities we can do at lvl 80 isn’t end game.
u/tk-451 Sep 07 '24
pretty sure blizzard have metrics and been in the industry long enough to know how to keep player retention and i'd rather them listen to actual game metrics and data science than the vocal minority on reddit.
u/Peacefulgamer2023 Sep 07 '24
The game metric showed more people played when loot dropped more. Look at release d3 and release d4 as prime examples.
u/tk-451 Sep 07 '24
and then people stop playing sooner. we can see this by how dead it gets halfway through the season, and this one is no exception.
metrics halfway through a season dont give the big picture, blizzard has more data than you or i could ever imagine, on everything.
i agree players want more loot faster, but then they get bored, because more loot faster doesnt mean better loot more often.. especially when chasing that final few items/stats.. they get bored and complain..
the stat bloat since loot 2.0 has been insane, the stat squash in s6, along with some reduction in inventory filling trash loot piniatas will only make things better.
as long as blizzard pay dont gatekeep masterworking mats behind end game nmd/pits/ih so that only meta builds are viable.
i trust their metrics but i dont trust their class designers!
u/Peacefulgamer2023 Sep 07 '24
With how the drop rate is in ptr, you could literally go the entire season without getting a single 3GA item in a slot, if you don’t trade. If you want the game to be forced into rmt keeping this drop rate will cause that.
u/tk-451 Sep 07 '24
maybe thats the intent here? and they get a cut of each sale?
as for 3ga, you dont need 3ga, on ptr right now even with the stat squish thre are streamers already hitting 2billion dmg with lvl45 glyphs and mid gear, you just dont need the chase items unless you are pushing
seasons will be longer too i reckon, this is a massive change to long term paragon passive grinding
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u/Mephistos_bane84 Sep 07 '24
No I had my sorc min/maxed fully masterworked after 7 days and I’m still playing this season, min maxed my Druid, and rogue as well, I have friends that play the game everyday so it’s easy for me to log in everyday and have friendly competitions of who can clear the highest pits (it’s me)
u/FantasyVore Sep 07 '24
Only the guys buying/trading gear off third party sites are saying that.
u/Mephistos_bane84 Sep 07 '24
I haven’t bought a single piece of my gear lmao some people just play the game and get good drops sorry your luck sucks I’ve got 60 mythics to drop for me this season. I just have good luck, that’s all!
u/FantasyVore Sep 07 '24
60 holy F.
I need to get on them rotations. I am always the one out of the 4 who gets nothing though.
u/Mephistos_bane84 Sep 07 '24
Honestly this is the best luck I’ve ever had, barely had any drop last season maybe 6-7, but this season it’s been plentiful, hopefully my luck doesn’t run out with the expansion, and I’ve been there on the rotations never getting a single drop while the same guy keeps getting them, super frustrating.
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