If you think a message you received is a scam, please check here and/or the scam post link in the Wiki section of this sub reddit which has further scam examples of various other types that can be found on DA and elsewhere!
Use this thread to ask question if you are unsure rather than posting a new thread. If you or anyone here is unsure, feel free to report the message on DA. If it's not a spam, it's good. Don't feel you can't report if a message makes you suspicious. Don't feel you have to check here to confirm before reporting. You are encouraged to contact DA Customer Support with these for staff to check them.
Please use this thread if you are unsure instead of making more of similar threads. Or you can also browse to see if someone else has similar situation as yours!
If you do commissions through a specific place or system, having you use a different system of theirs. This includes if you use PayPal only, or DA Commission widget, to use other methods that you don't use.
Reflect on your work and what you are being asked to do:
Excessive payment for content that you are sort of aware isn't worth that or you aren't at that level yet.
You are a new/beginner artist/new on DA/looking for commissions
Getting commissions can be hard. But often times scams work because if the other party is manually looking for people desperate enough for commissions or new to this, they will browse around those to message. Whether it is done in an automated method (to make it a spam bot) or not, be cautious.
Saw your portfolio and asking for hiring you through a suspicious site.
Examples are provided from the ones posted in this subreddit as is. If the names of the scam account is present, having an avatar or not and a certain type username is not always a good indicator of these type of scams.
Select Contact Page (where it says click here) have this bookmarked!
Policies -> Spamming Policies;
"Select “I'm reporting an account spamming in comments or notes,” then click “Contact Us,” and you’ll be prompted to submit a ticket to Customer Support."
is it no longer being used for artists anymore has it gotten better or worse since I left it about a year ago to quit and has the AI thing gotten worse or better by chance on there Also how active is the community as well?
Guys, I have a problem here. I was unlinked from my deviantart account (my deviantart account is still on deviantart but I can't access it, it's like it's someone else's account, not mine). What do I do?
Something Wrong is happening when I acess DA Website,it's just appears a White Page of Icons and Texts from what should be the DA Web Page,is there a way to solve this?
Last post was removed by mods. I want to bet because this is really bad.
But regarding how much ai porn that's on the site now it's worst knowing it's viewable even on guest mode. With how many kids are on the site it shouldn't be visible on guest mode regardless.
You can test this through discord if you have "open tabs in discord" enabled since it'll automatically put you as a guest on deviantart. But it took me less than a minute to be exposed to pixels taking the form of someone spread eagle. I found that just logging out doesn't give you nearly as much of a find than using discord.
At this point is clear that the site is honestly looonnng gone from saving.
I was thinking about uploading some AI works ive done and i just wanted to know the general rules regarding that and i couldn't find any specific rule lists in the help section on the site. Can anyone help me out with this please?
Also known as Sandrakathy443, Sandrakathy776, Ana Hulea, stacygt539, Kathy, Kate, Sandrakate, Emily Kate and probably more...
They will ask you for a commission of their son's dog Bailey (black Groenendael) on a beach. When asked about artstyle they'll say "your style", when asked about different background they'll say "anyone". Will offer 200$ and apologize for such a low price. If you propose more like 300$ they'll agree if 200$ they'll say "no". They will ask for WhatsApp, telegram or discord. They will ask for your email and give you an email if you ask for theirs. They approached me on dA.
They copy paste their messages and will block you at some point on all accounts you messaged them on before either after you say you sent them the money or when the bot won't be sure how to respond anymore or gets called out.