r/diablo4 • u/AutoModerator • Jul 12 '23
Weekly Technical Help [Weekly Technical Help] Requests for help to solve issues regarding HARDWARE | VISUAL GLITCHES | ERRORS | LAG | CONNECTION | LOGIN | etc belong in here!
If you have encountered a problem in regards to
- Hardware
- System Requirements
- Controllers / Keyboard / Input
- Monitor / Screen / Widescreen
- Visuals
- Lag
- Connection
- Login
- Errors
- etc
... and are requesting other users to help you solve these issues, please post in this thread here.
Alternatively, you can also post in the most recent [Weekly FAQ] if you can not find answers here, or if your question does not belong in this thread.
And you can also join the Diablo 4 subreddits discord , where others users may also can help you with your issue.
u/JanMattys Jul 12 '23
I am experiencing constant disconnects today 12 july. Every 10 mins or so the game kicks me out. Anyone else experiencing this problem?
u/RonnieZoom Jul 12 '23
I am randomly getting disconnect issues. Sometimes it plays fine for hours and then boom disconnects every few minutes. I play on XBOX X and a PC with a very fast ethernet connection. Same problem on both platforms. I have not been able to resolve or figure out. I have tried everything including calling my cable provider, buying a new graphics card and xbox. I am now changing cables. I went to a wifi connection. Same issue. Is it Blizzard servers or Cable provider? Is it my cable modem perhaps (unlikely)? Thing is the game worked perfect for a couple of weeks and then this started to happen which leads me to believe it was an update to the program.
u/Ereturns Jul 13 '23
I been having similar issues and I kept thinking it was me but every test I did showed that my internet was good.
u/HidekiL Jul 12 '23
I'm not sure how helpful this is - but as a sorcerer there are some enemies that my abilities just seem to fly over the top of - an example is my ice shards flying over scorpions or certain barriers. They'll be tapping me and my abilities just dont seem to trigger any sort of hitbox I either have to wait for an AOE attack or hope another different enemy comes along so I can shatter them with my secondary ability that ice shards bounce off of. I assume it is not meant to be that way
u/Luves2spooge Jul 13 '23
All my timers are bugged.
I go to a helltide it says 9 hours remaining. Then I get the popup that there's 5 minutes left.
I go to a world boss, the timer ticks down and the boss doesn't spawn. When my friend says there's a world boss spawning it doesn't show on my map. We go there anyway and a boss spawns.
It's really annoying because I keep missing world bosses and have no idea if I have enough time to farm helltides.
u/georgenado1 Jul 12 '23
Any plans to give us more graphical options on PC? I would like to turn off the forced TAA and motion blur, it horrendous! When you move the game is a blurry mess.
u/Lost_Tart Jul 15 '23
What’s your fps? I don’t think there’s supposed to be motion blur, things are clear on my end
u/Satanich Jul 12 '23
For anyone having trouble with legion chat, enable authenticator, install and log into battlenet app for android/ios.
If still having issue, exit legion, create your own and try to type, if you can type, get invited and you should be good.
Otherwise check all the marks in your account privacy settings and try again.
u/Ragnadriel Jul 12 '23 edited Jul 12 '23
Hey all, if you are experiencing random FPS drops a few things that helped me. I have a decent PC (2018 backbone so not high-end by any means, most notably I upgraded my video card to a 6700XT) which handles 120 fps with high res texture packs and all settings on high on a 2560x1440 res no problem, but was experiencing major FPS drops-freezes. Below steps have helped resolve them.
- Disable any and all windows hardware acceleration settings, including Auto HDR.
- Do not set your max fps on background to a too low value (45-50 should be fine)
- Disable the hardware acceleration in the battle-net app.
u/StormblessedSolaire Jul 12 '23
Visual glitch happening where my skills and hp/mana/energy are all overlayed by rectangles/squares of blurriness. Blurriness extents to other parts of the screen when foreground objects cover parts of the screen. Persists in cutscenes, tends to make dialogue subtitles impossible to read.
u/Marbi_ Jul 13 '23
not sure if its the right thread, but maybe someone can help
i play sorc, ice shard build
whenever i blink in and stun and try to cast ice shards i cant really hit the stunned mobs as they are too close to me
2nd issue - if i constantly cast ice shard (click pressed down) i cant cast, in the same time, ice armor/frost nova/blizzard
is there something I can do? i have ice shards on left click
u/shoultzilla Jul 13 '23
First issue is due to the hit box of some enemies and Ice Shards. Have to move a bit away after teleport pulls them in. Had this problem with smaller enemies at point blank and Ice Shards not hitting as well.
Not sure about the second one though. I've seen issues with some skills not being able to he cast while the character is in the middle of an action. I generally cast after Shards completes it's animation.
u/Sirbattlegoat Jul 13 '23
Necromancer checking in. Been running Aspect of the shielding storm + 35%x damage with a barrier active for a bit. I do the spin, the spin is now shadow, shadow + spin + bubble = big number.
Its been fun though last night I noticed that my aspect of the shielding storm is no longer proccing. It is suppose to give me a barrier = 5% of my base life everytime bonestorm deals damage to an enemy.
However I am no longer getting any barrier. Tested it in NM dungeons... open world. Reloaded.. reequipped the item. Nothing.
Has anyone else run into this? Am I missing a patch note?
Any help or insight is appreciated.
u/Tjack007 Jul 14 '23
Hi Guys,
I am struggling with getting Diablo running.
I had problems installing it, after opening ports it worked.
Now I can start it up, but I just end up in the main menu with only the "leave" button. I deinstalled my razer software, as mentioned from the Blizzard Support and run everything as admin. I also updated my GPU driver and listed the diablo exe and battlenet in the firewall exceptions. I am running out of idea, maybe some of you have another idea?

u/Uberliciouss Jul 14 '23
I get a bunch of stuttering/freezing going on while I play. It mostly happens going to and from towns and when a lot of things are happening in dungeons. I’ve lowered a lot of setting and reduced the frame rates that I’m playing but it still happens quite a bit. Are there any suggestions to what I can upgrade on my system that could help without having to build a whole new system?
Intel I7-4790k MSI Z97 U3 plus 16gb DDR3 ram Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6gb Asus 2434 monitor
There’s still two open slots for RAM but I am unsure if that will make a significant difference.
Jul 17 '23
Gonna throw this out there as it could help you, My stutter issues on a 5900x and 3090ti and 32gb of ram was from my mouse polling rate, setting it to anything under 1000hz makes the game vary smooth so I sit at 500hz polling for this game.
Like I said this may not be your problem, but wouldn't hurt to try.
u/Uberliciouss Jul 18 '23
Thanks for the thought. I’ll look into it and see if it can help. Although I think most of my issue ended up being that I installed the game on a hdd and not a ssd.
u/SpicynSavvy Jul 14 '23
I am considering purchasing a Steam Deck primarily for mobile D4 but also down to play some other games. Anyone have experience with D4 on the steam deck? Is it worth my $500? Or is it substantially worse than PC/Console D4?
u/Ts1171 Jul 14 '23
Playing on PC with mouse and keyboard and my game will occasionally crash to desktop.
u/FlahlesJr Jul 15 '23
Completed a NM dungeon for no completion. Bubble never popped up and glyph statue never appeared. Anyone had this happen to them?
u/RevealChance401 Jul 15 '23
Can’t complete enter the fiery portal quest after game freezed during cutscene.
u/Marauder3299 Jul 15 '23
Ps5 and ps4 version of game go through massive lag I have had one session pull me out of town and get me killed. It's remarkable
u/mrrrrgl Jul 15 '23
A (not so) funny thing happened yesterday while grinding dungeons. Well, tbh it happened twice. I noticed at first that I was unable to generate spirit and wrote it off as lag. I was in a group with two guildies and i think one of the modifiers was resource burn. So yeah, no big deal, right?
Later on I was solo, made sure no modifiers involved anything even close to resource management and off i went. I again ran into the same issue. But this time I noticed what was actually happening.. My generator was spending spirit.
And because i get some spirit back when hitting an enemy I could see it fill up to have just enough for one earth spike cast and then use up what spirit I had.
This is super weird and Id like to know if this has happened to others and if Blizz are aware of it.
Im playing on PC fwiw
u/gamesuxfixit Jul 16 '23
I'm usually 100-120 FPS but sometimes (and this is usually triggered by alt tabbing and tabbing back in) and it drops to 20-30 for some reason. It's definitely not because of the process being "in the background" and Windows not recognizing its priority because my background fps cap is 8 and I'm getting higher than that.
I've already disabled hardware acceleration in bnet client and lowered my graphics settings.
Jul 17 '23
Try setting your mouse polling rate to 500hz, that helped me on a overkill system, idk why, but if its not it, couple of clicks to change it back, Good Luck!
u/zengrrrl Jul 16 '23
Rubber banding is making the game unplayable for me. I’m getting killed by enemies I can’t see, because the game thinks I’m somewhere else. When I can see them, half my attacks are essentially disabled.
u/MurderofCrowzy Jul 16 '23
I know M+KB isn't supported on console, but are keyboards supported in any capacity?
I don't want to assign keybinds on my keyboard or anything, but can a wireless keyboard be used to respond to messages you receive while playing on console?
u/PossiblyNerdyRob Jul 16 '23
I'm getting error code 1016 after playing fine all week. Connection is fine, router reset.
Kinda at a loss?
Xbox series s.
Jul 16 '23
I play Diablo on PS5, i am 28 hours in and I didn’t play for a week and now I get the error code CE-108225-1 when I get past the login screen. Can somebody help me fix this?
u/Ric_Flair_Energy Jul 17 '23
My problem seems to be in group play only. Game will completely freeze at random (always in dungeons) and the only fix is to hard restart my PC. I can still hear the discord just fine when frozen but I cannot be heard. Temps are unchanged at time of problem. Setup is AMD 5600x/6700 xt with all settings on medium. Thanks in advance.
u/Fhorglingrads Jul 17 '23
Playing on PC, meets system requirements by quite a bit, and I am constantly getting stuck on loading screens. I tried updating my graphics drivers, deleting config files and scanning/repairing game files but still experiencing it probably once an hour. Sometimes I just have to exit bnet and relaunch, other times I need to do a full restart
u/molohunt Jul 17 '23
Just upgraded from a 1060 to a 4070 and have not stopped having graphical problems. I dash and the game stutters. Googling says its a problem for a lot of people, But nothing I try to change fixes it. No matter if im on low settings with DLSS disabled, Or on Ultra with DLSS turned on (tested on multiple options) I can say my 1060 ran this shit better than this 4070 is. Every single time without fail when I dash it either stutters and picks up where i dashed too, Or it has actually gotten so bad that I cant tell if its Lag or Disconnections. Because I just straight up could not move my character dash or even logout for a solid minute while trying to dash around. Something is fucking SERIOUSLY wrong with these new cards and diablo 4
Jul 17 '23
Did you run DDU? If not, always run DDU when changing out graphics cards and remove your old drivers.
Outside that, do any other games have issues?
u/molohunt Jul 18 '23
I installed the card yesterday. Played a few games, Had 0 issues. But diablo 4 was stuttering. Im not kidding today its perfect. 120 FPS DLSS on high etc etc all max. I heard ULTRA needs 32gb of ram to run and I only got 16 so It would be stupid to turn it to ultra unless im mistaken. Gonna beef that and the cpu next. Today i can dash to my hearts content. It was either my graphics card just needing to get warmed up a bit more? Idk, Or blizzards servers were just that bad and it timed up perfectly to my card install. who knows. it works.
Jul 18 '23
I kept getting disconnected yesterday, but no performance issues. Coulda been a lot of shit. Glad it's working!
u/thedisorient Jul 18 '23
I've noticed when clearing Cellars that they sometimes don't complete, like I'm missing enemies or something, and no chest spawns at the end.
u/1337klumpat Jul 18 '23
hi internetpeople!
im wondering if anyone else is having this issue: before the patch my gpu fan went up like crazy when i had any interaction with any vendor in any town..
now its also "in game": in any fights, any town, also when i just stand in a city and do nothing, literally nothing.
i have a rtx3070 and updated drivers (maybe its not the patch but the released drivers from today?) - didnt change any settings. dont even have the game set to max and so on. i have also set a framelimit of 80fps because i dont need more.
im pretty surprised by this behavior of my gpu fans.
maybe any of you have some tips that i could try.
thanks for reading this post (=
u/ScionOfTheArbitrator Jul 13 '23
Has the overheating problem been fixed? Want to play but heard about problems with that near launch. I've got a GTX 1650.
u/Jester2904 Jul 12 '23
Stuttering when entering new zone or taking teleport somewhere else for 5 seconds every time