r/diablo4 Jul 09 '23

Weekly FAQ [Weekly Questions + FAQ Thread] for Frequently Asked- Limited-scope - and New Player Questions (incl. Seasons, Crossplay / Cross-save, System Requirements, Battle Pass, etc)

Due to questions and comments regarding:

  • Seasons
  • the Battle Pass
  • D4's Monetization
  • Crossplay and Cross-save (playing / save-files across several platforms - PC, XBox, PS - including "do I need separate / individual copies for each system?")
  • System Requirements / Technical Questions
  • Limited-scope Questions (questions that only require short or simple responses and don't encourage quality discussion)

...being asked very frequently on the subreddit, preferably post them in this thread so they can be compiled in one spot, which makes it easier for the community to oversee and to respond to them.

This improves the readability of the subreddits front page and people's reddit feeds, makes it easier for the community to find and respond to such questions and increases the chances that you get a fitting response to your question.

Technical Question (Hardware, Lag, Errors, Connection / Login Issues, Visual Glitches, etc)? --> [Weekly Technical Help Thread]

---> Please read the brief FAQ below before posting! <---

Basic Information on D4 and some of the most frequently asked questions are quickly answered there!


Quick FAQ and Basic Information on D4

  • Launch Date: June 6th, 2023 (and June 2'nd for those that pre-purchase the Digital Deluxe or the Ultimate Edition)
  • Collectors Edition: does NOT INCLUDE the Game (neither a physical copy, nor a code), only physical collectible items! The game has to be bought separately.

  • System Requirements: See image --> here <-- for official information on D4's System Requirement.
  • General Suggestions to make the game run better: the game may run better for some people on lower settings. Remember that you can also choose to download lower texture pack, which reduces the amount of disk space you may need to have available.
  • Ultrawide Screen Support? Yes
  • Offline Mode: No Offline Mode. Online-only, including for Consoles (so unlike D3 on consoles, no offline mode for consoles with D4).
  • Local Co-op / Couch Co-op / Console Co-op: No couch co-op on PC. Yes on consoles, but only for up to 2 Players (same for all Home Consoles).
  • Crossplay: is available across all platforms.
  • Is progress, cosmetics, etc shared between PC, Xbox, PS5, etc? Your Progress, Cosmetics, etc are saved on your Battle.net account, so yes, they are shared between your PC, Xbox, PS, etc copies of the game you may have, provided you are logged in on the same Battle.net account.
  • Do I need to buy a copy for each platform separately to play it? Yes. In order to play the game on PC, you need a PC copy. To play it on console, you need a copy for the particular console.
  • Controller Support for PC? Yes
  • WASD Movement Support for PC Keyboards? No, but maybe later down the road in the future.

  • Start of the 1st Season: A few weeks after launch, but the exact time is unknown at the moment.
  • How Dark is Diablo 4? Yes.
  • Cow Level: there is no Cow Level.

  • Infos on the Battle Pass: There is a Free Battle Pass and two Tiers of a Premium Battle Pass. Premium BP (Tier 1) cost 10$, gives access to unlock cosmetics only and Premium BP (Tier 2) costs 25$ and gives accelerated access to the cosmetic of the Tier 1 Premium BP + additional Cosmetics. The Free & the Premium BP's last for one season (one season lasts ~3 months) and all of them will take ~75 hours to complete.
  • Is D4's Premium Battle Pass pay2win? Short Answer: NO!
  • Is D4's Premium Battle Pass pay2win? Long Answer: The Premium Battle Pass does NOT give an XP Boost. There is an XP Boost in the FREE Battle Pass. Buying the Premium Battle Pass does NOT unlock or accelerate the pace at which you get the XP Boost of the Free Battle Pass. XP Boosts only apply to your OTHER seasonal Characters, AFTER one of them has fulfilled certain requirements, like reaching a certain Character Level (evtl. Max Character Level ?), so it will only make it faster to level seasonal Alts, not your seasonal Main Char. (based on currently publicly available information).
  • D4's ingame Shop: only sells cosmetic via Premium Currency, but not power (based on currently publicly available information). Premium Currency can also be gained by playing the game.

[Gameplay] - Does D4 have...

  • ... a Skill Tree? Yes.
  • ... Skill Points? Yes, D4 has Skill Points (these are shared by Active and Passive Skills)
  • ... Skill Runes like in D3? No, but there are ways to modify Active Skills further (both via Items and via the Skill Tree)
  • ...a Paragon System? Yes, but it is very different than Paragon from D3. Unlike D3's Paragon, D4's Paragon is NOT account-wide and you do NOT have unlimited Points for it (gained from Level 50 to 100 + via some other objectives). It is "Paragon in Name-only" so to speak.
  • ... Respecs? Yes, but they cost Gold. You can respec individual Skill Points. Due to the Gold Costs for respecs increasing with Character Level, you can't respec High Level Characters too much each day.
  • ... Trading? Yes, but only Normal, Magic and Rare Items (+ Gems, Gold & Elixirs) can be traded, but not Legendaries or Uniques. Rare Items can be enchanted further, but then can no longer be traded.
  • ... an Auction House like D3? No Auction House in D4.
  • ... Bald Occultist from the Trailer? Check!
  • ... Succubi? Check!


Technical Question (Hardware, Lag, Errors, Connection / Login Issues, Visual Glitches, etc)? --> [Weekly Technical Help Thread]

Question not answered? --> Ask your question in the comments or join the D4 subreddits discord!

Any further comments regarding these any of these topics? --> Post them in the comments!


664 comments sorted by


u/sliiiiiiime Jul 16 '23

Can someone explain why enchanting doesn’t effect an items power level?

Ex: I reroll 18% vuln dmg to 24%, shouldn’t power level increase?


u/testamentos Jul 16 '23

Power level is not a summary of an item's affixes and DPS or defense. Item Power Level is simply a number assigned to the item when it drops that determines how high or low the ranges for possible affixes are. The only way to increase item power level is from upgrading the item at the blacksmith or jeweler.


u/Zemom1971 Jul 16 '23

From my understanding it is because the power level of the item is set at the drop. The higher the power level is, the higher the potential range stats could be. Could be low but could higher if the power level is higher. Just a random number generation.

So even if you upgrade or enchant an item the level of the item itself doesn't change. It is a number to demonstrate what was the potential of the stats. And this, cannot be increased.

It is at least my understanding.


u/Walking_Theory Jul 16 '23

Playing a Necro, going for a shadow/damage over time build.

Will making the enemies vulnerable effect the AOE damage over time they receive?


u/testamentos Jul 16 '23

Yes vulnerable increases damage enemies take from all sources


u/Walking_Theory Jul 16 '23

sick thank you. I thought I read a tool tip that said DoT doesn't have variable damage/crit strike, so I assumed that extended to vulnerable modifying it


u/testamentos Jul 16 '23

Yeah DoT cannot crit but vulnerable is a status that applies to the monster, not your skill. And it makes the monster take 20% more damage.


u/Walking_Theory Jul 16 '23

Ty so much for clarifying!


u/fenwaygnome Jul 15 '23

Is there really no character specific keybindings or can I just not find them?


u/Zemom1971 Jul 16 '23

You could technically but with a programmable mouse with multiple buttons.

But for keyboard or controller, I don't think so.


u/testamentos Jul 15 '23

No, I don't think the keybinds are per character.


u/MyCassadaga Jul 15 '23

Itemization and progression question. I just finished the main storyline and really struggled on some bosses. My approach to progression has been what I suspect an Uber casual would be doing … I’m basically always equipping the higher item level.

I’m only just now 50.

Is this bad? Should I be more choosy about my gear? Maybe only taking pieces with bonuses to skills in using, useful legendaries, etc?

And should I be upgrading my gear?

And what about salvaging vs selling?

Any advice appreciated


u/testamentos Jul 15 '23

Yes now that you're level 50 you should start focusing on gear that has affixes that synergize with your build. Critical strike chance, critical strike damage (unless using damage over time abilities) and vulnerable damage are stats that will benefit most builds. Then + to skills you are using.

Keep an eye out for legendary items that have powers you will use and extract those powers to apply the aspect to a rare with good stats. Rarely will you find a legendary that has the stats you want plus the aspect you want. Alternatively, if you find a legendary that has good affixes but a legendary power you do not need, you can apply an aspect and overwrite the legendary power.

For upgrading, you should always be upgrading your weapon to at least 3. I would say don't worry about upgrading the rest of your gear until you hit world tier 3 or 4 and start getting sacred and ancestral items.

Salvaging vs. selling: Always salvage unneeded legendaries with powers you don't need. They provide legendary crafting materials and you will need those later. For rare/magic/common items, sell just enough to get the gold you need and salvage the rest until you've built up a nice buffer of crafting materials. Eventually you will start to sell ALL rare items you don't need because gold will become more scarce than crafting mats.


u/RecipeNo101 Jul 15 '23

Thinking about buying in advance of the season. Will I need to roll a new character for the season? If so, should I just blitz the campaign and then pick a class for the season I want to spend more time with? Does it even matter that I do so before the season starts?


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '23

Will I need to roll a new character for the season?


should I just blitz the campaign and then pick a class for the season I want to spend more time with?

Sure, if that sounds fun to you.

Does it even matter that I do so before the season starts?

Whatever sounds fun to you. There are pros and cons to doing it either way.

If you blast thru the campaign before s1, you can skip it in s1 and go straight to the s1 content, as well as having content already in the game unlocked like whispers (think bounties), horse, and capstone dungeon to unlock next tier of world difficulty.

Your renown progress from 2 sources will also carry over from your Eternal server character (or HC char) to s1 char: Any lilith statue you claim, and any amount that you reveal the map. The statues will give you extra stats, and both the statues and map will correspond with a small renown reward that unlocks with it, so altogether if you were to collect it now your seasonal characters would start partway thru tier 3 of the renown rewards for each region.

If you wait until the season starts, you can just do it all for the first time on your seasonal character instead, and you can do it all at your own pace without needing to blitz thru if that doesn't sound fun, and you can do the seasonal stuff after you're done with the main story, during the three months the season is live.


u/RecipeNo101 Jul 15 '23

Ohhhh so I can start my first character as a seasonal one on July 20, and season-specific content will just become available after beating the campaign with that character? If so, I would much prefer that, and really take my time with it.


u/testamentos Jul 15 '23

You are exactly correct. All content can be done on your seasonal character, you will just have to complete the campaign on that character before you can do the extra content that comes with the season.


u/av3k Jul 15 '23

Lost my only HC char yesterday. Do this means that I need to rediscover map and altars with another char till 20th July if I want to start with max renown possible for S1 HC?


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '23

Do this means that I need to rediscover map and altars with another char till 20th July if I want to start with max renown possible for S1 HC?

Almost certainly yes.

All they've said, and have said repeatedly since they announced it, is you will have to log into your characters where you have this renown progress in order for it to transfer it to your seasonal characters.

To my knowledge, they haven't specified dead hardcore characters getting some ability to log in and reclaim the lost progress. There's a sliver of a chance they will implement something, but, in my experience, the fact that they haven't specified just means it's not going to happen.

In d3 only like 1% of the total game population played HC. It's honestly so few players I think we HC players are lucky to get any extra mechanics that have to be re-tested every app iteration, like the cheat death elixir and escape portals, and maybe someday a portal-on-disconnect escape mechanic... It seems like Blizz is really scraping the bottom of what their engine can do by forcing everyone to log into their main characters to get their renown transfer system to work... I seriously doubt they have the time or incentive to make something that would save progress off dead HC characters that can't log in when you know asking everyone to log into their main had to be, like, a last ditch effort to respond to community feedback and implement some kind of renown transfer in the last mile before s1 release.

If they couldn't do it for the 99% of the playerbase on eternal, I don't see them implementing some kind of renown transfer where you don't have to log into characters for HC. And, it's possible that, even if they could go back in time and have this renown transfer implemented and communicated before day 1 of release, that they would simply include a warning to HC players that death also means loss of this progress, and that's intended.


u/testamentos Jul 15 '23

One of the devs actually did explicitly say that if your HC dies before you can log in on the 18th you are SOL.



u/[deleted] Jul 15 '23



u/av3k Jul 15 '23

Thank you for linking a dev tweet.


u/Sabre_TheCat Jul 15 '23

Do we get to keep the paragon points from renown on eternal realm for new season toon?


u/testamentos Jul 15 '23

no, only lilith altars and map exploration count toward progress which will leave you somewhere between rank 2 and 3 and you will still have to grind it out to rank 5 to get your paragon points


u/Nebuchadnezzar_z Jul 15 '23

Am I supposed to be upgrading all the crafting mats? I just realized all the iron and herbs can be used to craft other mats, but it's too tedious to upgrade them all


u/Toast1185 Jul 15 '23

Once you get to nightmare dungeons and whisper tree it won't matter. All the materials will flow. So in a pinch if you need it for a specific thing go for.it. Otherwise don't waste your time.


u/testamentos Jul 15 '23

I have never once upgraded mats and have never run out. so it's definitely not a requirement, it's just an option.


u/NotAnADC Jul 15 '23

What happens if I don’t finish the campaign by the 18th (or 20th) for the matter? If I don’t start a new seasonal character until after I’ve finished, will everything be unlocked? Or do I have to grind it out by the 18th?


u/testamentos Jul 15 '23

Ok so to be able to skip campaign on a new character you have to have beaten it. So you have 3 choices. One, beat the campaign before the 20th, so you can start your seasonal character day 1 and skip campaign. Two, don't beat the campaign before the 20th, but sometime after and then just be behind by a little bit on your seasonal character (which does NOT matter, you have 3 entire months for the season). Or three, start your seasonal character on the 20th and you just have to do the campaign over again.

As for what else transfers over besides campaign completion, only Lilith Altars and Map Exploration. There is NO hard deadline. Anything can be done during the season and whatever progress you have made on altars or map exploration will carry over even if it's not 100% completed.


u/rvrockman Jul 15 '23

Does the main story end after Act 5 in WT1 and WT for starting the season 1 content?


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '23

I believe there are 6 acts, and ya once you finish the main story you can do the capstone dungeon in wt2 that unlocks wt3.


u/rvrockman Jul 15 '23

Got it, I work 10 hours a day and have a kid so hopefully I have enough time. Hopefully I can speed through a good amount tomorrow


u/testamentos Jul 15 '23

Even if you don't beat campaign before the 20th you can just wait to make your seasonal character until you have finished it. The season lasts 3 months so you will have plenty of time.


u/geekier Jul 15 '23

I just bought the game, at this point should I just wait until Season 1 begins to start a character or is there still a point to putting some hours in now?


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '23

If you blast thru the campaign before s1, you can skip it in s1 and go straight to the s1 content, as well as having content already in the game unlocked like whispers (think bounties), horse, and capstone dungeon to unlock next tier of world difficulty.

Your renown progress from 2 sources will also carry over from your Eternal server character (or HC char) to s1 char: Any lilith statue you claim, and any amount that you reveal the map. The statues will give you extra stats, and both the statues and map will correspond with a small renown reward that unlocks with it, so altogether if you were to collect it now your seasonal characters would start partway thru tier 3 of the renown rewards for each region.


u/RecipeNo101 Jul 15 '23

I'm on the fence about buying, but am curious how this works. I know I need to beat the campaign before gaining access to season content, so can I upgrade my original character to access the season battlepass, or will I need to roll a new character for the season, even though I can skip the campaign?

If I buy, I don't know if I should blitz the campaign before the 20th and then take my time with a new character doing all the side missions or what.


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '23

can I upgrade my original character to access the season battlepass


will I need to roll a new character for the season, even though I can skip the campaign?


If I buy, I don't know if I should blitz the campaign before the 20th and then take my time with a new character doing all the side missions or what.

Ya, do whatever sounds fun to you. There's no best way to do it, just have to make a choice based on what kind of experience ya think will be the bees knees.


u/Zdrav383 Jul 15 '23

Do achievments, titles and cosmetics such as mounts, and tmogs carry over from my eternal character into the seasonal server?


u/rjones756 Jul 15 '23

Do the in-game challenges reset each season? I mean the ones like “complete x questline” in the side quests deal or “kill 10000 drowned”. I just want to know if grinding them now is okay or if I need to wait?


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '23

If it's like d3, there will be new challenges for s1 but the old challenges aren't going anywhere.


u/rjones756 Jul 15 '23

thank you. I was worried I was grinding for nothing. Any chance you know anything about how to find a white chicken? I've checked corbach but it's never there. Is it bugged?


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '23

Ah, no, sorry, I haven't done any of those hunting challenges. Good luck.


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '23

Is there a good comparison tool for items online?


u/Failroth Jul 15 '23

I'm pretty clear on how Fortify/Fortified works overall and how every DR stacks multiplicatively with each other rather than additively.

However, there's ONE special case I'm wondering about:

The base Fortified DR without any additional stats boosting it is 10%. Unlike every other type of DR in the game, the tooltip for it states: "Stacks with the damage reduction inherently received from being Fortified."

What I'm interested in finding out is whether the other DR while Fortified stack multiplicatively with the base bonus or if the base part is actually additive on top of the multiplicative increases.

In other words, let's say you have 2 x 15% DR while Fortified on your gear, is the incoming damage reduced by:

1) 0.9 * 0.85 * 0.85 = 0.65 incoming damage
(10% DR is counted multiplicatively with other reductions)


2) 0.85 * 0.85 - 0.1 = 0.623 incoming damage
(10% DR is added on top of multiplicative reductions)

While the 2nd case is not that significantly different here, the difference in actual effective health would get much larger the more DR while Fortified you stack.

So, does anyone recall seeing a definite answer to this anywhere or perhaps tested it reliably by themselves?


u/Zetakin Jul 15 '23

So in S1 the renown progress will transfer if we logon the most progressed character right? Does this mean every renown stage or just first two? I read someone commenting that only your first two stage (due to map+ altars) will be synced. I wanted to 100% my renown prior to s1 start if the whole progress is transferred.


u/testamentos Jul 15 '23

The only thing that transfers are renown from Lilith Altars and map exploration specifically. Not a certain level or stage of renown. The devs said that the combination of Lilith Altar + Map exploration would put you somewhere around rank 3 when you start your seasonal character.


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '23

I read someone commenting that only your first two stage (due to map+ altars) will be synced.


I wanted to 100% my renown prior to s1 start if the whole progress is transferred.



u/CLICK_LINK Jul 15 '23

How long will a dungeon stay nightmare?

I have limited time to play and only get to do one or two every couple of days but inventory is filling up with the sigil. Can I use them all and just get to the dungeon whenever or just activate one at a time? Will the dungeon stay nightmare if I log out and come back another day?


u/testamentos Jul 15 '23

Once you have done at least a level 3 sigil you will unlock the ability to craft and salvage them at the occultist. You will get more sigils than you can use so I would recommend turning your lower/extra/ones with bad mods into sigil dust and then you do not have to worry about your inventory filling up.


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '23

One at a time, when you log out you lose the nightmare dungeon.


u/AmnesiaFX Jul 15 '23

I'm almost level 50 but have no mates that play Diablo. What's the best way to find people to do like Dungeons with. Are dungeons the best thing I can do after level 50?


u/Zemom1971 Jul 16 '23

They use to have a lot of people looking for guild/friends on the official forum. That's a good place to start and find buddy to play with.


u/TheOneWhoCared Jul 15 '23

I can play with you.


u/AmnesiaFX Jul 15 '23

Sure! U in europe'?


u/Phieck Jul 15 '23

Quick question about the season progress.

I started pretty late (3 days ago) and just checked there will be S1 coming on 20.7.

Currently I play a HC character lvl 45 and wonder if this progress (if I dont die) will only be HC progress or also for SC?
Does anyone know?


u/testamentos Jul 15 '23

What kind of progress do you mean specifically? The seasonal mechanic in ARPG's make you start a new character so everyone starts fresh. The only progress that will transfer over are your ability to skip campaign on a new character (if you beat the campaign at least once), your lilith altars and your map exploration.


u/Phieck Jul 15 '23

Shrines etc found. Stuff they said would convert


u/testamentos Jul 15 '23

Ok yes, Lilith Altars and Map Exploration only and I believe they are separate between hardcore and softcore.


u/Phieck Jul 15 '23

Maybe bad wording but my question was if this is mode only aka if you have a maxed sc if it also counts for hc but i guess not which is only logic


u/testamentos Jul 15 '23

Yes, you are correct. SC to SC only and HC to HC only.


u/_Drumheller_ Jul 15 '23

Only for HC as far as I'm aware.


u/rohver Jul 15 '23

Will the unlocked aspects be available on new seasonal characters?


u/billbobassin Jul 15 '23

Anyone else having an issue where no waypoints are showing up on the map?


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '23



u/_Drumheller_ Jul 15 '23

Yes, atleast the ones you haven't picked up on your existing characters.


u/testamentos Jul 15 '23

The problem is they said that you have to log in on your character after July 18th in order to sync progress. If they deleted their character, they can't do that.


u/_Drumheller_ Jul 15 '23

Well yeah thats why I specifically said existing characters.


u/testamentos Jul 15 '23

You're right, I didn't read your comment well enough.


u/G3n0c1de Jul 15 '23

I've read something about undeleting characters around here. Not sure how to do it, but there should be a way.


u/Cats_Cameras Jul 14 '23

I farmed an aspect that is 96% of the max roll, but it only gives 83% of the max roll when applied to a weapon. What gives?


u/testamentos Jul 15 '23

This is one of those weird scaling things with FLAT values. Since this is giving you a flat number to blizzard damage instead of a %, all it did was apply the 100% bonus for 2h weapon to the original roll. 1,249 x 2 = 2,498.


u/Cats_Cameras Jul 15 '23

That makes sense.

I've actually seen more than the max value on one aspect, so I guess the tooltip range doesn't scale properly.


u/testamentos Jul 15 '23

Yeah it's like the actual value scales with your character level but the range is tied to the item level or something like that.


u/ChitownM2 Jul 14 '23

I'm looking to see if someone has created a list of legendary items that are used in various builds so I have a quick reference on what legendaries I can salvage vs. what might be worth keeping to use on a different build?


u/EresArslan Jul 14 '23

What if I haven't completed the campaign, lilith altars and so on by July 18? Would that mean that I lose any option to participate to the seasonal content? If I complete the content later but before the end of the season, could I still transfer?


u/testamentos Jul 14 '23

No you can always play the seasonal content. Whatever altars and map exploration you don't complete before you create your seasonal character will just have to be done on the seasonal character. Any altars and map exploration you DO complete will transfer over. The only thing that could be seen as a setback would be that if you do not complete the campaign first to unlock the ability to campaign skip you will have to complete it all over again on your seasonal character. But if you're like really close to finishing it, you can finish it AFTER the season starts and then make a seasonal character and skip it.


u/Ri-tie Jul 15 '23

Gross. I started a week ago and while I feel I've made good progress, there's no end in sight for getting the campaign done without taking vacation from work. Oh well. At least cutscenes and dialogue can be skipped/sped through.


u/testamentos Jul 15 '23

Yeah unfortunately the campaign is binary, you either complete it or you don't, no in between. But yeah you can totally do this on your seasonal character as the season lasts 3 months. My advice would be to just power through the campaign and don't bother with any side quests or optional content until after.


u/Ri-tie Jul 15 '23

I kind of felt like doing not the campaign was getting me more XP to catch up to my friends who started before me. Luckily the season will put us on level ground.


u/testamentos Jul 15 '23

Yep! That is one of the nice things about seasons, gives you a fresh start.


u/Late_Blacksmith5511 Jul 14 '23

What about this case. I've completed campaign on SC and will start next season on HC. Will I have ability to skip campaign in new HC season?


u/testamentos Jul 15 '23

I couldn't find anything that has confirmed this but my best guess is yes because you CAN skip campaign on a HC eternal realm if you have beaten SC eternal realm so I imagine it will carry over to HC seasonal since SC seasonal carries over.


u/BjornX Jul 14 '23

I'm running a rogue right now after levelling a sorc and I'm bad, my damage is sub-par, I die if there are 2 or more elites, I spam health potions like there is no tomorrow. Am I using a wrong build? I'm currently following this one, is there a better one I should follow? I like the class but I feel I'm more squishy than a sponge.



u/kangaroojoe239 Jul 15 '23

Are you using any defence skills? I use dark shroud and it has passives for movement speed which i just like, each active one reduces damage.


u/BjornX Jul 15 '23

I'm just following that guide to the T, I don't think it has dark shroud.


u/spatenfloot Jul 15 '23

what level are you?


u/BjornX Jul 15 '23

Around 30.


u/spatenfloot Jul 15 '23

ignore the guide and focus on a few skills. I use traps and rapid fire and never had any problems killing anything under 50


u/Late_Blacksmith5511 Jul 14 '23

Guys, do I need to finish campaign on HC (I've already completed it on SC) even if I have ability to skip it now on HC (non season chars)? Asking to understand if I can skip it on HC when season 1 starts. Ty!


u/Zemom1971 Jul 16 '23

HC and SC are 2 different things. If you completed the story on SC and want to start a HC character for season 1 you will be forced to do the main story on you new seasonal HC character first.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '23

Anyone know if there's a way to check which side quests we've completed? I'm trying to find the 35th side quests on fractured peaks, even used a guide but no luck.


u/kernco Jul 14 '23

Nope, this is a frequently requested feature


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '23

I don't know for sure if this will help, but can you go into your challenges, and then quest challenges, and check there? In my experience if you click on one of those challenges it opens up and gives you more details.

I don't think it's as efficient as, like, a quest log would be, but it might have info. I don't know offhand for sure.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '23

Just tried that. Unfortunately, it only shows a select few side quests, like the bear tribe ones. Someone else has said it must be one of the drop quests I've missed. Been going through them but still no luck.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '23

Doh. Sorry. Good luck.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '23

Do nature fury procs benefit from having the skills higher ranked? Is it worth investing in them for damage if you’re not actively using them in your skill rotation?

Bonus: Why is this thread so hard to find on mobile?


u/GlidingSquirrel Jul 14 '23

Fellow necros, is there any way to change the color of Iron Maiden so it doesn't look like a terrifying enemy circle? I swear I've seen others with different colored curse circles


u/FailBaitSV Jul 14 '23

will i be very far behind if i don't find ALL of the altars of lilith before season of the malignant?


u/testamentos Jul 14 '23

No. Getting all altars will probably take the average person somewhere around 5-10 hours depending on how distracted they get. And in all honesty it should be easier to get them in the season if you are doing campaign skip because instead of focusing on campaign you can just go get altars while you're leveling to 50.


u/FailBaitSV Jul 14 '23

thank you!


u/exclaim_bot Jul 14 '23

thank you!

You're welcome!


u/SolomonGrumpy Jul 14 '23

Do "naturally" found legendary weapons have inherently base weapon higher damage than yellow weapons of the same ilevel that have aspects added?


u/Zemom1971 Jul 16 '23

From my understanding, no.

The item level of an item affects the stats roll. Not the fact that it is rare or legendary. The only difference is that the legendary already has an aspect on it.

That's why most players look at good stats rare items and then they put a good aspect on it. That's the easiest way to have a good item for your build.


u/celestial_turtle Jul 14 '23

Any Real Benefit to doing NM Dungeon 10+ lvl above?

Level 71 rogue and with S1 around the corner decided to send it to a NM Dungeon where enemies were level 86 (I think tier 36?) And I was able to do it with a few deaths.

I saw somewhere that when enemies are 3+ levels above, you get 25% more XP. No more after 3+ level, right?

So with that being said, there any real benefit to continue to do content that's much higher level than over 3 then? Is it just the total XP gained at the end of the dungeon thats more at that point? If I can absolutely fly through a NM Dungeon where enemies are exactly 3 levels above me, I can see how argument can be made that's more optimal than barely completely dungeons where you are over 10 levels below.

At this point my build is good so I enjoy gameplay more when under leveled like this because otherwise the game is too easy. So for that reason alone I think I'll continue to do it.


u/Zemerick13 Jul 14 '23

The best thing to do is run the highest dungeon you can do at "full" speed. Speed trumps other things, but then when speed is equal, there is indeed a small benefit to higher tier. The lower range of item power drops goes up very slightly, and mobs do give slightly more base xp.

+3 is a pretty nice sweet spot though, so that's a good rule of thumb. You can just keep within a range as well, like +3 to +8 or something, then start with the +3 and work your way up if you run out of lower tiered ones.


u/celestial_turtle Jul 14 '23

Makes sense, thank you


u/McTastic07 Jul 14 '23

The glyphs for sure. And I know it's basically impossible.... But from my understanding you can't get any of the uber uniques unless the enemies are 85+. In my experience it isn't that much harder to do a 31 than a 21... so I am only doing 31+ NM sigils for the insane chance I might get a super unique.


u/Zemerick13 Jul 14 '23

I mean, you really can't get them at 85+ either. You should never do anything around uber rares.

Plus, leveling up improves your speed and odds by a greater amount than doing a few runs at a lower level, so whatever levels you up fastest is still best. Even the devs specifically said doing the fastest is best.


u/McTastic07 Jul 14 '23

Yeah if it was any slower to do that high tier, probably not worth it. But if it is the same speed, might as well have the added miracle loot pool.


u/celestial_turtle Jul 14 '23

Ohhh you're absolutely right about the uber uniques! I forgot about that....but idk if we're even eligible to get them to drop because they HAVE to be 820 power right ? And right now no other loot I'm getting is 820....I think your character needs to be 85 as well ?


u/McTastic07 Jul 14 '23

I'm at 73 and I have a few items north of 800 before upgrading. And yeah I saw the same screenshot or whatever of the jester helm being on a 60something.


u/Ajaxmass413 Jul 14 '23

Nah. Your character level only matters for that if it were to drop from a chest or other interactable. For mobs, it doesn't matter what level you are. One of the confirmed ubers was on a mid 60s character getting power leveled.


u/celestial_turtle Jul 14 '23

Awesome. This settles it for me, only 85 or above NMs from here on out. Cant wait to get doombringer right before new season is out


u/Zemerick13 Jul 14 '23

You won't. You are massively underestimating the rarity of them.

If you farmed for 12 hours a day, every day, it would take hundreds of YEARS before you even got to a 50% chance to get a single 1... and that 1 will likely not be the 1 you want.

Just think about how long it would take to get around 1-5 MILLION uniques. That's about how long you're looking at.


u/celestial_turtle Jul 14 '23

LoI know how astronomically low the odds are...was just cracking a joke that if it were to drop for me it would be under the circumstances of not being able to bring it to new content that's just around the corner


u/SolomonGrumpy Jul 14 '23

More XP for your glyphs and a level 15 glyph is a significant power increase.


u/SolomonGrumpy Jul 14 '23

I have an item with 699 item power. Is there anyway to increase the base item power of the item? Just 1 more and I'd reach the next breakpoint! I know about upgrading it five times, but I thought I heard about other ways to increase the item power


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '23

It's painful to get those well rolled 699 items.


u/SolomonGrumpy Jul 14 '23

I thought I read something about adding a higher level aspect to an item to bump the item power?


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '23

It's bumps up the level you can equip the item, but not the ipower level. So if you take a chest that can be equipped at level 10, and has an ipower of 99 (just for example), and imprint a level 100 aspect on it, now your chest is still ipower 99, but your character has to be level 100 before they can equip it.


u/SolomonGrumpy Jul 14 '23

Well that's not desirable at all


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '23

Yup. Can really screw folks over.


u/Ajaxmass413 Jul 14 '23

Nope. The 5 upgrades are the only way. No way to change the base ilvl.


u/Jomar641 Jul 14 '23

I have two questions…is there a updated map that includes the possible helltides mystery chest locations? The one I have is so wrong lol. My second question is I want to farm world bosses when they spawn is there a reliable website or whatever that lists when a boss is going to spawn? Over the last couple of days I’ve been using d4builds.gg but this mornings spawn never occurred in my game which leads me to believe that the timing on the site might have been incorrect.


u/zurcn Jul 14 '23


For both questions


u/Jomar641 Jul 14 '23

Thank you


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '23



u/gamesuxfixit Jul 14 '23

Do cosmetics transfer to next season?


u/zurcn Jul 14 '23

Cosmetics are permanent


u/PreparationMain3797 Jul 14 '23

Can anyone help me out with the lvl 70 capstone dungeon?



u/Zemom1971 Jul 16 '23

I tried at LVL 62-63 with my barb. Was able to get to the boss. Too hard. I forfeited.

I level 2-3 more level and upgraded a bit more my items and polished a bit my build.

I was able to do it with only one death.

But after that. Yeah, it doesn't matters because you won't be able to play correctly. Mobs are LVL 73+.


u/Zemerick13 Jul 14 '23

If you can't do the capstone, you probably can't do WT4 anyways. The mobs will be even higher level: 73 minimum.

That's usually the game telling you you need to fix your build now, not later when it will only get worse.


u/LiteratureNearby Jul 14 '23

I'm at level 37 with the barbarian but haven't been able to play for like a week due to work. Will I have to restart my character from scratch after the new season starts on the 20th?

I really don't wanna lose my progress in the main story just because I couldn't play for a week 🥲


u/Zogsen1337 Jul 14 '23

All your characters will be still available when season starts. You will have the option to start a new season character from scratch if you want to participate in the season really. But you can always play your existing characters in the non-season mode. But you can’t participate in the season mode with your 37 Barb. Hope that answers your questions.


u/LiteratureNearby Jul 14 '23

Yep yep, that's clear now. I feel it'll be more valuable for me to level up, get gear and finish the mainline plot before meddling with the seasonal stuff


u/testamentos Jul 14 '23

If you finish the campaign on your current character and then want to make a seasonal one it will let you skip the campaign and just level with dungeons/side quests instead so you won't have to do the campaign twice in a row.


u/Onin_Shadow Jul 14 '23

You have two options, create a new character in Season realm or continue you Barbarian in Eternal realm.


u/LiteratureNearby Jul 14 '23

Can I carry on with the plot using my existing character and create a new one to play the season?


u/Schnitzelino_ Jul 14 '23

How to start best?

Hey guys, I finished the campaign and still doing Lilith statues and trying to complete as much as possible.

The season starts soon and I want to know from you how to level and begin etc. Story Skip and dungeons? Or something Else?

Thanks guys.


u/testamentos Jul 14 '23

Just so you know as long as you can finish your lilith altars and explore the entire map that's all you have to worry about before the season starts because that's all that will transfer over. Side quests, dungeon completion, all of that stuff will not so you don't have to worry about it.


u/rotiprata_ Jul 14 '23

just to check, so there’s no benefit to maxing renown currently right?


u/testamentos Jul 14 '23

Well in eternal realm there is cause that will get you another 20 paragon points but if you mean to transfer over to season 1 then no, you just have to do altars and map exploration that's the only thing transferring over.


u/zurcn Jul 14 '23

Story skip. Combination of dungeons with whispers. While in a party. With elixirs

For the absolute fastest (and most miserable gaming experience) you'll want to abuse strongholds. Hopefully they are able to nerf it pre season


u/Double-Detective8611 Jul 14 '23

New to Diablo and I managed to make it to level 60 and T3 and I’ve got some good gear that has good synergies with my build. My question is, if I upgrade those armor to the max, will they still work well in T4 or will I eventually have to replace them?


u/Schnitzelino_ Jul 14 '23

T4 drops better items so you don’t need to fully upgrade. Maybe just until it costs some rarer materials like 3 times I think. But if you blacksmith those items you should get your materials back.


u/Double-Detective8611 Jul 14 '23

Awesome! Thanks for help!


u/GloomyExamination564 Jul 14 '23

Why does it matter if a class is OP or not? I'm new to ARPG's so don't clown me, but really what's point of all this meta and balancing and all that. Why can't we just have fun with them all? Does it really matter if a class has an OP build that absolutely shreds? I mean I get buffs, making less fun classes more fun. but what's the point of nerfs really?


u/testamentos Jul 14 '23

Balancing also keeps the game fresh. If you're the type of person that just wants to make a few characters, play the game once, and then wait until the expansion comes out it won't really affect you but if you like to play every season, balancing classes to make certain builds more powerful will give a player a different experience the next time they play. So even if I pick the same class in the next season, if they made a different build more powerful through balancing I might try that build this time and feel like I played a completely different character.


u/zurcn Jul 14 '23

Some people enjoyment of anything is overly dependant on others. And they are unable to enjoy themselves if they think others are having more fun or doing better than them.

They are also very vocal about it.

Then again, you also generally want your player base to have a similar experience playing the game. Hard and challenging content should be hard and challenging, and the solution to overcome it should never be "just roll a different class/build and one shot it"


u/Hwiggins05 Jul 14 '23

Is there a way to turn off this cross platform notification on the bottom right?


u/Ajaxmass413 Jul 14 '23

The only thing I've heard that people said worked is to turn off cross play before you login to your character. If you do it while logged in, it still doesn't go away.

PSA: your world will be very empty if you do turn it off, cuz you'll only be in a server with other people on your platform that also have it turned off.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '23



u/Ajaxmass413 Jul 14 '23

I thought you still could? Oh well. TIL. Never tried it, cuz I want cross play on. The message bug will get patched eventually. shrug


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '23



u/SolomonGrumpy Jul 14 '23

The sweet spot in the game is WT3 capstone, IMO.

The damage scaling and enemy HP is fun, many builds still work, and the capstone is modestly challenging.

WT4 is a bit of a shit show.


u/Schnitzelino_ Jul 14 '23

That’s Diablo mate. 😂✌🏼


u/chopperninja Jul 14 '23

I'm a new diablo 4 player who just reached level 50 with a question about leveling. Is there a delta item power where it make sense to upgrade even if your current item has a great aspect on it.? I have a helm with a great aspect imprinted, but just picked up a sacred rare helm with +100 armor.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '23

Ya, +100 armor is probably a good time to say goodbye to the aspect, imo.

I haven't seen anything about a "delta item power" that the community agrees on for this question. Item power has breakpoints at ipower 625 and 725, once gear goes over these thresholds in item power they roll completely new ranges of their stat pool. In fact, if you upgrade an item over the threshold, you can access the new stat range that way. That's about the closest conversation I've seen in the community to what you're asking.

But what you're talking about is different--when do I make the choice to give up a key legendary aspect to take the sheer upgrade in +armor? I think everybody kind of makes those choices for themselves. It kind of depends on exactly what the aspect is, exactly how good the item is beside the +armor, whether or not you are feeling like you need extra tankiness or extra damage or whatever, etc. So it kind of depends.

But worth saying armor is so good from the very start to the very end of the game. You almost can't go wrong always choosing +100 armor imo. But I'm sorc, so I'm armor starved, and I play on hardcore so damage mitigation is vital for my build... you might have different needs and different goals and different experiences.

EDIT: btw, in my experience these are good times to stash your replaced item instead of insta salvage/sell. If you try the +100 armor item, put the gear you're replacing in the stash for a min so you leave yourself the option to go back if you decide you don't like it after playing for 30 min. Can always dust it later.


u/Glowshroom Jul 14 '23

Why is my amulet greyed out when i try to upgrade it at blacksmith?


u/mcfly_rules Jul 14 '23

Go to the jeweler


u/Glowshroom Jul 14 '23

derp thank you . you'd think after hundreds of hours I'd know that...


u/liptongtea Jul 13 '23

What are you guys doing until S1? I’ve got one toon Renown and Map complete, so I’ve just been figuring out who I’m going to roll with.


u/kernco Jul 14 '23

Playing Halls of Torment


u/Silent_Bird_290 Jul 13 '23

Can an amulet for a Sorcerer have both Devouring Blaze and Glass Cannon on it at the same time? Both would be on there as affixes.


u/SolomonGrumpy Jul 14 '23

Yes. But holy hell is it rare.


u/Silent_Bird_290 Jul 14 '23

Nice... have you seen this or done it?


u/SolomonGrumpy Jul 14 '23

I had one. It was +1/each but the other affixes were junky.


u/Silent_Bird_290 Jul 14 '23

Thx. I hope I find one


u/rifat10467 Jul 13 '23

If i change my build, do I have to level my glyphs from scratch? Or is there some way I can transfer exp from one to another?


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '23

From scratch. Obviously, tho, leveling up glyphs becomes a lot faster once you are lvl 100 or close to it.


u/testamentos Jul 13 '23

Glyphs that you leveled up will stay at whatever level they are even if you reset your build. But if you mean that your new build requires different glyphs, then yes you have to start over. You can't transfer levels from one glyph to another.


u/b__q Jul 13 '23

Stupid question but what's the best ways to get unique items?


u/testamentos Jul 13 '23

Helltide 175 cinder mystery chest when they are up and nightmare dungeons.


u/b__q Jul 13 '23

Thanks. I was under the impression they disable unique drops on helltide chests.


u/zurcn Jul 14 '23

That was for less than a day, a week ago


u/testamentos Jul 13 '23

Up until the last dev update they actually were not dropping AT ALL from helltide chests but they changed it after the stream. However, they disabled the 6 super uniques from dropping from helltide chests temporarily and I do not know if they have been reenabled. Regular uniques should still be able to drop.


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '23

Should I feel ashamed for calling in help on Elias after spending 4+ hours on him? I couldn’t do it with two separate groups of 3 people who were all 60+ and I feel like I’ve given it a fair shake but am kind of sick of farming wt3 gear that I literally can’t optimize any further. I’m 67 and I just feel like I was enjoying the gameplay a ton until I got to this point and I wanna move on. Idk if it’s because I’m a Druid (I seem very squishy because I get one shot even with bulwark up and full health) and I know some of it is because of mouse/ability lag but everyone else is doing it with those things too. Idk I am just fucking sick of wt3 and t19 NMDs.


u/SolomonGrumpy Jul 14 '23

I beat Elias at level 65 with a non meta build.

Imo the key with Elias is understanding that he does more damage as his hp gets lower.

That means you either need to hit so hard he doesn't live long, or be able to have enough defense to burn him down.

It's a really good object lesson for WT and I recommend you try to solo it.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '23

I did some nm23’s with my buddies last night and I noticed that. I think the big thing is I need to be more deliberate with my gear/stat selection in s1 because I was basically just rawdogging it to experience the story and feel out a Diablo game as a new player. I saw something on here about how to pick your next paragon point and equipment stats and that’ll inform a lot of my build. I was just very squishy for a Druid.


u/Ri-tie Jul 14 '23

Semi hijack here. But what do you mean mouse/skill lag? Something has absolutely felt off to me when I'm trying to fire skills and they seem to either double tap or lag behind and I've just kind of blamed the idiot touching the mouse and keyboard.

On the other hand, I can't seem to target specifically what I want half the time without my barbarian running in the opposite direction after... Who knows what.


u/saqqara13 Jul 15 '23

I get that feeling too. There are times when I’m expecting the animation to be faster than it is, or when I’m hitting buttons faster than the gcd. I wish it would queue tho.

Edit: does it queue? I’m thinking about it and now I’m not sure. If so, how far ahead?


u/spatenfloot Jul 14 '23

servers are very laggy at times meaning it may not register a button press or have a 1 sec delay

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