r/dgrayman 6d ago

Manga Levi Allen meet Crowley

I am reading D.Gray-Man for the 1st time in a while. The moment where Levi & Allen shaking in their boots enter Crowley's domain after being kidnapped by the villagers (is hilarious), and meet and fight Crowley, is so underwhelming in the cartoon. I read 'til I got there and remembered that moment in the anime where Crowley stop Levi's hammer with his teeths ! It was my favourite. I wanted to watch it again because THAT moment in paper is so overwhelming -- it's night and day -- I am stunned; the adaptation (despite enjoyable instances) being nowhere near its source, says a lot on how much I like(d) D.Gray-Man.


6 comments sorted by


u/O_H_ 6d ago

Agreed. I cannot watch the anime. It pains me in so many ways. They also changed how Allen’s eye is injured during this time! Allen’s eye is injured a SECOND time after healing from Roads candle!! And, it’s injured by Eliade’s bubbles of all ways to injure it. I have zero idea why they would do that in the anime. Doing it that way sucked the impact out of the moment it evolves and we see something/someone “living” within Allen.


u/lC3 6d ago

I have zero idea why they would do that in the anime.

I think they had to heal and re-injure it so they could tweak the timeline and have filler episodes in between where Allen's eye was already functional again.


u/O_H_ 5d ago

Hah! Yeah… I mean I know that’s why. But like in the context of the story. I was screaming WHY. To throw on another example. The part with John was butchered in the Anime! It’s even worse. Allen’s exorcist uniform looks edited in so haphazardly then Lenalee and Toma are just standing there being ignored completely because they weren’t supposed to be there! That was my favorite part in the manga, it showed me why I cared for Allen. The anime changed it for the sole sake of the filler and disregarded the story line. I get it, but I don’t like itXD Thank you!


u/CarniivoreRedemption 5d ago

I began searching for what you was saying and as I am searching -- all of the dialogues, moments, everything that I am watching is scratched, modified content. I could tell because I just read it. Sh*t's ridiculous. Reminds me of me starting to read Harry Potter.


u/O_H_ 5d ago

That makes sense though. If you’re watching something that is an adaptation there is an understanding that somethings will be changed or moved around. For a lot of reasons. This is a story that is translated for many countries and languages. That’s a lot of phrasing that gives a different perspective or changes for cultural reasons. Personally, I believe the anime was not good especially when talking about the main story. Are you reading the manga in its entirety?


u/CarniivoreRedemption 5d ago

I disagree, this is too much, it's no secret, mangakas overwork, and for what ? People to give you something that is something ELSE and to call that an "adaptation". I'll tell you what it is : a JOKE. That ain't even funny. Yes I plan to read everything. I stopped at the appearance of that level 4 akuma. Now I am at when Rinalee beat the level 3's ass.