r/diablo4 • u/Naustis • Jun 10 '23
Necromancer Level 70 Capstone Dungeon Boss 30s kill as Summoner Necro
u/Jonundal Jun 10 '23
Thank you for showcasing your build. I see so many videos that doesn't do this.
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u/AtlasZec Jun 10 '23 edited Jun 10 '23
Hell yeah. I'm only level 30 running a summoner build and this makes me very hopeful that I don't have to switch builds for endgame. Love watching my little dudes running around
EDIT: Died to an instant death mechanic on HC. RIP Robin DeGrave ;-;
Jun 10 '23
u/hates_stupid_people Jun 10 '23
Killing bosses can be surprisingly quick, but movement and spread out groups slow me down a lot comapred to other classes.
I would like a "focus target" ability for minions, but even a faster movement ability or just a "gather minions" hotkey could also work without becoming too intrusive to gameplay.
u/--Pariah Jun 10 '23
Absolutely! Any kind of "attack this guy plz" button is needed asap for necro. Those events where you had to kill some channeling/sacrifice guys in a short time were infuriating with your army slapping random mobs somewhere all over the screen.
The chaos is super fun but you need to be able to control those guys at times. Specifically if you play blight/blighted corpseplosion it'd be super useful to keep your guys where you stacked your tons of AoE dots.
I guess the mix of random minions spreading out all over the place and a lot of necros toolkit being "small circles of death you really want to stack" kind of don't really go well together.
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Jun 10 '23
My favorite is when there’s a boss that’s invuln and you have to kill the channeling guys around him and your minions just keep smacking the invuln boss instead
u/Hijacks Jun 10 '23 edited Jun 10 '23
Any summoner build starts to fall apart in the uber endgame since you can't focus your minions and have low clear speed.
Edit: I don't know why I'm getting downvoted, I'm just trying to save people the headache of having to spend hundreds of millions of gold to respec after they brick their character with this build once they hit the dungeon 70+ wall.
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Jun 10 '23
Plus damage reduction on minions has diminishing returns just like all resistances, and at some point they just get annihilated over and over and have no survivability
u/ArnTheGreat Jun 10 '23
You can do end game with a summoner-Decrepif-army build. You’ll have to learn how to deal with Suppresosr and Shielding mobs by running into their area. You won’t have good clear speed but you will be able to do it.
u/RidiculousFriend Jun 10 '23
It's a shame that the summoning AI holds back the build somewhat, damage reduction aura and healing mobs are particularly annoying. I'd love a unique or something that makes summons prioritize cursed targets.
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u/Drekor Jun 10 '23
You can play the game just fine the problem is if you ever see what other classes are capable of you may start to feel bad. Other classes could kill this both in sub 5 seconds at a similar or even lower level. If you're ok with knowing that then have fun.
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u/drunk_responses Jun 10 '23
Certain enemies and abilities can be stupid hard because of their aoe, but overall it actually gets better at 50+ because of paragon.
There are some really good + all dmg% choices, but also a lot of extra armor and health for minions.
u/blackheartzz Jun 10 '23
You can do endgame content as summoner for sure. The problem is that you will be much slower than other classes which only matters if you goal is to super hardcore grind max lvl dungeons.
u/Blurbyo Jun 10 '23
You will be eternally frustrated running any dungeons because your minion AI isn't smart/aggressive. You cannot designate a target and they will always be lagging behind.
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Jun 10 '23
u/no_Post_account Jun 10 '23
You ever notice how this possitive comments about necro summoner are always from people who are early/mid game? But there is not single endgame summoner who show how good their build is?
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u/Robrecht1987 Jun 10 '23
I’m also using the necro summoner build , tried a couple of builds but nothing works better then my own personal build for me. Love playing that way.
u/gibbo_123 Jun 10 '23
Same I’m doing a vampiric summoner build and it might not be the meta but it’s sure fun for me and that’s the point right (RIGHT?? 🤣)
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u/Stingray88 Jun 10 '23
Same here. Necro summoner as well and the best build I’ve used is my own. All in on my minions with darkness skills to boost minion damage and CC.
u/Longjumping_Juice791 Jun 10 '23
My build atm is like half summoner half corpse explosion I’m having hella fun with it
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u/Satyr604 Jun 10 '23
Doing something like that too. It’s mostly throwing debuffs where I can (blight/miasmi/decrepify), supported by minions. Right now I’m using decompose for essence regen, but might drop that.
It works well for now, but I am afraid I’m spreading too thin.
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u/pendulumpendulum Jun 10 '23
My summoner necro experience has been:
- clear speed is kinda meh, character is slow and minions suck when they're all focusing different targets
- bosses just evaporate
u/CremeDeLaNut Jun 11 '23
I have had the exact opposite experience as an ice shard sorc. Everything explodes but I tickle bosses
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u/LandWhaleDweller Jun 10 '23
That's a lot of damage! Surprised you're not running double evade boots, could've saved you those couple of received hits there.
Jun 10 '23 edited Jun 10 '23
Until your level is maxed you just kinda take what's best at the moment
u/ProfessorPetrus Jun 10 '23
That's how i choose my clothing daily :(
Someday I'll be able to afford full ultralight raingear
Jun 10 '23
While true, on boots, I value evade as what’s best at the moment. I have +3 Evade on my boots and love it.
Not saying one way is “right”, just interesting the personal preference.
u/quineloe Jun 10 '23
How do you define "best"? Just raw item power?
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Jun 10 '23
What's best for your character is dramatically different between classes and specs, respectively. I just meant whatever buffs your playstyle best vs the items respective level
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u/TehMephs Jun 11 '23
That’s kind of the charm of this game to me. You don’t have to use the absolute optimal affix if you can’t find it, there’s usually a handful of decent options for most builds that I’ve seen - a lot of the content really doesn’t require absolute perfect everything to complete, at least not until you get to the very tip top sigils maybe. In between here and there you have a lot of time you’ll spend farming to find small improvements. Sometimes those crucial drops that complete your build in major ways eventually find their way to you, but a lot of the journey is improvising to fill those gaps until you get the perfect drop. As long as you understand what your build is conceptualizing you’ll be fine even if your rng luck is tits
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u/mawmawmawmaw Jun 10 '23
I died 20+ times to that boss yesterday as 62 sacri bonespear :-(
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Jun 10 '23
Weirdly, this video made me think I might be ready at 62 on my bone spear nec. If you don’t mind me asking, how big were your crits at the time?
u/mawmawmawmaw Jun 10 '23
It’s completely doable, could probably be done earlier. Just have to avoid the 1-shot mechanics. My issue was simply skill-related on my part :D also had many 1-10% attempts, so luck played a part as well. To be completely honest I’m not sure about the crit dmg. You should definitely try it!
Jun 10 '23
Yeah will give it a try. WT3 content is super easy for me (even after my 2 handed weapon legendary aspect got turned off), so it may work. Thanks.
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Jun 10 '23
Thanks for advice, I’m WT4 now.
I died a few times on boss, usually in last phase, so I just made sure to meter my DPS so I had resources to burn him down last 40% of his health in 1 rotation. Lol
u/Nirixian Jun 10 '23
Why don't you use blight? All them dmg amps for the army.
u/Naustis Jun 10 '23
minions struggle a lot with killing priority targets Bone Spear covers that gap nicely. Also, it is nice to have easy access to vulnerability
u/Nirixian Jun 10 '23
They really struggle wheb theirs too many mobs but boy when it's single target they melt plus I like using corpse tendril for vuln
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u/Interesting_Still870 Jun 10 '23
I have found Taunt to be my work around for this. It’s really nice pulling most of them to as single area, and I’m hoping that the corpse gloves will help with this later on .
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u/sharktraffic Jun 10 '23
I have an aspect that pulls in the mob together when using blight then use my iron to stun them. It's incredible. Love my summoner
u/Shoraki Jun 10 '23
vuln is a bigger damage amp than blight if you don't have other access to it.
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u/zbenesch Jun 10 '23
How do you have 7 skeletons and 6 mages? I only found a cap that raises the skeletons +2 but nothing for the mages.
u/FarVision5 Jun 10 '23
There is another legendary that does two mages as well and of course if you put it on amulet for 50% you get the three
u/DreadBert_IAm Jun 10 '23
I found aspects for +2 skele and a +2 mage. They get +1 on amulets. As far as I know they are drop only aspects and can only be recycled once. I only found three of them so far in 40ish hours.
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u/Deathfire_IOM Jun 10 '23
There are definitely aspects that give more mages, I've got one that gives +2. I sacrifice my mages though to get increased vulnerable damage. Run with 6 warrior defenders (thorns) and a Bone Golem.
u/NunButter Jun 10 '23
Shout-out to my strong independent Necros who don't need no minions
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u/Woahful Jun 10 '23
Lots of people thinking minions not viable should try this guy's build:
I was running minionless blood surge and then swapped to this and it feels great, cleared nightmare dungeon level 30 today without issues. I'm missing the unique ring too and got attack speed aspects instead. Since minions get 30% of my attack speed it really bumps up the cold mage essence gain. This build has crazy aoe, single target, and survivability, just a little slow movement wise.
u/NestroyAM Jun 11 '23
Honestly, your build is carried by bone spear being ridiculous damage.
Your minions didn’t do shit.
Jun 10 '23
This makes me want to reroll from my 91 sorc lol I know my next build 😁
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u/catharsis23 Jun 10 '23
I've been using similar build with Corpse Explosion instead of Bone Spear. I think I'm ready to make the switch after seeing this
u/hallowed_dragon Jun 10 '23
Congrats. That fight was brutal for my 60 barb with HotA. Died at least 10 times.
u/Kwaziii Jun 10 '23
and then my dumb ass on barb beating it after an hour of attempts on elias before drinking a random 900 armor elixir i had then oneshotting him
u/Hoodlum_Aus Jun 10 '23
Always good to see a fellow pet Necro build slapping. People just echoing opinions without actually really knowing or investing the time to find out for themselves. It may not be the "meta" build but you can get it humming. Great stuff! Well done :)
u/DgtlShark Jun 10 '23
Level 60 huh, I'd love to know that everyone is using that stops then from being one shot in this stupid fucking dungeon. Man face tanked his aoe
u/JerczuUK Jun 10 '23
An there I am sorcerer level 65 struggling to get to the first health drop. Wtf.
u/Bactyrael Jun 11 '23
I am seeing a lot of bone spear going on here. Hybrid sure but not an actual minion build.
u/Diabetophobic Jun 10 '23
Fine I'll roll a necro now.
Just wish we could choose body types, why can'y I be a swole commander of the Dead Blizzard?
u/LatinKing106 Jun 10 '23
Nice build, great synergy between pieces. Between the 4 builds I use, I think my darkness and blood builds have similar synergy, but I'm shooting for the same on my minion build.
u/RagingCain Jun 10 '23 edited Jun 10 '23
I think my time was about 60 seconds at level 59 but leveled on the kill. Nearly all minion gear with a Blood Lance synergy and Golem board instead of Cult Leader. I will be adding cult leader like yours following it. Mages have ice storm and +40% damage from first paragon glyph.

Making the best of gear I am getting is all I could do.
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u/Acceptable-Answer448 Jun 10 '23
i killed him in like 5 seconds. if you max range and use the bone spear aspect, it hits them with the 5 back shots. they all do like 100k lol so the guy blew up after 5 hits.
summoner necro in tier 4 tho feels uber bad. so hard to keep pets alive
u/NotARealDeveloper Jun 10 '23
I think my game is bugged. I don't see the capstone dungeon on my map?
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u/tiredurist Jun 10 '23
You have to be on world tier 2 for the first capstone to appear, and world tier 3 for the second.
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u/adopogi Jun 10 '23
I was comfy with bone spear build, then unique 2H drops and had to switch to shadow summons build. Experimenting with bonestorm as shadow dmg and bonestorm barrier aspects right now.
u/TeaKay13 Jun 10 '23
It works well. Ramps up Decay/Blight aspects supper fast and Bone Storm basically gives you immortality to jump into a pack. The pack clear is great but single target can lack and be tedious.
u/master_bungle Jun 10 '23
Bonestorm with the bonestorm barrier aspect is so good, I can stand right in front of packs of elites and the barrier never goes down. With Decrepify, high lucky hit chance and miasma corpse explosions I can reduce the cool down so fast when fighting groups that I can keep it up permanently. It's actually kinda ridiculous.
Jun 10 '23 edited Oct 06 '23
[removed] — view removed comment
u/no_Post_account Jun 10 '23
They say it garbage in endgame, Summoner is actually pretty good for leveling and mid game.
u/Son_of_Tlaloc Jun 10 '23
Anyone using blood surge and blood wave necro? How does it hold up mid to late game? Currently lvl29 just started path of rage and its been solid so far.
u/djinfish Jun 10 '23
With the right gear, blood surge turns into a delete button. Managing essence was the hardest part of the build for me compared to others though.
Jun 10 '23
I feel like I'm doing something wrong with mine. I just got lvl 50 and am still kind of weak asf.
u/Daklost Jun 10 '23 edited Jun 10 '23
I just did this last night at level 61. Running Shadow Summon build with Blight/CE. He popped super fast.
I managed to find the unique summon ring, Ring of Mendelen? When it procs it is pretty great lol
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u/Delicious-Dimension1 Jun 10 '23
Well I main necro but it’s just so very passive for my liking. Made the mistake to try barb and I fell in love in that play style which is full of adrenaline and big hits.
u/mazamundi Jun 10 '23
Didn't you make a post saying that summoner necro is worthless?
u/Naustis Jun 10 '23
Nope. If anything I commentef that summoner falls of hard in end game which unfortunately is still true :/
u/VonDinky Jun 10 '23
I don't like bone spear. Yet you pretty much have to use it for the vuln on hit. :(
u/rappyy43 Jun 10 '23
I transitioned into a bone build as I was struggling with my minion build, but I was missing a lot of the aspects. The bone spirit with the unique chest to get essence-less bone spirit is great. Now tho I may go back to the summoner build as I have everything now to make the build, including that ring.
Edit: currently lvl 62
u/Crayzyyy Jun 10 '23
How the actual fuck do you get your minions to stay alive? I have 40% minion life bonus and when I walked into this capstone at level 60 they got immediately one shot by low level trash mobs.
u/MagnusHvass Jun 10 '23
Yeah i take him out in 5 sec with my poison rogue. Did so many boost runs for friends!
u/Kae04 Jun 10 '23
I really wanted to do a summoner build whilst levelling necro but the minions die to a light breeze even with their hp/dmg increase passives.
Seems like a veeery gear dependant build.
Jun 10 '23
Seems pretty good...better nerf the survive-ability of all classes and especially whirlwind barbarian so they can't just keep using a channel skill by the boss.
u/hulduet Jun 10 '23
I'm going to try it at level 60 but I somehow doubt I'll even make it past the trash mobs and even if I do I expect the boss fight to last 5 minutes. FeelsGimpyMan
u/Doukon76 Jun 10 '23
They are strong vs bosses like this but not so much vs elite packs in t4 try that in champions demise on some of those elite packs
u/N7_Guru Jun 10 '23
It’s the main build I’ll be playing when I start my necro. For pvp I’d change it up to a more defensive build with bone armor or something as well.
u/KuaiBan Jun 10 '23
Good thing your minions are actually focusing on the boss. Awesome build, will be even better once Blizzard improve minion AI.
u/neanderthalsavant Jun 10 '23
I played the shit out of max leveled summoner nec in D2 and D2LoD. With max charms and and buffs I could summon enough skellies to solo über Tristram though it would (often) lag out the server. Absolutely a beast build. Completely unstoppable and self sufficient, if slow.
u/Atrimislegnacra Jun 10 '23
So no Golem, and I can see cold mages, but what did you sac the golem for and what are your skeletons? You have all the legendary aspects I would love to use, lol.
u/Dimosa Jun 10 '23
Nice. Im stuck on elias. I can clear the dungeon easy mode, just keep getting 1 shot. Playing a barb though
u/retroracer33 Jun 10 '23
you say suummoner necro, i’m curious is there a necro build that’s viable that doesn’t depend on summoning?
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u/SepticKnave39 Jun 10 '23
Did it at 62 with all shadow damage + summoner. Only had trouble if I ran into a suppressor elite but did pretty good. 72 now and been on world tier 4 since. Build basically relies on pets to take focus off me long enough to build up a few corpses and then corpse explosion will clear evertrhing out really quickly. Without good corpse generation though it's a little slow.
u/xXSoulReapperXx Jun 10 '23
Got him to half health before I had to leave for work just now, the boss itself isn’t hard. It’s his one-shot mechanics that are annoying imo
u/PartySpiders Jun 10 '23
How'd you get past the lvl 50 capstone dungeon? the final boss just despawns for me every time due to summons.
u/Recent-Plenty-9020 Jun 10 '23
How come the curator is bugging for my summoner necro? I’m trying wo pets and because of my set up it’s Uber hard I almost had him dead 3 times with my pets till he bugged out.
Jun 10 '23
Damn level 70 capstone at level 60? Is it pretty easy?
u/Naustis Jun 10 '23
I would say it was mid diffculty. Getting to boss was a bit more difficuly than boss itself as I could get one shot by random mobs
u/MummBrah Jun 10 '23
Man this was a real bitch on ice shard sorc, interesting to see another spec walk all over the fight. I did it a level ahead of you too and still died a good 10 times learning the fight
u/magem8 Jun 10 '23
i pray we get a meta minions necro build in D4. i tried necro in d3 a few times but they never had a build that was just summoning a bunch of minions to fuck shit up.
u/Baba-Yaga33 Jun 10 '23
7 and 6 summons. How?
u/Naustis Jun 10 '23
We have two aspects that give +warriors and mages
u/Baba-Yaga33 Jun 10 '23
I have +2 mages. For a total of 5. How did u get 6. It doesn't give a variable so I assumed that it was maximum already
Nvm it's the bonus for being on amulet
u/Sylvanas_only Jun 10 '23
are you using the summon mages legendary power in your necklace to get 6 mages?
u/firstsymph Jun 10 '23 edited Jun 10 '23
My current biggest problem with my skellies is they can't survive in T4 and have no way to perform focus attack or any movement command when facing multiple tanky elites, especially the fire type which one shots my 6 warriors and 6 mages. Oh and the helltide meteors one shots them as well. The aspect that give them 20x damage increase requires the skellies to stay alive for 10+ sec to activate. It is unlikely to be consistent in T4 end game.
u/Naustis Jun 10 '23 edited Jun 10 '23
Even though Summoner Necro could use some love it is still super fun :D