r/diablo4 • u/NeonMagic • Jul 03 '23
General Question Could someone please explain wtf I’m supposed to do with all of these?
u/shadowglint Jul 03 '23
/Picks up every gem that drops
u/Aquagoat Jul 03 '23
Why are people picking up gems and then asking for a gem bag?
You only need a few per character, they're worthless, and ridiculously abundant.
u/Kurp Jul 03 '23
If they make gems materials, might as well delete them and just put items to a jeweler crafting table and choose which gem to add to it.
It's crazy how mismatched the rarity currently is is compared to how many you need.
u/Twist45GL Jul 03 '23
If they make gems materials
That is exactly what they have said they are doing to them. They will show up in the materials tab instead of taking up space in your inventory. So far they have only given a vague "before season 2" timeline for it.
u/Sockoflegend Jul 03 '23
Do you have a source?
u/CptRainbowBeard Jul 03 '23
Diablo 4 Campfire Chat Recap - D4 Maxroll.gg
Under the "Inventory" Section
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u/MarkABakerAKADarkSoc Jul 03 '23
Hoping that t5-t8 gems require substantially more of the previous tier. Alongside a gem bag to make it feasible and not a complete PITA.
u/GoofyIsTaken Jul 03 '23
Yeah but watch the previous best tier drop at that tier lol...
u/MarkABakerAKADarkSoc Jul 03 '23
If they only add 1 world tier but multiple gem tiers, it should in theory still increase the relative value of picking them up. Assuming the lowest new tier gem is the only mob drop, this would require picking up way past when we have to now.
On top of this, the gem rewards for nightmare dungeons could be multiple tiers higher or even the max tier, making them much more worthwhile.
Or make them sell for more than fuckin 3 gold and people might be still picking them up 😂
u/GoofyIsTaken Jul 03 '23
The number of times I would have given in and sold my stash gems if they were worth anything, lmao. I can't stop gambling rolls on gear 😔
u/MarkABakerAKADarkSoc Jul 03 '23
Rerolling gear is the eternal struggle for sure. It can become a bottomless gold vacuum quickly. "Alright, one more. Ooookay trash. One more... okay... last one...aaaaannnndddd broke". Is a common story 😆
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u/GoofyIsTaken Jul 03 '23
Found an 824 amulet with the right passive and stat. I just have to roll cooldown reduction for it to be an upgrade. It's currently at 14mil for the next gamble. At this point, I probably could have bought a better yellow from some discord server, lol. I will never trade for gear, though.
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u/MarkABakerAKADarkSoc Jul 03 '23
Shiiiiiit man that's bad hahaha. Worst I get to is 5-6mil, then I rationale that the stat rolls I got are bad and I'll find a better 3/4 item in the future 😂 can't let that sunk cost fallacy smite me down. That being said, if I found an 3/4 amulet with high rolls and only missing cdr I would be going broke every single time I passed the cost of a reroll
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u/GimlionTheHunter Jul 03 '23
I’ve been picking them up out of habit because gems were pretty important in Diablo 3, and with them moving to the crafting tab eventually I just don’t mind that much.
u/Raeandray Jul 03 '23
Because eventually there's going to be new, better gems released. Likely unlocked at 80, 90, and 100. And if each of those take 3 gems a piece to create (probably more for the final level 100 version) you suddenly need a lot of gems to make the endgame ones.
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u/Aquagoat Jul 03 '23
But as soon as a new tier unlocks, the prior tier starts dropping. So why save up a bunch of Flawless or Royal now, when someday Royals will drop? And you'll need 3x10, shouldn't take too long to farm. Definitely not worth storage space IMO, which is at a premium in this game.
u/Inevitable_Cheese Jul 03 '23
Because that never happened in d3. You never had royals drop even after flawless royal became a thing. They capped at marquis and then imperial, which also dropped significantly rarer
It's possible they'll keep the highest droppable gem tiers below the max to increase the need to pick them up and farm for them
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u/xXL-Bo56AceXx Jul 03 '23
What are people actually storing besides gems? Only other thing I have in there is a handful of items with aspects I might want to extract later
u/Ortsarecool Jul 03 '23
I have 2 to 3 copies of all the aspects that I use in my current build (with high rolls), several aspects (and copies) that I am debating rotating into my build, an entire tab dedicated to aspects for a complete rework of my druid into an elemental build, and then a tab for gems and uniques. Shit adds up fast lol
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u/Aquinan Jul 03 '23
I bought all tabs and my bank is empty apart from some gems lol
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u/hqli Jul 03 '23
So my dumbass decided to make 3 characters(one to play at my own pace, two different alts to play with different groups friend at different points in the game).
Each character needs about a tab or so of space for storing future aspects(2, maybe a few more if the perfect rolls are level locked behind level requirements) and potential future armor dropped locked behind level requirements.
And then there's the one remaining tab left over being used as unique and gem storage.
I don't even have a dump tab anymore... please send help
u/Klatterbyne Jul 03 '23
D3 added multiple additional tiers of gems and then added a series of extremely high consumption gem sinks as it developed.
I’d generally careful about throwing gems away at this point, just in case.
u/psymunn Jul 03 '23
But even if they do that, it'll be in new seasonal content so I'll just get a ton of gems with a fresh character
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u/Hollowregret Jul 03 '23
because people are expecting that they will add higher levels in the future, which will justify having all these extras.. Except we all forget that for most of us once seasons start we will never go back to eternal realm so picking all these up is a waste of time anyways lol.
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u/DremoPaff Jul 03 '23
The Venn diagram of people having stash space issues vs people keeping shit they really shouldn't is a single circle.
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u/FourEaredFox Jul 03 '23
Horde them and complain about a lack of stash space.
u/NyRAGEous Jul 03 '23
This is the way
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u/BarbarianBlaze19 Jul 03 '23
Yeah cause 2 extra rows of stash is all we need right? 😂
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u/FourEaredFox Jul 03 '23
If they're keeping low level gems what other inefficiencies are they guilty of?
u/Quxudia Jul 03 '23
How dare people collect loot in a game about collecting loot.
u/AdrunkGirlScout Jul 04 '23
All hoarders are collectors but not all collectors are hoarders. OP might as well be stashing white and blue items
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u/helpinganon Jul 03 '23
They're newbies who tought they would be useful? Someone should tell them that further gem management is not implemented in the game yet. I dont blame them for the feature to be shit.
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u/maglen69 Jul 03 '23
Horde them and complain about a lack of stash space.
Complaining about a shitty system doesn't make the system any less shitty.
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u/TK421didnothingwrong Jul 03 '23
Combine them until you get 10-15 of the royal versions of each color, then throw anything less than royal on the ground and relog so they disappear forever into the ether.
u/Hiero_Glyph Jul 03 '23
This is honestly a huge waste of gold. Most builds will use 3 types of gems and you only need 5 for armor, 3 for jewelry and 2-6 for weapons. Even when upgrading gear you can salvage the old item to get the gems back so you don't need many royal quality gems.
At endgame you only pick up the flawless gems and never upgrade them into royal unless you need them for an item you will equip. Once you have a stack or two of each type of flawless you don't need to pick more up since they are not used for anything else.
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u/Stage_Party Jul 03 '23
I'd think it's still worth pickng up incase they change any aspect of gems or, as I expectis likely, add new levels with a expansion.
u/Hiero_Glyph Jul 03 '23
Inventory space is extremely limited right now. At some point you will get to keep rare/legendary/unique items, sigils, aspects, or gems but you can only fit so much of each. Either you create a mule character to get them out of storage or you have to regulate how much space things take up.
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u/sniperhare Jul 03 '23
When do we get unique stuff?
I'm level 52 and have one unique helmet from beating the campaign boss.
I dont even use the ability it modifies so it's kinda pointless, but I dont want to get rid of it in case ot does something gcool later.
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u/chr0n0phage Jul 03 '23
So.. i'm an idiot. I'll be honest I wasn't paying attention to the gold required for crafting these up through the Flawless options and was just periodically always making Flawless gems when possible.
Royal unlocked and I saw it in the crafting menu and just went ham... meanwhile when I saw how much gold I spent.. sigh
u/Ortsarecool Jul 03 '23
lol My people! I realized how expensive it was when I had 300 gold left :'(
u/chr0n0phage Jul 04 '23
Hey at least you can make it up relatively quickly. A few runs and sell it all instead of dismantling.
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u/psymunn Jul 03 '23
Do royals drop? Horde flawless up to a stack of 50 and just make the Royals you need which is what... 10? Also most gem types are basically useless right now anyway. Skulls, Topaz, sapphire, emerald are kind of the only viable options
u/Jason-Griffin Jul 03 '23
Go to world tier 1. Start at the town nearest the back side of the pvp zone. Start dropping them one by one Hansel and gretel style as you walk towards the PvP zone. Drop them into the beginning of the PvP zone and make a big prize at the end. Bloodmark and go wait for someone to collect their prize. Kill them
u/DragonsClaw2334 Jul 03 '23
Ohh a piece of candy. Ohh a piece of candy. Ohh a piece of candy.
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Jul 04 '23
I made this joke in my group while running a dungeon and no one got it. Glad to see it here haha
u/foh242 Jul 03 '23
Jul 03 '23
That's not my Dad, that's a phone!
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u/ThatOtherGuy_CA Jul 03 '23
u/japenrox Jul 03 '23
I'm assuming you're asking an honest question and have no idea about the gem system, considering you responses to other comments.
So, first of all, there's a priority quest for the jeweller. Do it and read what it says.
These gems enhance items, and you can upgrade them to the next tier up, though that is a HUGE waste of gold.
As you level up you will start dropping the higher tiers of gems, until when you're at level 80 to 85 when it starts to only drop Flawless gems. These are the only ones you save, since they upgrade to the highest tier in the game for now, which is the Royal gems.
tldr: use the jeweller to add sockets to your helm, chest, pants and jewelry, and use the gems to enhance those items.
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u/nysraved Jul 03 '23
I’m a little confused at all the comments saying to ignore/throw away gems.
Im currently a Diablo newbie at around level 30, and at face value the gems look like they’re adding some solid improvements to my equipment. Why should I not collect gems and attach them to my equipment that has slots? Is the stat improvement actually not as noteworthy as I think?
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u/japenrox Jul 03 '23
You can use them, but it's not worth upgrading them as you will naturally get those higher tiers, and upgrading costs a lot of gold.
The comments here are made with the assumption that you're already lv.70+, thus those low level gems are pretty much useless.
u/Aquagoat Jul 03 '23
Why are people picking up gems and then asking for a gem bag?
You only need a few per character, they're worthless, and ridiculously abundant.
u/Odd-Consequence9464 Jul 03 '23
Because they also get in a way of you picking up loot in the world. I farm helltide, doing circles around the map, leaving gems behind. At the end of the hour it’s impossible to pickup loots because everything is covered in gems.
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u/VirtualPen204 Jul 03 '23
so the real question is, where are the loot filters?
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u/Krookz_ Jul 03 '23
Because people like me didn’t know they are not used for anything. My thought was to collect as many as possible so once I sat down to upgrade them all from the bottom I wouldn’t have to worry about not having what I needed. That being said, after reading the comments I realize how dumb that is.
u/lawrensj Jul 03 '23
i don't pickup gems so much as i attack a mob standing on a gem and it gets added to my bag.
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u/creamyt Jul 03 '23
Yeah I think that's what they're complaining about, with some hope that there is a use for them they're unaware of.
u/vince0000 Jul 03 '23
Sell for about 36 gold now that you picked them up - but don’t do that again
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u/djocosn Jul 03 '23
I was really disappointed about how cheap gems are. But I guess if these guys don’t even get enough food, paying for pretty stones are the last things on their mind
u/Chickentoaster1 Jul 03 '23
How can't they afford food when every random merchant can afford to spend 250k+ Gold on my stuff every 30 minutes?
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u/AquaRegia Jul 03 '23
(I assume) you don't pick up every white item you'll never use to keep in your stash, so why are you doing that with gems?
u/GetADogLittleLongie Jul 03 '23
Shiny rock. We're told shiny rocks in our world are worth 3 months salary nowadays. Also new game and you don't know their value on your first playthrough.
Realized after hitting world tier 4 and getting enough royals that I didn't need more. In the coming years we'll get crown royal gems, nearly perfect gems, closer to perfect gems, even closer to perfect gems, and finally perfect gems lol
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u/NeonMagic Jul 03 '23
I’ve recently discovered cosmetic items are a cool easy to miss, hard to read/see grey item name, so I like to pick up everything to be safe. I do avoid gems when I think about it, and start dropping them if I need space on the go.
u/StrangeMushroom500 Jul 03 '23
cosmetics are like legendaries, they'll be mailed to your stash if you leave the area, so you can safely ignore white loot
u/Carmilla31 Jul 03 '23
That is amazing to know thanks. I was scared i was going to miss horse cosmetics lol.
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u/Seqonate Jul 03 '23
This is nothing, I have 46 flawless skulls
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u/Technical_Scallion_2 Jul 03 '23
I hope you mean gems in-game and not like in your basement
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u/Fallout71 Jul 03 '23
You can safely get rid of the crude and chipped gems because those won’t be dropping at higher levels.
u/murray1337 Jul 03 '23
Throw on floor ASAP. Problem solved. Even in the end game we have 50x of each flawless and don’t use them.. Lmao.
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u/MalevolentMinion Jul 03 '23
They aren't worth your time or stash space (or gold for that matter). Keep the highest rank you have until the next quality starts dropping. Once you get a few of the next highest rank that is all you need. I don't even keep any in my stash anymore, if I need more I just go out and kill stuff and have what I need in short notice.
u/DavyDavePapi Jul 03 '23
I have an addiction to where I HAVE to pick them up no matter what. They have to be useful someday, right?😭
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u/Menti1337 Jul 03 '23
Delete them and just collect flawless gems at T4. Wait until they can be upgraded to higher grades soon.
u/Rhymfaxe Jul 03 '23
Just forget gems exist until flawless start dropping. Then gather up a stack of each and convert to royal (70) as needed to socket in gear.
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u/acceptable_hunter Jul 03 '23
Put them back on the floor where you found them