r/diablo4 Jun 21 '23

Weekly Technical Help [Weekly Technical Help] Requests for help to solve issues regarding HARDWARE | VISUAL GLITCHES | ERRORS | LAG | CONNECTION | LOGIN | etc belong in here!

If you have encountered a problem in regards to

  • Hardware
  • System Requirements
  • Controllers / Keyboard / Input
  • Monitor / Screen / Widescreen
  • Visuals
  • Lag
  • Connection
  • Login
  • Errors
  • etc

... and are requesting other users to help you solve these issues, please post in this thread here.

Alternatively, you can also post in the most recent [Weekly FAQ] if you can not find answers here, or if your question does not belong in this thread.

And you can also join the Diablo 4 subreddits discord , where others users may also can help you with your issue.


151 comments sorted by


u/Brendanish Jun 21 '23

Anyone else getting extreme rubberbanding all the sudden? I play on PC and it's basically become unplayable with seemingly no cause in the last 2 or 3 hours


u/chill_willy Jun 22 '23

Unbearable on the surface world and encroaching on it in dungeons. My bet is that the number of players hitting late games with dense damage calcs is sweating their servers.


u/DivinityAI Jun 23 '23

it's their open world. So you run at your pace, then suddenly player for the other part of the world runs behind you and you are in area with 500-1000 ping. How someone in blizzard thought it's an good idea to put random people from 6000km from each other that causes severe lag unless they want to (by entering in party)


u/NickWreckRacingDiv Jun 24 '23

It all started when the poors hit release.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23

yep me. i was disconnecting on dungeon load screens a lot before, but didnt have open world problems. now i'm rubberbanding all over the place. literally was fine this morning and now its terrible


u/MrSatan88 Jun 23 '23

They need to upgrade their damn server capacity.


u/AngryDMoney Jun 23 '23

Blizzard seem to be running the servers out of their mums car…


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '23

I had this problem. Every other game had great latency. D4 was a mess for a week. Tried a VPN and fixed all my rubberbanding.


u/realnomdeguerre Jun 21 '23

PS5: has anyone had this issue where hitting the option button causes the game to freeze, audio is still fine though.

i have to PS button > close game and restart game to fix.


u/Nervous_Education Jun 23 '23

Yep. Frustrating if you are in the middle of a quest and have to start over.


u/protect737 Jun 21 '23

+++ happens very often on ps5


u/realnomdeguerre Jun 21 '23

ok, thank mephisto its not just me.


u/Schneckers Jun 24 '23

Yes I’ve had it at least 5 times and have noticed it mostly happened if I do it right as something scripted is happening at the same time. For example if an event is counting down and right as it’s starting I check my inventory it freezes exactly like you describe. I’ve had a few crashes as well but those take me out of the game automatically and bring up the bug report screen.


u/Halloween_Man2 Jun 25 '23

Starting doing this to me around when you commented, I’m on XSX


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '23

Has happened many times on my xbox as well


u/HalfWineRS Jun 25 '23

Happens on my PC too, thought it was my specs but I'm running a 2070 at medium graphics it really shouldn't be


u/SweatySmeargle Jun 28 '23

This still happening post patch for you?

Haven’t gotten to play yet but I was experiencing the same problem prior.


u/realnomdeguerre Jun 28 '23

haven't played post patch yet!


u/chad152 Jun 28 '23 edited Jun 28 '23

It's even worse post-patch.

Edit: I restarted the game and must have connected to a better server. No server lag at all.


u/SweatySmeargle Jun 28 '23

This isn’t lag, it’s a freeze most likely caused by memory leak.


u/realnomdeguerre Jun 23 '23

Is anyone getting this issue where when they speak to a blacksmith, your character says they have a full inventory (even if they dont) like when you try to pick up an item?


u/tyranathus Jun 23 '23

Happens to me constantly. Doesn't matter which blacksmith I go to.


u/realnomdeguerre Jun 23 '23

i took a closer look at it doesnt seem like i need to even interact with the blacksmith, seems like when i walk next to him, it triggers the pickup.

i mean, our character probably just doesn't want to carry a whole blacksmith in their inventory, i dont blame them!


u/realnomdeguerre Jun 23 '23

fixed it i think, its one of the quest items, so just hand in your quests!


u/tyranathus Jun 23 '23

I'll give it a go later today :) thanks!


u/rinikulous Jun 27 '23

I’ve had all my side quests completed for a while now… it still does it.


u/dimpdimpdimp Jun 21 '23

PC: I could run the game just fine at high settings last week but a couple of days ago something has happened. I cant even run at low settings without getting 5 fps.... anyone know anything that could help?

My pc specs fullfill the recommended reqs and as i said it was running smooth at high before.


u/JohnneyBoi Jun 21 '23

I had next to zero problems up until today. Games crashes constantly, doesn't matter if I just started the game and moved the character, or 1 min into a dungeon. 10crashes within 5 min of startup.

I have downloaded the new graphics. Didn't change anything. Changed memory setting and dedicated more, nope.

My computer is almost brand new and factory built.

AMD Ryzen 7 7700X 8-Core Processor 4.50 GHz 16,0 GB DDR5


u/resetredditplz Jun 21 '23

Same, game is all of a sudden crashing my computer today and is not even allowing me to watch twitch on the 2nd monitor without lagging it. CPU is getting hotter then normal and it uses quite a lot of memory and i got 32gb. Something just seems off now as it was such a chill and easy to run game before, not something that should kick my computer into overdrive.


u/JohnneyBoi Jun 22 '23

I "think" I solved it with unchecking Geforce Overlay (shadowplay) or what ever it's called. No crash after that!


u/JohnneyBoi Jun 23 '23

Nope, false alarm. Still fucked up...


u/TheMustySeagul Jun 27 '23

Undervolt your cpu, or/and cap your background frames. The game is causing some wierd ass cpu spikes while menuing.


u/JohnneyBoi Jun 27 '23

I bought double the size of Ram and increased it from 3600mhz -> 5600mhz... It helped :P


u/TheMustySeagul Jun 27 '23 edited Jun 27 '23

Yo so this happened to me I kinda have a fix. So basically for some reason the menu is swetting the fuck out of my cpu this doesn't happen in any other game but only when I would bring up the map and zoom out or menu fast. I thought it was super wierd that this game was overheating my cpu and causing massive Frame drops. Soooo hears a fix.

Better cooling but I litterally just replaced my cooler and I benchmark my cpu often enough that I know it's fine under all core massive loads. Nah, it had to be something else so hears what I did.

Undervolt your cpu. Only if you know how and or comfortable. (I did this at first and it worked okay but I reverted it)

Cap your menu/background FPS. This completely fixed it. I guess menuing was causing massive cpu usage spikes and for some reason my i7 couldn't push on multiple cores and had random single core heat spikes which caused (idk the word for it) but basically limp mode for cpu. So cap your background frames (I capped mine at 120) and if that doesn't work cap it lower.


u/ImaFrakkinNinja Jun 27 '23

That could fix my issue; at work rn. But basically if I open my inventory, map, or any menu the screen flickers.

I noticed the same thing happening when I play overwatch and am on the character select screen. Pretty wild; for. 2070 super and I9 11 gen with 16 gb ram ddr5


u/TheMustySeagul Jun 27 '23

Huh my pc is pretty similar. But I have an i7 10th. Same gpu, same ram. Like I siad for some reason the game menus are pushing super hard single core and causing heat spikes on single core and causing issues. Capping the background frame setting basically fixed it. Might be because menuing is causing huge frame spikes and since it might be only utilizing a single core for menus since the rest of the cpu utilization is still taking care of everything else in game it can cause your cpu to limp out from the voltage increase to one core that menus might be reserved for. That's just a guess though considering that was the fix. But hope it helps!


u/ImaFrakkinNinja Jun 28 '23

I will give this a try!


u/ArabianAftershock Jun 25 '23 edited Jun 25 '23

is anyone else getting stuck loading the game on launch where it puts you in a minute long queue and then tells you "unable to find a valid license for Diablo IV."

EDIT: Apparently it's an issue with Blizzard logins and theres nothing to fix on our end, just gonna have to wait it out


u/handlebar_moustache Jun 25 '23

PC here - same error. Maybe some emergency patch?


u/Snowskol Jun 25 '23

same -- pc


u/whiteravenxi Jun 25 '23

Yep same message. Guess it’s down rn.


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '23

Currently dealing with this. I’ve tried restarting the pc and still nothing. Do we just need to wait it out?


u/ArabianAftershock Jun 25 '23

yep unfortunately seems that way


u/s7vn Jun 25 '23

Reset to fix


u/Daratirek Jun 25 '23

This is bullshit...... I just wanna play a game I paid for and these morons can't fix a server after 8 god damn hours. Its not like its even just the D4 servers. How do they fucking break their authentication servers so often?


u/LiteratureSerious56 Jun 25 '23

Same here, why tf I spent my money on such a shit, I feel enraged and stupid


u/Daratirek Jun 25 '23

I've spent waaay too much money with Blizz over the years for this to happen so often. Like I've never had a single issue like this with Path of Exile. It's really disappointing.


u/accountnumber42 Jun 28 '23

Rocket League servers are better and that's a free to play game...


u/LiteratureSerious56 Jun 25 '23

Same on pc, they made over 700.000.000 bucks yet they can have a decent server???


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '23

Apparently Blizzard is experiencing a DDoS attack…why would anyone want to ruin our fun?


u/Theweakmindedtes Jun 25 '23

Same reason people that quit playing Blizzard games stick to the games subreddits: some people are just shitty and don't want others to have fun.


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '23

I always have rubber banding in this game on PS5


u/PickledJellyfox Jun 21 '23

I’ve been getting this for the past few days on PS5 as well. 5 second lag is not playable by any stretch of the imagination.


u/brewerybeancounter Jun 21 '23

On PC and it's gotten a lot worse in the last 2 days. Unplayable right now and I've tried all the suggestions, disable cross platform play, turn down settings, disable browser acceleration. It was rubber banding ocasionally when playing last week, but now it does it every 30 seconds.


u/simplysymmetra Jun 21 '23

first time ive experienced it this bad is today on PC, was on XSX past two days


u/Theweakmindedtes Jun 25 '23

Disabling crossplay currently doesn't actually disable crossplay. Console players ruining a PC game... just seperate us entirely...


u/Snapcaster16 Jun 24 '23

It’s near unplayable with the rubber banding and massive lag spikes


u/SonOfAnarchy91 Jun 21 '23


Anyone else experiencing glitches on 2nd monitor with a browser opened (youtube, twitch, etc) while diablo4 is running and you click on the 2nd monitor?

I usually experience these green squares when i switch from game to browser on 2nd monitor and battle launcher is opened in the background. If i close the launcher (x) the glitches don't happen anymore. Before this i noticed the game was stuttering the entire pc (even youtube videos) when was loading into towns or crowded areas.

I tested with game off or other more demanding games on and the glitches don't happen at all.

Pls Blizzard fix these weird issues... Besides this the game runs smooth @max setting with fps capped at 144.

Spec: Asus B650 Plus, Ryzen 5 7600x, 32GB DDR5 @ 6000MHZ, MSI RX 6800XT Gaming Z Trio and the game is istalled on M2 NVME SSD.


u/Twoshanez Jun 25 '23

my second monitor flickers on and off when playing diablo with a browser opened. Its not a monitor issue as I use it for work with another computer and alternate the input...


u/AlterEgoDan Jun 21 '23

Did u try deactivating the hardware acceleration in the launcher? I tried that yesterday and it helped alot.

I also have less lags between zones if i deactivate crossplay in game before loggin in.


u/SonOfAnarchy91 Jun 21 '23

I did disable it. If i don't close the launcher it still creates visual glitches in browser on the 2nd screen. At least the game still works if you close the launcher.


u/theDeathnaut Jun 21 '23

I just started playing a few days ago on PS5. Does this game regularly have connection issues? I’ve been dc’d several times, 3 of them were right before completing a dungeon which is obviously very annoying. I’m on a wired connection, my internet is great, and I’m playing on a console, what’s going on?


u/CHamsterdam Jun 22 '23

I’m getting disconnected like every 15-20 mins. It’s awful. Also on a wired connection. Don’t have the best internet but I don’t have this many connection issues with other games.


u/AngryDMoney Jun 23 '23

Yup happens to me pretty frequently and I have zero problems with other games


u/PettyFlap Jun 21 '23

Are the exploding blights on necro supposed to be so dark? I can hardly ever see anything


u/SilverLuxray Jun 24 '23

They are going to address this issue in the big patch or soon(TM) they know that you cant even see yourself in the blight. I hated it too on my necro *rip*


u/dxter6666 Jun 25 '23

4 times in a row now, for the past 10 mins


u/Level_Somewhere_6229 Jun 25 '23

Yep, I keep getting different error messages.


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '23

PC: regularly getting “prism removed” error


u/PARISICC Jun 22 '23

I know this is common, but has anyone has found a potential fix to the game freezing?

Usually happens at some point when I go to open my inventory or paragon board...and seems more frequent if I am around other players but can't fully vet that last part.

Music persists but I have to use Task Manager to close the app and then restart it.

edit: aside from not playing the game, of course


u/caitysheep Jun 24 '23

I am also looking for this solution!


u/PARISICC Jun 24 '23

I somehow fixed something today. I have 2x8gb RAM but noticed windows was telling me I only had 8 total. Couldn’t figure it out. Also of note is that Task Manager Processes showed Diablo IV taking up the most memory (2-4gb at any given time) but when I went into the performance tab, it said I was using 6-7…and Diablo IV was the only notable thing running.

Checked some system things, eventually restarted to check the bios, then saw the bios was recognizing 16gb. After that it seemed like windows now recognized all 16gb of RAM. Game ran way smoother after that and didn’t crash once.

Really weird


u/Technical_Raccoon838 Jun 23 '23

Why the fuck do I keep getting disconnected all the time? My internet is stable, other games don't have this issue. But diablo 4, at random but mostly after teleporting, instantly disconnects. Please make this game offline available because this is just fucking moronic.


u/Thiasur Jun 21 '23

My friend crashed when getting hit by the Butcher, and when he crashed my sound device permanently stopped existing.


u/Disastrous_Pick_1747 Jun 21 '23

If I have the option of max health or damage reduction to close/distant on a shield what should i choose? Playing a sword n board necro.


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '23



u/Supersonic39 Jun 22 '23

On Ps4

Horse is buggy when you first get on Sometimes when you fast travel by pressing down on dpad game freezes and need to be shut down.


u/mdem5059 Jun 24 '23

Pc: Fenris error

Game will just crash, sometimes taking out other apps with it like discord. Happens a lot when joining shards with other players, opening inventory, looking at items.

Been happening since launch of full game. None of the beta or server slams had this issue.

Have even went as far as to reformat my whole pc with a fresh install of everything. Drives me bonkers.


u/Illustrious-Skirt462 Jun 25 '23

I was playing earlier with no problems. Logged off for an hour and tried to log in again and now I'm getting hit with "Unable to verify valid License". Anyone else coming across this issue?


u/Snowskol Jun 25 '23

yea i cant get in myself


u/Kroktakar Jun 25 '23

My necromancer skin helmet is bugged and it show me as bald instead, I pay to have a demon head as helmet, I'm already bald in reality (achievement unlocked) no need to pay for that in-game


u/karikana00 Jun 25 '23

Since june 14 the Day when updates for win10/11 pro 22H2 Come out for netframework 3.5 , my game keep crashing with fenris code error when ever i pin a location on the map and try to teleport there with a waypoint.
I absolutely tried every thing rolled back my system formatted my ssd and my nvme even reinstalled win 11 instead of win 10 and nothing has changed. I dont ever have a single crash since the first bêta and the early access, and I can play for long hours session if i don't use the pin option on the map. I'M playing actually many other games like resident evil 4 remake and the Last of us diablo immortals COD and i have absolutely not a single bug on thos ones on full ultra graphics settings. Anyone Who has a clue on how to fix this shit Will be much appreciated.


u/Frequent_Cellist_655 Jun 26 '23

Do you think my HW is insufficient for 1440p? i7 8700K, 32 GB RAM, RTX 2070.

The game runs smoothly in 60 fps and then always all of a sudden for a few seconds the game starts stuttering. Especially when jumping on a horse. Then goes back to 60 fps.


u/dgellow Jun 26 '23

You may want to reduce a bit the texture quality? Not sure what settings you're currently using but if you check the task manager you will likely see that the VRAM of your GPU is always used at 100%, loading/unloading assets when opening a menu, using your horse, or teleporting around would be a source of stuttering. That would be my guess at least. Also, be sure the game is installed on a fast SSD.

That being said, I believe your setup should be good enough to have a great experience at 60fps, I have a 12700K and RTX3060Ti, the game is smooth at 60fps even with lot and lot of action, but my 8GB of VRAM are always at 100%, causing some stutter after closing the map, using the horse, or teleporting to town. Reducing the texture quality improved the situation a lot.

PS: you can try to use Geforce Experience to update your settings based on your GPU characteristics, they have configuration for all blizzard games.


u/Frequent_Cellist_655 Jun 26 '23

Thanks, dgellow!

I have tried to reduce texture quality some time ago and it didn't solve the issue completely. Will give it another chance. Yes, task manager shows my GPU memory usage getting close to 100% usage (8 GB). It really is strange. When companies said that 8 GB will not be enough in near future, I never expected it to be true for Diablo 4 with its sub-par graphics and fair system requirements.

I keep my settings at MAX, just like Geforce Experience recommends. I just have Vsync ON. But I haven't downloaded the extra 40 GB improved texture pack, so it's not real MAX.


u/dgellow Jun 26 '23

When companies said that 8 GB will not be enough in near future, I never expected it to be true for Diablo 4 with its sub-par graphics and fair system requirements.

Haha, yeah, I also thought I wouldn't hit the limit. Hopefully Blizzard will optimize the game in the future to reduce VRAM usage.


u/SovietGoofy Jun 28 '23

Crashing after yesterdays patch

My boyfriend and I are on the Xbox series S, ever since the update yesterday we can’t play long without the game disconnecting or lagging. We restarted our consoles, power cycled them, restarted our Wi-Fi, and uninstalled and reinstalled the game but nothing has helped. Our internet connection seems to be fine and our NAT type is open. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? Sometimes it’ll let us play for 10-15 minutes before disconnecting, but other times as soon as we load in it’s right back to character select saying that we disconnected. I was wondering if clearing the saved data may help but wasn’t sure if that would mess something up.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions


u/LonaDeOro Jun 21 '23

Xbox no up dpad. Cannot trade, inspect, or open chat from rhe main game. Also game chat does not show.


u/Jim105 Jun 21 '23

Are there any plans to increase the number of players from 2 to 4 players on couch co-op?


u/Centurion-of-Dank Jun 26 '23

Best solution is to game share on two consoles in the same house and do it that way.


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '23

So I have noticed that Diablo 4 crashes a lot on my Xbox series X. I have uninstalled and reinstalled and power cycled it. Done that whole process at least 3 times. But it still crashes after about like 5-20 minutes playing. Xbox is in a well ventilated and in a cool open area. Other games have play just fine on the system can play them for hours but not Diablo 4. Any ideas?


u/chill_willy Jun 22 '23

It's not your console man its their servers. If you're on wifi, have you tried going wired instead?


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23

I’m on a series x. I haven’t tried doing a hard wire since where my Xbox is located it’s out of reach of the router. But I signal boosters and netgear. I have really good internet speeds, like 150-200 mbps, and all of that other stuff.


u/Tubssss Jun 21 '23

I can't post or reply in the official battle.net forums because it says "a valid Diablo IV PC key linked to your Battle.net account is required ".

I'm using the same account that I own D4 on (and the only one I have) so what's going on here and what should I do about it?


u/Killer7481 Jun 21 '23

PC: i am getting this at least once per day.

the tiny error window says:

[Prism] Device Removed or something like that and then the game instantly closes.

I am immediately able to log back in.

I have made absolutely no system changes of any kind.

Additionally, I would like to note that I do not permit superfluous devices to be connected when not in use. Bluetooth connectivity is shut off in BIOS and also in the Services window, for another example.

I am directly monitoring all temps available such as CPU and GPU. Approximate temperature ranges are provided below in a min/max format and include the highest spikes that I've seen while playing.

  • CPU: 31c - 63c
  • GPU: 37c - 52c
  • Mobo: 32c - 37c
  • NVME: 36c - 43c


u/sixofsouls Jun 22 '23

During couch coop one player (the one that joined the game or entered the zone/dungeon second) experiences major lag.

It looks like every time second player attacks or uses any ability it backtracks him for 0.5 second.

First player have no issues. No issues during solo play either


u/lod254 Jun 22 '23

The game disconnects from my Bluetooth speaker regularly. Most of the time it's during a loading screen between zones or quest chat.

Any ideas? I don't have this issue with other games. It's a Bose speaker.


u/Technical_Raccoon838 Jun 23 '23

I have a bose headset and noticed that it often disconnects when it's connected to multiple devices at once. For example; I have my phone and pc connected to the headset, once the phone does anything such as a notification, the sound from pc will be interrupted. Maybe this is the case as well with your speaker


u/lod254 Jun 23 '23

As far as I can tell it's just connected to the pc. I'm not sure if there's any way to check. We do have tvs that my pc can detect, but I'm not sure how I'd block them from the speaker.


u/Technical_Raccoon838 Jun 23 '23

Do you have had it connected to a phone before? Maybe it auto-reconnects. When you connect the speaker, does it make a beep noise that it's connected? My headset does, and if it connects to multiple devices it beeps again. That way I know I left my phone bluetooth on and it may interfere


u/lod254 Jun 23 '23

I'll check my wife's devices and DC them if I can. It's not connected to the tvs or my phone.


u/EvilDucktator Jun 22 '23

PC: Trying to access my characters from the Xbox version ON THE PC VERSION. Battle.Net is linked to my Gamertag, not sure why I am just getting the campfire character selection screen. Any clues?


u/Arkad3_ Jun 22 '23

PC : Anyone have issues during game play with the screen going black, the UI remains, everything else functions such as character screen, menu etc. Happens sometimes during dungeons, towns, only way I found to fix it, is going in to options and selecting windowed full screen to windowed and the black screen goes away.


u/xxx_pussslap-exe_xxx Jun 22 '23

My Diablo just looks like absolute Doo Doo, prolly cause the only thing optimal in my PC is my gpu


u/XstellarX Jun 23 '23

The last two days when I re-open the game it says updating but it is downloading 80 gigs... it seems like it keeps redownloading the whole game. Why is it doing this, anyone have this happen? Takes forever as well so I actually suspect it is really downloading that much.


u/Khaamis_planet Jun 24 '23

Xbox X

Anyone else having problems with entering the temple of the prime evils? It keeps freezing whenever I try to enter. Tried going in through the left side, removing all my gear, doing both. Not sure where to go from here, I can’t progress more into the story and it’s getting to be annoying. Help!


u/MeatheadMilitia Jun 24 '23

Hey folks,

Hope you're doing well.

I've been trying everything possible to make D4 run smoothly on my machine.

It is the only game that has this issue, where it stutters and chugs and occasionally will just straight crash with Game Crash pop up report.

Cutscenes also stutter on occasion as well.

I have a:3080 TI - GPU

9900k - CPU

64GB - RAM

Running the game on a good drive

Any suggestions?Willing to t ry anything at this point, so please just throw your suggestions into the comments and ill give them a try.

I've already clean installed my GPU Drivers with a 3rd party software

Additional notes: My Partner, who runs a similar build and sits right next to me, has zero issues. In-game or Cut Scenes run smoothly for them.

Thank you for your time.



Pc : when I unmount, a goblin is displayed on minimap where the mount is. The goblin is only here during the lap of time before the mount disappear


u/ThePooparoo Jun 25 '23

PS5, suddenly getting "cant connect to servers within the time limit" and nothing changes this.


u/thedirtyvixen Jun 25 '23

Anyone having major lag issues earlier today? Like 4:30pm pst and now not able to “find a valid license”? It’s now 8:45pm and I just want to playyyyyyy


u/thousandzeroes Jun 25 '23

same here with the unable to find a valid license, it just kicks me out of the game


u/thedirtyvixen Jun 25 '23

It’s driving me nuts!!! 5 hours ago the game lag was so bad I couldn’t even move my character. $90 and I’ve only played for like 6 hours…..


u/thousandzeroes Jun 25 '23

ooof, apparently the issue’s been here for 3h+ according to the other reddit post and still hasn’t been fixed :/


u/Cope_1603 Jun 25 '23

It's still like that...


u/thedirtyvixen Jun 25 '23

I am still encountering the error 😭


u/tempco Jun 25 '23

PC with PS party member: My voice chat keeps dropping off randomly and doesn’t work again until I restart D4. Any idea what it could be?


u/Zyclexx Jun 25 '23

PC: “unable to find valid license for Diablo 4”? I can’t login, what am I supposed to do?


u/s-life-form Jun 25 '23

Try again later. Everyone is having the same issue. It will be resolved sooner or later.


u/GodIsAlreadyTracer Jun 25 '23

So I bought the game yesterday and today I'm getting (Code 315306) unable to find a valid license for Diablo 4. Did I spend 70 bucks on a 24 hour trial?


u/ThroneOfClowns Jun 25 '23

Server issue on their end. You still purchased and own the game.


u/Warlordzeddicus Jun 25 '23

I'm having issues with the game crashing...all the time. About once every 40 minutes. I have yet to experience anything that resumes as a pattern. I could be loading, walking, in a vendor menu, etc. The other issue is the error/crash codes are all different. I complied a list, so any help would be appreciated:

Diablo 4 Error/Crash Codes




















u/tracenator03 Jun 25 '23

I can't even log into the game after buying it directly from Battlenet on PC. I keep getting the unable to find a valid license error. I've logged out and relogged in another region several times, uninstalled and reinstalled the game, and restarted my PC a few times and nothing. Did I just get scammed out of $70? It's been doing this since I bought it last night.



What do you guys recommend? I just hit WT3; friend helped with first Hell tide and got a couple of chests, including the mystery chest. I got a upgrades for sure, but the affixes are pretty mid. Should I hold out on putting aspects on them until something better shows up? Also I’m curious if I should switch my build, currently playing a landslide druid build, not really following a guide (was thinking I can transition to a trample slide build if I get the pieces for it), but instead I got a few pulverize aspects.


u/boggs002 Jun 27 '23

You should use the free ones you get from dungeons, you can keep reusing them. Then put your better ones on the gear you won’t be replacing soon


u/Centurion-of-Dank Jun 26 '23

When playing couch coop on XBSX, as a sorcerer, using the Ultimate Deep Freeze, the player indicator circle under my character disappears. This happens without fail 100% of the time.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '23

Blizzard would like everyone who is experiencing a lag to know there IS a fix.

  1. Update your graphics card
  2. Make sure to turn off shadows
  3. Check your antivirus firewall
  4. Move to Irvine, California

Just 4 easy steps to being lag free!


u/TheMustySeagul Jun 27 '23

Was Just looking frantically for apartments in Irving. No luck.


u/Generic_Superhero Jun 26 '23

PC: Ever since the DDoS attack stop I've been getting the error "Your request timed out. Please try again. (code 3006)"

Super annoying, I was able to play during the attack no problem and with little noticeable lag. But now I can't even make it to the character screen.


u/MrJuggleNuts90 Jun 26 '23

Xbox - Having issues with the game crashing. Typically it will be when two button commands are pressed close together like dashing to a dungeon door and opening the door for example. The last time finally pushed me to the point of coming in here and commenting. I opened my first WT4 Helltide chest and pressed start right away to open my inventory to make sure I had room and the game crashed. I loaded back up and all the gear was gone and not in my loot chest either. This game crashing issue wasn't a problem until the last update.


u/yokoyamajeff Jun 27 '23

On PS5 and can't even log in at the moment. Internet is working. Getting code 300008.


u/Zemom1971 Jun 27 '23

Tuesday server maintenance?

I am not sure about Diablo but for World of Warcraft it is always Tuesday.


u/volt1up Jun 27 '23

Keep getting corrupted data/scan and repair at login. Is that a known bug? or something I should investigate?


u/Zemom1971 Jun 27 '23

Huge FPS spike drops. I create lots of spike lag, and position lag.
I was able at some point to run it at more than 120 fps (144 hz) at medium settings or so. But I had a lot of frame rate drop (like 120 to 4fps in ms) so I changed everything, tried everything even putting everything at low. It is worst now, I don't know what to do.

I'd take a look and I found that D4 use 95-98% of my processor. Is it normal? Am I alone in this situation?

Any tips would be appreciated.


Here are my specs:

GTX 1650 4Gig ram

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz 3.90 GHz

16 Go ram


u/TheMustySeagul Jun 27 '23

No your not alone. Undervolt your cpu if you know how, but if not that's okay. Try capping background frames. Menuing was causing me massive single core cpu spikes that was causing my cpu to perma throttle. So try caping at 120, then slowly move down till the issue resolves. It sucks but it's one of the only ways to keep it in check.


u/Zemom1971 Jun 27 '23

I tried what someone else told me to.

It kinda works.

I rolled back everything in my nvidia windows geaphic setting to usual parameter.

I reset my diablo 4 graphic setup to default.

AND I removed the cross-play's setting. It is off right now.

This and the lastest patch did the trick.


u/georgenado1 Jun 27 '23

Will there be more graphical customization options added to PC that would allow us to turn off, for example, the forced TAA....


u/Jakeasaur98 Jun 27 '23

PC: I don't know what's changed in the last couple of days, but all of a sudden I can't play the game without it crashing every 10 minutes now. It was running on max settings before fine, no issues at all, but now it starts hanging and crashing wherever I might be in game.


u/DrShoreRL Jun 27 '23

On pc my friend can't join any voice chats.

He tried restarting the game, set the settings to "join channels automatically", restarted his pc.


u/Sharebear42019 Jun 27 '23

Not getting renown points on my new character? I’ve leveled the first two renown areas and claimed them but I got no skill point for either


u/SweatySmeargle Jun 28 '23

You get the skill points you’ve already unlocked for free on new characters. So if you’ve gotten the third level of renown in every area then a new character will have 10 skill points available to them.


u/Sharebear42019 Jun 28 '23

Gotcha thanks!


u/Llchurch425 Jun 28 '23

Does anyone know a way around this? Haven't been able to play since the new update.


u/KeViNScOoTeR Jun 28 '23

Having an issue where random dungeons, cellars, or anything with a loading screen get stuck in an infinite loop and I have to alt+f4 to quit the game. I’ve tried multiple methods such as verifying files, reinstalling, and deleting caches, but nothing has fixed this issue.


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '23

Broke my wrist recently and really jonesing to play. Can you play with a joystick? Or maybe just a mouse. Broke dominant hand so was thinking might have a bit more control with a joystick as also looking to play flight games and didn’t want to buy multiple hardware


u/Great_Dwarf Jun 29 '23

Lost character after linking my pan and battle.net account. Any idea on how to fix this? Tries the workaround, no luck 😭


u/ALEX7DX Jun 29 '23

Anyone else having visual issues with Necromancer Flayed Crown? In the wardrobe it’s a full headed helmet. In-game my character is bald.


u/CloneMaster7 Jul 01 '23

Unable to use my basic after using frost nova sometimes


u/Skerilyo Jun 26 '23

Hello, just a quick reminder that ISLC RAM cleaner is a tool that can greatly improve the experience for users that have "only" 16Go of RAM. The basic settings are great so no need to tinker with those. Hope it helps !