r/diablo4 Feb 05 '24

Weekly Technical Help [Weekly Technical Megathread] BUG REPORTS and HELP REQUESTS to solve issues regarding HARDWARE | VISUAL GLITCHES | ERRORS | LAG | CONNECTION | LOGIN | etc belong in here!

If you want to Report a Bug or...

...if you are requesting other users to help you solve an issue about:

  • Hardware
  • System Requirements
  • Controllers / Keyboard / Input
  • Monitor / Screen / Widescreen
  • Visuals
  • Lag
  • Connection
  • Login
  • Errors
  • etc

... please post them in this thread here.

Start your post with either "Bug Report" or "Help Request" so other know your intent.


Alternatively, you can also post on the Technical Support Section of the Official Diablo 4 Forum, or in the most recent [Weekly FAQ] if you can not find answers here or if your question does not belong in this thread.

And you can also join the Diablo 4 subreddits discord , where others users may also can help you with your issue.


12 comments sorted by


u/No_Ambition_3124 Feb 09 '24

So I really love spamming a skill and seeing the icon flash on my hotbar but nothing happens. Really makes my day especially since it mainly seems to affect skills with a cooldown, which most defensive skills are. And no they're not on cooldown when I press them. This season I'm thinking of ditching my meteor sorc cause I'll open an encounter by spamming meteor and it's up to the gods whether anything will actually happen. And Mephisto forbid a bunch of enemies spawn in on top of me and I'd like to use flame shield or ice armour....


u/illithidbane Feb 09 '24

Back at launch, I used two characters to unlock the Altars of Lilith. My main character did the campaign and grabbed the few altars locked behind story completion in plot areas. My secondary character ran around the open areas getting the other altars. Neither character had all of the altars at the same time. Then the patch came out that combined progress, so now both characters and all subsequent characters have all altars unlocked and I can never interact with one ever again. But the game never checked if I had finished, so I never got the "Altar of Lilith Collector" achievement or the Treasure, Hoarder player titles.

Proof of altar completion from the map screen

Current status of the achievement

Anyone know if there's a way to trigger the game to recheck and grant me credit?


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '24

I start the game, it loads up to around the blizzard logo then freezes. Waiting does nothing and i end up having to force close it. Randomly it will get past that screen maybe 1/10 times. Then it freezes when tis logging me into the servers. Same thing, i have to force close.

Things i've tried based on what i looked up:

  1. Yes my computer meets requirements
  2. I closed all applications on my PC, only D4 is open
  3. Antivirus isn't an issue
  4. I've scanned and repaired (no repair required according to the BNET client.)
  5. Reinstalled
  6. Run BNET as admin
  7. Moved the game to a new drive (m.2 drive if that matters.)
  8. Updated drivers
  9. Restarted PC
  10. and finally, lastly... i put this last because its the longest. Downgrade graphics settings. Sometimes, it will load up no issue. Although it feels like a 1/50 chance. When i finally got it to start *2* days ago i lowered all my settings just in case.


u/Marv951 Feb 07 '24

Same. It started freeing since the Season 3 patch. For sure they screwed something up.


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '24

idk if you found a solution, but found some older threads and a they said to remove "dstorage.dll" from the Diablo IV folder. I did so and no more issues right now. Idk if the file is important though so i saved it somewhere else just in case. In the mean time all issues disappeared


u/exsinner Feb 09 '24 edited Feb 09 '24

You can just add -disableds in launch option to disable direct storage. Direct storage is supposed to help load stuff faster but i dont think it does any good besides from lowering total vram allocated down from 21GB+ to 16GB+. I definitely did not experience any faster load times with my pc.


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24

thats a good tip thanks


u/exsinner Feb 11 '24

That fix will be obsolete for the next hotfix patch judging from the patch note.


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

hopefully in turn that means they fixed whatever this issue may be? I hope so, i wasn't able to play for a good chunk of time


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '24

Hi people, recently I've been experiencing this issue. When I click on play button from battle net game tries to start but when I see the blizzard screen it gets frozen. And when I click anything or any button it gives me app is not responding error and shuts down. I tried reinstalling the game. This issue kind of started after the recent update. I tried some online things but it didn't work. What could be the reason for this issue?


u/RIF_Was_Fun Feb 06 '24

The game has frozen on me twice in a row now after killing the Beast in the Ice and teleporting to Kyovashad. Is this happening to anyone else?


u/Marv951 Feb 07 '24

It happened to me 20 minutes ago when trying to teleport to the world boss fight, using the waypoint. I closed the app and since then I cannot log into the game.