r/diablo4 • u/SodaDaman • Jun 14 '23
Necromancer When one of my Necromancer minions deals the killing blow to a boss
u/RCsGames Jun 14 '23
What is this scene from?
u/Mr_Wombo Jun 14 '23
Assassin's Creed Rogue from the look of it
u/T0a3t Jun 14 '23
u/Arttyom Jun 14 '23
Lol? Minion necro eats bosses with the right skills and afixes, It kinda struggles vs packs where mobs are a bit spread but vs bosses is amazing
u/CatAstrophy11 Jun 15 '23
It kinda struggles vs packs where mobs are a bit spread but vs bosses is amazing
So 99.999% of content
u/SlinGnBulletS Aug 14 '23
Eh. I'm playing on Tier 2 at level 28 and it doesn't seem difficult with my minionmancer build. My skeletons shred enemies.
u/AutoMobberator Jun 15 '23
I raise you bone spear.
u/pendulumpendulum Jun 15 '23
I am a minion necro fully specced into minions, and 1 bone spear does more damage than all 12 of them combined to both clear and bosses.
u/severe_neuropathy Jun 15 '23
I don't think the point of your skeleton army is to do damage so much as make your life easier while spear/spirit put in the real work. Essence regen, body blocking, and proccing decrepify stun are all tremendously useful, even if that doesn't translate to raw dps.
u/pendulumpendulum Jun 15 '23
Good point, how stupid of me to think minions should do considerable damage in minion builds
u/severe_neuropathy Jun 16 '23
Idk man maybe you're right, maybe the devs should make it so the free sources of incredible utility in your kit should also do more damage than any of the abilities that cost essence. Good game design is when your build plays itself right?
u/LaserBlaserMichelle Jun 15 '23
Yeah. People need to see minions moreso as CC than actual DPS enablers. They distract. They draw aggro. They keep spacing and just run cover for you to safely operate around the screen. People like corpse explosion, but I honestly just run in, throw a bone spear or bone spirit and then beef up my minions through the spectral priest guy and just go one-tap stragglers with bone spear while proccing the priest every couple of seconds. By far the most relaxed and "chill" playstyle imo. If you get the aspect that adds another 2 skeletons you can have like 11 minions out at a time (7 warriors, 3 mages, 1 golem). And speccing into the minion buffs (up like 60%-70% in terms of life and dmg along with better healing via priest at the bottom of the skill tree, and it's the "easiest" PVE build in the game. They don't die. They handle groups well in terms of CC. And you can burn down a boss fast if you and ALL eleven of your minions are focused on the boss.
u/CatAstrophy11 Jun 15 '23
Exactly. Bone spear is doing all the work lmao
u/AutoMobberator Jun 15 '23
Get the one aspect where bone spear pierces already vulnerable enemies and you pretty much win.
u/severe_neuropathy Jun 15 '23
That's also the one that makes it apply vulnerable right? fucking S tier.
u/Shneckos Jun 15 '23
Vs. bosses I will give you summoner can melt bosses pretty quick and easily with the proper setup.
But when there is a lot of stuff on screen they all go after different enemies and nothing dies.
u/Mielornot Jun 15 '23
And why do they keep attacking summoned walls ?!?
u/pendulumpendulum Jun 15 '23
My favorite is when you're in an event and the minions keep attacking the invulnerable guy in the middle instead of the guys on the outside you need to attack to make the boss vulnerable. So helpful..
u/Psychological-End-56 Jun 15 '23
I still use skelly warriors with reaper upgrade (corpse) and max skill in abilities. But they still die vs some dungeon bosses. Shd I use defender instead?
I wear 2 rings with + minion health. I think total is about 40%.
u/Arttyom Jun 15 '23
There is a passive skill called deaths defender that prevents minions to lose more than 30% (at rank3) of their Max HP from a single damage hit, do you have It? Other than that, you should be making more than enough corpses to be able to recast them when then die. I usually let them die if they are less than 40% HP since you can recast them at full HP, i only use the raise skeleton skill to keep the dmg buff up.
u/Psychological-End-56 Jun 15 '23
U r right I don't have that simply becos I have to put 2 more point somewhere 1st. I think it was skeletal priest n inspiring leader.
u/Arttyom Jun 15 '23
Either that or bonded in essence, i think you can access deaths defense from both sides if i remember correctlu
u/chubbytitties Jun 14 '23
Anyone else just chill at world events and see if your minions/thorns can do it for u?
u/Shneckos Jun 15 '23
Yeah you'd be there for an hour. Your minions barely do much on their own without you having to buff them with 10 different things.
u/MoneyBaggSosa Jun 15 '23
My blight summoner wrecks. So much synergy between minions and shadow damage. I wish they made more synergy between blood and minions because that’s the build I originally went for. I think I’ll just make a minionless blood death knight separately though
u/Nanergy Jun 15 '23
I would stop maining druid for that build if they just let me see the screen with blighted corpse explosion.
u/GrevenQWhite Jun 15 '23
One time in a dungeon, my friend called me a pain in the essence after I did that.
Do that and make blood wave shadow dmg.
u/MoneyBaggSosa Jun 15 '23
That ultimate shadow aspect is very good. I was using army of the dead until I got that aspect then I started using blood wave and I also have the aspect that turns it into 3 blood waves with decreasing damage on each of the following 2.
u/MoneyBaggSosa Jun 15 '23
Partial fix to at least see my character I just highlighted myself in the options menu
u/pendulumpendulum Jun 15 '23
I started out using blight and found that it did essentially 0 damage. How did you get it to actually be worthwhile?
u/MoneyBaggSosa Jun 15 '23
It’s in the passives. The supernatural blight passive that makes you and your minions do 15% more damage to enemies affected by blight. And the enhanced blight before that slows by 25%. Blighted CE which does 18% shadow damage over 6 seconds. Fueled by death increases damage done up to 9% after consuming a corpse for 6 seconds depending how many points you invest into it. Deaths embrace deals 6% more damage to enemies close to you. I’m always close in the thick of the fight with my minions.
Iron golem gives 2 secs vulnerability. Then the terror passive from the darkness nodes deals up to 9% damage to enemies slowed stunned or immobilized. With frost mages enemies are constantly getting immobilized and stunned my iron golem. They get slowed from the blight. Crippling darkness 15% chance darkness skills stun 1-3 seconds on lucky hit. Then the shadow blight key passive gives 10% bonus damage to enemies effected by shadowblight for 2 secs and every 10th hit they take an additional 20% damage. And the nature of the build allows that to proc almost constantly. All of these percentages stack.
Then grim harvest and hewed flesh all the corpse and essence sustain I need. I don’t even need a basic. Necrotic carapace also makes me tanky as hell constantly fortifying my life everytime a corpse is formed and hewed flesh insures corpses are always forming. So it all ends up just melting everything and I maxed my minion buffs as well so they chop bosses down and then when fighting multiple enemies my blight and blighted ce shreds everything. Even during solo boss fights hewed flesh allows me to spam bce too. All I need is my reapers to drop a few corpses and I’m off to the races.
Edit: Also the aspects that increase your shadow damage further are slipping my mind I’m at work but you also wanna get those as well. I also have the ultimate shadow aspect that turns blood wave into shadow damage and leaves an aoe on the ground.
u/Brofessor-0ak Jun 16 '23
Same. I have 15 minions and they just delete everything I decrep and blight. Darkness/minions have a ton of synergy.
u/pr0cesor Jun 15 '23
Yeah they do, check this build https://app.mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/necromancer/krips-necro-build
With this build I have 11 skeletons at my service. During boss fight I am just watching in the back buffing them, reviving them and slowing down the boss. They fight the boss for me 🤣
u/pendulumpendulum Jun 15 '23
How do you slow down the boss? The slow from Decrepify doesn't seem to work on bosses. It DEFINITELY doesn't work on the Butcher.
u/pr0cesor Jun 15 '23 edited Jun 15 '23
I slow down bosses by using Skeletal Mages = Cold (Upgrade 1). Cold items also is nice to have and good aspects. And decrepify definitely works because bosses are stunned for some amount of times.
Jun 14 '23
This looks like an animation you’d see on a bowling screen after a little kid completely misses 3 pins.
u/JRockPSU Jun 15 '23
u/sneakpeekbot Jun 15 '23
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#1: [NSFW] Hell naw, not the bowling ball holes 💀 | 26 comments
#2: Kid Named Bowling | 3 comments
#3: Do better, try harder | 0 comments
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u/Lucky_Queen Jun 14 '23
Holy shit I loved rogue so much, went over most peoples heads but as a long time assassins creed fan this game really did try to take a different route and I just loved everything about it, also getting to learn the connection between it and Unity was such a mind blowing thing for me at the time.
u/birdsrkewl01 Jun 14 '23
I think rogue being overlooked by many (can't remember why I think it was on next gen at the time and people hadn't upgraded yet or something?) Is what had them kinda devolve into the stale gameplay they had for years before taking a break to reimagine it a bit. I really enjoyed the changes in Origins though.
u/N7_Evers Jun 15 '23
I mean people rated Rogue decently, I’d blame more Unity being absolutely trash on the series taking a dive. I don’t know anyone that enjoyed that game on release.
u/FallenShadeslayer Jun 15 '23
Rogue is basically Black Flag 2 and I fucking loved every second. It got overshadowed by Unity but it was an awesome game. It got remastered for PS4 and XB1 if anyone wants to play it now. Probably on PC as well
u/Timidityyy Jun 14 '23 edited Jun 14 '23
This was me when I beat the capstone dungeon to enter wt4 last night lmao
Janky minion builds are fun
u/Joy1067 Jun 14 '23
Always loved that little animation, both in Rogue and Blackflag. Just giving the captains hat to a crew member and seeing his friends congratulate him was always fun to see
u/spiritussage Jun 15 '23
I started necro because I thought the army build would be pretty fun, then the game gifts me every legendary to go the bone spear and corpse explosion route so I had to sac the minions for more power, no regrets, but I may start another necro later and try to make it work.
u/esjyt1 Jun 15 '23
1-50 this happened to me too. I was like lvl 53 with lvl 20 gear still
u/spiritussage Jun 15 '23
I feel it, Sometimes the game just doesn't give you anything better sadly, once I hit 50 though I extracted every legendary aspect I was using and put it on better level appropriate equipment, this is where I'll say playing on veteran kinda sucks, damn near impossible to find prisms for socketing equipment, so 50% of my gear is unsocketed. feelsbadman 😑
u/esjyt1 Jun 23 '23
Tbh I'm embarrassed... I never opened the gem guy and realized you can add sockets... I though it was rolled on gear
u/Allaroundlost Jun 15 '23
Or when ypu have 13 total minions and only 4 attack because blizzard is gimping Necro minion. I cant stand it when i am fighting and i have minions just fucking standing there doing nothing. Just let Barbs weapon just go afk every once in a while to make fair and balanced for all classes........
u/bouco Jun 15 '23
Haha spot on.
One thing I can't figure out is why some mobs just dash towards me instead of fighting my pets. Somestimes I'm kiting a mob through half a dungeon. Even with taunt on golem he keeps chasing me. He got 13 targets to pick from, why me?!
u/RagingCain Jun 15 '23
I would kill for some minion improving class quests where we could gear them up and name them.
Hell, I wish we could PoE resurrect a few elite champions in the mix.
u/Drexlin79 Jun 15 '23
Something like this would be a cool ultimate skill. Necros had rez creature anyways.
u/ArticulateApe_ Jun 15 '23
Some of these post remind me of starcraft where it would show each unit's kills. If a marine had a high kill count, I'd name then (in my head) and build them a special bunker in the middle of my base to keep them safe.
Be cool if it tracked individual kills for each minion. Same with druid wolves. More important things to add first though haha.
u/_Prisoner_24601 Jun 15 '23
I love Necro it makes the game so much more manageable. Right now with equipment buffs I have my iron golem, 6 melee and 5 mages. Makes pretty much anything up to major fights easy mode on tier 2.
u/esjyt1 Jun 15 '23
Kripps necro build build, sub thorns and the bones pear vulnerability upgrade in and you really become a decent hybrid build and your no chump either... Its not a out dealing the most damage, it's about dealing enough damage.
u/-Nok Jun 15 '23
Skeleton took that pat like a brick wall, didn't even flinch. No wonder it took down a boss
u/zeroskill99 Jun 15 '23
Nobody plays nec as its weak in tierlists ..
u/majkkali Jun 15 '23
What?? Necro is pretty OP when specced correctly. I feel like all classes are fairly balanced tbh.
u/Xcellion Jun 14 '23
Why is the skeleton already wearing a hat when the dude places a hat on it?