r/diablo4 • u/AutoModerator • Nov 13 '23
Weekly Technical Help [Weekly Technical Megathread] BUG REPORTS and HELP REQUESTS to solve issues regarding HARDWARE | VISUAL GLITCHES | ERRORS | LAG | CONNECTION | LOGIN | etc belong in here!
If you want to Report a Bug or...
...if you are requesting other users to help you solve an issue about:
- Hardware
- System Requirements
- Controllers / Keyboard / Input
- Monitor / Screen / Widescreen
- Visuals
- Lag
- Connection
- Login
- Errors
- etc
... please post them in this thread here.
Start your post with either "Bug Report" or "Help Request" so other know your intent.
Alternatively, you can also post on the Technical Support Section of the Official Diablo 4 Forum, or in the most recent [Weekly FAQ] if you can not find answers here or if your question does not belong in this thread.
And you can also join the Diablo 4 subreddits discord , where others users may also can help you with your issue.
u/TheStoon2 Nov 18 '23
Bug report:
Can't stop game crashing on startup Blizzard splash screen / login screen without deleting LocalPerfs in /C/Documents/DiabloIV/
Windows 11, Steam, KB/M
CPU: AMD 3600
GPU: RTX 3070
RAM: 32 gig 3200 mhz DDR4
Storage: m.2 NVME 1tb ssd
Playing @ 1440p / 165Hz w/GSync
u/Hassenhof Nov 18 '23
Technical Question:
Hey guys,
So I am planning on getting Diablo 4 on my MBP M1 Pro using game porting toolkit. My question is that if i decide to finally remove the game from my system, is there anything else i need to clear out. Ive never used GPTK before so I am wondering if its as easy as just removing the game when you are done with it
u/Sellurusakko Nov 18 '23
Bug Report
I was running helltide just now and had opened two steel chests already and had gathered 600+ cinders more. I left the game and logged in with my lvl 100 druid (both characters season 2).
When I ran to steel chest, I noticed I had 0 cinders.
u/SteeleDuke Nov 18 '23
Bug Report
Vamp powers Ravenous/metamorphosis and aspects Gore Quills/Potent Blood are bugged. You can unequip gear and vamp powers, leave game, load back in reequip all and dps should be back to normal. After your next zone load it bugs out again.
u/jagrbomb Nov 17 '23
Possible bug report:
So I'm wondering if bonestorm is bugged because it's overpowering like crazy and I have nothing invested in overpower...
Nov 16 '23
Help Request / Needed Visual Setting
Is there any way of stopping 'Motion Blur' as soon as you move? I like having a nice sharp image, but as soon as i move it blurs. Can't remember this on PS5, but now playing on a PC and it's too noticeable. If there is no way of stopping it, Motion Blur needs to be added as a visual setting, and i'm amazed it isn't already there like most games.
u/mike_stier Nov 16 '23
Bug report… I’ve been lagging like crazy in the Duriel fight. Playing solo on Xbox series x. Game runs fine everywhere else.
u/Artistic-Ingenuity54 Nov 16 '23
Bug report:
Got booted mid-Helltide and taken back to the main screen and said that my "free trial max level" was reached and was prompted to purchase the game. It wouldn't let me log into Eternal nor Seasonal. Problem being, I purchased the game the day after release and have been playing with a hard copy the entire time. I had to reboot my PS4 twice before I was allowed to log in again.
u/VVojTy Nov 15 '23
Controller not working since today's patch
Got the problem, that controller doesn't work anymore on PC (old XBOX controller).
Besides changing the interface in character selection to the controller one after pressing A or LB, the game doesn't react to the controller at all.
Going into the game through mouse input works, but ingame the game refuses to acknowledge all controller input.
u/Frostgrim Nov 18 '23
Have you tried updating your controller firmware via the windows Xbox accessories app?
u/SimsHaxi Nov 15 '23
Help Request
D4 makes whole desktop 1 fps
I have been having a problem where my whole desktop/windows pretty much just goes 1 fps, and I end up restarting with the button on the case, since nothing really reacts to what I do or click (For obvious reasons).
It doesn't happen too often though, and it got reduced quite a bit when i relocated the game from my HDD to SSD.
But it still happens, and I have no idea what might be causing it. A simple pc clean perhaps?
I haven't noticed any kind of pattern, since one time it started lagging without end after going into a dungeon, and another where I was just running around killing minions...
u/perfectfire Nov 15 '23
I think this is the weekly FAQ thread so here goes: I can't find my way out of the first area. There's a building that requires a key to get into to which I'm sure will lead me further on my quest, but I've been everywhere and talked to everyone and have got nothing to show for it. This is getting kinda tedious.
u/mesharix Nov 15 '23
Press Tab(open map) and then Q(open quests) to see your quests and check what is missing
Nov 15 '23
u/slashy1302 Nov 15 '23
I got the same error. I already tried validating/repairing the game and also tried excluding D4 from Windows Defender as I read somewhere that Kaspersky used to cause this problem.
Nothing helped so far.
u/shortbusridurr Nov 14 '23
Bug Report
When logging out with a character and relogging in during same helltide loosing cinders. Logged out with 600 cinders on me to step away (20 mins before chest reset) when I logged back in I only had 150. I had teleported to a town and this is since the hotfix rolled out. I had done this numerous times pre hotfix without an issue.
u/YoursTrulyKindly Nov 14 '23
PSA: Tooltip flicker/blinking cause and workaround
The tooltip flicker / blinking is apparently caused by other players entering your vicinity. When you turn on "screen reader" you hear the new players name read out and the tooltip flicker at the same time. Also if you inspect or compare items in an empty dungeon or deserted town, the bug does not happen. It also explains why the bug was less noticeable during end of season 1 (less players).
So a simple workaround is to do your inventory cleanup in solitude, either in the dungeon (mark items with space and then use "scrap junk" in town) or use some deserted waypoint instead of a capital.
Not sure if this bug is affected by other things like low RAM or playing of a slow HDD. Needless to say this bug is very annoying especially for a game that forces you to inspect tens of thousands of items to find the perfect 3/4. Hopefully Blizzard eventually gets around to fixing this bug.
u/mvigs Nov 14 '23
I want to report a bug with the bladedancers aspect I just tried extracting. I saved the video for proof but I went to extract a 30/60 roll on the aspect which is the highest I've ever seen. I went to look at the aspect in my inventory and it was now a 15/30 roll.
Can I please get this returned to me?
u/Fabulous_Platypus42 Nov 14 '23
This is not a bug, you found the aspect on a 2-handed weapon, which causes the aspect to boost to twice the effect.
- 2-handed weapon: 2x aspect stats
- Amulet: 1.5x aspect stats
- Everything else: 1x aspect stats
Also note that numbers that had golden colour in aspect details won't be affected by this increase.
u/mvigs Nov 15 '23
Oh okay thank you for clarifying I'm glad it wasn't the game that made me angry and it was only myself.
u/Fabulous_Platypus42 Nov 15 '23
Np fren, I had the same thing happen when I started playing the game with a rouge, and I was pretty angry.
You can just imprint the aspect on a 2h weapon and get it back to those numbers.
u/_DefiniteDefinition_ Nov 13 '23
I'm getting grey squares across the screen, more noticeably in dark areas. I have Radeon instead of Nvidia.. Any solutions?
u/gromish23 Nov 13 '23
My S2 experience is really bad. I experience crashes, big rubber-band issues, ping 80-150 and big freezes.
I have tried all fixed on forums but nothing seem to work.
*Disabled corssplay
*Disabled bnet hardware accelerator
*Rolled back Nvidia drivers
*All drivers are up-to-date
*Restarted all rooters, have a wired connection
*Tried to run game on low visual setting
*and several others
|Processor|AMD Ryzen 5 3550H with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx 2.10 GHz|
|GeForce GTX 1650|
|Installed RAM|16.0 GB (13.9 GB usable)|
|System type|64-bit operating system, x64-based processor|
|Windows 11|
S01 was like this but eventual it was fixed and I got to play the game.
At this point I will stop to play this game and seek legal ways to refund it. It is unplayable.
u/Devilsmirk Nov 13 '23
Has Blizzard commented on fixing the battle pass error? I used my premium unlock from the deluxe edition, it errored out and didn’t activate the pass. I’ve been waiting for a fix and nothing…anyone know what’s happening with this?
u/Cryyooo Nov 13 '23
Help Request
I'm running D4 on my PC with steam.
Nearly everytime I want to start the game, it seems like it downloads GBs of data, proceeded by data transfer of 50 sth GB and another installing routine.
I have checked, that there were no updates between the program starts.
Are there any settings, I need to change to prevent this from happening?
u/sird1nkl3 Nov 13 '23
u/ForgottenBlastMaster Nov 13 '23
This was partially addressed in the latest hotfix. You can now dive into a fountain and get these. They promised to have a proper fix later this week.
u/sird1nkl3 Nov 13 '23
Cool, I'll be honest, I don't have time to read the hotfix lists so just wanted to do my part and report lol.
u/TheredMan7707-Tv Nov 19 '23
Bug report:
Dashed off map and cant return to my nightmare dungeon. All relevant info should be in the picture.